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:: Volume 2 - Issue 18 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 23 October 1993 ::
:: ::
:: ATARI .............. News, reviews, & solutions ............ ATARI ::
:: EXPLORER ............ for the online Atari .......... EXPLORER ::
:: ONLINE ................. Community .............. ONLINE ::
:: ::
:: Published and Copyright (c) 1993 by Subspace Publishers ::
:: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ::
:: Publisher ........................... Michael Lindsay EXPLORER ::
:: Editor .................................. Travis Guy AEO.MAG ::
:: News and Features Editor ............... Ron Kovacs Z-NET ::
:: Assistant Editor GEnie............... Ron Robinson EXPLORER.1 ::
:: Assistant Editor CompuServe......... Albert Dayes AEO.1 ::
:: Assistant Editor Delphi........ Andreas Barbiero AEO.2 ::
:: Assistant Editor Internet....... Timothy Wilson AEO.8 ::
:: Atari Asylum .................. Gregg Anderson AEO.7 ::
:: Unabashed Atariophile .... Michael R. Burkley AEO.4 ::
:: Atari Artist .................. Peter Donoso EXPLORER.2 ::
:: ::
:: Contributors ::
:: """""""""""" ::
:: Donovan Vicha Jeff White Sanford R. Wolf ::
:: ::
:: Telecommunicated to you via: ::
:: """""""""""""""""""""""""""" ::
:: GEnie: AEO.MAG ::
:: CompuServe: 70007,3615 ::
:: Delphi: AEO_MAG ::
:: Fnet: AEO Conference, Node 593 ::
:: AtariNet: AEO Conference, Node 51:1/13 ::
:: Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com ::
:: ::
:: Internet subscription service: stzmagazine-request@virginia.edu ::
:: (Internet subscription requests ONLY!) ::
:: ::
Table of Contents
* From the Editors ............................. Calling Ridley Scott: You
may have been right.
* Atari Jaguar Debuts on CBS This Morning .... The Jaguar comes up aces in
its first national exposure.
* Why Atari's Stock is Hot! ...... Technical analysis predicted the recent
rise in ATC stock - follow along
and let's see what happened.
* Monochrome Graphic Applications .......... Donovan Vicha takes a look at
over a dozen monochrome DTP
graphic packages.
* AtariUser Reprint .................... Jeff White looks at Digital Audio
on the Falcon030. From the
Oct. 93 AtariUser.
* The Unabashed Atariophile .............. The biggest bunch of new PD and
Shareware files for _your_
Atari computer.
* GEnie News ........................... New files & happenings on Atari's
Official Online Resource.
* Developing News ................................. STORM - as Shareware
Silhouette Colortrace
New Warp 9 Policy
Changes at APE
Papa's Grafix Press
* Shutdown ............................ Around the world and up your block.
||| From the Editors ....... Atari Explorer Online: The Next Generation
||| Travis Guy
/ | \ GEnie: AEO.MAG Delphi: AEO_MAG Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com
Greetings! Welcome to Atari Explorer Online, your window on events
happening in the World Atari.
Usually, I blab on here about what's going on in the issue, and
highlight an happening or two. This time, I'm begging off doing too
much - I've been really under the weather the past week, and I'm
still not fully up to speed. So, let's move onto something of great
importance to everyone who loves Atari.
In twelve days - on November 4th - Bob Brodie, Atari's Director of
Communications will be in New York City to introduce the Atari Jaguar
to the mainstream press. That hissing noise you hear isn't Atari's
detractors - it's the fuse to a powderkeg planted in Sunnyvale, and
you can expect it to go off and level more than one landscape. The
World Atari is about to change.
That powderkeg is called Jaguar, and its arrival will signal a
significant sea change in Atari's attitudes, actions and fortunes.
The Jaguar has the potential to take Atari back to being a household
word again. Maybe all those neon arcade signs in "Blade Runner" could
one day come true.
Ignore those rumors about the Tramiel family selling Atari - there's
just enought bite to those rumors to make them believable, (Defeat,
snatched from the jaws of Victory, once again!) but everyone I've
spoken with at Atari totally discounts them.
There's no late breaking Jaguar news in this issue of AEO - although
there certainly is enough avaliable to set the pot boiling. The
number of really big, "Yes, I've heard of them" videogame developers
who have visited Sunnyvale has grown, and the number of verbal
commitments from these developers to program for the Jaguar is nothing
short of reassuring.
If you want Jaguar news, pounce on the next issue of AEO - we should
have a complete wrap-up of the New York press conference, as well as
Bob Brodie's monthly Dateline: Atari! GEnie RTC.
Watch for an announcement on GEnie concerning a one-time move of the
usual Friday Night at 10pm Eastern Dateline: Atari!. This will be to
accomodate Bob's schedule following the press briefing.
//// I'm Outa Here
And before I go, two other things that I _have_ to mention: A special
thanks to the non-AEO contributors to this issue (when your an
editor, and stuff is _handed_ to you, you're grateful), and a mention
that the ATC stock price picture accompanying this issue was made
using STalk the Market, and converted by yours truly to GIF format.
Everybody, take care, be sure to grab a ringside seat next time with
AEO, and remember the unity we've shared in the Atari community for
well over a decade has been our greatest strength.
See you in two weeks.
||| Atari's Jaguar steals 3DO's thunder on CBS This Morning
||| By: Travis Guy
/ | \ GEnie: AEO.MAG Delphi: AEO_MAG Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com
//// This originally appeared as an AEO NEWS! Bulletin on Oct. 8, 1993
Finally breaking loose from its well crafted veil of mystery, the
Atari Jaguar made its national television debut early today on the CBS
news program CBS This Morning. Placed squarely in competition with the
3DO system, Atari's new machine looked to be in good shape in the
battle of the next generation videogame systems.
For those who couldn't see the CBS This Morning piece, the Jag played
second fiddle to the 3DO... in terms of placement and air time only.
Herb Weisbaum, consumer reporter for KIRO-TV, Seattle, opened his
three and a half minute live report with a Panasonic REAL 3DO
Multiplayer at his side, telling viewers only that there were two new
video game machines coming to market. "Both are better than anything
that's ever come before."
3DO was presented as a 32-bit machine that relies on CDs to deliver
action and realism. Lots of footage of Crash and Burn, the Panasonic
player's pack-in game, played throughout the 3DO segment, interspersed
with snippets from other 3DO games. Ken Williams, President of Sierra
On-Line said of 3DO, "It's got the horsepower to deliver the games we
always dreamed about."
3DO CEO Trip Hawkins demoed PGA Tour Golf, saying it has, "The look
and feel of a TV broadcast." Kirkland, Washington's Boy Scout troop
616 was given an opportunity to play with a 3DO machine - the comments
from the Scouts ranged from, "It's cool" to "A lot better than Super
Nintendo and Genesis."
Weisbaum warned, "Right now, 3DO stands alone. But not for long."
Suddenly, the familiar Fuji and the ATARI logo appeared on screen -
Atari's first direct mention.
The Jaguar was presented as "an even more powerful system," a 64-bit
machine to sell for "just 250 dollars", and to which a $200 CD-ROM
can be added. The Jaguar, a controller, and a CD-ROM unit attached to
another Jaguar - all sitting in front of a Jaguar shipping box - were
Cuts from Crescent Galaxy, Cybermorph and Raiden were shown being
played: "The first time Jaguar software has been seen on TV. The
games are colorful, fast-paced, with lots of action."
Atari President Sam Tramiel said, "I love shoot'em up games. That's
what people like to play.... The big thing is to have a lot of fun
with your software. That's the key."
Glenn Rubenstein, a videogame reviewer for the San Francisco
Examiner, was seen having been given some time to spend with a Jaguar.
"For 250 dollars, I'm very impressed with the Jaguar." Rubenstein
laughed, "I would actually spend my own money. Not a lot of
journalists would say that about a product, but I would actually go
out and buy a Jaguar."
Weisbaum closed his report on Atari by saying Rubenstein would have to
wait until November for the Jaguar's San Francisco and New York
rollout, with national distribution coming in 1994.
He then pointed out that 3DO is going to the stores now. For $700. CBS
This Morning anchor Harry Smith asked Weisbaum, "Who's going to pay
Weisbaum answered, "They [3DO] say people will for brand new
He also added that the machines (both 3DO and Jaguar) will be able to
connect to digital networks to enable players to play games linked
across the country.
Harry Smith neatly summed up the segment, "Hot stuff, Herb."
//// From the background I was given, CBS was planning a story on 3DO,
when they heard about Atari's Jaguar. After spending 4 hours at Atari
on Tuesday, they felt that it was worthy to include it in their story.
//// The Atari logo and Fuji shown in the broadcast should be part of
what appears when you power up a Jaguar without a cartridge or CD-ROM
//// I reached Herb Weisbaum later in the day by phone, and asked him
what were his personal impressions on both machines. He declined to
take a stand on that, saying, "At this moment, I have trouble playing
//// Atari Corp. also confirmed via phone that the Atari Jaguar will
retail for $249. This includes one controller and one pack-in game.
