No Fragments Archive 10: Diskmags
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Text File
963 lines
opt c+,d-,o+
** ultraload/megaload/whatever its called now **
** is a product of Dackco Industries. Instructions **
** for use are included right at the end of the **
** code. **
** fixed 10/2/90 for standard file create bug
** fixed 16/2/90 for FDUP (who uses this???)
** fixed 19/2/90 for standard handles
** fixed 19/2/90 for F_FORCE (what???)
** fixed 21/2/90 for non bufferd reads
** fixed 21/2/90 for correct handling of PRN: etc
** fixed 25/2/90 for buggy version of FDUP as used by AUTOROUTE
** fixed 25/2/90 for closing already closed file
** fixed 22/4/90 for repeated opening and closing of same buffered
** file
** fixed 22/4/90 for opening of standard handled file
** major upgrade 28/5/90-31/5/90 for EGBs chunk packer
** (hard bit is mine though!!!)
buff_len equ 17000 ;set higher than chunk size
maxfiles equ 32
buffdhead equ "LSD$"
normlhead equ "LSD!"
chnkhead equ "LSDC"
bra main
gam dc.b "filename.egb",0
text DC.B 27,"E",27,"f",27,"w"
dc.b "Automation",13,10
dc.b "present BAD CAT",13,10
dc.b "though it should be called trash-cat"
DC.B 00,00
main MOVEA.L 4(A7),A5
move.l $c(a5),d0
add.l $14(a5),d0
add.l $1c(a5),d0
add.l #$200,d0
add.l #buff_len,d0 ;add buffer length
;take out if absolute address
move.l d0,-(sp)
move.l a5,-(sp)
move.l #$4a0000,-(sp)
trap #1 ;mshrink
lea $c(a7),a7
dc.w $a00a
pea text
move.w #9,-(a7)
trap #1 ;text print
addq.l #6,a7
dc.w $a009
move.w #7,-(a7)
trap #1 ;wait for key
addq.l #2,a7
move.l #buff_start,buff_add ;set buffer start address
;change buff_start to absolute
;address if needed
MOVE.W #$20,-(A7)
TRAP #$01 ;supervisor
ADDQ.L #6,A7
MOVE.L D0,(A6) ;save old stack address
MOVE.L $84,tr1 ;save old trap1 address
MOVE.L #T1,$84 ;set trap1 to my code
MOVE.W #$20,-(A7)
TRAP #$01 ;usermode
ADDQ.L #6,A7
stkk clr.l in_use ;so first read gets file
clr.l $60000
pea $60000
pea $60000
move.l #gam,-(sp)
move.l #$4b0000,-(sp)
trap #1 ;run next program
lea 16(a7),a7
clr.w -(sp)
trap #1 ;back to desktop
;multi file read 1st October 1989
;fix 11th October 1989 for decode from odd address
;bastard bug to find
T1 tst.w inside ;check if called from inside trap1
bne bye ;yes then exit
MOVEM.L A0-A6/d0-d7,reg
movea.l a7,a1
addq.l #6,a1
move.w (a7),d0
btst #$d,d0 ;check for which stack data
bne.s ok1 ;is in. if no then its in super
move.l usp,a1 ;else its the user stack
ok1 cmpi.w #$3d,(a1) ;file open
beq openup
cmpi.w #$3f,(a1) ;file read
beq read
cmpi.w #$3e,(a1) ;file close
beq close
cmpi.w #$3c,(a1) ;file create
beq create
cmpi.w #$40,(a1) ;file write
beq write
cmpi.w #$42,(a1) ;file seek
beq seek
cmpi.w #$4e,(a1) ;f_next
beq ffirst
cmpi.w #$45,(a1) ;f_dup
beq fdup
cmpi.w #$46,(a1) ;f_force
beq fforce
cmpi.w #0,(a1) ;exit
bne.s open
