DOUBLE.TOS - Makes disc double sided. Click on this if you have a double sided drive (A or B) then you can access the programs stored on the other side of this disc.
MOUSEKA.ACC - Desk accessory mouse editor. Mouse definitions are stored in MOUSEKA folder.
CALCULAT.ACC - Desk accessory calculator.
NOTEPAD.ACC - Desk accessory notepad. (Mono only)
CONTENTS.TOS - List all files on disc. Result stored in CONTENTS.TXT.
BW.PRG - Monochrome palette flipper. Hit both SHIFT keys to flip.
TO_ASCII.PRG - Converts a file to Ascii.
LANDSCAP.LST - GFA Basic program. Stored in Ascii so use MERGE not LOAD.
WD_COUNT.PRG - Word counter. Works with any word processor file.
DXFORMAT.S - Formats double side 81 track x 10 sector.
MED_LOW.S - Medium/low resolution selector for AUTO folder.
VERIFY.S - Speeds up disc drive.
HEXPRINT.S - Prints hex numbers.
README.BAS - HiSoft Basic source code for this file.
CREBUS folder...
REBUS4.PRG - Rebus Writer. Low res.
KILLER folder...
KILLER.PRG - Killer chess. Low res.
AZARIAN folder...
AZARIAN.ARC - This game has been archived. Copy the contents of this folder to a blank disc and double click on ARCX.TTP. Enter AZARIAN into the dialogue box. Double click on AZARIAN.PRG to run the game.
KSPREAD2 folder...
KSPREAD2.PRG - Demonstration version of Kuma's K-Spread 2 spreadsheet. LOAD/SAVE has been disabled, but you can do most other things.
KCONFIG.PRG - Use this to configure your printer - if necessary.