//// CBS This Morning airs weekdays on most CBS stations from 7am to
9am (Eastern and Pacific times) and 6am to 8am (Central time).
||| T/A'ing Atari's Stock Rise
||| By: Sanford E. Wolf
/ | \ GEnie: S.WOLF4
//// Editor's note: A GIF file, showing the rise of Atari's stock
//// price from May to mid October is included in this ZIP. This
//// chart was generated by Sanford E. Wolf, using STalk the Market.
On Thursday, October 14, Atari Corp.'s stock rose from 5 1/8 to 6 3/4.
The following day it rose to 8 3/8. Then on Monday, it rose as high as
8 3/4 before beginning a modest retracement. Volume for those 3 days
approximated 5 million shares, and ATC was at the top of the AMEX most
active list.
What happened? Atarians all over the country, investors in ATC or not,
were searching for the news reports and announcements which "caused"
this 70% jump. Messages in the 2 Atari stockholder topics on GEnie
told of the failures of such searches. Indeed, the financial media
were eerily silent through it all; even those which regularly at least
mention the daily volume leaders on the 3 major exchanges.
//// Meanwhile, on GEnie....
A little noticed posting in the Atari stockholder topic on the ST
RoundTable, dated September 25, spoke of a price projection to 8 1/2.
A week earlier, with the price at 4 1/2, a move of "50% to 100%" had
been postulated. On October 13, the "nail biting" analyst posted:
"another try at breaking through 5 1/2 is being mounted... it should
succeed". On the night of October 14th, as the breakout was in
progress, a reminder of the previously established target range of
8 - 8 1/2 was posted.
Was all this just more RT chit chat: a guess here, a stab there, a
"what have I got to lose" try at "15 minutes of fame"? Hardly! A
review of the past few months in Category 14, Topic 44 will show a
delightful debate with two main themes. One was based on "fundamental"
analysis, and was filled with speculation and rumor. Its principal
promoter was the butt of ridicule when he urged purchase of ATC last
April/May with the price under $1 (oh, if only... ), and established a
target of 60, with a probable personal selling point of 30.
Who knows, maybe?...
The second theme, commencing in July and based entirely on classical
technical analysis (T/A) - also the butt of jokes and sneers from the
beginning as so much "tea leaf reading" - made the calls cited above
as part of a continuing analytical exercise. The analyst, yours truly,
admitted that after reading all the reasons, arguments, speculations,
etc., I did not really understand what was going on with Atari, and so
would base my own investment in ATC purely on my reading of developing
chart patterns. I was willing to do so in public for reasons later
explained (see below).
The remainder of this article will review that chart reading as it
unfolded, and demonstrate how the "shock" of October 14-15 and the
target price range of 8 - 8 1/2 were virtually inevitable. The timing
was the most difficult aspect to pin down; but during the week before
it struck, even the timing became unavoidably obvious: A message
calling for "a breakthrough early next week" was posted on October 9,
and the rising tension the following week was made as palpable as this
author was able to convey with words.
//// From the Beginning
My interest in Atari dates back to 1986 when I acquired both my first
ST (1040) and some stock. The stock started at 12 and rose to 32
within 6 months when it split 2/1 (meaning a high price for the new
stock of 16). It then went down under 5, where I bought some more and
eventually sold it all at 9. The modest profit was invested in a new
Mega ST (mono) which has been my computer to this day. So I have long
had a natural interest in the doings at Atari.
Over the years, I joined countless other Atarians in frustration as we
watched the company fail in one area after another. Frankly, to avoid
getting sick, I decided to just ignore it; but from time to time I
couldn't stop myself from noticing how the stock was faring -
terribly. It gradually dropped through 3, then 2, then seemed to level
off just above 1. One day, last April, I noticed it at 1/2, and this
perked my interest. It was either on the verge of bankruptcy, or
something might be in the air; but years of disappointment led me to
continue ignoring it - while still loving my ST.
In May it started to rise, hitting 3 early in June. THAT got me
interested, and someone on GEnie directed me to the Atari stockholder
topic. There I found lots of discussion about something called Jaguar
and great things to come. Most, however, were still poo-pooing any
idea that Atari was once again on the rise, and I felt the same way.
Then something happened. As a subscriber to the non prime-time DJN/R
service where I check every night for, among other items, the daily
insider trading and news reports, I read one night that Jack Tramiel
had divested himself of half his stock, distributing it to his sons.
To me, this was very exciting news, for reasons I posted at the time.
Very shortly afterwards, the $500,000,000 Jaguar contract with IBM was
announced. Now I was ready to buy the stock, which had by then risen
to 5. I bought some at 4 1/2 on the basis of so-called "fundamentals."
Then, deciding there was no way for me to know what was really going
on in "fundamentalist's" terms, despite all the talk and "analysis" on
GEnie, I announced that I intended to treat Atari as an exercise in
T/A and would post my analysis. I don't believe anyone viewed me as
anything but some kooky interloper.
I have been doing T/A of one type or another and from time to time
for more than 20 years. (I was asked to put this in.) I've had my
best success with an approach based on time cycles, for which I even
wrote my own program for an IBM mainframe. But Atari is not yet
displaying enough cyclic effects to work with, so I have been honing
my skills with more classical forms of T/A which are based on analysis
of the price patterns engendered by trading activity. (i.e., I try to
read the chart displaying price and volume vs. time.) The patterns
displayed on such a chart can often be related to similar patterns
which have repeatedly shown up in financial markets, and have been
studied and written about for many decades. Now let's apply this to
//// The Importance 0f 4
After rising to 5 on July 1, ATC dropped back to oscillate above and
below 4 for 1 1/2 weeks. But the oscillations were not haphazard,
they displayed an interesting short term pattern appearing as a
narrowing triangle aiming towards a vertex at 4. On the day before
the vertex was reached, I tripled my holdings in ATC at 4, and the
next day the price started a 3 day rise to 5 1/2. No, the importance
of 4 is not that I bought there, but that it turned out to persist
and show up again as the breakout point from an 8 week long triangular
pattern which provided a very prescient price projection. Be patient,
there's more about that below.
//// The Importance of 5 1/2
On Friday, July 16, ATC hit 5 1/2. For the next 4 weeks, the price
fluctuated downward, twice hitting lows of 3 1/4 along the way. But
the downward motion was, once again, not haphazard. The tops of each
fluctuation defined a descending straight line, starting from 5 1/2
and descending 1/2 point per week. By the end of the 4th week, I was
reading what I felt was a very significant pattern, and on Sunday,
August 15, I posted the following:
"The pattern for ATC looks, symbolically, like this:
. .
. .
"The triangular pattern at the top, more often than not, will resolve
itself to the upside, with a price projection, in this instance, of a
minimum of 2 points and a maximum of about 4 points. The trigger is
the crossing of the downsloping upper boundary, which this week
ranges from about 3 3/4 to 3 5/8.
[Some discussion of a much less probable downside breakout]
"Such triangular patterns usually are resolved about 1/2 to 2/3 out
along the triangle. I would be surprised if some resolution does not
occur this week."
Well, the guffaws and ridicule which came back at me that Sunday
evening were something to behold. One added his opinion that T/A is,
"more useful for explaining what has happened in the past than it is
for predicting the future." Of course, on Monday the breakout occurred
and the price rose more than a point, to 4 5/8, over the next few
days. It did not, however, rise the predicted 2 points, and this
suggested some other pattern was governing the action, one which would
hopefully become evident soon.
Taking a leap forward, I drew a line from 5 1/2 through 4 5/8 and
continued it as a possible new upper boundary for the triangle. This
line turned out to have a slope of special technical significance, so
it was interesting to watch if it had practical relevance. For the
next 3 weeks, all upward thrusts in the price were, in fact, turned
back by this line. So, I posted the following message on Sunday,
September 5:
| . o
| . o
| . . . . . . . . . . . o
"Symbolically, you should see 2 triangular flags. One, denoted by the
'.'s was the one suggested last time. The 2nd, denoted by the 'o's
and the horizontal line of dots, has now manifested itself with a
longer time base which can mean even a stronger move when the
breakout occurs."
I explained the special technical significance of the line of "o"s and
suggested that a break above this line - in the vicinity of 4 1/4
during the coming week - should carry through as high as 8. I also
noted that, until the line was penetrated, it represented overhead
resistance which could delay breakout from the triangular pattern.
Also, a move below 3 1/4 - the bottom horizontal boundary - was not
ruled out and would be a serious breakdown, although it had a low
My comments like the above elicited the response that T/A was only
capable of predicting "the price will rise, but if it doesn't it will
either stay the same or go down." Such is the burden of a T/A-ist I
suppose, but I pointed out that there were probabilities - i.e.,
betting odds - associated with each possibility, and that traders make
lots of money by acting on such pattern resolutions.
The breakout did not occur that week, and on Monday, September 13, the
following was posted:
"ATC spent all last week in a very tight range of +- 1/16 just beneath
the descending upper boundary of the triangular continuation pattern.
Such restricted volatility can be compared to the calm befor[e] the
storm, and usually presages a strong move, one way or the other."
"The breakout price... this week comes down to and below 4, just where
ATC closed on Friday. [//// Remember 4! ////] If the price gets up to
4 1/8 this week, this should mark the beginning of a move UP... as
much as 4 points... over the next month or so."
The following day, September 14, ATC closed at 4 3/16 and I posted
that the climb upward seemed to have begun and that volatility was
apparently growing again. (I interpose here that a month later the
price had indeed risen just over 4 points; but more "struggle" lay
ahead in the interim!)
