No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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275 lines
* STE Controller Port Tester
* Copyright c.1991 Adam Greenwood
* Feel free to change and use this code
* This program displays the current state of all the
* controller port registers om the screen
* Effects such as inverse video are achieved using VT52 emulation
* ie by writing escape codes to the screen.
* Written with/for Devpac 2
* Constants
* Controller Port Registers
joy_fire equ $ff9200 Fire Buttons
joy_udlr equ $ff9202 Directions
pad0_x equ $ff9210 Paddle 0 X
pad0_y equ $ff9212 Paddle 0 Y
pad1_x equ $ff9214 Paddle 1 X
pad1_y equ $ff9216 Paddle 1 Y
light_x equ $ff9220 Light Pen/Gun X
light_y equ $ff9222 Light Pen/Gun Y
* start of code
start move.l a7,a5
addq #4,a7
move.l 4(a5),a5 get basepage
move.l $c(a5),d0 get legth of text segment
add.l $14(a5),d0 add length of data segment
add.l $1c(a5),d0 add length of uninit BSS
add.l #$100,d0 add length of basepage
move.l d0,-(a7) push length to reserve
move.l a5,-(a7) start address to modify
move.w #0,-(a7) zero
move.w #$4a,-(a7) shrink memory
trap #1
add.l #$c,a7
clr.l -(a7) set supervisor mode
move.w #32,-(a7)
trap #1
addq #6,a7
lea stk,a6 save value of old stack
move.l d0,(a6)
move.l #screen,a0 display main screen
jsr prnt_strn print whole screen as string
move.l #reverse,a0 escape code reverse video
jsr prnt_strn write escape code
.loop move.w #37,-(a7) Vsync call
trap #1 waits for vblank to
addq #2,a7 synchronise
move.l #set_fire,a0 escape code to set cursor
jsr prnt_strn position for fire register
move.w joy_fire,d0 value of fire register
jsr nib_bin print nibble in binary
move.l #set_d3,a0 cursor position for direction
jsr prnt_strn direction
move.w joy_udlr,d7 direction register
move.w #3,d6 loop 4 times
.print rol.w #4,d7 get nibble
move.b d7,d0
jsr nib_bin print nibble in binary
cmp.w #0,d6 check for last
beq.s .dec no | on last nibble
move.w #$7c,d0 | symbol
jsr prnt_char
.dec dbra d6,.print
move.l #set_0x,a0 position for paddle 0 X
jsr prnt_strn
move.w pad0_x,d0 value of paddle 0 X reg
and.w #$ff,d0 only low byte valid
jsr decimal print as three digit no.
move.l #set_0y,a0 position for paddle 0 Y
jsr prnt_strn
move.w pad0_y,d0 value of paddle 0 Y reg
and.w #$ff,d0 only low byte valid
jsr decimal print as 3 digit no.
move.l #set_1x,a0 cursor for paddle 1 X
jsr prnt_strn
move.w pad1_x,d0 value of paddle 1 X
and.w #$ff,d0 low byte only
jsr decimal print
move.l #set_1y,a0 cursor pos for pad 1 Y
jsr prnt_strn
move.w pad1_y,d0 value of register
and.w #$ff,d0 low byte
jsr decimal print to screen
move.l #set_Lx,a0 Light Gun X position
jsr prnt_strn set cursor position
move.w light_x,d0 value of light gun X
and.w #$3ff,d0 lowest 10 bits
jsr decimal print as 3 digit no.
