No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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Programmer's Clinic
MATHEW Lodge chairs this month's programmer's problem solving forum covering
such diverse topics as queries about paddles, a fix enabling 0.5Mb and 1Mb
SIMMs to be mixed in STEs. Other items include IMG file routines, a STOS tip,
MIDI queries and a MINIX question.
Mixing SIMMs in the STE
One clear fact arose from the recent confusion over STE memory upgrades: You
cannot mix 512K SIMMs with 1MB SIMMs. However, even this is not a fact any
more, since David Hoggan of Southsea, Devon has provided a software patch that
enables STE owners to mix the two types to give a 2.5Mb STE.
The reason that mixing the two types of SIMM normally doesn't work is that
there is a bug in TOS 1.6 such that the Memory Management Unit (MMU) is
incorrectly programmed during boot-up.
Memory in STEs (and STs too) is split into two banks. When the STE is
booted, it starts by assuming there is 2Mb in each bank, and by writing a
series of test patterns to various parts of memory it works out exactly how
much memory is fitted.
Unfortunately, TOS 1.6 in the STE adds up the memory and gets the wrong
answer - when 2.5Mb is fitted, it believes that 4Mb is present. This causes
problems as programs (particularly GEM) attempt to write to memory that doesn't
The following program should be assembled and placed in an AUTO folder.
Make sure that it is run before any other AUTO folder programs by copying it
into the folder before anything else is put there. Comments in the source
indicate the order in which the SIMM cards should be fitted.
* STE SIMM mixer by David Hoggan
* Lets STE configure 2.5 Megs properly
* This program asssumes 2Mb in bank 0 and 0.5Mb in bank 1.
* It has been found that the other way around doesn't work
* - the MMU configures to a 1Mb machine.
* Install your SIMMs as follows:
* (back of STE)
* |-- 1meg SIMM --|
* |-- .5meg SIMM --|
* |-- 1meg SIMM --|
* |-- .5meg SIMM --|
* (front of STE)
clr.l -(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp) Switch to super mode
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
cmp.l #$280000,$42E RAM <= 2.5 megs?
ble already If so, nothing to do
cmp.b #9,$424 Is it installed properly?
bne already If so, nothing to do
move.l #$280000,$42E Set phystop
move.l $4F2,a0 Find reset address
jmp (a0) Reset system
already: move.l d0,-(sp) Returned stack
move.w #32,-(sp) Switch back to user mode
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
clr.w -(sp) Back to TOS
trap #1
David notes that: "While not the most elegant solution, I have had no
problems with compatibility while running any software or hardware combination.
Memory block zero must contain 1Mbit SIMM cards, otherwise the MMU will be
configured for a 1MB machine".
STOS tip
Kevin Ware-Lane of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, has found an undocumented
feature in STOS BASIC:
"Create any file, and save it in the root directory of your working copy of
the STOS Basic disk. It must be saved under the file name AUTOEXEC.BAS. Now,
whenever you boot your working copy of STOS, that BASIC program will be loaded
and run."
GFA takes parameters
Many programmers know how to read the command line passed to a .TTP program, or
the document name of an installed GEM application is when it double clicked on.
However, few people know how to do it in GFA BASIC - this month, Leighton
Cathcart from Bangor, Co. Down in Northern Ireland comes to the rescue.
"Accessing the command line is very easy as GFA BASIC contains a built-in
variable called BASEPAGE, which holds the address of the basepage of your
program. The command line string is stored 128 bytes further on from this
The length of the command line string is stored at BASEPAGE+128 and the
string starts at BASEPAGE+129, terminated by a zero. The folowing program is an
example in which the command line is placed in the string ARG$. You should
compile it and give it a .TTP extension".
Rem Read command line in GFA
Rem By Leighton Cathcart
If Length%=0
Print"No command line"
For Count%=129 To (129+Length%)
Next Count%
Print"Command line:";Arg$
Until Inkey$=Chr$(13)
"This will work not only for .TTP programs, but also for GEM .PRG programs
as well. When you select Install Application from the desktop, the name of the
file you opened to run your application is also placed at this location in
What a GFA dump!