move.l tr1,$84 ;old trap1 back
open movem.l reg(pc),a0-a6/d0-d7
bye dc.w $4ef9
tr1 dc.l $0
openup move.w #1,inside ;do normal traps
lea f_names,a0
lea 300(a0),a0
move.l #5,d0
s_loop addq.l #1,d0
lea 60(a0),a0
tst.b (a0)
bne.s s_loop ;search for empty slot
;i.e. one with first byte
;set to 0
;d0=my pretend file handle
move.l d0,d7 ;save handle
move.l d0,d6 ;ditto
move.l a0,a5 ;save location of empty slot
move.l 2(a1),a6 ;save file name address
;open file
move.w 6(a1),-(a7) ;bastard bug for standards
move.l a6,-(a7)
move.w #$3d,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_open
addq.l #8,a7
tst.l d0
bmi error ;in case file not there
move.l d0,d4 ;save real handle
** insert 1 for uncom file read
clr.l i_buff ;clear buffer
pea i_buff
move.l #8,-(a7) ;number of bytes=8
move.w d4,-(a7)
move.w #$3f,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_read
lea 12(a7),a7
clr.w -(a7) ;type 0 (absolute)
move.w d4,-(a7) ;file handle
clr.l -(a7) ;start of file
move.w #$42,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_seek
lea 10(a7),a7
;copy filename
move.l a6,a4 ;save address of name
move.l #59,d0
c_loop move.b (a6)+,(a5)+
dbra d0,c_loop
lsl.l #2,d7 ;times4
lea so_read,a0
move.l #0,(a0,d7.w) ;clear amount read so far
cmp.l #buffdhead,i_buff ;check if file buff/compacted
beq.s nermal ;yes so set up correct handler
stn_file lea real_hand,a0 ;start of real handles array
move.l d4,(a0,d7.w) ;save real handle
lea chunked,a0
move.l #0,(a0,d7.w) ;show file not chunked
cmp.l #chnkhead,i_buff ;check if file chunked
bne not_good
move.l #-1,(a0,d7.w) ;set chunked flag to true
lea f_lengths,a0
move.l i_len,(a0,d7.w) ;save file length in array
bra chk_same ;check if same file loaded
;copy file name to storage
nermal lea f_lengths,a0
move.l i_len,(a0,d7.w) ;save file length in array
lea real_hand,a0
move.l #-1,(a0,d7.w) ;show handle is fake by setting to -1
lea chunked,a0
move.l #0,(a0,d7.w) ;show its not chunked
;close file as finished
move.w d4,-(a7)
move.w #$3e,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_close
addq.l #4,a7
;already loaded file check
chk_same lea file_loaded_name,a5 ;get saved files name
still_same tst.b (a4) ;check if end of new f_name
beq.s same_file ;yes then maybe files same
cmp.b (a4)+,(a5)+ ;check name against saved one
beq.s still_same ;same so check next byte
bra.s not_good ;different so dont worry
same_file tst.b (a5) ;check eofname in saved name
bne.s not_good ;different so dont worry
move.l d6,in_use ;same name so save handle
not_good clr.w inside ;my traps again
move.l d6,-(a7) ;d6 contains fake file handle
movem.l reg,a0-a6/d0-d7
move.l (a7)+,d0 ;give back my handle
read clr.l d0
move.w 2(a1),d0 ;get handle
tst.w d0
bmi stan_f
move.w d0,d1
lsl.l #2,d1 ;*4
lea real_hand,a0
move.l (a0,d1.w),d2 ;get real handle
cmp.w #$ffff,d2 ;is file compacted?
