No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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Thanks to the SynTax readers who allowed me to use their reviews,
articles, solutions, maps and hints to put together this special
PD issue of SynTax. They are:
Angelina, John Barnsley, Dave Barker, Maureen Barton,
John Betteridge, The Bitmap Kid, Hazel Bradshaw, Mark Bradshaw,
Brian Burke, Janice Charnley, Jean Childs, Graham Cluley,
Bill Commons, Steve Cook, Neil Currie, Phil Darke,
Fred Darlington, Claire Dyard, Julian Gregory, Grimwold,
The Grue!, Richard Hewison, Richard Hunt, James Jillians,
Paul Johnson, Jim Johnston, James Judge, Alex van Kaam,
Tom Lorimer, Alex McEwan, Steve McGuire, Steve McLaren,
Alan Medley, MerC, Mongoose, John Moore,
Nigel Parker, Kev Phillips, Pete Phillips, Ron Rainbird,
Mike Roberts, Kjell Robertsen, Mary Scott-Parker, Neil Shipman,
Roy Sims, George Smith, Andy Stenhouse, Bev Truter,
Linda Turnham, Piotr Tyminski, Paul Vincent, Graham Wheeler
and Clive Wilson.
There is an on-going points-for-prizes system for readers'
contributions. Points are awarded at the rate of 1 point per
published K of information in the form of reviews, solutions,
hints, maps, letters and articles. The points are added when the
data is published, not when it is sent in. Files are published as
soon as possible but maintaining the balance of the magazine is
also a high priority.
At the end of a year, the top five contributors are awarded prizes
in the form of Myth and Magic figures, the first prize being
presented on a wooden base with a specially engraved plaque. The
first prize winner also gets a year's free sub to SynTax, five
free issues to the second prize winner and so forth. Those five
individuals' points are then zeroed and everyone else's carried
forward for the next year, giving everyone a chance to win a prize
if he or she keeps contributing steadily.
The current points list is published each issue.
Contributions for future issues of SynTax, are always welcome.
They can be for old or new games and of virtually any length.
You can send hints, solutions, reviews, maps, articles -
anything! Ideally they should arrive before the 15th of the month
before the disk is produced to have a chance of being included
in the next issue. Second (or third) opinions of adventures are
always welcome. Ideally I prefer ST and PC contributions in
ASCII form on disk and, if you send on disk, I'll replace it
with the PD disk of your choice. If no choice is given, a blank
disk will be returned to you. Otherwise they can be sent as
printouts, typed or hand-written. If you're sending hints, the
"3-in-1" format would be preferred, with a maximum of 63
characters/line. Maps can be sent in any form you like.
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