//// Aha!! I've found it!!!
The rise from 4 seemed oddly slow. This made me suspicious that some
other "master" influence was at work and that the triangle patterns I
had been discerning were just interim phases in something larger. For
the previous several weeks I had been concentrating on the segment of
the chart covering the period beginning with July. Now I extended the
chart back to April, the day of 50 cents, and quickly saw a
fascinating situation: as the price rose from the ashes, the low
points of the fluctuations seemed to lie along a straight line with a
gradual upslope of about 3/4 point per month. I extended that line
through September, and saw it pass through, you guessed it, 4 on
September 14!
There it was!! Aha!! and another Aha!!! That line was supporting ATC's
rise from April right up to mid September (i.e., every downward
fluctuation for the past 5 months that approached that extended line
encountered renewed buying and was turned back up.) I counted 9 tests
of that line, and all were successfully turned back. That is power!
After a few more days of pondering, I posted the following message:
" .
. .<---today
. (9/14) .
(R)___/ . | . "This is another way of
. looking at the ATC chart.
. Support line (S) extends from
. May 6, daily low of 11/16, through
. today. The price, above line (S) since
(S)--->. May 6, tested this support line 9 times
. between May 6 and Sept. 13, and bounced back up
. each time as buyers came in.
. "Resistance line (R) extends from the daily high of 5 1/2 on
July 16 to the vertex where it intersects line (S) on Sept. 14 at
$4. Prices rose up to and retreated from this resistance line 3
times before breaking up through it on Sept. 13 - one day before the
"As of Tuesday, Oct 5, support line (S) is at 4 1/2 and rising. The
stock price came down to a low of 4 3/4 today (Monday, Oct. 4). Thus,
the price is getting close to another test of the support line. Watch
to see if it actually comes down to meet the line, and how it bounces
up once again. If the test fails this time and the price breaks below
line (S), I'm afraid that's not very good news. In fact it's downright
bad. So caution is needed right here.
"One good omen is that the volume has been low and declining as the
price has slowly retreated about 1/2 point during the past week,
indicating a gradual abatement of selling pressure. But sellers could
come back in force if the price breaks below line (S). If the price
moves up over the next day or 2, it should go right up to and above $6
fairly soon. I still believe the odds favor this outcome, but....
Well, the next day, October 5, ATC dipped down to 4 3/8, or 1/8 point
BELOW the support line, and then went back up to close precisely on
the line at 4 1/2.
That night, my favorite antagonist came in with "Since Atari closed at
4 1/2 today, I guess that places it at the support line that you
illustrated. If I understand you correctly, a sell signal will be
triggered if the price drops lower tomorrow. Some of us have been
hoping that the price would fall back some so we could buy more
My own message that night was: "A very brief penetration which is
immediately followed by a return to or above the line can be
accommodated without signaling a sell. The line, to all intents and
purposes, will be at 4 1/2 tomorrow as well, so what happens will be
important to watch." I requested my antagonist, who has always exuded
all that "fundamental" faith in Atari, to "give us a prayer" to assure
an upward move and a successful test.
The next day, ATC did manage to move above the support line, but not
by much. It was enough, however, for me to thank my pal for a good
prayer that even Gen. Patton would have applauded. I admitted that I
had been prepared to sell 1/3 of my ATC shares if the price had gone
down at all that day. It didn't, and the support line passed its 10th
//// The Tension --> The Payoff
It was now obvious that the 5 1/2 reached on July 16 represented
substantial resistance to further advance. After the break above 4 on
Sept. 16, I had posted a warning that some selling pressure could be
expected at 5 1/2, and that a pause before moving above it could be
expected. I did not, however, fully appreciate the tension - and
excitement - which was to come.
The rather slow rise from 4 took over 2 weeks to reach 5 3/8. The
price then spent a week playing around just under 5 1/2. Not being
able to push through, it fell back to the test of the 5 month long
support line described above: where the brief 1/8 penetration raised a
few goosebumps, but the line held. The price then rose for another try
at 5 1/2, but again was pushed down. But notice, the support line was
steadily rising beneath all this activity! On October 9, a Saturday, I
put up the following post:
"Having established 5 1/2 as the target to shoot at... ATC has made 2
attempts to move above it. The last attempt was Friday morning, Oct.
8, when it rose to 5 1/4 on heavy volume. In the afternoon, the buying
slowed down a bit, and the price backed off to close at 5.
"It looks to me that the breakthrough will come early next week. For
one, the 5 month support line, which has just, for the 10th time,
showed its power, is creeping up steadily. It will reach 4 3/4 next
week and be squeezing the price range. [i.e.,] something like the
5 1/2 ___. . . .
. \____ the 5 month uptrend
On Monday I posted the following:
"ATC made a strong move up to 5 3/8 this a.m. on heavy volume, but
again petered out in the afternoon to close at 5, unchanged. It is
becoming obvious that the 5 1/2 region represents substantial
resistance. It is at war with the 5 month uptrending support line
which is now about 4 5/8. Nail biting time."
Tuesday's postings showed a bunch of guys trying to pass the time of
day nonchalantly, as though nothing unusual was happening.
Wednesday night I posted: "During the morning, on volume averaging
about 20,000/hour, the price gradually sank to 4 3/4. This was another
test of that 5 month long uptrending support line, and for the 11th
time that line held and provided the buying power to move the price
back north, Now it looks like another try at breaking through 5 1/2 is
being mounted. I think it should succeed; if not, my fingernails will
On Thursday... well, let me just quote excerpts from some of the
postings of other users:
[] "It looks like the rocket has taken off."
[] "Man, that is good news... but I hope it drops back a bit so I can
pick up more ATC... ."
[] "Wow! What a day! ATC closed at 6 3/4 for a one day gain of about
30%." (This was posted by my favorite "fundamentalist", and he went on
to speculate on causes, finally concluding that it was simply a matter
of supply and demand.) But he went on: "Sandy, you called it right,
pal. Congratulations." and suggested I could now "afford a deluxe
manicure. <G>"
That night, I posted: "There isn't much I can add to what ATC said for
itself today. It finally achieved the awaited breakthrough which
completes the pattern which has been developing for months. The only
other help one can get from the former pattern is a target in the
8 - 8 1/2 region.
"BTW: I learned some things about T/A from the past few months of
analyzing ATC here, in public, and I wish to express appreciation to
all who have tolerated what may have seemed an imposition. You have
added an unusual kind of fun to chart reading.
"PS: a look into DJN/R reveals no news item on ATC."
The next day the postings continued:
[] "At about 1:00 PM, ATC reached the $8 per share mark. The volcano
has started to erupt... It hasn't reached my target of 30 yet, but it
is starting to seem more realistic with each passing day, isn't it?"
[] "It's at 7 5/8 up 7/8. Amazing. I can't figure out why either. No
press releases. Jaguar hasn't shipped yet. Amazing."
[] ">> Woulda, shoulda, coulda << Ah, the old familiar 'if only I...' "
[] "So I'm confused. Why did ATC move & get traded so much?"
[] "Can demand get so pent up as to facilitate a volume increase of 10
To this last, I answered "Yes indeed! Why do you think I was so busy
chewing my fingernails Tuesday and Wednesday? That is tension, and it
was all there to see in the chart. Ahhhh, what relief!"
That weekend, the board was filled with messages of all sorts. Many
complained about not being able to find any news or any reason why it
all happened.
My friend, the fundamentalist, even had to admit "I think this lack of
media attention is due to the fact that there has been no obvious,
legitimate reason to account for the price increase."
To which I answer: that is precisely the power of technical analysis.
||| A Look at Monochrome Atari Graphics Software
||| By: Donavan Vicha
/ | \ GEnie: D.VICHA
Going into the mid-90s stretch, Atari faces an incredible paradox in
marketing. The so-called big names of computer desktop graphics -
Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, Aldus FreeHand, Micrografix Designer,
MacDraw - would certainly (if you will excuse the pun) draw people to
the Atari platform if these programs were available, and yet these
programs are evenly matched and even surpassed by programs already
available. Thus, if the established base of users is in no need of the
big names, why then should the big names put out an Atari version?
Of course, never underestimate the arrogance of those big names. They
do not believe their programs can be outgunned by anything.
Nonetheless, my claim is justified by the fact that programs such as
MegaPaint II Professional and Arabesque Professional combine
full-featured raster and vector drawing components at a lower price
than any of the aforementioned programs except Corel, which merely
feature vector-drawing or raster-drawing capabilities, not both.
Then there is the amazing Silhouette that combines vector and paint
capabilities with built-in auto-tracing capabilities at a price that
just about blows any competition off the shelf. Other Atari programs
worthy of mention in the desktop graphics-arena: Convector
Professional, Avant Vector, Didot Lineart, Outline Art, Invision
Elite, MVG (MultiViewer Graphica), Retouche, and Touch*Up.
As is true of the big names in the Mac and PC worlds, each of these
programs present a different approach to graphics handling and a
varied mix of features to the electronic graphic illustrator, each
representing a compromise with what an individual illustrator would
deem the ideal drawing package. Thus it is all the more significant
that such packages are reasonably priced and in many cases can be used
together to achieve optimum results. The remainder of this article
will be devoted to describing the pros and cons of the graphics
programs available for Atari computers. Charts have been provided to
list and compare features of programs where they apply in three
categories: raster creation, vector drawing, and auto-tracing.
