No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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On days when the news happenings of the world are a bit thin on the
ground, when airlines are staying rather predictably in the air, when cows are
sensible, dogs aren't out savaging young children and even Fergie's decided to
stay in with a video and pizza or two, trashy tabloid journo scum like nothing
better than dreaming up a few scare stories, convincing ill-informed parents
that their kids are being turned into a generation of morally-bankrupt MTV
zombies, who would have sold their grandparents for alcohol money if they
hadn't been so busy killing them in the first place.
How long must this ridiculous scare-mongering go on? 'Nintendo Killed
My Son'? Nintendo kept your son from vandalising the bus shelter, more like.
There have been concerns that if you can manage to play your video
games, without them triggering a bout of epilepsy first, you're still going to
be spending your weekends running around the streets, practicing your Dragon
Punches on old folk.
Enough to all this. It is about time that the needlessly and hideously
violent games of the world had a voice of their own. A spokesperson. And the
rest of the team here at ST+ feel it should be me.
Apparently, I have all the correct qualities, being the only one here
who can re-assemble a Kalashnikov Assault Rifle blindfolded in no more than
eight seconds and also acting as the only person here who knows all 58 verses
of that catchy military marching tune 'One, two, three, four, we love the
Marine corps.'
Before we get on to the head cracking, blood spilling, bone crunching
antics of violent gaming, let's first define exactly what we mean by 'gaming
violence'. Space Invaders, it could be said, is pretty damn nasty, as it deals
with the mass invasion of our planet by alien space craft packing heinous
weaponry against a lone battle tank, with no final end-of-game conclusion
leading to the impending destruction of Earth and the entire human race,
Nasty it may be, but where is the bloodshed? What about the plummeting
alien space craft, as they fall to the ground, flaming and smoking, exploding
into ashes as they hit the dirt, spewing green, mushy alien remains all over
the homes of young children and their tiny animal friends?
This isn't violence, it's sissy fodder. What we want are bruised, limp
and broken forms, of the vanquished enemy kind. What we are dealing with here
is the kind of game where you see the knives go in, the chunky boots decend
onto the faces of the fallen and the bullets burst out of the backs of fragile
human forms.
So, my fellow warriors, let's get right down to business.
SPEEDBALL 2, Renegade.
Once described as 'a subtle blend of extreme violence and really extreme
violence', Speedball 2 has it's roots in rugby, but it's heart firmly set in
kicking the hell out of the other team for all it's worth and it is most
definitely worth a lot by anyone's standards. Okay, so you may get points for
scoring goals, but a healthy score can be massed by constantly pummeling the
other team until the little robot nurses come out, carry them away and probably
incinerate the remains, or something.
FOUL! - (Or, how they hurt you) On the downside, you get thoroughly abused by
the whole of the opposing team, whether or not you're the one holding the ball.
HUT, HUT! - (Or, how you hurt them back) But you give as good as you get and
can even buy Bitmap Shade brain implants in the robo-gym, to boost your team's
violence and aggression points up to a new degree of fatality.
DOUBLE DRAGON, Melbourne House.
A few years ago, a Professor Eugene F Provenvo wrote a book on the dangers of
computer games, titled 'Video Kids'. At the same time, he was doing the rounds
in all the tabloids and even The Guardian for that matter, where he stated how
Double Dragon stimulated violence, sexism and racist attitudes. I am sorry
Prof, but the comic book violence that Double Dragon portrays does not, in real
life, make me, or anyone else, kick innocent citizens, grapple women in short
skirts, or throw rocks at black people in the hope that by the end of it all I
may get the chance to kiss some skinny girl, who's all tied up and hanging from
a pike in a castle somewhere, surrounded by 'Machine Gun Willy' and his
hencemen. Well, the second one comes close sometimes...