beq cor_blimy ;yes so buffered read
lea chunked,a0
move.l (a0,d1.w),d3 ;check if chunked
tst.l d3
bne sodding_chunk
stan_f move.w #1,inside ;my traps out d window
move.l 8(a1),d7 ;get whereto
move.l d7,-(a7) ;whereto
move.l 4(a1),-(a7) ;number of bytes
move.w d2,-(a7) ;file handle
move.w #$3f,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_read
lea 12(a7),a7
clr.w inside ;my traps again
move.l d0,d5 ;save count of bytes read
move.l d7,a0 ;whereto
clr.l d0
move.b (a0),d0
lsl.w #8,d0
move.b 1(a0),d0
swap d0
move.b 2(a0),d0
lsl.w #8,d0
move.b 3(a0),d0 ;gets 4 bytes from a0
cmp.l #normlhead,d0 ;check for nonbuff pack
bne titter ;normal file
lea -$200(a0),a1 ;destination
move.l a1,a2
lea tmp_sav,a3
move.l #$1ff,d1
firk1 move.b (a2)+,(a3)+
dbra d1,firk1 ;save 200 bytes below
firk2 move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
subq.l #1,d5
bne.s firk2 ;copy down
move.l a2,a1
lea -$200(a1),a0
move.l a0,-(a7) ;save start
move.l (a7)+,a0
lea tmp_sav,a1
move.l #$1ff,d1
firk3 move.b (a1)+,(a0)+
dbra d1,firk3 ;copy bytes back
bra titter ;get out
cor_blimy cmp.l in_use,d0
beq all_in
move.l a1,a5 ;preserve stack
move.w #1,inside ;normal trap code
move.l d0,in_use ;tell system this file is in use
mulu #60,d0 ;d0=d0*60
lea f_names,a0
add.l d0,a0 ;get correct filename
move.l a0,a1 ;preserve value
lea file_loaded_name,a2
move.w #59,d0
save_name move.b (a1)+,(a2)+
dbra d0,save_name
clr.w -(a7)
move.l a0,-(a7)
move.w #$3d,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_open
addq.l #8,a7
move.w d0,d6 ;save handle
move.l buff_add,-(a7)
move.l #buff_len,-(a7)
move.w d0,-(a7)
move.w #$3f,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_read file into buffer
lea 12(a7),a7
move.w d6,-(a7)
move.w #$3e,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_close
addq.l #4,a7
clr.w inside ;my traps again
move.l buff_add,a0 ;source of depack
move.l a0,a1 ;destination of depack
add.l #200,a1 ;=source +200
move.l 4(a0),d7 ;length
move.l buff_add,a0 ;copy file back 200 bytes
move.l a0,a1
add.l #200,a1
m2_back move.b (a1)+,(a0)+
subq.l #1,d7
bne.s m2_back
read_in move.l a5,a1 ;put stack back in a1
all_in move.l 4(a1),d0 ;bytes to move
move.l d0,d5
move.l 8(a1),a0 ;whereto
move.l in_use,d1
lsl.l #2,d1 ;*4
lea so_read,a2
lea f_lengths,a3
move.l (a2,d1.w),d2 ;current offset
move.l (a3,d1.w),d3 ;length of this file
move.l buff_add,a1 ;get buffer start
add.l d2,a1 ;add current offset
do_it move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ ;move a byte
addq.l #1,d2
cmp.l d2,d3 ;check if past end of file
blt.s past_end
subq.l #1,d0 ;number left to copy -1
bne.s do_it ;have we copied all?
bra.s wibble
past_end move.l d3,d2 ;if past end then offset=end
wibble move.l d2,(a2,d1.w) ;save new offset
sub.l d0,d5 ;get number of bytes read
bra titter
sodding_chunk cmp.l in_use,d0
beq all_in2
move.l a1,a5 ;preserve stack
move.w #1,inside ;normal trap code
move.l d0,in_use ;tell system this file is in use
mulu #60,d0 ;*60
lea f_names,a1
add.l d0,a1 ;get this files name
lea file_loaded_name,a2
move.w #59,d0
save_name2 move.b (a1)+,(a2)+ ;save filename
dbra d0,save_name2
move.l d2,d7 ;save real handle
*d2=real handle
clr.w -(a7) ;type 0 (absolute)
move.w d7,-(a7) ;file handle
clr.l -(a7) ;start of file
move.w #$42,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_seek
lea 10(a7),a7
*get header
pea i_buff
move.l #1024,-(a7)
move.w d7,-(a7)
move.w #$3f,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_read file into buffer
lea 12(a7),a7
move.l #-1,mini
move.l a5,a1 ;restore stack
move.l d7,d2 ;restore real handle
move.l in_use,d0 ;restore file handle
move.l d0,d1
lsl.l #2,d1 ;restore 4* handle
all_in2 lea so_read,a0
move.l (a0,d1.w),d4 ;get current offset
move.l 4(a1),d5 ;number of bytes
move.l d4,d7
add.l d5,d7 ;calculate final offset
cmp.l d4,d7 ;check for -ve bytes to read
blt.s nicensafe
lea f_lengths,a0
cmp.l (a0,d1.w),d7 ;check if past end of file
blt no_clip
nicensafe move.l (a0,d1.w),d7
no_clip sub.l d4,d7
move.l d7,d5 ;now contains #of bytes to xfer
move.l 8(a1),a4 ;whereto
move.l a4,a5
add.l d5,a5 ;end locn
sub.l #1,a5
tst.l d5
beq titter ;if no bytes to read
startxfer lea so_read,a0
move.l (a0,d1.w),d0 ;get offset
move.l d0,d4 ;save it
move.l chnksize,d3 ;get chunksize
subq.l #1,d3 ;create mask
and.l d3,d0 ;perform mod operation on offset
move.l d3,d7 ;save mask
eor.l #-1,d3 ;change mask for div-mod
and.l d3,d4 ;d4 nov contains int(offset/chnksize)*chnksize
cmp.l mini,d4 ;check if already loaded chunk
beq all_in3 ;yes
move.l d4,mini ;save block i.d.