Overall, while there may be some differences among the programs in
features, the differences that may sway you toward one or another
will probably be in the way a program executes the features it has in
common with the others. To some extent, these differences may be
judged objectively if the results figure into how you measure each
package. Otherwise, the differences are a matter of personal
judgment, subject to an individual's sensibilities and the way one
approaches graphic illustration using a computer. Thus, while I render
some opinions on these programs, it is very good to know that there
are demo copies of most of these programs available either at your
dealer or by download from GEnie. Most are fully functional except
that save and print functions have been disabled. Indeed, due to
various reasons beyond our control, my only opportunity to work with
some of the programs was in demo form. I will mention this fact in my
thumbnail sketches. I did not, however, include the demo programs in
my comparison charts.
//// Easy Draw: The Tyrannosaur Of Vector Graphics
Easy Draw was ahead of its time, kept up pretty well through the
middle years, and now is fairly dormant. An excellent program that has
gone through various upgrades, version 3.0 incorporated the
Supercharger component of the 2.x versions. When used with the
Easy-Tools accessory, which provides Bezier curve and polyline
transformational tools, Easy Draw 3.0 is still a very powerful
object-oriented drawing package. You didn't so much as draw with this
program as you built a drawing composed of parts you created with Easy
Draw. It has most of the vector tools you'd expect to see in such a
program: predefined shapes and various fills and line types, GEM
fonts, and polyline and Bezier curve controls. You can even load a
bitmap image for manual tracing purposes.
Most of the GEM metafiles available for the ST were created with this
old workhorse. It only works with an older version of the GEM metafile
format, so it may not load the more sophisticated GEM file formats for
editing. As with most early GDOS-dependent programs for the ST, Easy
Draw suffered from the lack of GEM-compatible, commercially produced
fonts. It works with SpeedoGDOS, but it's a touchy relationship.
Speaking of touchy, here's a word or two about....
//// Touch*Up: More Than An Apt Name
It may not have been the first program to work with monochrome images,
but Touch*Up took over the territory with its ability to edit and
clean up scanned images. As the front end for the Migraph Hand
Scanner, Touch*Up was truly a first-class program, something rarely
offered with scanners for ANY platform. TU got off to a shaky start
with its copy protection dongle, but soon dropped the system due to
good sales and public outcry.
The most recent update of TU has it working very quickly and capable
of handling 256 greyscale shades. I'll have more to say about this
package a little later in a speculative section. Another excellent
scanner front end program is....
//// MVG (Multi-Viewer Graphica): Dr. Bob's Bargain Basement Toolbox
I've only used several different demo versions of this program, but
I'm most impressed by its screen handling, its fatbit and skinny bit
editors with more than just the tool that toggles pixels on and off,
and the modular approach to adding features. MVG is kinda like Calamus
SL, you start with a better-than-basic graphics editor and add modules
to do what you need to do with it. The direct opposite approach is
found with....
//// MegaPaint II Professional: The Swiss Army Knife Package
My search for the Kitchen Sink icon continues.... Seriously, this
package has features no one would have imagined needing but once
used, may find hard to live without. While limited either by number of
characters or format size, the various library functions of MPII
provide a means of saving and quickly accessing objects that you
intend on using frequently. Keep in mind that vector drawing is more a
matter of building a picture with shapes rather than shaping a picture
from scratch, so these libraries become an efficient way of putting
together your images. And given the ease of using layout programs like
Calamus SL and PageStream, at first glance, no one would consider
using MPII for multiple-page documents. Nonetheless, its combination
of text handling and mail merge capabilities along with strong real
page orientation (you can define an 8.5 x 11-inch page, and use top,
center, and bottom alignment commands in grouping objects) make it a
worthwhile alternative for creating single- or two-page fliers.
MPII provides the ultimate flexibility in interfaces with fully
customizable keyboard commands and pop-up menus as well as a fairly
standard GEM menu command system. The menuing command system provides
for initial learning of functions that can be replaced gradually
either by the keyboard or pop-up menu approach, although a case could
be made that too much flexibility causes confusion. Hooks were
implemented in the program for adding modules, and the CodeHeads have
developed more than a half dozen modules to further improve MPII's
There is one caveat that should be mentioned in regard to MPII: in a
Spring 1993 GEnie conference, the CodeHeads mentioned that there will
very likely be no upgrades forthcoming from Tommysoftware, the German
publishers of the program. While the CodeHeads themselves may be able
to provide improvements to the program via the modules, they do not
own the code to provide any further development on the program itself.
MPII provides interesting links between its raster and vector sides
but lacks the direct auto-trace support that are inherent in
Silhouette and Arabesque/Convector. While there are positive aspects
to its use of Calamus fonts, including superior scalable font
manipulation than either of its competitors, PostScript fonts are the
de facto standard of the DTP landscape and MPII does not work with
them. One program that does work with PS fonts is....
//// Didot Lineart
I haven't had the opportunity to work with the full-blown professional
package that supports scanners, provides raster drawing options, and
performs page layout functions, but Didot LA is the one of two
programs in this group that manipulates text along paths and in
circles and the only one that uses both PostScript and Calamus fonts.
Didot functions more like a glorified font/vector editor than your
usual vector drawing program. While you can use this program to draw,
the tools are more along the lines of editing tools rather than
drawing tools. In other words, there are no predefined-shape tools for
drawing ellipses, polygons, lines, rectangles, etc., but when it comes
to handling text, this program shines--within limits.
Included in its mixed bag of features is a vector conversion module
(auto-tracing). You don't have any control over what it does, no
parameter settings, but it works well if given fairly simple objects
to trace. The buffer management and library functions are cool: you
literally lift an object right out of the storage area and onto the
workscreen. And a good thing, too, because there is no other way to
duplicate objects and it's still quite clumsy compared to the way in
which other programs duplicate objects. I have had trouble with
multilayered objects when trying to save, however, where I got memory
error messages. Its page size is limited also, so that you may have
trouble getting long lines of text set along a path or large circle.
Didot also boasts a complete font editor that works mainly with
Calamus fonts but is capable of converting PostScript fonts to its own
format for editing and then converting to the Calamus format.
I recommend Didot LA for illustrators who must be able to manipulate
fonts. With much practice, you can probably use it for creating vector
drawings as well but it's good to know that it saves your work in
formats that can be used by the other, more accessible vector drawing
programs mentioned here. (The .CVG format appears to be the most
reliable, however, because I've had problems with using .GEM and .EPS
Another program that treats fonts like malleable objects and gradient
fills with flair is from DMC Publishing....
//// Outline Art: Underappreciated Special Effects
I recently downloaded the newest demo of Outline Art (version 3.0) and
suddenly the whole program made sense to me. I was able to perform
functions that I had not properly understood with the earlier demo
version. I cannot explain this phenomenon wholly, except perhaps I was
wiser about the process having used these various vector graphics
packages (including Font Designer from Mega Type). I don't really
think they've changed the interface, although they have apparently
included a very comprehensive online Help function not available to
the demo. They have added color, however, and that's very impressive.
Your main screen is a grid of dots with a pin stuck in the middle, the
concept being similar to a graphic artist's table top. But no
traditional graphic artist can set fonts along paths and in circles as
deftly as this program. You can also generate all sorts of gradient
fills, in color as well as in myriad shades of gray, depending on the
resolution capabilities of your monitor, video card, or both. Outline
Art works strictly with Calamus-compatible fonts, but allows you to do
amazing things with them.
The real power of this program lies with its Calculator for
transforming points or objects, which can be used for rotating,
enlarging, or other processes that can be mathematically described.
Settings (.FNC) can be loaded, saved, and exchanged with other Outline
Art users. It's an unconventional approach to vector graphics, but
every year DMC has run an OA art contest and the winning images are
very sophisticated examples of how powerful this program is.
All the programs discussed so far have handled two of the three main
functions of preparing artwork for desktop publishing use. At this
time there is only one program that handles all three....
//// Silhouette: The Compleat Package
Price-performance leadership aside, Silo also is packed with usable
features on both ends of the raster and vector spectrums, has the most
comprehensive auto-tracing component including a means to monitor and
adjust the trace as it progresses, and embraces the new SpeedoGDOS
format for using scalable, PS-like fonts from Bitstream. Its Duplicate
options in the vector mode are the most comprehensive of any other:
full control of every imaginable parameter has been covered in any of
three modes: free style, cartesian offset, and radial offset. Free
style allows you to set the number of duplications you want to make,
then you create a polyline along which the duplicates will be made.
Cartesian offset is the method most often used by graphics programs:
setting number and then X,Y coordinates. Radial offset is similar to
the Free style method, but you use a straight line along which the
duplicate objects are strung. You've seen the kinds of almost
three-dimensional objects that can be built with Silo; the duplication
function automates their creation in rapid order.
Of the graphics packages covered in this article, Silhouette provides
the most conventional implementation of Atari's GEM interface. When it
departs from what we've come to expect from a GEM application, the
change makes sense. For instance, clicking on a point of a polyline
jumps the cursor to the point rather than pulling the point to the
cursor and causing an inadvertent disruption of the original line, you
can then use the keyboard to move the cursor from point to point.
