No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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* Cookie Example Program
* Display the contents of cookie jar, and the meaning of cookies
* if known
* copyright c.1991 Adam Greenwood
* Written with/for Devpac 2
* constants
* cookie jar pointer (p_cookies)
cookies equ $5a0 address of cookie pointer
* The names of the official Atari cookies so far
_cpu equ '_CPU' processor cookie
_vdo equ '_VDO' video cookie
_mch equ '_MCH' machine cookie
_snd equ '_SND' sound chip cookie
_swi equ '_SWI' configuration switch cookie
_frb equ '_FRB' fast RAM buffer cookie
* start of code
start move.l a7,a5
addq #4,a7
move.l 4(a5),a5 get basepage
move.l $c(a5),d0 get legth of text segment
add.l $14(a5),d0 add length of data segment
add.l $1c(a5),d0 add length of uninit BSS
add.l #$100,d0 add length of basepage
move.l d0,-(a7) push length to reserve
move.l a5,-(a7) start address to modify
move.w #0,-(a7) zero
move.w #$4a,-(a7) shrink memory
trap #1
add.l #$c,a7
clr.l -(a7) set supervisor mode
move.w #32,-(a7)
trap #1
addq #6,a7
move.l d0,stk save old value of stack
move.l #intr_mess,a1 display intro message
jsr prnt_str
move.l cookies,a0 address of cookie jar
beq .no_jar if 0 no cookie jar
* now loop round reading each pair of longwords until
* the empty longword is reached
.loop move.l (a0)+,d0 cookie name
move.l (a0)+,d1 cookie value
cmp.l #0,d0 check for empty longword
beq .out if empty finished
jsr prnt_cook print cookie & value
cmp.l #_cpu,d0 check for _cpu cookie
bne.s .2
jsr cook_cpu evaluate cookie
.2 cmp.l #_vdo,d0 check for _vdo cookie
bne.s .3
jsr cook_vdo evaluate cookie
.3 cmp.l #_mch,d0 check for _mch cookie
bne.s .4
jsr cook_mch evaluate cookie
.4 cmp.l #_snd,d0 check for _snd cookie
bne.s .5
jsr cook_snd evaluate cookie
.5 move.l #return,a1 leave a line between cookies
jsr prnt_str
bra .loop get next cookie
.no_jar move.l #err_mess,a1 display message
jsr prnt_str
.out jsr wait_key wait for key press
bra fin done
* routine to print name and value of cookie
* in : d0.l = name of cookie
* d1.l = value of cookie
prnt_cook movem.l d0-d3/a1,-(a7)
move.l #cook_mess,a1 print 'cookie: '
jsr prnt_str
move.w #3,d3 4 characters
move.l d0,d2
.loop rol.l #8,d2 starting with high byte
moveq #0,d0 clear
move.b d2,d0
jsr prnt_char print character
dbra d3,.loop
move.l #val_mess,a1 print 'value: '
jsr prnt_str
move.w #'$',d0 print hex symbol
jsr prnt_char
move.w #7,d3 8 hex characters
move.l d1,d2
.loop2 rol.l #4,d2 start with high
move.l d2,d0
and.l #$f,d0 4 bits
cmp.b #9,d0 if <=9, number 0-9
bgt.s .letter else letter a-f
add.b #48,d0 convert to number
bra .print
.letter add.b #87,d0 convert to letter
.print jsr prnt_char print character
dbra d3,.loop2 next number
move.l #return,a1 next line
jsr prnt_str
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d3/a1
* routine to evaluate _cpu cookie
* in: d1 = value
* _cpu cookie is a decimal number, 00, 10, 20, 30, 40
* so we first divide by 10, then use the resulting no.
