No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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243 lines
If anyone say's this shell is cr@p they'll
have Tony Greenwood to deal with...
What can I say, my deepest gratitude to both
Tony and Dean Chadwick, without you guy's ST+
wouldn't be what it is :))
So, what have we got in store for you this
month, well, loads, I honestly thought we'd
never get to see so many articles on this
issue, as it was, over a week ago I had over 75 articles, enough for an issue
in itself but, no, I still had to make room for the rest of the teams articles.
F6 - ST+ BBS!?.
Quiet how we managed it was a matter I talked about with ST+'s latest
newcommer, Simon, As you'll see this new face will be taking over from Nev
Wilson who seems to have flitted off to another plane of exsistance... :(((,
whether Simon sticks with the music is unclear, a few discussions have so far
led to the conclusion that Music is not a popular criteria for ST+ readers, of
course if you think diferently please do write in and let us know....
Also joining us this month [and hopefully to stay] is another ST+ contributor,
Stuart Farmer, Stu will be dealing with all your reviews ect, we'll have his
address all sorted for you next issue as I've misplaced it at this time [shame
on me, I know..]
Anyway, we did manage to fit everything on......just.. :))
We've also got some more details on the forthcomming Atari shows, ST+ is
hopeing to hold another stall just as we did in april but this very much
depends on YOU!...the Atari shows need support, YOUR support, as you'll see in
the news over in the U.S.A. they have possibly just held their last big Atari
show, hopefully, here in the U.K. there is still enough interest to generate
even more shows after this, only you can make this happen but both turning up
and registering your interest in ST+ and other publications....
Of course moving a little close to the present, ST+ has just hosted the second
N.A.G. meeting, take a peek in the user groups department for the latest show
report, also in there you'll find the latest C.A.U.G. report as well, as you
can see, Stephen Wilsons new user groups dept is proving highly popular, don't
forget, if you've not got a user group near YOU then why not start one up, it
needn't be 'official', why not simply follow N.A.G.'s example, invite a few
friends around and have some fun, stick a name to the 'meeting and voila, your
now the founder of a new user group, of course, registering your group with the
AAUG (Association of Atari User Groups) might even net a little more interest
for you....you never know eh? :)).
We've got loads of files this month, quite a few of them done by yours
truly...well, I had some time to kill whilst waiting for the shell [didn't I,
Tony.... :))], amongst them are reviews of the ADSpeeD accelerator card, jag
reviews and ST games, plenty to keep you busy.....
Right, time for a plea, if any of you readers are
planning to holiday abroad over the comming months
PLEASE, bring me back a minature...a mini bottle of
exotic spirit that is, y'see, thanks to Mike Gray I've
started to collect minature spirits from around the
globe, already I've got some lemon stuff from Spain,
some maggots [yep, MAGGOTS] from Mexico...well, america
but Mexican imports and also some melon liqueur.....only
three so far but with your help I'll soon have a bunch
of them :))) If need be I'll re-imburse you only please
do send me a bottle or two next time your abroad,
This also goes for ST+'s overseas readers, if you want a huge great mention in
ST+ please, do send me a bottle [or two :))]
Anyway, enough of my alchoholic frolics.....
No doubt some of you will be wondering just what this new piece of superb
coding can do for YOU!, well, as this new shell is so very well featured Tony
and I have created a new guide to aid you in the very task, complete with a new
bookmark feature ST+ will take you where no other diskmag has ever taken you
before...into the realms of interactivity...now YOU decide where you want to go
within a document, this feature was a VERY late piece of coding, therefore,
it's understandable that only a couple of files feature the code required
however, next month will see even more interactive files....in fact, as if the
new shell isn't enough I'm hopeing to have a few more supprises for you, no
promises but...we'll see eh? :))
Unfortunately you must take the good with the bad, it seems that Jody isn't
having a good year, from what I gather he's going through a very difficult
time, I imagine he'll explain in more detail next month but for now, he's
unable to submit articles for his reasearch depatment, this means there is an
unfortunate gap in this issue, one I'll hope to have filled with at least a few
articles though, as Jody was planning on leaving this issue I'm not sure
exactly where we stand, again, more next issue....
