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A complete beginners tutorial
By Dave.
Welcome to this, possibly the EASIEST and most understandable 1st word+
tutorial you'll ever come across, I don't say this to inflate me ego, quite the
opposite, I say it because I'm going to explain EVERYTHING as I understand it.
Word processing can be easy or hard, depending on what manual you've read,
some people confuse word processing with DTP [Desk Top Publishing], this is a
common mistake and, as you'll see whilst using 1st word+, it's also an easy one
to make.
As far as I can tell, the main difference between word processing and DTP is
graphics and layout, a word processor [WP] will quite adequately allow you to
type out a letter, add graphics and print it out it can be a hellish task
trying to get everything to fit and look right, DTP on the otherhand has much
more advanced tools to aid you in manipulating the images and text to suit your
personal preferences.
This is very much up to the individual, if your occasionally producing the odd
document that you need to look stunning then DTP may hold a lot of things in
store for you but only if you've got the time to work out what all the options
are for however, if, like me you need to churn out letter after letter on a
regular basis [be it anything from a small note to a 4-5 page life history]
then a WP is what you need.
As if the title didn't give you enough information, I use First Word+, it's
getting long in the tooth, in fact the latest version is now 6 years old
nevertheless, it's the easiest and most reliable WP I've found to date.
It's becoming obvious that many more people share the same affection as I
about Word+, this is what this file is all about, a little helping hand to
guide you through the many options that Word+ offers, some of the information
contained in this file may, or may not be included in the manual, all I can say
is this. A combination of time, reading and practical work has led me tot he
following conclusion, Word+ is versatile yet a little unforgiving, if a small
investment of time is thrown forward you can achieve some stunning results that
are not solely dependent on your printer.
The original 1st Word is now public domain, the copy I received with the
cheaters digest was v1 thus, quite a few of the options below will not be
present however, because this is, as well as a tutorial, a mini-review as well
I opted to include the extra features as an incentive for those wishing to
upgrade to a later version. Also, the original 1st Word may be PD but the copy
I received with TCD came with no documents at all, hence, this file was born.
This tutorial is intended to be a slightly robotic 'this does this' guide,
with a few graphics thrown in for good measure, I'm always on hand if you have
any questions you feel I've not covered, please do write in, feedback is most
welcome... on with the show.
When you first load Word+ you'll be presented with a file selector, this is
your first task, choose a filename for your letter or document.
Once you've input your filename Word+ will then open a new window and dispatch
an alert box asking you if you want to create a new file as the program cannot
find a file with the given name you've just input, this is normal, click on
O.K. to continue.
The next step is to decide on the layout, if you input your filename as *.DOC
then Word+ will automatically place you in WP [Word Processor] mode, any other
file extension [i.e. *.TXT *.ASC ect.] will open a window in NON-WP mode, that
is to say you will type as normal but Word+ will NOT take over the
'housekeeping' tasks such as word wrap and/or justify. Using *.DOC for your
file extension is usually the best idea if only because it will save you a
little time, also, when you have completed your text file you have the option
to turn OFF the WP mode and save your file as a standard ASCII [American
Standard Code 'for' Information Interchange] file.
KEY - ^ = Press and hold the CONTROL key.
" = Press and hold the ALTERNATE key.
Sh = Press and hold the SHIFT key.
Let's have a look in methodical order at all the options on the Word+ menu
bar, starting with:
Anything file related is in direct conjunction with the GEM [or alternative]
file selector, loading, saving ect. can all be done from this point.
Open... ^O = Open a file, you may open a new or existing file.
Print... ^U = Print an existing, pre-saved file ONLY.
Print Current... ^P = Print the file that is currently being edited/displayed.
Save and Close ^C = Saves the file and closes the current window.
Save and Resume... ^V = Saves the current file but does NOT close the window
thus allowing further editing, a little like a game save position
Save as... ^M = Allows you to save the current file with another filename.
Read... ^R = This allows you to 'tag on' another file onto the present file
making one complete and larger file.
Write Block... ^W = Save a marked block to disk.
Delete... ^D = Deletes currently marked block from document.
Quit... ^A = Exits the current window only.
Quit All... ^Q = Exits Word+ and returns you to the desktop, USE WITH CARE,
many files have been lost in the past by the misuse of this option over the
A very powerful function, at first it might seem a little daunting to use but
once mastered, you'll never want to be without it.
