No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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Quick ST 1.2 - the screen accelerator for all Atari ST computers
release date: June 9, 1989
(C) 1989 by Darek Mihocka and Ignac Kolenko
Another Friday, and another Quick ST realease. This week has been a very
busy week, with dozens of bug reports coming in from Compuserve and GEnie.
This release fixes most of the compatiblity problems, and also speeds up
the screen even more.
To use Quick ST, it must be installed either as a desk accessory, or run
as a program _after_ the desktop has come up. Rename the file to either
QUICKST.ACC or QUICKST.PRG depending on which way you want to run it.
When used as a desk accessory, Quick ST can be configured and turned off.
When run as a program, it stays memory resident but can't be configured
or turned off, but it also doesn't use up an accessory slot.
When installed, Quick ST speeds up screen output, by replacing the
relatively slow routines in the ST's ROM written in C with faster routines
written in 68000 assembly language. The speed increase can be as little as
perhaps 10% for most GEM based programs, to as much as 900% for some
text based programs. The program QUICK INDEX can be used to benchmark
the speed of your ST system with and without Quick ST. Quick Index is
available on Compuserve, Delphi, and GEnie, or from us when you send a
shareware contribution.
Quick ST is most effective on monochrome monitors. It is reasonably
effective on color monitors in medium resolution, and has little effect
in low resolution. The reasoning is that most people do not use low
resoution for serious work, but rather, for games. Most games bypass the
screen output routines in the operating system, so Quick ST would be
ineffective anyway. To save memory, low resolution is therefore not
fully supported.
Quick ST uses 28K of memory. The size of the QUICKST.ACC file indicates
approximately the number of bytes used. Note that previous versions of
Quick ST were much smaller, although they still required about 20K of
memory. This is because they allocated some memory at run-time. This
version allocates all of its memory ahead of time by increasing the file
The desk accessory has three configurable options:
- Fast BIOS Text
- Terminal Mode
- Fast GEM
The first option, Fast BIOS Text, activates the fast Bconout and Cconws
code. If you are a non-programmer, what this means is that text programs
(those ending in .TOS or .TTP, and some .PRG files too) will speed up.
This most is compatible with most text based programs, but may have some
problems with terminal programs like Interlink. In this case, simply turn
this option off.
The second option is Terminal Mode. It is only effective if Fast BIOS
Text is turned on. What this option allows you to do is disable the
ST's VT52 emulation and turn it into straight ASCII emulation. The Raw
mode ignores even ASCII control codes, and outputs all characters as is.
The third option is Fast GEM. This option is what speeds up GEM windows,
dialog boxes, and other graphics objects. If you are running a GEM based
program and it seems to misbehave, you may have to turn this option off.
Two options that were included in Quick ST 1.1 are now taken out. The
solid lines options is on always in color, and partly in monochrome. The
no lines option was not terribly useful anyway, and was not needed.
To make sure that Quick ST is compatible with other desk accessories, we
setup the following system:
AUTO folder:
- Hotwire
- START Selector
- Tempelmon
Desk Accessories:
- Quick ST
- Quick Print
- DosAcc 1.5
- Mystic
- Multidesk
Desk Accessories in Multidesk:
- Control Panel
- Free RAM Size
- Neodesk Control Panel with
- Neodesk Printer Queue
- Showmem
- VT52 emulator
On top of this, we ran Neodesk 2.0. Everything still ran fine. We are
fairly certain that any problems caused by other desk accessories are
due to incorrect programming in those other accessories, because at least
8 of the above programs (including Quick ST) patch operating system
vectors and still manage to co-exist. Two accessories that are known to
cause problems to many programs are the Diablo Emulator and Deskcart. We
do not feel that Quick ST should have to be modified to support someone
else's mistakes.
If anyone comes across any incompatiblity problems with Quick ST, please
let us know by email or voice. There is always an answering machine set
up at the voice number where you can leave bug reports.
You can reach us by email on the following networks:
Darek Mihocka:
Compuserve: 73657,2714
BIX, Delphi, GEnie: DAREKM
voice number: (519)-747-0386
Ignac Kolenko:
Usenet: watmath!watcgl!electro!ignac
Usenet: watmath!watcgl!watshine!oaee455s
On GEnie, there is a message topic set up for Quick ST. Go to Category 2,
Topic 13. Be sure to read all the messages first.
We also heard from a number of people who wanted to become registered
users of Quick ST (which everyone should do!) but were not interested
in the other Quick programs, such as Quick View or Quick Find, and so
did not want to contribute the full $30 that we ask. We understand,
since there are public domain programs which duplicate the functionality
of Quick View and the others. For those people who wish to only contribute
for Quick ST, we ask $20. This is very reasonable, since Quick ST has
required the most work of all the Quick programs, and the only other
alternatives, Turbo ST or the blitter chip, cost many times more.
Look for another Quick ST update in a few weeks. There probably won't be
one next Friday unless a _really_ serious bug is discovered. Hopefully not!
Also, don't forget that ST Xformer 2.5 (the 130XE emulator) has been
available for several weeks, and is only available to registered users of
ST Xformer II. It comes with a new manual, and registration is only $20.