⇦gameAnswer (TAB for foreign characters)1)14boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C③el juego (HWEH-goh) foreign characters)1)14boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C╱garage wer (TAB for foreign characters)2)24boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⑦el garage (gah-RAH-heh)eign characters)2)24boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C╱gardenswer (TAB for foreign characters)3)34boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⑤el jardín (hahr-DEEN)oreign characters)3)34boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C╱garlicswer (TAB for foreign characters)4)44boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and Cel ajo (AH-hoh) for foreign characters)4)44boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C
gas [fuel] (TAB for foreign characters)5)54boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and Cla gasolina (gah-soh-LEE-nah)haracters)5)54boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C gentlemanr (TAB for foreign characters)6)64boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C④el señor (sehn-YOHR)Loreign characters)6)64boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⇨get Answer (TAB for foreign characters)7)74boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and Cəconseguir (kohn-seh-GHEER)n characters)7)74boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⇦giftAnswer (TAB for foreign characters)8)84boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⑦el regalo (reh-GAH-loh)eign characters)8)84boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⇨gin Answer (TAB for foreign characters)9)94boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⑨la ginebra (hee-NEH-brah)gn characters)9)94boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⇦girlAnswer (TAB for foreign characters)1010boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and Cla muchacha (moo-CHAH-chah) characters)1010boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⇦giveAnswer (TAB for foreign characters)1111boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C
dar (dahr) (TAB for foreign characters)1111boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⇦gladAnswer (TAB for foreign characters)1212boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⑧contento (kohn-TEHN-toh)ign characters)1212boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⓪glass [drinking]for foreign characters)1313boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C①el vaso (BAH-soh)or foreign characters)1313boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⓪glass [material]for foreign characters)1414boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⑤el vidrio (BEE-dryoh)oreign characters)1414boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and Cglasses [eye]AB for foreign characters)1515boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C④las gafas (GAH-fahs)foreign characters)1515boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C❎glovenswer (TAB for foreign characters)1616boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⑤el guante (GWAHN-teh)oreign characters)1616boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⇩gow Answer (TAB for foreign characters)1717boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C✓ir (eer)er (TAB for foreign characters)1717boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⇦goldAnswer (TAB for foreign characters)1818boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and Cel oro (OH-roh) for foreign characters)1818boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⇦goodAnswer (TAB for foreign characters)1919boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⓪bueno (BWEH-noh)for foreign characters)1919boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C◆goodbyewer (TAB for foreign characters)2020boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⓪adiós (ah-DYOHS)for foreign characters)2020boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C❎goosenswer (TAB for foreign characters)2121boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C③el ganso (GAHN-soh) foreign characters)2121boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C
grapefruit (TAB for foreign characters)2222boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⑨la toronja (toh-ROHN-hah)gn characters)2222boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C╱grapesswer (TAB for foreign characters)2323boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C②las uvas (OO-bahs)r foreign characters)2323boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C❎grassnswer (TAB for foreign characters)2424boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C④la hierba (YEHR-bah)foreign characters)2424boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C⓪Spanish Words G1LEH-toh)ign characters)2424boos-TEE-bleh) ]y | OSS and C