THERE MUST 'AVE BEEN TEN OF 'EM - A bus-load of thugs constantly take delight
in smacking you about with baseball bats, whips, barrels, crates, rocks, knives
and even dynamite. Oh yeah, and Big Ron from off of East Enders comes along
occassionally to slap your head.
YOU'RE ALL GOING HOME IN AN AMBULANCE - And you can use all the weapons back,
to one distinct advantage - You're not thick and walk into holes.
CANNON FODDER, Virgin Interactive.
Voted by ST+ readers as the best ST game of all time, oooh, about a couple of
months back now, Cannon Fodder throws a platoon of your men into a jungle,
desert, or artic situation and says "Hey, you, soldier boy, come and have a go
if you think your hard enough." War really has never been so much fun.
GOING HOME IN A BODYBAG - Tiny soldier men shoot you, grenade you and blast you
into the dirt with rocket launchers, while enemy tanks, jeeps, skidoos and
helicopters do much the same. Oh, and watch out for booby traps and quicksand
- They're killers.
YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU! - Take out enemy bunkers with grenades, mow lone
soldiers down in a skidoo and race along the battle field, guns blazing,
causing the wounded enemy soldier men to bound and bounce along your line of
fire, leaping around, squirting blood in agony until you finally releases that
One kills a man, one is a murderer. One kills hundreds, one is a conquerer.
One kills everybody, one is a God. Play God in Populous Two and, er, kill
away, raising land, lowering land and planting trees in a bid to expand your
empire and make plenty more room for your happy little followers to build more
houses on, when suddenly - and without warning - a volcano grows out of the
centre of your town. As your tiny followers run for their lives, a freak
hurrican blows most of them back and into the mass lava flow the volcano is
spewing out everywhere, reducing them to Twiglet-fodder, before a fearsome
thunder storm looms over the horizon, sparking off lightning bolts, frying any
men attempting escape. But what of the tiny villagers, living in pretty
cottages on the hills, they'll be alright won't they? No, because they're all
far too busy having their houses ripped up by earthquakes, before falling into
freshly placed swamps, smouldering as fire rain downs on them, fungus clinging
to their faces, watching as their friends get beaten up by Hercules, Adonis or
some other guy with a stick, as tornados swish their bittie remains about the
landscape, before tidal waves sink your now pitiful relic of a settlement into
the ocean. Oh yes, Zeus hates you and no mistake.
I AM THE LORD OF HELLFIRE AND I BRING YOU... - Being the God-like deity that
you are, you can do all of the above to your opponent - the God of all that is
red. Forgetting all what you may have learnt in the Terminator films, humans
are endlessly more sadistic than computer opponents, so if a particular little
person on the opposing side is not quite to your liking, you can select him for
punishment, zapping the little fella with thunderbolts, singing him with fire
columns and even giving him the bubonic plague, causing vultures to follow him
about wherever he goes, waiting for the moment he finally pops his clogs so
that they can feast on his remains. Try not to cook him too heavily with those
fire columns - you don't want him charred, do you?
Or War In The Gulf, or even the first one if you like, they were all the same,
weren't they? Just that one is in a battle field, one is in the gulf and the
other is on some silly islands. No, not Cilly islands. Anyway, control four
teams of four tanks and drive about the landscape, blasting the hell out of
anything that moves and anything that doesn't move, as well. Anything in
between you might as well cannon to death too, for the hell of it.
INCOMING! - You thunder over (totally invisable) land mines, get your armour
rattled by anti-tank missiles, only to be plucked off the map entirely by tiny
tank snipers. True, there is a severe lack of gore, as Empire avoided the
grisley nature of war, when tank shells are split open, throwing malled,
burning human remains out of the debris, exploding with bloody juices as they
hit the dirt, leaving the enemy tank boy racer to come back again later and
wheelspin on their squishy heads.