Find... "F = Search current text for a specific set of characters [i.e. a
Replace... "R = Here are two parameter lines, the first is for the word/string
you want o replace and the second is the line in which to insert the text you
would like to replace the above WITH [i.e. I could type in .ST+ and replace it
with .STP, you can choose whether to replace on or ALL occurrences as well as
whether to match the search and replace with upper/lower case.
Repeat Find... "A = Word+ will show you the first matched 'find', after this
you have to request the search be continued by using repeat find.
Statistics... "I = Provides information on the current file such as Kilobytes
used, amount of words ect.
Set Spill File... "? =
√ WP Mode... = Whilst on you'll have access to ALL of Word+'s options, whilst
off you won't however, you will be able to save the file as ASCII.
√ Hyphenation... = Allows [if selected] sentences to be wrapped in 'mid word'.
√ Insert Mode... = You can INSERT a character before another, the opposite of
OVERWRITE, overwrite is automatically selected if Insert Mode is deselected.
√ Word Wrap... = With word wrap enabled your text will never go beyond your
specified RULER length [see layout].
Set Marker..."K = Word+ gives you useful marker feature, if your reading a
large 10k+ file you might want to leave a marker in a specific place, once set
you can recall the marker at anytime, this will take you directly to your
chosen position, very like a bookmark only with Word+ you can set up to 4
Go To Marker... "J = Used to find markers set using the above instructions.
Go To Page... "G = much like the search function only 'go to page' takes you
to the first line of your selected page.
To use most of the following functions you must have first marked out a BLOCK,
to do this see below for the keyboard shortcuts or use the mouse [by holding
down the LEFT mouse button DRAG the cursor until you've marked your chosen
block]. It's best to use the mouse for marking blocks less than 15 lines
MAXIMUM, more than this you must using the keyboard shortcuts.
Start... "S = Marks the start of your block.
End... "E = Marks the end of your block[Your specified block will now be
highlighted by inverting the screen colours].
Cut... "D = Cut's marked block and removes it completely.
Copy... "C = Save marked block to memory and leaves block in document.
Paste... "U = Places marked block on the screen starting from the current
cursor position.
Delete... "Q = Completely erases marked block for good - use with caution.
Move... "M = Mark your block, position the cursor to where you want your
marked block to be moved, pressing move block will then move the block.
Copy To Scrap... "W = Copy's your marked block to the SCRAP area [a part of
your Atari's memory]
Add To Scrap... "N = Adds any more marked blocks to the SCRAP area.
Paste Scrap... "P = Pastes the entire scrap area to your current screen.
Find Start... "T = Takes you to the start of your currently marked block.
Find End.... "B = Takes you to the end of your currently marked block.
Unmark... "H = Deletes ALL block markers completely.
Note that many of these options are available to you via desktop 'windows' like
the following:
Here you have access to all the tools you'll need to edit and manipulate the
layout of your files, you can have a large font that uses twice the paper or a
small one that uses less than a quarter, everything is user definable...
√ Show Ruler... "L = If selected Word+ will place a ruler at the top of your
current window, ideal for formatting text.
√ Show Position... "X = Shows you current Page number, line number and column
number for the cursor.
√ Flashing Cursor... = Toggles between a flashing or not flashing cursor, the
former is better and makes it easier to find your cursor after a search ect.
Page layout... "Y = Selecting this option brings up a sub-menu comprised of
the following:
Head L _________
Head C _________
Head R _________ These are to set your letter Head Left,
Center or Right.
Foot L _________
Foot C _________
Foot R _________ These are to set your letter foot Left,
Center or Right.
Head/Foot on first page YES|NO - Do you want your header and
footer on your first page?...
Paper Length <> Alter the size of your paper length.
TOF Margin - Top of Form margin, how much space do you want
at the top of your pages.
Head Margin - Set size of your header margin.
Foot Margin - As above but for the bottom of your file.
BOF - Bottom of Form margin, as per TOF but for the bottom of
your file.
Lines/Page - Set how many lines per page you would like.
LineFeed - 1/1.5, set your linefeed for best results.
Add Ruler... Another sub-menu comprising of:
PITCH: This is to set a default ruler length.
Pica - Standard Ruler length.
Elite - Allows for longer line length.
Condensed - Prints text in a VERY small font, similar to Sub
and Superscript.
Expanded - Opposite to Condensed, prints characters at
approximately twice the size, useful for headers ect.
Tab Size = This line has a tab width of 10, you may set your
own Tab width or choose from the pre-defined one's.