* 0-3 to select the correct message
cook_cpu movem.l d0-d1/a1,-(a7)
move.l #cpu_mess0,a1 first message
divu #10,d1 divide value by 10
bra .test go to loop
.loop move.b (a1)+,d0 find end of message
bne.s .loop
.test dbra d1,.loop skip d1 messages
jsr prnt_str print correct message
move.l #return,a1 next line
jsr prnt_str
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1/a1
* routine to evaluate _vdo cookie
* in: d1 = cookie value
* The information is in the high byte, so first we swap
* then skip to the correct message.
cook_vdo movem.l d0-d1/a1,-(a7)
move.l #vdo_mess0,a1 first message
swap d1 cookie value
bra .test go to loop
.loop move.b (a1)+,d0 find end of message
bne.s .loop
.test dbra d1,.loop skip d1 messages
jsr prnt_str print correct message
move.l #return,a1 next line
jsr prnt_str
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1/a1
* routine to evaluate _mch cookie
* This works in much the same way as for _VDO
cook_mch movem.l d0-d1/a1,-(a7)
move.l #mch_mess0,a1 first message
swap d1 value of cookie
bra .test go to loop
.loop move.b (a1)+,d0 find end of message
bne.s .loop
.test dbra d1,.loop skip d1 messages
jsr prnt_str print correct message
move.l #return,a1 next line
jsr prnt_str
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d1/a1
* routine to evaluate _snd cookie
* In this case the information is in the bits, so we test for them
* in turn
cook_snd move.l a1,-(a7)
btst #0,d1 test for yamaha chip
beq.s .dma
move.l #snd_mess0,a1 print message
jsr prnt_str
move.l #return,a1 next line
jsr prnt_str
.dma btst #1,d1 test for DMA chip
beq.s .out
move.l #snd_mess1,a1 print message
jsr prnt_str
move.l #return,a1 next line
jsr prnt_str
.out move.l (a7)+,a1
* routine to print a null terminated string to screen
* a1 = address of string
prnt_str movem.l d0-d4/a0-a4,-(a7)
move.l a1,-(a7) address of string
move.w #9,-(a7) print string
trap #1
addq #6,a7
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d4/a0-a4
* routine to print a character to the screen
* d0.w = character
prnt_char movem.l d0-d4/a0-a4,-(a7)
move.w d0,-(a7) character
move.w #2,-(a7) print character
trap #1
addq #4,a7
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d4/a0-a4
* routine to print message and wait for key press
wait_key movem.l d0-d4/a0-a4,-(a7)
move.l #key_mess,a1 print message
jsr prnt_str
move.w #7,-(a7) wait for key press
trap #1
addq #2,a7
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d4/a0-a4
* Return to user mode and exit
fin lea stk,a6 get value of original stack
move.l (a6),-(a7)
move.w #32,-(a7)
trap #1 Return to user mode
addq #6,a7
move.w #0,-(a7)
trap #1
addq #2,a7
section BSS
stk ds.l 1
section DATA
intr_mess dc.b 'Cookie Display Program',13,10
dc.b 'Copyright ',189,'1991 A Greenwood',13,10,13,10,0
err_mess dc.b 'No Cookie Jar',13,10,0
cook_mess dc.b 'Cookie: ',0
val_mess dc.b ' Value: ',0
return dc.b 13,10,0
cpu_mess0 dc.b ' 68000 Processor',0
cpu_mess1 dc.b ' 68010 Processor',0
cpu_mess2 dc.b ' 68020 Processor',0
cpu_mess3 dc.b ' 68030 Processor',0
cpu_mess4 dc.b ' 68040 Processor',0
vdo_mess0 dc.b ' Standard Video Shifter',0
vdo_mess1 dc.b ' Improved Video Shifter',0
vdo_mess2 dc.b ' TT Graphics Chip',0
mch_mess0 dc.b ' Machine is a Standard ST',0
mch_mess1 dc.b ' Machine is an STE',0
mch_mess2 dc.b ' Machine is a Mega ST',0
mch_mess3 dc.b ' Machine is a TT',0
snd_mess0 dc.b ' Yamaha Sound Chip Present',0
snd_mess1 dc.b ' DMA Sound Chip Present',0
key_mess dc.b 'Press any key',0