ENEMY, NINE O'CLOCK - Burst out of jungle cover, machine guns blazing,
rocketing the enemy like you really mean it, destroying tanks, helicopters,
bunkers and even trees and statues if you don't care about ammo loss. And take
a look at those deserted buildings - Well, they look pretty deserted, don't
they? But there might just be some kids playing inside. Boom!
DYNABALSTER, Ubi Soft / Hudson.
Not in the slightest bit gore-filled or gruesome, but DynaBlaster will forever
be the greatest game ever for me, so I'm including it. You and four friends,
can run around a single-screen maze, collecting power-ups and blowing the hell
out of each other with those black 'n' round bombs that you always see in Tom
and Jerry cartoons. See, it is violent.
DOOOOMED - You get blown up, shake your arms about and disappear in a puff of
DIE HORRIBLY - You blow them up, they shake their arms about and then disappear
in a puff of smoke. In the real world, they then hit you and swear never to
play again.
ROBOCOP 3, DID / Ocean.
Prime objective 1: Kill. Prime objective 2: Kill. Prime objective 3: Kill.
As Robocop, a mobile chunk of shiny steel, you walk, drive and fly about,
obeying your prime objectives. Including the hidden fourth one, Prime
objective 4: Kill.
OPEN THE GOD DAMN SAFE, POPS - Splatterpunks (yeah, bad name, I know) shoot you
when you are out of your car, ram you in a big van when you are in your car and
when it all goes Pete Tong half way through the game and you join the opposing
side, the cops do exactly the same back to you. When one too many ED 209's
gets the better of you, OCP says they can't afford to fund the RoboCop project
anymore and sells you off for scrap. Charming. And a Japanese ninja android
comes along and kicks your arse, at one point, too.
DEAD OR ALIVE, YOU'RE COMING WITH ME - Pixel perfect collision detection allows
Robo to zap folk on any point of their polygonal body, machine gunning them to
dust as they fall to the floor, while ram-raiding innocent civilian cars to
destruction is an accute past-time when travelling to a new location. And that
ninja android? Pull out your gun when he's not looking and rapid fire him to
melt-down city. And don't forget to shoot women with babies.
SMASH TV, Ocean.
'Bingo!' cries the nauseatingly slick host to Smash TV, the most gratuitously
sickly, offal filled gameshow of the future that even makes The Running Man
look a little bit tame and silly. As a contestant, enter the arena and pummel
the hell out of anything with a heartbeat, remembering to scoop up microwave
ovens, televisions and toasters on the way. Okay, so the ST version did 'suck
the big one', but the arcade game was fantastic.
WIPE OUT - Being clubbed to death as the audience cheers is a bit of a downer,
as is being pumped full of cannon fodder by a half-man half-tank outfit and
while the notorious end-of-level giants cause much grief, none can be worse
than when you accidentally fox-trot over a mine, reducing you to a cloud of
mushy red, tossing a shoe and sticky eyeball into the camera's view.
OH, DIDN'T THEY DO WELL - A huge selection of weaponary scattered around the
stadium leaves you in another one of those 'should I get the LAW Cybernated
Projectile Launcher, or the thick and thin toaster' dilemas, though helps ease
the stress, as you not only see your bullets enter the thugs, but also spray
out the other side of them in a bloody haze. You can even gleefully mush waves
of maurading opponents into bolognese, with surround-cell rotary knives.
LEMMINGS 2, Psygnosis.
Thousands of tiny, green-haired creatures in never-ending supply keep on coming
and it's your job to totally annihilate the buggers, by whichever means
OH NO! - From the moment they step out of that trap-door, the little critters
are prone to high falls, deep water and the ever-non-merciful, 'edge of the
screen'. When you get bored of leading them into the paths of flesh-hungry
dinosaurs, frogs that whip them about with their tongues, giant machine gun
toting space-walkers and pillars that crush them into sushi, you can use your
diverse arsenal of explosives to throw the tiny rodents around the landscape,
skidding on ice and forcing them to walk up walls using Magno-Boots to later be
shot down with mortar bombs. Of course, if you tire of the sights, a quick
click on the 'nuke' button will help re-shape the landscape, as death becomes
to all of Lemming-kind.