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7);save registers
move.l d2,d7 ;save file handle
move.w #1,inside ;my traps
move.l chnksize,d6
divu d6,d4 ;get correct table offset
lsl.l #2,d4
lea restofbuff,a0 ;get table
clr.w -(a7) ;type 0 (absolute)
move.w d7,-(a7) ;file handle
move.l (a0,d4.w),-(a7) ;position of chunk
move.w #$42,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_seek
lea 10(a7),a7
move.l buff_add,-(a7)
move.l chnksize,-(a7)
move.w d7,-(a7)
move.w #$3f,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_read file into buffer
lea 12(a7),a7
clr.w inside ;my traps again
move.l buff_add,a0
cmp.l #buffdhead,(a0) ;check if compacted
beq.s squit
cmp.l #normlhead,(a0) ;check buffered
bne.s squity
squit move.l buff_add,a0 ;source of depack
lea 200(a0),a1 ;=source +200
move.l 4(a0),d7 ;length
move.l buff_add,a0 ;copy file back 200 bytes
lea 200(a0),a1 ;=source +200
m2_back4 move.b (a1)+,(a0)+
subq.l #1,d7
bne.s m2_back4
squity movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6;restore regs
all_in3 move.l buff_add,a0
copy_next_b move.b (a0,d0.w),(a4)+ ;copy a byte
addq.l #1,d0
cmp.l a5,a4 ;reached end
bgt.s christknows
and.l d7,d0 ;restrict range 0 to cnhksize-1
bne.s copy_next_b ;chnk not finished
add.l chnksize,d4 ;get next block
lea so_read,a0
move.l d4,(a0,d1.w) ;save offset
bra startxfer
christknows add.l d0,d4 ;final offset
lea so_read,a0
move.l d4,(a0,d1.w) ;save offset
titter move.l d5,-(a7)
movem.l reg,a0-a6/d0-d7
move.l (a7)+,d0 ;return #bytes read
close clr.l d0
clr.l d7
move.w 2(a1),d7 ;get handle
move.l d7,d6 ;copy it
move.l d7,d5 ;in case its a standard one
move.l d7,d4
lsl.l #2,d6
lea real_hand,a5
tst.w d7 ;check if handle negative
bmi.s stn_stnt ;yes so handle it as a standard file
mulu #60,d4 ;offset into name array
lea f_names,a4
tst.b (a4,d4.w) ;file created/open?
bne.s fileisok
move.l #$ffffffdb,d0 ;illegal handle error
bra out_we_go
fileisok move.l (a5,d6.w),d5 ;else get real handle from list
cmp.l #-1,d5 ;is file buffered (=-1)
beq.s buffallclosed ;yes so its already closed
stn_stnt move.w #1,inside ;close the file for real
move.w d5,-(a7) ;use either real handle
move.w #$3e,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_close
addq.l #4,a7
clr.w inside ;my traps again
tst.l d0 ;erred?
bmi.s out_we_go ;yes do dont close rest
buffallclosed tst.w d7 ;check for STNDRD file
bmi.s out_we_go
cmp.l in_use,d7 ;closing file currently loaded
bne.s lucky
move.l #-1,in_use ;make it invalid
lucky clr.w d5 ;check for FDUP on this file
swap d5 ;move top bit of REAL_HAND to bottom
tst.w d5 ;is it 0 (not FDUPED)
beq.s not_duped
cmp.w #$ffff,d5 ;is it an unbuffered load?