My god!.....this is getting to be more like a file than a missive, oh well,
maybe a little rant is in order!....
I feel I must draw your attention to the Jaglink that's currently on sale from
the Console center, priced £10.00.
Whilst a tenner seems like a bargin to good to be true be warned...it IS!.
The Jaglink is in fact a simple ribbon cable with a female 'null' socket at
either end, the ribbon cable is wired to allow a visual connection ONLY!, note
this is NOT! the 'official Atari Jaglink'....simple a poor attempt at
recreating one.
Once connected to 2 Jaguars the sound from your T.V. becomes a distorted
garbled jumble and totally inchoherent.
I called the Console center only to be told I had 2 options:
1, Pack and return the cable and recieve £10.00 off any other console center
2, Cut the ribbon cable and make it shorter, I was told 'some people have done
this and it cured their sound problems', however, by doing so I would forfeit
the redemption I might have otherwise been entitled to.
Obviously I was not happy at this however, I had only one choice, I certainly
wasn't about to buy even more goods from the C.C. if only because money would
not allow. Also, the fact that the N.A.G. meet would be deathmatch doomless
also played on my mind so, I did indeed shorten the cable, it's now a short
replica of the original....about a meter shorter....but perfectly useable but,
STILL without the sound!.
This missive is not an blatent attempt at discrediting the C.C., it is merely
an informative mention that the buyer MUST beware, from their advert in ATARI
COMPUTING ISSUE #2 I assumed I would be getting an official, black Atari
Jaglink, not this cheap ribbon cable.
Having said all this I would like to make it clear that the Network errors we
got every once in a while was the fault of the software [Doom cart] and NOT!
the cable, in fact, by shortening the cable we experianced far less of
them....it's just a shame about the sound, should anyone reading this have a
cure for our sound problems [aside from buying a new 'official' Jaglink] please
do get in touch, you'll gt a VERY special mention in these very pages,
similarly, if you've had the same experiance as me with the C.C. again, we'd
love to hear from you....
Let's get back to some good news, ST+ just MIGHT be starting up a new, limited
membership BBS!.
Simon, ST+'s newest member put the idea forward after recent events pushed
him to the conclusion that having such a service would benefit ST+ immensely,
we're looking into this right now and, as ever, we'll have all the latest
gossip for you next month.
Also, another heated debate was that of what ST+ should genericaly called,
we've looked at 'team'..well, Maggies called that, what about 'crew'..nah, to
'demo' orientated...anyway, after a lot of work [about 20 seconds with a
thesaurus] I've decided in the following generic term for the folk here at
Yup!, that's us...sad innit hehehehe... :)))
We are DESPERATE for an all new logo!, this hails compo time...I've got a
handheld version of Tetris to give away, complete with batteries the actual
game is called 'Stack challenge', it's unboxed but in excellent condition, all
you have to do to win it is design a white on black logo [that is to say only
black and white must be used, you can have black on white if you feel the need
but we'd rather have the former...
Send your logo's in to ST+ at my usual address, winnders will not only have
their logo on ST+ itself but also platered all over the new ST+ T-shirts ready
for the Atari shows in October...times running short so get scribbling!...
I think for now though it's time to rest these tired fingers of mine, it's
not often I write a 10k editorial...I only hope there is room on the disk...
My thanks again to:
Tony and Dean.
The rest of the ST+ Squad.
Gordon. - Ooo Ooo Ahh Aaa!... :))
Richard C.
Everyone else at the N.A.G. meet.
T'Pau. - The music to type to ;))
Sofie Formica. - Co-Host of the Sci-Fi channels THEWEB - Thanks for the e-
Ashley Palmer.
...and finally everyone else who I've neglected to mention.
That'll do for this month, please do send in those bit's for next issue,
release date for issue 20 is 31st August 1997, my address is above......