EEEEERRYUCHK! - Er, hang on... You're meant to be saving them, aren't you?
Travel the world, meet new and interesting foreign people - and kill them.
Fireforce has you as a lone US soldier, set out to teach those nasty Iraqi
people a lesson, in true Rambo fashion. I've lost my copy of the game - anyone
want to sell me one?
I'M TO YOUNG TO DIEEEEEE! - A constant flurry of bullets, grenades and land
mines all make you fall over and say 'Uuugh' too soon.
EAT HEAVY CALIBRE DEATH, DICK WEED - Rocket launchers are good for taking out
enemy buildings, but really come into their own for zapping lone, wandering
soldiers, throwing their remains off the scream so fast you can hardly see
them. Knives are fun too, when you're hiding in the bushes, waiting for an
unsuspecting person to walk by so that you can jump out, grab them from behind,
slitting their throats as blood drenches their clothing. And don't go
forgetting the pleasures of machine guns - little can be better than pumping a
tent so full of lead that it rips to shreads, throwing human remains out the
holes being shot through the other side. Oh, and the grenades, grenades are
great too - predicting the exact distance needed so that the small, hand-thrown
explosive bounces cleanly onto the Iraqi's beret is great fun, blowing his face
clean off. And timed explosives. Timed explosives are brilliant. They're
meant for blowing up buildings really, but leaving them on look-out posts and
luring soldiers onto standing on them, throwing their screaming corpses clean
off the top of the screen to later plummet down all burnt up and flaming is
excellent. And pistols. Pistols can be fun too, pistols were never boring,
you can hide beneath the water with a pistol and when a soldier wades through
up to his waist, you can blast his knee-caps off. Or even better, if you've
got a knife you can slit their shins open. Or you can lay explosives in the
water and sit on them, letting them detonate to throw you and any surrounding
soldiers clean out of the water and into the air, to land on some land mines in
the jungle and explode all over again, or something like that. And metal pikes
- you can scewer people on them, you know. And what about booby traps, booby
traps are wonderful, really they are.....
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
By now, readers of a parental inclination will be screaming, "Hang on,
he's missed the chance to discuss the political issues of the whole debate, by
instead gratuitously swimming in the glammerisd blood bath of these despicable
gaming horror stories. This Mr Jody Smith should be discussing whether the
content of such games is suitable for young, impressionable minds."
Hmm, well, you've got me on that one, for sure. But we can have a go.
Let us look at the two main issues:
GAMES CORRUPT - Stories have emerged that children playing Doom on their dad's
PC's later rush off into the play ground to reinact the game by beating up
class mates, while a newspaper report a while ago detailed one man's mission to
ban DynaBlaster, as he feared it glammourised terrorist bombings, leaving kids
one step away from plugging their alarm clocks into a stash of baking powder
and doing away with the neighbours. Are these reports accurate? Christ knows.
GAMES ARE HARMLESS FUN - We live in ever-increasingly violent times? Tell that
to your average 8th century Anglo Saxon, although I doubt he'll be too
interested. Especially if a Viking's banging his head against a tree.
Does seeing a few tiny soldiers spurt scarlet pixels all over your TV
screen make photo journalism pictures of war seem any less horrible? Of course
it doesn't. Computer games aren't real and if you're so determined to go off
on one, with a shotgun, after seeing the little men in Smash TV hit you with
their sticks, then you're obviously so determined that watching Tom and Jerry
sock it to each other with wooden planks, while you sit and eat you're Kellog's
Frosted Mega Bombs in the morning, that you are going to go off and do it,
Games corrupt the nation's children, do they? Well I had an Atari 2600
games console from the age of five and look at me.
No, actually, perhaps that's not such a good example.
(c)'97 Jody Smith