❎alonenswer (TAB for foreign characters)1)1EM?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Csolo (SOH-loh)B for foreign characters)1)1EM?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C◆alreadywer (TAB for foreign characters)2)2EM?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C✓ya (yah)er (TAB for foreign characters)2)2EM?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇦alsoAnswer (TAB for foreign characters)3)3EM?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C④también (tahm-BYEHN)foreign characters)3)3EM?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C╱alwaysswer (TAB for foreign characters)4)4EM?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C④siempre (SYEHM-preh)foreign characters)4)4EM?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇦a.m.Answer (TAB for foreign characters)5)5EM?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C,de por la mañana (deh pohr lah mahn-YAH-nah)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇩amw Answer (TAB for foreign characters)6)6h)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C soy (soy)r (TAB for foreign characters)6)6h)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C✓Americaner (TAB for foreign characters)7)7h)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C+norteamericano (NOHR-teh-ah-meh-ree-KAH-no))?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C❎amongnswer (TAB for foreign characters)8)8))?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⓪entre (EHN-treh)for foreign characters)8)8))?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇨and Answer (TAB for foreign characters)9)9))?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C!y (ee) or e (eh) before i or hicters)9)9))?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C◆anotherwer (TAB for foreign characters)1010)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Cotro (OH-troh)B for foreign characters)1010)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C╱answerswer (TAB for foreign characters)1111)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Cla respuesta (rehs-PWEHS-tah)haracters)1111)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇨any Answer (TAB for foreign characters)1212)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⓪algún (ahl-GOON)for foreign characters)1212)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C
appetizers (TAB for foreign characters)1313)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C"los entremeses (ehn-treh-MEH-sehs)ters)1313)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C❎applenswer (TAB for foreign characters)1414)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⑨la manzana (mahn-SAH-nah)gn characters)1414)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C◆apricotwer (TAB for foreign characters)1515)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C$el albaricoque (ahl-bah-ree-KOH-keh)rs)1515)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C❎Aprilnswer (TAB for foreign characters)1616)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⓪abril (ah-BREEL)for foreign characters)1616)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇨are Answer (TAB for foreign characters)1717)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C
son (sohn) (TAB for foreign characters)1717)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇨arm Answer (TAB for foreign characters)1818)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C③el brazo (BRAH-soh) foreign characters)1818)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C╱aroundswer (TAB for foreign characters)1919)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Calrededor (ahl-reh-deh-DOHR)characters)1919)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C◆arrivalwer (TAB for foreign characters)2020)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⑧la llegada (yeh-GAH-dah)ign characters)2020)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇩asw Answer (TAB for foreign characters)2121)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Ccomo (KOH-moh)B for foreign characters)2121)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C✓ash trayer (TAB for foreign characters)2222)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Cel cenicero (seh-nee-SEH-roh)haracters)2222)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇨ask Answer (TAB for foreign characters)2323)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Cəpreguntar (preh-goon-TAHR)n characters)2323)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C◆aspirinwer (TAB for foreign characters)2424)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Cla aspirina (ahs-pee-REE-nah)haracters)2424)?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⓪Spanish Words A2for foreign characters)1)1EM?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C