beq.s not_duped
move.l d5,(a5,d6.w) ;its FDUPED so save next handle to use
bra out_we_go
not_duped mulu #60,d7 ;get offset into name array
lea f_names,a5
move.b #0,(a5,d7.w) ;set bytes to 0/shows slot empty
out_we_go move.l d0,-(a7)
movem.l reg,a0-a6/d0-d7
move.l (a7)+,d0
seek lea so_read,a2
lea f_lengths,a3
clr.l d0
move.w 6(a1),d0 ;file handle
lsl.l #2,d0 ;*4
clr.l d1
move.w 8(a1),d1 ;type of seek
move.l 2(a1),d2 ;offset
com_seek tst.w d1 ;type 0?
bne.s one_two
;absolute move=type 0
move.l d2,d3 ;offset = new offset
bra.s same_end
one_two cmp.w #1,d1
bne.s mustbe2
;type 1=from current place
move.l (a2,d0.w),d3
add.l d2,d3 ;add new offset to current
bra.s same_end
mustbe2 move.l (a3,d0.w),d3
sub.l d2,d3 ;sub new offset from length
;type 2=from end
same_end move.l (a3,d0.w),d4 ;get length
cmp.l d3,d4
bgt.s ok_so_far ;not past end
move.l d4,d3 ;else offset = end
ok_so_far cmp.l #0,d3
bgt.s still_ok ;not before start
clr.l d3 ;else offset = start
still_ok move.l d3,(a2,d0.w) ;save new offset
lea real_hand,a0
move.l (a0,d0.w),d4
cmp.l #-1,d4 ;check if buffered compacted file
beq.s sodit1 ;yes then my routine
lea chunked,a0
move.l (a0,d0.w),d5 ;get if chunked flag
tst.l d5 ;is is chunked
bne.s sodit1 ;yes then my routine
move.w #1,inside ;no so have to do it for real
move.w d1,-(a7) ;type
move.w d4,-(a7) ;handle
move.l d2,-(a7) ;offset
move.w #$42,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_seek
lea 10(a7),a7
move.l d0,d3 ;save new offset for returning
clr.w inside
sodit1 move.l d3,-(a7)
movem.l reg,a0-a6/d0-d7
move.l (a7)+,d0 ;return new offset
error clr.w inside ;clear traps
move.l d0,-(a7)
movem.l reg,a0-a6/d0-d7
move.l (a7)+,d0 ;return error
create move.w #1,inside ;do normal traps
lea f_names,a0
add.l #300,a0
move.l #5,d0
sc_loop addq.l #1,d0
add.l #60,a0
tst.b (a0)
bne.s sc_loop ;search for empty slot
;i.e. one with first byte
;set to 0
;d0=my pretend file handle
move.l d0,d7 ;save it
move.l a0,a5 ;save slot start
move.w 6(a1),-(a7)
move.l 2(a1),-(a7)
move.w #$3c,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_create
addq.l #8,a7
;d0=what real handle should be
tst.w d0
bmi no_way_create ;check for error
dup2 move.b #"I",(a5) ;mark slot as used
lea real_hand,a0
move.l d7,d6 ;preserve my handle
lsl.l #2,d7 ;fake *4 = place in array
move.l d0,(a0,d7.w) ;save real handle
move.l d6,d0 ;give back my handle
no_way_create clr.w inside
move.l d0,-(a7)
movem.l reg,a0-a6/d0-d7
move.l (a7)+,d0 ;return either my file handle or error
write clr.l d0
move.w 2(a1),d0 ;get fake handle
tst.w d0
bmi open
lsl.l #2,d0
lea real_hand,a0
move.l (a0,d0.w),d1 ;get real handle
move.w d1,2(a1) ;change it (assume it has been created!)
