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Mini MIDI #2
NOIZ BOYZ Software <tm>
October 14,1991
What is it?
Mini MIDIs is a series of programs being released by NOIZ BOYZ
Software <tm> the solve various MIDI related problems with a minimum
amount of hassle and memory waste. LOCAL CONTROL is number two in this
series. It may be run as an accessory or a program. To run LOCAL
CONTROL as an accessory, name it 'LOCAL.ACC' -- to run it as a
program name it 'LOCAL.PRG'. It doesn't really matter how you use it,
it is just more convenient as an accessory since you can access it
from within any GEM <tm> program.
So, Whats it do?!
LOCAL CONTROL lets us access the 'LOCAL OFF' mode on a MIDI
keyboard. Huh?! Normally when you play the keys on your keyboard,
notes are triggered and played within the keyboard (of course, you
say!). Well, let's say you're using a MIDI set-up with your computer,
say a sequencer, and you're using your keyboard to play notes into the
computer (keyboard MIDI out to computer MIDI in) and also have the
MIDI out of the computer connected into your keyboards MIDI in. If you
play a note on your keyboard it will be played within the keyboard
(Locally), and through the computer and in the MIDI in of your
keyboard! You may not hear it but each note is being triggered twice.
Sometimes the notes just sound 'weird' or you lose half your
polyphony. Some software has an option to turn the 'MIDI Thru' off,
but this isn't always available or convenient. In steps LOCAL CONTROL!
Most MIDI keyboards have a 'Local Off' mode even though they may not
have a front switch for it! ( Casio CZ-101 - 1000, Yamaha DX-7, among
others ). LOCAL CONTROL lets you turn this mode on and off through
MIDI. -- When you are in 'Local Off' mode your keyboard still outputs
MIDI data, it just doesn't play anything not coming in the MIDI In
How do I use it?
All you have to do is double-click on LOCAL.PRG . You'll see an
input box asking which MIDI channel you wish to send the 'Local Off'
command on. Pick the channel the keyboard you wish to effect is set
to. Next, you'll be greeted by an alert box in which you may choose
'Local-On \ Local-Off \ Cancel'. Pick the action you wish to take and
that's it! To change back just run it again. If you want things really
easy, just make a copy of LOCAL.PRG on your Boot disk and name it
LOCAL.ACC . Next time you boot up with that disk LOCAL CONTROL will be
installed as an accessory, it only uses 3K!. Just move your mouse up
to the 'Desk' menu on the desktop or in a program and select 'Local' .
The rest is the same as the program version.
Other Stuff
We at NOIZ BOYZ Software <tm> can accept no responibility blah
blah misuse, blah, implied. We've tested it on various STs with
various keyboards with no problems but remember: Your mileage may
vary! If you do encounter any problems, or have any suggestions,
please let us know! If you have any ideas for a Mini MIDI program,
feel free to tell us. If we can we'll give it a shot and send you beta
copies for your suggestions. Who knows, there may be tons of other
people who could use the same solution. Better yet, if you come up
with your own small utilities, why not share them? I used GFA Basic
3.5 for this program and it took less than two pages of code!
LOCAL CONTROL is *FreeWare*, nothing may be charged for the
program except a *reasonable* disk copy charge from PD/ShareWare
houses. (Not the 6-8 bucks I've seen at some places!) It still remains
copyright Wayne Steinert -- Noiz Boyz Software <tm>. If you do feel
wonderful when giving, or you've got loads of dosh, feel free to send
us something! Make any checks payable to: Wayne Steinert. We plan on
releasing more software soon.
You can get ahold of NOIZ BOYZ Software <tm> at:
Noiz Boyz
315 s. Central ave.
Los Angeles,Ca.
You can reach me by modem at:
CodeHead BBS: <Wayne Steinert> -- (213)-461-2091
Double Click BBS: <Wayne Steinert> -- (713) 944-0108
Other NOIZ BOYZ Software <tm>:
Panic Button -- Mini MIDI #1. Sends an 'all notes off' command on
all 16 channels, great for 'sticky' situations. Like stuck notes! ACC
or PRG! (FreeWare)
Hex-sessary -- Converts Octal, Hexadecimal, Decimal and Binary
numbers. Converted tables can be printed out. Can be run as an
accessory or program! (FreeWare)
Ms. Print -- Print many documents at once. Select a file-mask and
directory and off you go! (ShareWare)
10 bucks to the above address (Wayne Steinert) gets a disk with
all these and whatever else comes out, and register Ms. Print. (More
all the time) Please specify DS/SS .
See Ya!