No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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Make hard copies of your graphics screens with
Flexidump, a flexible screen dumping utility
Flexidump, written by Steve Jones, is a powerful program which enables dot
matrix printers to produce high (or fast or low) quality dumps of Degas and
Neochrome pictures. Page lengths are available in the range 1mm to 10 metres in
increments of approximately 0.3mm yielding a massive number of dump
The default aspect ratio is 1:1 but dumps may be squashed and stretched.
Any section of the screen can be selected for dump output at any dimension so
you could print a 10 by 10 pixel block 1mm wide by 10 metres in length if you
really wanted to.
Up to eight identical screen or partial screen dumps may be placed across
the page so that multi web tractor fed labels can be used. Flexidump also has a
built in spooling option so that labels printed to disk can be mass produced
with user control over label form size.
Flexidump is also able to produce banners, posters, fancy address labels,
letter heads and whatever else you can dream up. Banners can be made simply by
dumping a strip of text over several pages and multiple page posters are built
in the same manner.
You will find that ribbons that are normally thrown away produce quite
acceptable hardcopy using Flexdemo's multipass print.
This demonstration program is quite restrictive as far as dump dimensions are
concerned, but it will give you a taste for what can be achieved. When you
consider the staggering flexibility, the fact that you can select up to three
passes, up to a maximum of eight densities (dependent on printer) upright,
sideways, inverted, mono, enhanced and all combinations of these, then you have
to admit that its pretty handy.
Load INF driver: Loads an INF printer driver file for your particular printer.
FLEXI.INF (for the RX80), is automatically loaded on boot up and must be in the
same folder as the demo. A number of INF drivers are supplied and you can
permanently configure the program by renaming the FLEXI.INF file as RX80.INF
and renaming your chosen INF file as FLEXI.INF. (The full Flexidump program
comes complete with a customising program so that you can create your own INF
driver files for weird dot matrix printers.)
Load picture: Presents you with the standard ST file selector, clicking on a
picture file will load that file. The program will read Degas .PI? and
Neochrome .NEO files. Compressed files are not catered for.
Color (Hardcopy menu): Only valid if you have loaded a colour printer INF file.
The RIBBON TYPE radio buttons select single colour (black), three colour (where
only yellow, magenta and cyan are used in printing) and four color if you have
a four color printer. TRACTOR or FRICTION should be set according to what paper
feed is in use. SINGLESTRIKE is used if you are using a thermal or ink jet
colour printer. MULTISTRIKE is selected for continuous loop inked fabric
ribbons. Flexidump is quite clever and can help limit inter-ink contamination
during multipass print by printing all the yellow passes first followed by
magenta and so on.
Inch: Instructs the printer to do a microscopic line feed and is used to line
up the paper to exactly where you want it. Can be used to take up any slack in
the printer gearing.
1 Pass/2 Pass/3 Pass: Selects the density on the Y printer axis and is the
number of passes of the print head (although not over exactly the same dots as
there is a microscopic line feed in between each pass). Use one and two passes
for larger dumps and three for smaller dumps to give better quality.
Density 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8: Selects the print density on the X printer axis with
one being the lowest density for very rough dumps. For the highest quality, and
smallish dumps, you should select three passes and the highest density.
Sideways: This button toggles upright or sideways printer output.
Invert: Does a sort of photo negative dump.
Mono: Does a black and white dump only with no grey scaling done at all. If you
have a low resolution screen with 16 colours, then the darkest 8 colours will
be printed as black with the remaining 8 colours left white. Mono makes no
difference to high res output unless Enhance is used.
Enhance: Used for both high and low res screens, but not medium res. In
reducing a high res screen to a few inches across on paper, shading comes out
nearly as black as black does. This is due to the fact that the print head pins
are bigger than the pixels they represent and they overwrite their neighbouring
white un-printed dots. Enhance samples the pixels around the target pixel to
get a rough idea of what your eye is seeing. If the sampling sees an average
black or white it outputs black or white. If a mixture of black and white is
sampled then depending on how dark, it is either output as a grey or white.
This gives four shades with screen dark and mid greys printed as a grey and
screen light grey coming out white. The best way to see what this does is to
try it out. Smallish low res dumps can look grainy in the lighter shades.
Enhance changes the lightest 20% of dump shading to white producing a better
View: Used to look at a screen after loading. Flexdemo will run in all three
resolutions, you can even print high res pictures if the computer is in medium
or low res although they will appear a little strange when viewed.
Pre-formatted dump size selection forms enable you to choose from a number of
pre-selected sizes and page positions. Each of the buttons represents an A4
page containing a number of rectangles that give a rough approximation of the
dump/s produced for that option. The shaded dump representations show where a
dump will be squashed or stretched, the remaining dumps have an aspect ration
of 1:1.