bra open ;do normal trap#1
ffirst move.l 2(a1),d5
move.w 6(a1),d6
move.w #1,inside
move.w d6,-(a7)
move.l d5,-(a7)
move.w #$4e,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_first
addq.l #8,a7
tst.w d0
bne exit_route
move.w #$2f,-(a7)
trap #1 ;get bpb address in d0
addq.l #2,a7
move.l d0,d7 ;save bpb address
add.l #$1e,d0
clr.w -(a7)
move.l d0,-(a7)
move.w #$3d,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_open
addq.l #8,a7
tst.l d0
bmi.s doont
move.w d0,d6
clr.l tmp_read
pea tmp_read
move.l #8,-(a7)
move.w d0,-(a7)
move.w #$3f,-(a7)
trap #1 ;read 8 bytes
lea 12(a7),a7
move.w d6,-(a7)
move.w #$3e,-(a7)
trap #1
addq.l #4,a7
lea tmp_read,a0
cmp.l #buffdhead,(a0) ;check if compacted
beq.s doont1
cmp.l #normlhead,(a0) ;check buffered
bne.s doont
doont1 move.l d7,a1
move.l 4(a0),26(a1) ;yes so change length to
;uncompacted length (in case sneaky)
doont clr.l d0 ;show file found
exit_route clr.w inside
move.l d0,-(a7)
movem.l reg,a0-a6/d0-d7
move.l (a7)+,d0
fdup move.w #1,inside ;do normal traps
lea f_names,a0
add.l #300,a0
move.l #5,d0
sc_loop2 addq.l #1,d0
add.l #60,a0
tst.b (a0)
bne.s sc_loop2 ;search for empty slot
;i.e. one with first byte
;set to 0
;d0=my pretend file handle
move.l d0,d7 ;save it
move.l a0,a5 ;save slot start
move.w 2(a1),d5
move.w d5,-(a7)
move.w #$45,-(a7)
trap #1 ;f_dup
addq.l #4,a7
tst.w d0 ;only word test
bmi error
neg.l d5 ;turns STNDRD name into file handle
swap d5 ;move handle into top word
move.w d0,d5 ;get FDUP handle
move.l d5,d0 ;put both handles into perspective
bra dup2 ;same as create code
fforce clr.l d0
move.w 4(a1),d0 ;get spook handle
lea real_hand,a5
tst.w d0
bmi.s sod_stan
lsl.l #2,d0 ;*4
move.l (a5,d0.w),d0 ;get real handle
move.w d0,4(a1) ;change fake handle to real one
sod_stan clr.l d1
move.w 2(a1),d1
lsl.l #2,d1
move.l d0,(a5,d1.w) ;save handle in my list
bra open ;do normal trap 1
reg ds.l 16
tmp_read ds.l 4
crunpos dc.l 0
;should now be capable of decoding from odd to odd addresses
;11th October 1989
DEPACK adda.l #4,a0
move.w $ff8240,-(sp)
lea crunpos(pc),a6
move.l a0,(a6) ;save crunch position
move.b (a0)+,d5
lsl.w #8,d5
move.b (a0)+,d5
swap d5
move.b (a0)+,d5
lsl.w #8,d5
move.b (a0)+,d5
adda.l d5,a1
move.b (a0),d0
lsl.w #8,d0
move.b 1(a0),d0
swap d0
move.b 2(a0),d0
lsl.w #8,d0
move.b 3(a0),d0
adda.l d0,a0
subq.l #4,a0
move.b -2(a0),d0
lsl.w #8,d0
move.b -1(a0),d0
subq.l #2,a0
tst.w d0
bpl.s L_1
subq.l #1,a0
L_1 move.b -(a0),d0
L_2 lsl.b #1,d0
bne.s L_3
MOVE.B -(A0),D0
ROXL.B #1,D0
L_3 BCC.S L_10
LSL.B #1,D0
MOVE.B -(A0),D0
ROXL.B #1,D0
L_4 BCC.S L_9
L_5 CLR.W D1
MOVE.B 0(A3,D3.W),D2
MOVEQ #-1,D4
SUBQ.W #1,D2
L_6 LSL.B #1,D0
MOVE.B -(A0),D0
ROXL.B #1,D0
L_7 ROXL.W #1,D1
DBF D2,L_6
L_8 MOVE.B 4(A3,D3.W),D2
NUMS DC.B $0A,$03,$02,$02,$0E,$07,$04,$01
L_9 MOVE.B -(A0),-(A1)
eor.w #$777,$ff8240
DBF D1,L_9
L_10 MOVE.L crunpos(pc),A3 ;get crunch position
