No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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C/C++ Source or Header
156 lines
/* Don't worry about these # lines - we'll cover these in a future */
/* article, okay? */
#ifndef IC
#include <osbind.h> /* Operating System BINDings */
#endif IC
/* The first thing we do is set up an array which we will use as our */
/* Othello board. Note that since we use char's for the individual */
/* squares, and terminate each line with '\0' (the standard C string */
/* terminator) then we can display each line using printf() very easily.*/
/* */
/* If we had used int's or long's or some other data type then our */
/* show_line() function (see below) would have to look more complicated */
char board[8][9] = {
{ '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '\0' },
{ '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '\0' },
{ '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '\0' },
{ '.', '.', '.', 'X', 'O', '.', '.', '.', '\0' },
{ '.', '.', '.', 'O', 'X', '.', '.', '.', '\0' },
{ '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '\0' },
{ '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '\0' },
{ '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '.', '\0' }
/* Note that, since we are using a null-terminated array of char's to */
/* represent each line of the board, we could have written the above */
/* in the form of strings. Have a go at this and I'll give you the */
/* answer next month. */
/* main() - This is the first function to be executed in */
/* each and every C program. A main() function */
/* must always appear in your code. */
void show_board(); /* Declare function returning nothing */
/* Display the Othello board. */
printf ( "\n\nPress a key" );
Bconin ( 2 ); /* Wait for a key press */
/* show_board() - Displays the Othello board. */
/* */
/* This function takes no arguments, hence */
/* the "()" after its name, and returns */
/* no values, hence the "void" in front. */
void show_board()
int line; /* Declare int used for line No */
int show_first_line(); /* Declare function returns int */
void show_next_line(); /* Declare function, returns */
/* nothing, but see below. */
printf ( " ________ \n" );
line = show_first_line(); /* Display the first line */
/* We'll deal with loops like the while() loop next month, but here is */
/* simple while() loop for you to look at. If I told you that this */
/* repeats the "show_next_line ( &line );" statement until it reachs */
/* the bottom of our board, could you work out what the syntax of a */
/* while() loop is? The answer will be given in next month's column. */
while ( line < 7 )
show_next_line ( &line ); /* Note pointer usage */
printf ( " ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \n" );
/* show_first_line() - Takes no arguments, just displays the */
/* First line of the Othello board and */
/* Returns the line number of that line. */
int show_first_line() /* Declare type of thing to be returned */
int foo = 0; /* Line number in the board */
void show_line(); /* Display a line of the Othello board */
show_line ( foo ); /* Display this line of the board */
return ( foo ); /* Return the line number. */
/* show_next_line() - Takes a single argument which is a */
/* pointer to an int which holds the */
/* number of the current line of the */
/* Othello board. It then calculates and */
/* displays the following line. */
/* */
/* Note the usage of a pointer to the line */
/* number, which removes the need to */
/* explicitly return a value. */
void show_next_line ( x ) /* Declare that function returns nothing*/
int *x; /* Declare type of argument to function */
void show_line(); /* Display a line of the Othello board */
*x = *x + 1; /* Get the number of the next line */
show_line ( *x ); /* Display this line of the board */
/* show_line() - This function takes a single argument */
/* (int x) and displays that line of the */
/* Othello board. */
/* */
/* No values are returned (hence the void) */
void show_line ( x ) /* Declare nothing returned by function */
int x;
/* Display line (int x) of the Othello board. */
printf ( "|%s|\n", &board[x][0] );
/* Note that we have used a rather odd-looking format to describe the */
/* line of our board which we wish to display ("&board[x][0]"). */
/* */
/* What this means is that we are taking the address of the first char */
/* on the x'th line of the array "board". Several tutorials may tell */
/* you that we could use simply "board[x]" here instead. That is wrong. */
/* Or rather, "board[x]" would work on many C compilers, but can cause */
/* odd problems on many others. I use this format both for this reason */
/* (it makes the code more portable) and also because this format makes */
/* it abundantly clear that what we are dealing with is a pointer into */
/* and array, rather than a simple array. As a result, it is far easier */
/* (to my mind) to see what the code is doing, and so easier to debug. */