move.l #set_Ly,a0 Y position
jsr prnt_strn set cursor
move.w light_y,d0 register value
and.w #$3ff,d0 lowest 10 bits only
jsr decimal print to screen
jsr get_key Check for key press
cmp.w #0,d0 if no press loop
beq .loop
move.l #normal,a0 Normal video
jsr prnt_strn write escape code
bra fin
* Routine to print a four bit nibble in binary
* lowest four bits of d0 printed
nib_bin movem.l d0-d7/a0-a4,-(a7)
move.b d0,d6
move.w #3,d7
rol.b #5,d6 get bit 3 to bit 0
.loop move.b d6,d5
and.b #1,d5 bit 0
move.w #48,d0 ASCII 0
add.b d5,d0 add 0 or 1 to ASCII 0
jsr prnt_char print
rol.b d6 next bit
dbra d7,.loop
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a4
* Routine to print a word as a three digit decimal
* number. The word must therefore be less than 999
* in: d0 = word to print
decimal movem.l d5-d7,-(a7)
move.w d0,d7
ext.l d7
divu #10,d7 divide by 10
move.l d7,d6
swap d6 d6 = 1s
ext.l d7
divu #10,d7 divide again
move.l d7,d5 d7 = 100s
swap d5 d5 = 10s
add.w #48,d7 convert to chars
add.w #48,d6
add.w #48,d5
move.w d7,d0 print to screen
jsr prnt_char
move.w d5,d0
jsr prnt_char
move.w d6,d0
jsr prnt_char
movem.l (a7)+,d5-d7
* routine to print a null terminated string to screen
* a0 = address of string
prnt_strn movem.l d0-d4/a0-a4,-(a7)
move.l a0,-(a7) address of string
move.w #9,-(a7) print string
trap #1
addq #6,a7
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d4/a0-a4
* routine to print a character to the screen
* d0.w = character
prnt_char movem.l d0-d4/a0-a4,-(a7)
move.w d0,-(a7) character
move.w #2,-(a7) print character
trap #1
addq #4,a7
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d4/a0-a4
* routine to get key press
* returns value in d0.w, 0 = no key
get_key movem.l d1-d4/a0-a4,-(a7)
move.w #255,-(a7) read character
move.w #6,-(a7) c_rawio
trap #1
addq #4,a7
movem.l (a7)+,d1-d4/a0-a4
* Return to user mode and exit
fin lea stk,a6 get value of original stack
move.l (a6),-(a7)
move.w #32,-(a7)
trap #1 Return to user mode
addq #6,a7
move.w #0,-(a7)
trap #1
addq #2,a7
section BSS
stk ds.l 1
section DATA
* The following is all one string, including carriage returns
* etc, which can be printed in one go
screen dc.b 27,'E',27,'f',' STE Controller Port Display Program',13,10
dc.b ' Copyright ',189,'1991 A Greenwood',13,10,13,10
dc.b ' .---------------------------------------.',13,10
dc.b ' | 3120 |',13,10
dc.b ' | $ff9200 Fire Buttons |',13,10
dc.b ' | |',13,10
dc.b ' |---------------------------------------|',13,10
dc.b ' | UDLR UDLR UDLR UDLR |',13,10
dc.b ' | $ff9202 Direction |',13,10
dc.b ' | Joy3 Joy2 Joy1 Joy0 |',13,10
dc.b ' |---------------------------------------|',13,10
dc.b ' | $ff9210 Paddle 0 x |',13,10
dc.b ' | $ff9212 Paddle 0 y |',13,10
dc.b ' |---------------------------------------|',13,10
dc.b ' | $ff9214 Paddle 1 x |',13,10
dc.b ' | $ff9216 Paddle 1 y |',13,10
dc.b ' |---------------------------------------|',13,10
dc.b ' | $ff9220 Light Pen x |',13,10
dc.b ' | $ff9222 Light Pen y |',13,10
dc.b ' ',39,'---------------------------------------',39,13,10,0
* The following are the escape code sequences to set
* the cursor to the correct screen position to print
* the contents of the various registers
* The characters and numbers after the Y are coordinates,
* but in the form that the VT52 recognises.
* To work out which character to use take coord and add
* 32. This gives ASCII value of character. eg for 3
* use character 35, ie #
set_fire dc.b 27,'Y%8',0
set_d3 dc.b 27,'Y)5',0
set_0x dc.b 27,'Y,6',0
set_0y dc.b 27,'Y-6',0
set_1x dc.b 27,'Y/6',0
set_1y dc.b 27,'Y06',0
set_Lx dc.b 27,'Y27',0
set_Ly dc.b 27,'Y37',0
* Escape code sequences for reverse and normal video
reverse dc.b 27,'p',0
normal dc.b 27,'q',0