ADDQ.L #$8,A3
L_11 LSL.B #1,D0
BNE.S L_12
MOVE.B -(A0),D0
ROXL.B #1,D0
L_12 BCC.S L_13
DBF D2,L_11
L_13 CLR.W D1
ADDQ.W #1,D2
MOVE.B 0(A3,D2.W),D3
BEQ.S L_16
SUBQ.W #1,D3
L_14 LSL.B #1,D0
BNE.S L_15
MOVE.B -(A0),D0
ROXL.B #1,D0
L_15 ROXL.W #1,D1
DBF D3,L_14
L_16 MOVE.B 5(A3,D2.W),D3
BRA L_161
NUMS2 DC.B $0A,$02,$01,$00,$00,$0A,$06,$04,$03,$02
L_161 CMPI.W #2,D1
BEQ.S L_22
L_17 LSL.B #1,D0
BNE.S L_18
MOVE.B -(A0),D0
ROXL.B #1,D0
L_18 BCC.S L_19
DBF D3,L_17
L_19 ADDQ.W #1,D3
MOVE.B 0(A3,D3.W),D4
L_20 LSL.B #1,D0
BNE.S L_21
MOVE.B -(A0),D0
ROXL.B #1,D0
L_21 ROXL.W #1,D2
DBF D4,L_20
LSL.W #1,D3
ADD.W 4(A3,D3.W),D2
BRA.S L_26
NUMS3 DC.B $0B,$04,$07,$00,$01,$20,$00,$00
DC.B $00,$20,$00,$00
L_22 CLR.W D2
LSL.b #1,D0
BNE.S L_23
MOVE.B -(A0),D0
ROXL.B #1,D0
L_23 BCC.S L_24
MOVEQ #$40,D4
L_24 LSL.B #1,D0
BNE.S L_25
MOVE.B -(A0),D0
ROXL.B #1,D0
L_25 ROXL.W #1,D2
DBF D3,L_24
L_26 LEA 0(A1,D2.W),A2
SUBQ.W #1,D1
L_27 MOVE.B -(A2),-(A1)
DBF D1,L_27
BYENOW move.w (a7)+,$ff8240
section bss
dcb.l maxfiles,0
in_use ds.l 1
inside ds.w 1
buff_add ds.l 1
mini ds.l 1
file_loaded_name ds.b 60
so_read dcb.l maxfiles,0
f_lengths dcb.l maxfiles,0
f_names rept maxfiles
dcb.b 60,0
real_hand dc.l 0,1,2,3,4,5
dcb.l maxfiles,0
offsets dcb.l maxfiles,0
chunked dcb.l maxfiles,0
tmp_sav ds.b 200
numb_chnk ds.l 1
i_buff ds.l 1
i_len ds.l 1
chnksize ds.l 1
restofbuff ds.l 253
buff_start ds.l 1 ;start of buffer space
** O.K. Here it is. The low calorie lemon and lime **
** flavoured ultraload (tm) with added chunky bits. **
** This came about because of Alien and E.G.B.-whoops **
** I got them both in the same breath- Alien because of **
** the slagging off of Autoroute (about to be redone) **
** and E.G.B. cos he could be bothered to rewrite the **
** packer to chunk pack fuck-off-nasty-size files in an **
** interesting and somehow seductive way................**
** **
** Instructions **
** 1)Pack all the files using packer 2.5 **
** 2)set buff_len=to max size of chunk used (4/8/16k) **
** (i.e. 4096,8192,16384) **
** 3)if all files can load using offset packing or load **
** directly then you can set it equal to 0 **
** 4)set maxfiles =to maxfiles that are open at once+6 **
** 5)set buffhead etc to the values you've used to pack **
** the files. Defaults are LSDC for chunked, LSD! for **
** straight loaders, LSD$ for buffered files. **
** 6)change gam=to program name to run **
** 7)assemble this damn code. (use GENST2 2.02 as other **
** versions do not produce correct code.............) **
** **
** Problems **
** 1)FNEXT is not supported...but it works anyhow **
** 2)Resource file loading is not supported (its TRAP2) **
** 3)My girlfriend has just left me.................... **
** **
** Updates **
** The next version will have the above problems solved **
** by next time (except number 3 probably) **
** **
** DACK (Depressed And Crazy Kid) 1990 **