Silo is very strong in manipulating vectors because of the way it
handles this operation.
When clicking on a zoom option or an option that will cause a screen
redraw, the program waits for another click to initiate the action,
allowing you to use the pointer to focus on where the zoom or change
should occur. At first, you may think the program has gone bye-bye,
but this is really a very efficient feature.
One of Silhouette's weaknesses has also been a source of strength: it
has been constantly fiddled with by author Tim Reyes, going through
many updates and such. Early on, for instance, the assisted trace
feature was enabled, then disabled in later versions. It has been
returned to operation much improved in the most recent update 1.4x.
Improvements have been needed, particularly with the auto-tracing
component, but they have been made. This is the strength of being an
American product, because only a major upgrade is going to be
worthwhile for Gribnif (Arabesque, Convector), CodeHead Tech (Avant
Vector, MegaPaint), or Goldleaf (Didot, Retouche) to support since it
involves translations. This was a stronger argument six months ago
than it is now, however, since we've been waiting for Silhouette
Colortrace, a major upgrade that was due this summer and is running
//// Editor's note: See "Developing News" for the December release
//// announcement for Silhouette Colortrace.
This upgrade is supposed to add color capabilities (and Falcon
compatibility), improve further the program's tracing algorithms, and
take fuller advantage of SpeedoGDOS. Toad Computers is distributing
the product.
Another big difference between Silo and its rivals is that it works
with only one vector and one raster image at a time, which avoids the
inherent buffer management complications of the others, although it
limits creative combinations of different graphic files. It alleviates
this somewhat by supporting the Atari Clipboard feature in the
2.06/3.06 versions of TOS.
While it accesses the new SpeedoGDOS scalable font technology, it
presently works better with fonts as vector objects than as raster
objects, although you cannot apply as many of the vector drawing
techniques to them as you can other vector objects. The reverse is
true for....
//// Arabesque Professional: The Aesthetic Package
The interface of Arabesque could be likened to the swan that emerged
from the ugly duckling interface of D.E.G.A.S. Elite. In DE, click the
right button and you have your workscreen; click again to return to
the palette of drawing choices. With Arabesque, the right click either
brings you back to the largest work area of any of the programs
reviewed here, or takes you further into the variations on a
particular feature. It also places a smaller, more elegant palette of
tools right where you click the mouse without entirely blotting out
the workscreen.
The programmers have undertaken to rework completely the way you
interact with the GEM desktop (the same as Tom Hudson did with
D.E.G.A.S., although he had a better excuse since there were no
programming standards at the time). The result is based on a different
set of intuitive parameters, and actually, arguably more consistent
than the intuition of the GEM standard. It is certainly more elegant
in appearance than your standard GEM interface (although that is
quickly changing if you've seen Atari Works). The mouse has two
buttons and this package takes full advantage of this fact.
Arabesque excels on the raster side, with more fully realized features
than the other programs mentioned here with the exception of Invision
Elite. It lacks the breadth of the duplication function of Silo also.
The handling of gradient fills, use of block images as fills, and
automatic creation of 3D shapes (conicals and cubes in box and
triangle modes) are unique and inspire one toward creative
experimentation. The less exotic vector side matches all other
programs in features and handles them with aplomb.
Within the program itself, the interactivity of the two portions is
limited but holds potential for future upgrades. When used in
conjunction with Convector Professional, Arabesque achieves greater
interactivity of more features than any other combination of programs
mentioned here. Oddly enough, Arabesque also ties into the new
scalable GDOS, but in contrast to Silhouette, the scalable fonts
cannot be used as vector objects and only come into significant use in
the raster side. But if you try to convert raster text into vector
objects via Convector, you'll be disappointed by the roughness of the
trace. Finally, of the programs mentioned in this article, Arabesque
loads and saves the widest variety of graphics formats than any other
with the exception of....
//// Convector Professional: Standalone Tracing Program
You would expect that a program produced by the same software
publisher and one that is expected to work with Arabesque would have a
similar interface, but that is not the case with Convector. Perhaps a
similar sense of aesthetics influences these Shift Gmbh products, but
the styles of use do clash to a certain extent. Less apparent when
used as a desk accessory within Arabesque, Convector's usual desktop
replacement interface submerges itself to the Arabesque interface.
As a standalone, Convector replaces the GEM desktop with one of its
own design. It takes getting used to but serves to provide a staging
area for experimentation, which is a necessary component of learning
the many effects of the vectorization process. With its outstanding
variety of parameters for auto-tracing images, it's nice to have the
desktop fill up with readily accessible test trace files. Convector
does not save in a PostScript format, but provides GEM/3, .CVG, and
its own vector format shared with Arabesque. (PageStream has provided
a graphics driver for this format, but it doesn't always work.)
Convector has very limited editing capabilities, so it must be used
with a program capable of editing graphics. At present it does not
work with MegaPaint as advertised, since MPII does not have a drop
down menu for accessories within its working area. I've clipped and
traced a screen from within WordPerfect, which to me is a litmus test
for compatibility as a desk accessory, i.e., if it didn't bomb out in
WP, it'll work with just about anything else. Convector is the champ
at loading the widest variety of raster graphics formats, everything
from Doodle formats to those found on Amigas, Macs, and PCs. Convector
holds an edge over Silhouette's tracing abilities in its ability to
save to more formats. As a standalone package, it enjoys a much better
price point difference than....
//// Avant Vector: The Lexus Package
For those graphic artists in the relentless pursuit of excellence,
Avant Vector is perhaps the only choice for a comprehensive vector
drawing program. There are no raster tools here, strictly state of the
art vector editing tools and the most reliable autotracing component
of the group. Avant does not represent a strong departure from the
standard GEM environment, but its iconography can be daunting to
novices. I've only used a German demo that I was given in 1991, but
have played with it enough to know that onscreen, at least, its
tracing component is awesome.
A PostScript-oriented package has been publicized but has not, to my
knowledge, appeared, possibly due to a hefty price over and above the
premium-priced non-PS version that is discussed here. The price of AV
has dropped considerably this spring due to the CodeHeads getting the
product directly from Trade-It, so it is conceivable that the PS
version will be made available and at an affordable price. From a
strictly vector-oriented application, let's turn our attention to a
strictly raster-oriented program....
//// Invision Elite: Not Just Another Innovative Interface
Despite the fact that Invision boasts a clever means of accessing
tools and leaving you a large work area onscreen, it took me awhile to
get the hang of this program. It's well worth the effort, however, for
Invision is a blend of the best features from all of the other raster
programs mentioned here as well as some of the lithographic features
of Retouche. Again, I've only been studying the demo version, so
complete knowledge of the program is probably limited. And being able
to save and see if the saved file works with other programs is
My favorite feature is the gradient-filled sphere where you create an
ellipse or circle, then click to form another circle within the
circle. When you click again, a gradient fill, which can be adjusted
via another menu, flows from dark outer edges to white at the juncture
of the inner circle you designated. This gives you a beautiful sphere.
More difficult to master but important for working with halftone scans
are the masking effects. Neither of these features can be found in the
other programs. Invision also appears to have the preferred solution
to handling larger than screen-sized graphics, using a virtual screen
approach that allows moving around the graphic area quickly and
Preparing halftones via the use of scanners is getting into the
exotica of desktop publishing functions. For most electronic
publishers, the printing of halftones is better left to the outside
printer. But for those who want to do it all or manipulate the
contents of a halftone, there is....
//// Retouche: Bare Essentials of Photo Styling
At the 1991 CEPS show, Retouche Professional CD was a big hit with the
"Graphics Artist in Residence" who saw the Goldleaf people take a
photo of a child and flawlessly place it onto the chrome fender of a
motorcycle as if it were a reflection. He begged and bartered for the
opportunity to use the software and hardware (a souped up TT030)
despite a large booth filled with high-powered Macs, Unix
workstations, and PCs. RPCD is an incredible program, but it's way too
much for your average black-and-white electronic publisher in terms of
power and price. That's why they came up with Retouche, a stripped
down version that at least provides the masking and lithographic
editing functions for preparing scanned halftones for use with layout
You won't be putting photos of little girls on the fenders of
motorcycles, but you can at least clean up the dithered dot patterns
that are an inevitable result of scanning photographs. Retouche falls
under the category of raster graphics and you could conceivably use it
as a paint program, especially with its more esoteric litho tools such
as the charcoal brush and water tool, but as with Didot Lineart, there
are no predefined shapes to use besides mundane circles and squares.
These tools work best however in helping blot out the dither patterns
found in photo scans and in blending together borders where shades of
grey have banded sharply. If the brute force of these tools is too
gauche for your artistic bent, there are numerous filters for handling
fine-tuning effects, and of course, there is the masking function with
a wide variety of controls.
The user interface is GEM-like but with its own quirks that, once
gotten used to, make intuitive sense in regard to the special kind of
work you perform with this program. And that's the main caveat here,
photo retouching in the dark room and then leaving the final handling
of photo reproduction to your printer may be a better solution in
terms of time than using any software that requires scanning, because
a scanned photo adds a step to the process, that of getting rid of the
dithered dot pattern.