Tab Fill - Merely aesthetic, toggles ruler 'look'.
Ruler Length - allows you to set how long you want each line
to be, ALL ST+'s files use either 79 or 80 Characters Per Line
Line Spacing - Default is 1, choose 2 and you have a line line
gap between each sentence, 3 and you have 2, 4 and 3 and so
Justify Right margin YES|NO - This allows your text to be
aligned with both the left and right hand side of your screen,
again, ST+ ALWAYS uses Justify right margin.
Proportional Spacing - This is made obsolete if you choose the
above option, if not this ensures only 1 space between words as
opposed to 'padding out' the line with spaces to allow for
Delete Ruler = Delete's from memory any of the above settings you might have
altered and reverts back to the default PICA setting.
Read Ruler... = Reads a preset ruler from another file, you can set up 'blank'
files with pre-set ruler lengths, this allows you to load in a completely new
ruler configuration thus saving on time setting up one within the Add Ruler
Footnote format... - Allows you to edit the line length, size ect. of any
footnotes you might add.
Add Footnote... Sh F2 - Adds a footnote to your document, footnotes are
printed at the bottom of your printouts [to view a footnote from within word+
double click on them].
Save Defaults... "V - This will save all information regarding paths (to look
for files), ruler length and any and all other options you've set, every time
you load Word+ these new defaults will be loaded and used until you alter and
save them yourself
This part covers all the text options that you might want to use.
The following effects...
...are all available to you only in WP mode, Bold is useful for drawing
attention to a particular word or sentence.
As well as the text effects you can also define where on the screen you want
your text to be places, for example...
This line is CENTERED!
This line is tight to the right.
And this one is simply indented.
All these positions can be obtained by pressing the following:
Centre Sh F3
Right Sh F4
Indent F9
F10 gives you the most powerful of options, the REFORMAT option, here, you can
transform even the most untidy file (as long as it's in Word+ format) into a
nice, tidy and easy to read file.
Word+ does have a few pitfalls however, the spell checker being the most
obvious, it's hardly comprehensive however, once you've typed your files you
can use an alternative spell checker or even a completely new word processor
with possibly a newer, better spell checker.
Selected the LOAD DICTIONARY option, once loaded you simply choose from the
following options:
Check Spelling ESC
√ Continuous Check (toggle on|off)
Browse... "Z = Let's you 'browse' through the dictionary.
Add Word "O = Adds a word that is not already in the 'main' dictionary to
your own, personal dictionary.
End Spell Check = Use ONLY when you've finished using Word+.
Word+ has a dictionary MERGE program, once you've built up a good sized
personal dictionary you can MERGE it with the main word+ dictionary to make a
larger, more comprehensive one.
Although Word+ is NOT a DTP program you can, nevertheless load in gem .IMG
files into your document(s) although you'll have to edit your text around the
pictures yourself and as Word+ is NOT WYSIWYG [What you see is what you get],
still, some pretty impressive letter heads can be created and imported into
your documents.
Note however that you can only use this function whilst in WP mode as a small
piece of information is stored in the file for Word+ to find and interpret.
Graphics Mode ^F - Tells Word+ to be ready to import a file.
Read Picture ^I - Import a gem .IMG file.
Delete Picture ^X - Deletes picture from text.
You can load in as many pictures as memory permits, at least I believe so, I've
successfully used 2 pictures in one document to date, I don't see why more
cannot be used.
Word+ does have many redeeming features, not the least of which is the on-line
help, nope, I don't mean you have to get a modem, I'm talking about 'as you go'
help, from the menu bar clicking on help will bring up your 'aid', every
time thereafter you select an option Word+ will tell you what it is your about
to do, you then can choose to go ahead [O.K.] or cancel [Cancel]....
Let's take a look at the printer options that Word+ makes available.
Clicking on the following line........
...will bring up the file selector, you can then choose from the many available
printer drivers, there ought to be one for your printer, if not, there are
thousands of drivers in PD libraries around the world, in the U.K. both
Goodmans and Floppyshop are an excellent source of printer drivers, indeed
floppyshops new DTP + Graphics CD [reviewed this issue] is a goldmine of them.
To summarise, Word+ is an excellent, if dated WP, it's many functions are still
something to be proud of even up against today's monsters like Protext and the
like, if your on a budget and can't quite stretch to the 'big boys' then Word+
is the WP for you.
Just so you know, here is the full screenshot...