Another GFA user is Giulio Marchesi from Bergamo in Italy. Giulio has
provided a program in GFA BASIC V2 to produce better proportioned screen dumps
for Degas Elite .PI3 pictures. The program was written for an Epson FX-800
9-pin printer, but it should work on all compatibles.
Rem Degas PI3 screen dump
Rem By Giulio Marchesi
' print Degas .PI3
INPUT "Filename: ";file$
BLOAD file$,XBIOS(2)-34
GOSUB print_degas
PROCEDURE print_degas
a$=SPACE$(800) ! buffer for line data
' FX 800 graphics mode, double density)
OPEN "",#99,"LST:" ! open printer channel
FOR s%=XBIOS(3) TO s%+79 ! reads screen data
FOR q%=s%+399*80 TO s% STEP -80
FOR i%=0 TO 1 ! double data for double density
POKE x%,PEEK(q%)
INC x%
PRINT #99,g$;a$;CHR$(13); ! one line and CR
PRINT #99,CHR$(27);"J";CHR$(1); ! 1/216 line feed
PRINT #99,g$;a$;CHR$(13); ! print line again
PRINT #99,CHR$(27);"J";CHR$(23); ! 23/216 feed
Turn over a new leaf
On now to computer literature, and Mark T. White of Toronto, Canada has a plea
for anyone recommending books for further reading: "May I make a plea to all
contributors: If you quote a book, please include its ISBN number, in addition
to the full name, author(s) and publisher.
"I found Katherine Peel's 'Concise Atari ST 68000 Programmer's Guide'
(Glentop), ISBN 1 85181 172 9, through an advert in ST World. I have been
unable to find Balmer and Fitler's 'Programmer's Guide To GEM' (Sybex) without
knowing the ISBN. Does anyone know it, or where I can get the book?".
STE is a joy to use
Tony Goodhew writes from Birstall, Leicester on the subject of the new
controller ports found on the STE:
"The STE addendum sheet supplied with the new machine gives pinout
specifications, but no details about how to read the port. I am particularly
interested in pins 5 and 15 - the paddle inputs, as these must be connected to
a four channel analogue to digital converter chip. I would be most grateful for
some help in using these inputs from either HiSoft Power BASIC, or GFA BASIC
"A similar input on a BBC Micro has been put to good use in the past for
simple data logging applications, and I forsee many educational uses if this
port can be used in the same manner".
Atari's STE Developer Information Addendum provides the necessary
technical data. Four new joystick ports were added for the STE, directly
interfaced to the 68000 bus, rather than using another IKBD controller. The
following table gives the locations of the hardware registers for the
joysticks, paddles and light gun/pen inputs:
Address Usage Description
FF9200 xxxx xxxx xxxx 3210 Fire buttons
FF9202 UDLR UDLR UDLR UDLR Joystick directions
Joy3 Joy2 Joy1 Joy0
FF9210 xxxx xxxx NNNN NNNN Paddle 0 X
FF9212 xxxx xxxx NNNN NNNN Paddle 0 Y
FF9214 xxxx xxxx NNNN NNNN Paddle 1 X
FF9216 xxxx xxxx NNNN NNNN Paddle 1 Y
FF9220 xxxx xxNN NNNN NNNN Light pen/gun X
FF9222 xxxx xxNN NNNN NNNN Light pen/gun Y
Note that the joystick registers are bi-directional and can therefore be
written to as well as read. If the registers are written, then the outputs are
driven until the registers are read again.
Two paddle controllers can be connected with eight bit resolution on each
axis, and the current position of each of the four paddles are reported in the
registers shown in the table. No information is given in the data sheets as to
the voltage range that the A/D converters function in, but I would guess that
it is 0-5V. The triggers on the paddles are bits zero and one of $FF9202
(joystick zero left and right.)