//// Somewhere Over The Rainbow
I want to briefly mention other programs I've seen or heard of that
hold promise for keeping the Atari graphics market competitive:
CALAMUS SL. Not exactly over the rainbow, because the program and its
external modules are readily available. But it's gonna take the pot o'
gold at the end of a rainbow to afford this suite of graphics programs
that provide total desktop publishing tools, including most of the
vector, raster, and autotracing capabilities discussed above. I just
finished a lengthy review of this recently updated program, so you may
wish to check out past issues of ST Informer for the full 9 yards.
(Unabashed plug, sorry!) Relevant to the discussion here are a pair of
excellent external modules: Speedline and Mask. Speedline is fast and
accurate, the best autotracer this side of Avant Vector. Mask is even
better, simple to use but requiring a lot of experimentation to
master. However, the experimentation is part of the process (and fun)
of using computer masking techniques: you basically combine images to
get an new image and since you can use text as well as graphics, you
have a lot of possibilities with which to work.
REPRO STUDIO. I have two demo disks of this program, last seen at the
1991 CEPS, in Junior and Professional versions. I saw extensive
demonstrations of these programs and was thrilled by their
capabilities and the ease of use and understanding of how they worked.
They were offered by Trade-it, the producer of Avant Vector, and were
a terrific blending of retouching tools and text manipulation
capabilities with gradient fills and masks thrown in for good favor.
PAPILLON. There's only a German demo of this program (downloadable
from GEnie), so it's very difficult to follow the various menu and
dialog box functions, but this program clearly has great potential,
working in color as well as black and white and utilizing Signum
CRANACH STUDIO. Demoed at the 1991 CEPS, this was a very powerful
color graphics program that rivalled Retouche Professional CD. DMC
Publishing has held off releasing an English-language version whether
due to the slump in the Atari market or other factors, I don't know.
It may never be released inasmuch as it does, to an extent, compete
with the modular suite of graphics programs that plug into Calamus SL.
MIGRAPH STUDIO! No, there's no such thing, but I can dream can't I?
Migraph used the "studio" concept in their ads, so it's not that
farfetched. Touch*Up is a very good monochrome graphics editing
environment that links perfectly to the Hand Scanner for creating
scanned graphics. Its interface is an elegant example of solid GEM
programming. The 1.84 version of TU apparently works with
256-greyscale graphics and has faster routines for handling rotation
Easy Draw, an early vector graphics program with a solid reputation,
was perfected in version 3.0. A new version that would share a similar
interface to TU was promised but never delivered. A Studio version as
I envision it would incorporate both vector and raster components in
typical GEM modular fashion with a typically superb auto-tracing
module available immediately or in the future. I used to use TU for
putting together screen shots, but now I use Arabesque. I use an older
version of Touch*Up on my PC at work much more often than I use the
Atari version, which I haven't upgraded either, at home. So it goes.
//// The Charts: Bitmap Capabilities
Function/Tool Arabesque MegaPaint Silhouette
Line y y y
Ellipse (circle) y y y
Box (square) y (3D) y y
Box (rounded) y y y
Polyline n y y
Bezier Curve y y n
Freehand y y y
Circular Arcs y y y
Elliptical Arc y y y
Ring n y n
Triangle y (3D) y n
Rhomboid y (3D) y y
Polygon y y y
Polyeder (multiple
equal sided
polygon) n y y
Star n n y
Spiral n n y
Parabola n n y
Airbrush y y y
Paintbrush y y y
Flood Fill y y y
Editable fills y y y
Gradient Fill y n n
(PS greys avail)
Text GDOS* Signum/Calamus GDOS*
*Works with new SpeedoGDOS but not as cleanly as with older GDOS.
Block Functions y y y
Lasso (Irregular) y y n
Invert y y y
Copy y y y
Move y y y
Enlarge y y y
Reduce y y y
Rotate by degree by degree by degree
Mirror (H & V) y y y
Block Fill y n n
Block Brush y n n
Contour y n y
Contrast y n n
Shadow y n n
Smooth y n n
Bend/Warp y n y
Distort y sheer y
Slant/Sheer y y y
Zoom/Fatbit Edit y y y
Graphic formats .ABM x x
Load 8 3 6
Save 8 4 .IMG
Color convert y n n
//// The Charts: Vector Capabilities
Functions Arabesque MegaPaint Silhouette Didot LA
Lines y y y y
Polylines y y y n
Boxes (square) y y y n
Boxes (rounded) y y y n
Ellipses (circles) y y y y
Arcs y y y n
Bezier Curves y y y y
Manual Tracing of Bitmap n y y n
Edit Polyline Functions *
Delete points n n y y
Add points n n y y
Complete path n n y y
Round corners n y n n
Create polyline y y y y
Smooth polyline n n y y
Radial (x,y coords) y y y n
Free Style n y* y n
Cartesian n n y n
Library n y* n y
Grid/Snap-to Assistance
Assistant points n y geo pts n
Vert. grid/guides n n y y
Horiz. grid/guides n n y y
Angled guides n n n y
Font Handling
Formats GDOS Cal./Sig. GDOS Cal./PS
Distort/Warp n y y y
Circular path n n n y
Bezier path n n n y
*MegaPaint handles these functions similarly to the raster part's
Block functions, so refer to that chart for its capabilities in this
regard. It has a direct duplication feature but it is not as automated
as that of Silo. It has various libraries for storing objects in its
own proprietary format, which in effect is a matter of duplication.
//// The Charts: Autotracing Programs
Functions Convector Pro Silhouette Didot
Raster Load 14 8 2
Vector Save 8 4 3
Simple y y y
Raster Contour y y n
Raster Outline y n n
Break Points * y n
Spline Break Points * y n
B-Spline Smoothing * y n
Bezier Smoothing * y n
Curve Factor y y n
Manual Trace
Assistance n y n
Indexing for CFN fonts y n cfn editor
*Different approaches are used here: CP has slider adjustments for
use of polygons and Bezier curves and settings for Coarse, Medium,
Fine, and Auto. You can go further in setting minimum object size,
number of circle segments, 2 levels of optimization, and Bezier curve
compression among other options. Both CP and Silo require some
experimentation to work out how these various adjustments affect a
trace. Manuals provide explanations for these adjustments, but not
//// Conclusions
It's impossible to state unequivocally that one of these programs
stands above the rest in every way. I very much like the Arabesque
interface, but I don't like the way it handles its screen and buffers
and wish it could be upgraded to take better advantage of SpeedoGDOS.
MegaPaint also has an aesthetically pleasing interface and a wealth of
truly unique features, but it doesn't support PS fonts or graphics. I
don't like the way either of these programs handle printing although
that's at most a secondary consideration because you're most apt to be
creating art to be imported into a layout program.
Silhouette is more traditional with its interface, and adds
auto-tracing functions to its raster and vector graphics components,
making it a very complete all-in-one package. Use of SpeedoGDOS also
is a big plus. With Colortrace on the horizon, assuming it
incorporates improved tracing algorithms and finer control over
SpeedoGDOS, Silo could be all anyone would need for graphics creation
on the ST/TT/Falcon scene.
For dealing strictly with vector graphics and handling fonts, you have
two excellent choices with Outline Art and Didot Lineart, with a
little nudge toward Didot because it works with PostScript fonts as
well as Calamus fonts. On the other hand, Outline provides a stronger
set of tools for working with gradient fills and creating text paths.
I've seen amazing graphics created with Outline Art; very few examples
of Didot-generated art, and that tells an important tale.
In a contest of which program handles auto-tracing best, the ranking
probably goes Avant Vector, first; then Silo and Convector tied; then
Didot Lineart. Many Atari-specific vendors of clip art use AV to
create and fine tune their commercial collections - a very strong
endorsement for that program. Again, I've not been able to do any text
manipulations with its demo - if it has such capabilities, it would
definitely have some advantages over Didot and Outline.
For the everyday desktop publisher or graphic illustrator who wants to
dabble in creating scanned photo collages or such, it would seem that
Invision Elite provides some rudimentary masking and lithography
functions as well as some excellent raster graphics functions to meet
initial needs. Retouche would be the program for those who graduate
from the Invision school and require more sophisticated filtering and
editing tools.
If there was any unequivocal statement I could make about the
graphics power of software for Atari it would be that there's little
need to change platforms for want of powerful graphics features.
//// About the Author: Donavan Vicha is Design Coordinator for
Electronic Prepress for the American Library Association by day,
Associate Editor Central for ST Informer by night. He has written
about desktop publishing on Atari computers for Business Publishing
magazine and for such Atari magazines as ST Log and Atari Explorer. He
lives in Chicago with his wife, two sons, and a dog. He welcomes EMail
and can be reached at his GEnie address: D.VICHA.
||| AtariUser Reprint
||| Courtesy: AtariUser Magazine
/ | \ -----------------------------------------------------------------
//// The Following Article is Reprinted by Permission of ATARIUSER
//// MAGAZINE. It is an original article first printed in the October
//// 1993 issue, Copyright Jeff White and AtariUser. Further
//// reprinting is PROHIBITED except by specific permission of
//// AtariUser, 249 North Brand Boulevard, Glendale CA 91203, phone
//// 818-249-6277. A Special Mini-Subscription to AtariUser is
//// available for a limited time for just $5 for 3 issues. Contact
//// AtariUser for Details.
