No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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⇨fog Answer (TAB for foreign characters)1)11 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⑤la niebla (NYEH-blah)oreign characters)1)11 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C╱followlowr (TAB for foreign characters)2)21 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C②seguir (seh-GHEER)r foreign characters)2)21 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇦footAnswer (TAB for foreign characters)3)31 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C
el pie (pyeh)AB for foreign characters)3)31 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Cfor [purpose or destination]characters)4)41 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Cpara (PAH-rah)r destination]characters)4)41 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C forbiddenr (TAB for foreign characters)5)51 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Cprohibido (proh-ee-BEE-doh) characters)5)51 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C✓foreheader (TAB for foreign characters)6)61 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⑤la frente (FREHN-teh)oreign characters)6)61 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C╱forgetswer (TAB for foreign characters)7)71 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⑥olvidar (ohl-bee-DAHR)reign characters)7)71 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇦forkAnswer (TAB for foreign characters)8)81 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⑨el tenedor (teh-neh-DOHR)gn characters)8)81 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C❎fortynswer (TAB for foreign characters)9)91 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⑧cuarenta (kwah-REHN-tah)ign characters)9)91 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C◆forwardwer (TAB for foreign characters)1010 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Cəadelante (ah-deh-LAHN-teh)n characters)1010 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C✓fountainer (TAB for foreign characters)1111 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⑤la fuente (FWEHN-teh)oreign characters)1111 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇦fourAnswer (TAB for foreign characters)1212 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C②cuatro (KWAH-troh)r foreign characters)1212 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C✓fourteener (TAB for foreign characters)1313 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⑥cotorce (kah-TOHR-seh)reign characters)1313 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C✓fractureer (TAB for foreign characters)1414 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Cla fractura (frahk-TOO-rah) characters)1414 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⓪free [no charge]for foreign characters)1515 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C②gratis (GRAH-tees)r foreign characters)1515 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C╱Fridayswer (TAB for foreign characters)1616 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⑦el viernes (BYEHR-nehs)eign characters)1616 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C❎friednswer (TAB for foreign characters)1717 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⓪frito (FREE-toh)for foreign characters)1717 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C╱friendswer (TAB for foreign characters)1818 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C②amigo (ah-MEE-goh)r foreign characters)1818 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C⇦fromAnswer (TAB for foreign characters)1919 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C✓de (deh)er (TAB for foreign characters)1919 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C❎frontnswer (TAB for foreign characters)2020 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and Cdelantero (deh-lahn-TEH-roh)characters)2020 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C❎fruitnswer (TAB for foreign characters)2121 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C③la fruta (FROO-tah) foreign characters)2121 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C fuel pumpr (TAB for foreign characters)2222 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C9la bomba de combustible (BOHM-bah deh kohm-boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C③full [no more room] foreign characters)2323boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and Clleno (YEH-noh)oom] foreign characters)2323boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and Cfull [complete] for foreign characters)2424boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⑧completo (kohm-PLEH-toh)ign characters)2424boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⓪Spanish Words F2EM Title: Spanish Words E1 ?][OK| Cancel ]y | OSS and C