The light gun/pen position is reported in $FF9220 and $FF9222. The x-axis
accuracy is four pixels in low resolution, eight pixels in medium and 16 pixels
in monochrome. The y-axis position is accurate to within one pixel in all
The x position only ranges from 0 to 319, and therefore must be left
shifted for other screen modes. Again, no electrical information is provided on
how to implement a light gun/pen.
The key to the problem
Lloyd Patton provides help for Paul Margetson, who wants to write his own
keyboard interrupt handler in order to test for the depression of more than one
key at once. The problem is that if a replacement interrupt handler is written,
then the operating system does not receive the key press information, and
typing commands into a debugger becomes impossible.
"Simply placing the keystroke data into the keyboard buffer will be
sufficient. Each keystroke is stored in a circular-list buffer as a 32 bit
integer, in the format returned by the Bconin routine. The low word contains
the character, the high word has the scan code in the lowest 8 bits and the
kbshift variable in the highest 8 bits. Also remember to update the Iorec
structure and take care of rotation around the buffer".
Here is Lloyd's solution:
/* Insert keypresses by Lloyd Patton */
#include <local.h>
#include <osbind.h>
long UpperA = 0x001e0041; /* 'A' */
long Number0 = 0x000b0030; /* '0' */
long ch;
ch = evnt_keybd(); /* test GEM call */
printf("\nkeystroke should be 0x1e41 and is 0x%lx\n",
ch = Bconin(2); /* test BIOS call */
printf("\nkeystroke should be 0x000b0030 and is
0x%08lx\n", ch);
long keycode;
iorec *keybuf;
long stack;
keybuf = Iorec(1); /* get Iorec address */
stack = Super(0L); /* supervisor mode to access Iorec
/* loop around buffer */
if ((keybuf->ibuftl += 4) >= keybuf->ibufsiz)
keybuf->ibuftl = 0;
/* if room in buffer store keystroke */
if (keybuf->ibuftl != keybuf->ibufhd)
*(long *)&keybuf->ibuf[keybuf->ibuftl] = keycode;
Super(stack); /* back to user mode */
Speedy AUTO solution
Lloyd's also supplies a solution to Pete Ellis' problem of setting the
double-click speed from the AUTO folder:
"The only call to set this is evnt_dclick() which can be used only after
GEM initialisation and thus after the AUTO folder programs have run. If the
Control Panel is a problem using up a valuable accessory slot then write a
program that is run from the desktop then use the following listing, but if the
problem is memory usage then use a smaller DA like ROCP:"
{ /* the control panel's dialogue setting is unaffected.
However, the dclick value does come into effect. */
evnt_dclick(4, 1);
MIDI clock
Finally this month, a query from Rolf Nilsson of Genarp, Sweden, who has been
dabbling with MIDI in assembler and C. "Since I am a musician, my main interest
in programming is about MIDI. I have managed to program some simple MIDI
programs, like getting MIDI bytes in to the ST, then manipulating and sending
them back out again. I've also written a simple sequencer, but I need help.
"Can anyone suggest how to implement the clock that is the heart of any
sequencer? This is vital if MIDI replay is to be accurate. Is it done through
"There are some good books on MIDI programming for IBMs and compatibles,
but they don't deal with this problem because the MIDI interface (Roland
MPU-401 or equivalent) takes care of the clock."
Winding down
Clinic is more yours than it is mine, so if you know the answer to a problem
then write in. Keep the letters coming - especially the solutions and comments
on other people's problems and ideas, but don't forget that the clinic depends
on your problems too! Remember to include your full name and give your phone
number if possible.
If you have a listing longer than about 25 lines then please include it on
a disk. Putting the text of your letter on disk is helpful, too, 1st Word
format if possible, but straight ASCII is fine.
If you are sending a complete program then I also like to see it running
before putting it into the column, so please include a double-clickable version
of your program if at all possible. If you want the disk returning include a
stamped addressed envelope.
Mathew Lodge
"Programmer's Clinic"
"Maen Melin"
Holmes Chapel Road
Lach Dennis
JANET : SOCS18 @ uk.ac.york.vaxa