No Fragments Archive 12: Textmags & Docs
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Tel-O484 46O888
Hello Everyone
Welcome to issue six of the Third Dimension diskmag.We are
now half a year old.After the disaster of last month i am pleased
to say that i have now got my Amiga 1200 working again.It is
funny how the repair/warranty company took some time to sort
things out,they even sent the wrong power pack back to me which
did not work at all.As soon as i started to get fed up with
waiting i rang them up again and mentioned that it was a business
machine and it was affecting production with me not being able to
use it.It seems that the word BUSINESS has a dramatic effect on
people.No sooner had i mentioned this magic word to them when i
was promptly told that another power pack would be sent in the
post by next day delivery before 1O AM or else.Sure enough it
Aturned up and worked and the company even rang to see if it had
turned up on time.Truly amazing! so i will remeber to use this
magic word more often.
Now what about you PC users out there who appear to be
shy when it comes to sending in contributions.It would be nice to
receive some kit 2 data files etc.If you have been using kit 2
then let us all see what you have been doing.
I attended the recent Virtual Reality show in London and you
can read all about the event in the VR_SHOW.TXT file.I also met
up with Ozzie O'Mara ( programmer for kit 1 game Endurance )
while i was down there.He was very helpful and offered a friend
and i accomodation while we were there and even gave us a mini
tour of London.
We have finally received a mention in ST Format this
month.You will need a magnifying glass to find it but they have
said that they will print a little more about our user group in
forth coming issues.I have also sent details to every single
computer magazine out there that i know of about this diskmag
again this month just to let them know about us.The user base is
growing moderately each month but it should really take off in the
next few months.
I have spoken to Ian Andrew from Superscape and he has
agreed to let me show the 3D panel icons being used in producing
games etc so i can now progress further with the full Third
Dimension tutorial video.He was very pleasant to talk to and
seemed to be interested in the diskmag.If you want a demo of your
games,objects,routines etc to be included onto the video then get
in touch with me.There is no rush yet as there is still a long
way to go before it is completed.
On the disk this month you will find more advice on the use
of variables,news of the virtual reality show that i attended,a
flight sim demo complete with its routine,more borders,kit 1 and
2 data files,PC samples,a fully playable kit 2 demo for Atari
users,Amiga and PC intros,kit 2 tutorials,User group continuing
beginners game tutorial,lots of text files and a whole lot more
including objects,routines etc.I have had to really squeeze all
the items onto a very full disk.
Next months disk will include light and sound demos.I will
show you how to add thunder and lightning effects,gradually
darkening skys plus a whole lot more including a prize
competition.There will also be a new 'C' programming language
tutoral coutesy of John Clarke,Bullfrog productions and
PC Format.Dont worry,its easier to use than you might think.
If there is anything that you want to see included onto
our disk e.g- a certain object,a tutorial covering part of the 3D
kit that you dont understand,more borders,samples or anything
else then drop me a line to the above address or telephone me.
If you dont see what you want on this months disk it will
probably be on next months disk.Space on the disk can get quite
tight but i will squeeze as much as i can onto it each month.
Reminder of disk prices-
These are prices for those who wish to send their own blank disks
to me each month thereby saving some money.Make sure that they are
double sided double density 3.5" disks.Make all Cheques/Postal
Orders payable to- Tony Hartley and send to the address at the
top of the page.
Prices are-
£1 each issue providing that you send a blank disk.I will
pay the postage back to you.Dont forget to supply me
with your blank disk and name and address! Look at the
breakdown of previous costs to you below.
£5.7O for 6 issues providing that you send a blank
disk each month.Or send all 6 blank disks together
to me and save even more money on postage.
£11.OO for 12 issues providing that you send a blank
disk each month.Or send all 12 blank disks together
but make sure that you wrap them up well.
These are prices for those who don't want the hassle of having to
send their own blank disks to me each month.Make all
cheques/Postal Orders payable to- Tony Hartley and send to the
address at the top of the page.
£1.5O each issue if you want me to provide you with a disk.
Don't forget to send me your name and address!
£7.2O for 6 issues if you want me to provide you with a disk.
Don't forget to send me your address!(This works out at only
£1.2O per issue)
£13.2O for 12 issues if you want me to provide you with a disk.
Don't forget to send me your address!(This works out at only
£1.1O per issue)
As the Third Dimension is a non profit making disk,all monies
left over after paying for stamps,disks,handling fees and other
expenses will go towards regular ( probably every 3 months )
prizes for the best or worst or just normal everyday type
contributions/routines/tips and also for those members who
contribute on a regular basis.Your contribution does not have
to be brilliant and new comers/beginners contributions will be
used too.Now there's an incentive ( no pun intended ) to send in
your game demo/tips/routines/letters/life story/samples/objects/
areas etc.And no i won't think that you are only contributing
just to receive a prize just because you have sent something in
as i want you all to send in routines anyway.
Now please read the Diskinfo.TXT file then the Directry.TXT file.
Keep on smiling..........Tony Hartley.