Atari has long touted the multimedia potential of their newest
computer - the Falcon030. Now that it's here, just how well does it
live up to the expectations created by many months of marketing
hype? Let's explore the AUDIO promise and yield of...
//// The Music of the Bytes
//// The Atari Falcon030 and the future of Audio
//// by Jeff White
Given that computers have been beeping and blurping in one form or
another for about as long as they have been around, one wouldn't think
that producing sound from within the computer should be that big a
deal. Indeed, in the last several years it has become chic to do quite
exceptional audio manipulation with a variety of add-on products that
fit into other popular platforms, of course at some additional
However, the Atari Falcon030 is the first computer on the market to
not only incorporate all the standard "extras" we have come to expect
on Atari computers, but to also include 16-bit digital audio input and
output capability as well. But wait, that's not all. Not content with
just offering stereo input and out- put of digital audio, Atari
elected to be generous in their development process and make provision
for handling up to eight digital audio channels, (yes, all at 16-bit
CD-quality resolution). Now how much would you pay? Well, don't answer
yet.... They even include a special signal processor that's dedicated
to doing, well, nothing at all! Enough dramatics - let's get on with
//// Enter the Falcon
Atari thought it would be nice if, besides handling up to eight
channels of audio, we were able to treat that audio with some
additional processing, courtesy of that undedicated processor - the
Motorola DSP 56001. A common myth that has been circulating about this
system is that this processor is the main engine behind doing digital
audio on the Falcon. This is understandable, since the majority of
add-on boards on other machines do it that way.
One factor in propagating this misunderstanding is the fact that other
platforms, by and large, employ a SCSI controller that impedes the
flow of data. That, in turn, requires the use of faster peripherals to
compensate. In other words, you pay for faster peripherals to run on a
slower computer.
Such is not the case with the Falcon030. Audio data is handled on the
SCSI/DMA bus. It's permitted to enter and leave the system in analog
form via the stereo mini-jacks conveniently located between the SCSI
port and, interestingly enough, the DSP port. Think about it; the hard
drive is where digital audio information is stored to and retrieved
from, and the DSP port does not have to be connected in any way to
this data path. This frees up many speed issues that cramp other
computers. The Falcon's internal hard drive is quite slow by most
standards, benchmarking in at 63 milliseconds access time. A removable
44 meg hard drive tests out at around 57 milliseconds. That's way too
slow for most systems on the market, with a typical recommendation
lying somewhere under 28 milliseconds access time. But on the Falcon,
it's plenty fast. And we still haven't used the DSP....
Now if some clever developers choose to avail themselves of the DSP's
existence, they can allow us to enhance the audio signal already
passing through those mini-jacks with, what else, a digital signal.
This can take the form of an effect such as delay, chorus, flange,
reverb, harmonization, even MIXING!
//// Software Meets Hardware
The most practical way to discuss the characteristics and
possibilities of audio work on the Falcon is to examine one of the
first serious multitrack applications to reach the market - D2D
Systems 4T/FX. While this may read like a review for D2D (and
that's OK!), consider it to also be a primer of what one developer has
done in software using just what comes in every stock Falcon030.
As the name (cryptically) implies, D2D 4T/FX it is a four track system
with effects. You can use it to record audio into the Falcon one or
two tracks, (channels) at a time and playback up to four at one time -
without any additional hardware! And just like some of its mechanical
analog counterparts (tape decks and mix consoles), it includes a
utilitarian mixer as its main control device.
Each of the four channels is supported with:
* Stereo "effects send";
* Master output level controls;
* Channel mute and solo buttons;
* Record "arm" and playback select buttons;
* Stereo effects return, with level controls.
//// Use It!
So where do you send those signals to and return them from - your
(stock) Falcon hardware has only got two discreet channels in and out!
Use the built in effects processor, of course, that's why they call it
"/FX." Included are an array of useful effects like the aforementioned
delay, flange, chorus, and a bunch of reverbs. Except for the reverbs,
all of the effects have adjustable parameters to allow you to tailor
the sound to your personal taste. In the case of the reverbs, D2D
gives you a variety of preset room sizes with a variable gain control
to allow you to determine how "wet" or processed the signal(s) will
Where this really starts getting interesting is when you realize that
the effects are all "real-time." It's possible to record a track with
the effects processor engaged (for your monitoring pleasure or
preview) and not alter the recording audio with that effect. That's
very useful if the "take" was right, but the effect needs adjustment -
just do it afterward. Any of the parameters can be changed, and you
can even change a delay into a reverb or a flange, or back again.
Using multiple effects simultaneously is simply a matter of "bouncing"
a track with the effect set the way you like, then changing the effect
on playback. This way, you can have a chorused vocal take, a flanged
acoustic guitar, a delayed flute, and a ring-modulated saxophone all
playing back through a large room size reverb. Since the bouncing is
taking place in the digital domain, there is no signal degradation due
to tape generation loss. Like most digital audio recorder systems
coming to market today, there's a striking resemblance of the D2D
4T/FX screen to an analog four-track tape deck for an easy learning
The latest release of D2D (1.9) includes individual time code displays
for each track as well as the main display to allow for independent
track offset or delays. But wait, there's STILL more! Synchronization
to external sources can be performed several ways, making this package
extremely flexible.
//// Make Mine MIDI
Incoming MIDI Time Code (MTC) from an external source can be connected
to the Falcon's MIDI in port. MTC can also be recognized from a
sequencer program, running on the Falcon AT THE SAME TIME! In this
situation, one merely loads 4T/FX as a desk accessory rather than a
program, and enables MTC output from the sequencer. While this method
works very well, the best way to have the audio record and playback in
time with your MIDI music is to use a note-on event as a trigger.
Simply by placing a note-on on an unused track and MIDI channel, it's
possible to automatically punch in and out for record. Then when you
play back your sequence, the exact same note-on in the exact same
place plays back your digitally recorded audio. Need to nudge that
audio forward or back - just edit/move that trigger note one way or
another. Given that time code offers a maximum of 30 frames per second
resolution, it's clear that a sequencer's ability to sub-divide time
events far more precisely would make it a better choice for placing
events accurately.
//// Deepest Cuts
Recording, playing, mixing, effecting, bouncing, slipping, synching -
not much else left, other than... editing. This is the part that all
the audio production fanatics with razor blades and golden ears have
been waiting for. Digital editing is cleaner, clearer, quieter,
stronger, and best of all, doesn't alter the original recording at
The main premise to remember in digital audio is that the vast
majority of the functions are non-destructive. Your edits are
recorded as tasks to be done in real-time to the untouched source
audio when you want your composition played back. They don't consume
unnecessary hard disk space in the process.
While our example program, 4T/FX, provides absolutely no way to edit
the recordings that you have created with it, you can perform some
rather extensive editing in another D2D Systems creation called D2D
Edit. It's a complete stereo record/playback/edit environment that
provides waveform display editing and cue sheet playback.
Files can either be recorded directly into D2D Edit via the analog
inputs on the Falcon030, or transferred from already recorded takes in
4T/FX. Once a file is loaded into D2D Edit, it's displayed in a
window as the complete waveform associated with that file. The GEM
window can be resized and you can open several files at once.
4T/FX and D2D Edit are some of the first programs to take advantage of
the Atari Falcon030's DSP audio capabilities. As such, they represent
a significant advance to the home project studio process by making
functions that were previously the domain only of high-end studios
available on an affordable platform.
D2D Edit is available for $299.00 and 4T/FX for $599.00. For a
limited time, D2D Systems are bundling D2D Edit with 4T/FX at no
additional charge as an introductory incentive. The potential here is
staggering - a complete audio studio system with the Falcon computer,
software, and peripherals costs less than either the "other" computer
itself or the soft/hardware add-ons required for that other platform.
//// WOW!
Again, while we've concentrated here on D2D products, they're just
part of the vanguard of audio software and hardware that make the most
of the remarkable Falcon030. And audio is just one part of the
multimedia potential of the new Atari.
It's going to get REAL INTERESTING around here.
//// Jeff White is a manufacturer's representative of professional
audio equipment in the Southern California area. He currently consults
privately on MIDI and digital audio systems. His credentials include
store management as well as a degree in quality assurance.
||| The Unabashed Atariophile
||| By: Michael R. Burkley
/ | \ Delphi: MRBURKLEY GEnie: AEO.4
It's been awhile now since I wrote my last column. I've had some hard
times in my family and I've been laying low for awhile. My Mom died on
September 26th and that hurt a lot. Believe it or not, writing
descriptions of all the PD software I've collected has been good
therapy to calm a troubled heart. (Prayer and talking with friends
didn't hurt either!) What I've been able to do is to work through a
lot of the files I've collected but never had a chance to describe to
you. I didn't realize I had so many. (I'm still not done and this
column is nearly 110K long!) I am always amazed at the sheer volume
(and quality of course, but that goes almost without saying!) of the
software available for us to download. But before you get to the
descriptions I want to share some of my suggestions for those of you
who write and upload files online. (May your tribe increase!)
