No Fragments Archive 12: Textmags & Docs
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ף ף !!!!!!!
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ף ף ף∞∞∞ף ∞∞ף∞∞ ף∞∞∞∞ ף∞∞∞∞ <ãããØããã>/ YOUR TIME \
∞ץ ץ∞ ף ף ף ף ף∞∞ ã<<#>>ã< TO TALK BACK /
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YOUR thoughts, YOUR views, YOUR input. Yes I am talking to YOU.
You count in this world, and we want you to be able to air your views
on topics that you want to talk about.
This section of the magazine is dedicated for YOU to write and e-mail
in with what you want to say to the rest of the readers of this
magazine. Your chance to make people think about any subject you
like. It could be something that you feel strongly about in the news,
or about anything that may of happened to you or someone you know. It
could be on the strangest of topics, to the down right serious. It's
a way of expressing your feelings about what is happening in the world
around us.
Each month, this section of the magazine will allow you to read an
article on a subject (if there is an article). Then you can either
write in and add comments to the subject, write an article about what
you think on the subject, or write an article about another subject
altogether. It's really up to you, but YOU are the ones who will make
"Voice Over" work, and remain in this magazine.
To send any comments on the articles, or an article itself,
please do the following:-
E-MAIL :- At last, Voice Over has an e-mail address, so you can
~~~~~~~~~~~ contact us instantly
This is the best, and quickest way to send stuff in to
us, and will enable us to compile the next months
Voice Over quicker as well.
The Address :-
The Third Dimension (Voice Over)
19 Kipling Close,
HD4 5HA.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This Months Talking Topic Is :-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Way of Life in Modern Times
Many of you, I am sure, live in a street, which is in a city or town,
where there are people living around you. Others of you live in the
countryside, where the nearest people to you may be a few miles away,
in a nearby village. The majority of people have seen those TV soaps,
where neighbours sometimes become good friends, but what has happened
to the close communities of yester-year, and why is life not like it
is on telivision ?
So many of us, get up at day break, travel to work, do our jobs, and
come home to sit in front of the telivision, without speaking to the
people that live around you, in your neighbourhood. Maybe the
streets of our country have become just to dangerous to get to know
strangers, you would not normally socialise with outside work, or the
family unit. There have been some cases where people have died in
their homes, and no one had noticed until the electricity bill was
due, or there was a strange smell coming from the house or flat.
Is the world we live in today so hostile, or has it always been like
that ? There has been adverts on the telivision recently, where an
actor had been acting out a situation. In one such advert, a man was
pretending he was about to jump to his death, from a bridge. People
just walked by that man, looking at him, as he was about to jump.
Thankfully there was one person who stopped and talked to him, to try
and see what was wrong. That advert was for the Specials (Voluntary
Police), and shows, in my opinion how the world has become. Maybe the
other people, who just walked by did so because they were frightened
to stop. Frightened to help incase that person had a knife or gun.
In my opinion fear of violence, and the fact that we just don't have
time for anyone else, is to blame. Crime is becoming a problem around
the world, and jobs are becoming more and more pressured.
If we don't know who lives in our community, then what chance do we
have to combat crime? What chance do we have to make communities
safer and more enjoyable to live in ? In this age of fast
everything, why can't we slow down and make time for other people ?
At the moment, I do not think this country is as bad as the United
States, where everybody seems to carry guns, and even sleep with
weapons under their pillows, but we seem to be going down the same
road. Modern times has seen the people become less caring.
What do you think ? You can now respond to these comments.
∞∞ף∞∞ ץ∞ץ ף ף ץ∞ ף∞ץ ץ∞ץ ף∞∞∞ ף ץ∞
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The Readers Response to articles in "Voice Over"