No Fragments Archive 12: Textmags & Docs
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THE LETTERS PAGE............
PLEASE NOTE- If you send me a letter for the disk-mag,i will try
to edit out the things that i know that you don't want to be
included.If there is something that you definately don't want
included then double underline it or make a small note saying so.
Remember this disk is not mine! It is OURS for all of us to
use.If you want to say it then i will print it.
A letter to all
I must thank all of you for the fantastic contributions that
you have all sent to me,especially as it was all at a moments
notice.Everybody pulled together and we ended up with a great
first disk which included 'a bit of allsorts' for everyone.The PC
computers now have a separate disk to the Atari and you should
get a lot more things to work now.There is a new beginners
section tutorial for everyone to try in a step by step stage
complete with datafile in kit1 form so everyone can try it.It may
look a little basic at first but that is how i wanted to start it
off,so eveyone can join in.I would like to give a special thanks
to Mieke for doing the Amiga and PC conversions.Without her you
would only get the disk on the Atari.And finally-take a look at
the viewpoin.txt file this month.Once again Thankyou to all
of you.You should be proud!
Dear Tony,
Many thanks for "The Third Dimension" MK I. Very well done
indeed, I enjoyed reading all of it very much. It is nice to see
that my friends are continuing to keep in touch with each other
via the disk and I would like to take this opportunity of wishing
you all the very best and every success. I sincerely hope that
people will send in contributions to give you all the help and
support that you deserve for all your efforts.
I have nearly caught up with the back-log of mail that
accumulated following the announcement about the ending of the
newsletters. Everyone seemed to think that I was about to vanish
off the face of the earth and felt the sudden urge to order every
back issue that they had missed and all the PD games they had
been meaning to send for but never had - all at once! It took me
a while to get everything organised and, hopefully, by the time
you read this I will have sent out everything that everyone
I haven`t gone though! I am still here and available for help as
usual. It was just the newsletters that had to end as there just
seemed to be no point in continuing into a further fourth year.
Membership had dropped drastically and as each newsletter went
out the people who were due to resubscribe just didn`t bother to
do so and there were only a handful of people who bothered to
send in contributions. It didn`t seem very fair to rely on them
to continue to single-handidly pad out the pages of the
newsletters every two months. Within a short time, with the
dwindling membership the newsletters would have died a wimpering
death anyway. I thought it much better to stop them before that
happened - there is nothing worse than newsletters/magazines that
are struggling to survive and are padded out with items that are
unrelated to the true subject that they were intended for. It
would seem rather pathetic and I didn't want that to happen to
our club.
But now that you are coming to the rescue I am sure that those
members who did, indeed, want the newsletters to continue will
have what they need in your new disc based newsletters.
All the best,
I am glad that you are supporting us Mandy as everyone else
will be too.I knew that you would anyway.................TONY
Letter to Mieke,
Hi Mieke, sorry you had to wait so long to hear from me. I
thought that it might be nice to include a letter from me on the
disk as I know that you will be reading it from cover to cover
(!) - er, track to track - oh well, you know what I mean. Hope
you are still planning to come over next spring for a visit. It
was a pity that you couldn`t manage it this time but I do know
what it is like with youngsters taking exams etc.
The programs you sent me are fantastic. Thank you very much. I
promise to send you my feeble effort for you to take a look at as
soon as I get it finished - or at least as much done as I can to
be able to show it to you. I`ve promised to show it to Tony as
well - Oh God - now everyone is going to know what my 3D Kit
programming is really like, my reputation as a wiz programmer is
going to be shot to pieces. Reminds me of the time I sent
someone my datafile for the clubgame, don`t know what they were
expecting but I bet it wasn`t five almost bare areas with one
solitary bookcase, a trapdoor in the floor and a lamp on the
Well, must fly - don`t want to take up too much valuable space on
the disk. Will write a proper letter soon.
Dear Tony
Thanks a lot for sending me the first newsletter on
disk.That's a very good name you gave it! The Third Dimension
will,as far as i am concerned,have a very bright future.You
managed to fill the first disk quite well and all the different
sections are very interesting.
Thankyou Mieke and thanks for doing the conversion onto the PC
and Amiga computers as well as the contributions......Tony
Dear Tony,
Thanks for the first Third Dimension disk-based news-letter.
I've taken a good look through it to see what you've been up
to and come to the conclusion you've been very busy!
For starters there was no problem me reading the disk, though
funnily enough it did take longer than usual to read the disk,
probably due to the differences in the format etc.
You certainly have a broad spread of subjects and ideas neatly
separated into individual text files, hopefully they'll all grow
as more contributions come in.
As we expected the ST kit2 objects/areas didn't load, but
that's not news to us.
One or two points for you. Your average PC won't use sampled
sound. Despite the machines sophistication, most have either Ad-
Lib or SoundBlaster sound cards (the latter in Ad-Lib mode, which
I believe had bugs in the routines until a later verion of the
kit than I have) and this facility available to them. The best
sound you can achieve is through the Roland card which costs a
small fortune and I don't know of anyone that has one. This
probably can use sampled sounds but I don't think it is going to
take off the way SoundBlaster did. Amiga and Atari users have a
strong advantage here.
The PC version of the kit works just the same as the others
except in the area of memory (I suspect). The base memory
available in a PC is now usually 640k, anything over and above
that needs special driver software to access it. The kit2 version
I have (2.03) was able to use the extra memory, configured either
as Extended or Expanded (don't ask - unless you need a headache!)
to load in overlays from the main programme. This in effect
reduces loading time for segments of the programme so that it no
longer has to read different bits in from the main disk. As I
understand it, the latest version which I'm awaiting, can use
this extra memory for other things and I wait eagerly to find out
if the environment area is going to be increased.
I've included an LBM file, which is the same as Amiga IFF files,
and is a border.
Now your up an running I'll try to think of other things for
the disk.
All the best
Nigel Alefounder.
Thanks for the praise,routines,border etc Nigel.I could not
have done it without yours and everyone else's help......Tony
This is a comment found on the Grenwich ( London area )
university bulletin board by one individual.
"The Third Dimension is a load of sh**e."
It is obviously from someone who did not realise that this disk
is for 'Grown ups' and 'younger mature' people.......Tony
Dear Tony
I think that the disk is really great.You should be proud of
Dave Willmore
Cheers Dave, and as i said before it is all down to you lot.
Dear Tony ( via telephone conversation )
What you have come up with in just Ten days from when you
decided on the idea of a disk mag is great especially as you
managed to fill the disk up too.Great Disk!
Ozzy O'Mara
Thanks Oz.....Tony
To Helen of Troy-
Dont forget to meet me on the A-train or i may get Cross-Dos as
the road is long with many a winding turn..............
From Bananaman.