I have a confession to make: most of my descriptions are heavily
supplemented (i.e., plagerized) from the doc files included in the
program archive. Those are the places where I find out the author's
name, program date, hardware supported, and more. I usually try to run
a program or read a file, but even so it's hard to get a good feel of
a program with just a brief touch (which is all I can really afford to
give each file). If there are no docs included with the program it's
that much harder to make any sense out of a program (even though GEM
_is_ easy to use). So... if you are a programmer, or a person who has
puzzled out a programs use, please make sure to include at least a
brief READ_ME file in the archive. Include data such as which TOS
versions the program will run on, whether of not both color and mono
monitors are supported, the version number and date, the author's
name, how to quit the program, and a paragraph (or two) description of
just what the program is meant to do (sometimes it's not so obvious
from the directions!).
Oh, yes, please make sure the file name and version number are
somewhere in the online description. I've downloaded files twice on
different systems because I wasn't sure if a file was a duplicate of
one I already had or not. Most BBS's and online services show you the
file name in plain sight, but one I know doesn't, and I wish it would.
Hmmm...maybe writing a description like The Unabashed Atariophile does
would be just right!
On to the software....
[] 2COLWORK by Richard Brown is a text file and two Atari Works
documents (.STW) that will allow you to combine the ease of use and
accuracy of Atari Works and your DeskJet or Bubble Jet printer to
create Two Column Printing in Atari Works. Normally Atari Works
doesn't allow two column printing (I hope they fix that!), but by
using these templates and running the document through the printer
twice you can easily create the same effect! Lots of features
implemented in these documents as well. Docs included.
[] ACCOMP25 is Accompanist v2.5 by Henry Cosh (dated Nov., 1992). I've
seen a previous version of this uploaded as COSH24. This SHAREWARE 16
track sequencer is an amazing program for you music buffs out there!
It does all sorts of things. Color or mono. Any ST (TT?). On a 520
there is room for over 10,000 notes (note-on + note-off or other MIDI
event), and on a 1040 up to 60000 notes. There are MANY inhancements
over the previous version I have seen (v.2.4, 1991). SHAREWARE. This
is a very versatile program already, but you get an even MORE capable
version when you register. Docs included. Some of its features are:
1. Multi-Voice recording using separate MIDI channels or
programs, split MIDI keyboards and/or velocity ranges.
2. Variable resolution Map of 8 Voices on Desktop contin-
uously, the Mouse is used for most movement around music.
3. Mouse click sampling of any music in the Map.
4. Simple editing using mouse and MIDI keyboard on blocks
down to hemi-demi-semi-quavers.
5. Sections for naming passages plus setting Time signature,
tempo, and local quantization.
6. Variable resolution metronome on any MIDI channel,
program, note, velocity. May be driven by external MIDI clock.
7. Full Voice/Block copy, move, quantize, randomize,
transpose, velocity update.
8. MIDI File Standard (MFS or SMF). Reads Formats 0 and 1, and
writes Format 1.
10. Filtering of, note ranges and velocity ranges on input,
output or by direct manipulation.
11. Undo/Redo on all operations that change the music
12. THRU channel specification for each voice.
13. All MIDI notes/channels/programs may be input from a
MIDI keyboard, or Rolled with the mouse.
14. MIDI channels and progam numbers base may be selected to
be 0 or 1.
15. Switchable use of ATARI Sound Channels (for metrenome and some
other uses only)
16. The manual can either be read using a word processor or online
using HELP commands. Cross references in the text can be
followed using the mouse, allowing rapid access to related
As you can see, this program is very versatile. If you have a MIDI
instrument (it's required!), and haven't spent $100's on a
"commercial" program, then you should check this file out! I found
this on the Boston Computer Society's BBS.
[] ACIDROK4 is a NeoChrome picture that contains the colorful logos
from the groups Mountain, Kansas, and The Yardbirds. Nicely done, and
if you are a fan of any of those groups I recommend it.
[] ANDROID1 is a very nice 640 x 480 256 color GIF by Barry Summer of
a 3D "android object" (looks very much like a skeleton to me!)
rendered with Phoenix from Lexicor. The background is a raytraced
picture of an art gallery in which the scene is repeated endlessly in
the central picture.
[] AUD_CD20 is CD AUDIO v.2.0a by Nima Montaser (dated May 20, 1993) is
an .ACC that allows you to play audio compact discs from a CD-ROM
drive in the background while working at another GEM application (if
you wish!). The code for the Sony DCU541 and the NEC machines is
already included, but you can now enter the correct SCSI commands for
your CD ROM player just by using a text editor (you have to know what
they are though!). It will allow you to Play all, Choose the track to
play, Pause, STop, and Eject your CD (gracefully, of course). This
version has been improved with several functional and cosmetic
changes. It is also now fully working, with an option to upgrade to a
newer and even more powerful version on upgrading. GEM based, ST/TT
MultiTOS compatible. This program will work in all resolutions.
SHAREWARE. Docs included. GEnie.
[] AUDIOLAB is an AtariWorks Template by K. Brooks that will allow you
to easily create labels (using Avery #5198 Audio Labels) for your
cassette tapes. The .STW files are for the front and back labels with
room for about 15 song titles and the length of tape play. The
EasyDraw .GEM metafiles used in the .STW files are included for you to
modify as you wish. Docs included. 83K uncompressed.
[] AUSPCK15 is AUSPACK v.1.15 by Fred Nicklisch (dated July 12, 1993).
This is a handy utility to have around when you have a pile of
archived files hanging around. It will automatically uncompress the
archived files you indicate (whether ARC, ZIP, LZH <all varieties>,
ZOO, or up to twenty archivers in total!) into their separate folders.
If you wish it will also delete the original archives when you are
done. MANY more options including logging your activity, path setting,
etc.. You must supply the archive utilities. GEM based, and mouse and
keyboard controlled. Both English and German versions (with their
appropriate doc files) are included.
I think you should get used to reading Michael Hebert's name in
connection with Atari Works. He's produced a lot of help files
already, and he gives every indication of continuing with more.
[] AW_BSCRD by Michael Hebert (dated Sept. 5, 1993) is two AtariWorks
documents (.STW) and a read-me file that are a template and a document
file that will allow you to create business cards through AW.
[] AW_PATCH is a .ZAP file from CodeHead Technologies that is designed
to patch HotWire v.3.0 to eliminate problems presented when running
Atari Works. Be sure to use it on a copy, OK?
[] AW_PIM by J. Gniewkowski is a series of AtariWorks database files
(.STD) and a document (.STW) that combines a daily schedule database
with a "ToDo" and informational database to create a Day Runner - Day
Timer - Franklin Planner clone. Everything should be self explanatory,
except for the field P# - which is the priority of the TODO item. Also
there is a flying history section - by changing the title you can make
this anything you wish. Unfortunately, I don't have AW to try this!
[] AW_RULRS1 by Michael Hebert (dated Aug. 27, 1993) is a set of two
Atari Works documents (.STW) that are two 3" and 9" transparent rulers
with 1/8" gradations for use in AtariWorks as aids in page layout.
Using these templates will make the vertical positioning of text and
graphics in AW much simpler. ASCII docs included.
[] AW_VCR is a file by Michael Hebert (dated Sept 9, 1993 - my 38th
birthday!) that contains two AtariWorks documents (.STW) and one AW
database file (.STD) that will help you to organize your VCR
collection. It is designed to give you instructions that will allow
you to create a VCR database and to print out VCR Tape Labels using
[] AWARI_V2 is the second release of a working demo of Buttonz Awari by
MajicSoft (dated May 25, 1993). By the authors of ButtonzBasic, an
excellent utility shell for GFA Basic, this demo gives you a
modernized version of this three thousand year-old African strategy
game. It's excellent and challenging. I've enjoyed playing it. It
comes from a group of games called Mancala, in which seeds are moved
from cup to cup around a board in an attempt to capture opposing
seeds. The strategy of these games is highly complex and demands a
fine mathematical calculation of possible moves and their results. The
game has 3D buttons (hence the name Buttonz Awari) and instead of
using cups to hold the seeds, we use digital registers to hold
numbers. The game offers two different variations and three different
artificial intelligence levels for the computer player. It also allows
two player mode with either the mouse, joysticks or keyboard (even in
the demo you can play against another human!). As an extra feature,
tournament mode allows for a match type game to be played. An optional
timer mode, allows for fast under pressure gaming. Hard drives, modem
and null modem play are supported (but no modems in the demo - I
think). Color or mono. ST--Falcon. Online docs included. Recommended.
[] BALLS is Balls, by Simon Carter with Electralyte Software, Ltd. (the
programmers of Druid, Cloud Kingdoms, and Warlock). This shareware
game (dated 1992) gives you a simple, and yet difficult task. You must
guide one (or more balls) around the numerous obstacles on the
top-view screen, picking up all of the orange pods scattered about (in
hard to reach places!), and then allowing just one of the balls to get
to an exit. You must use "mirrors" to reflect the balls just were you
want them to go. Excellent graphics with appropriate sounds (nothing
overly fancy). Color only. Docs included. Shareware. Programmed using
STOS and compatible with TOS 1.0--1.62 (3.06 also). This is one of
those games about which you say, "I'll try it one more time!
[] BCKW2_23 is Backward v.2.23, "the" ST emulator for FALCON O3O by Mr
Cyrille Dupuydauby (dated Sept. 16, 1993). (Actually, the file docs
say v.2.22 but the archive name and description on Delphi say v.2.23 -
I can't run the program to see just what it says - I don't have a
Falcon - yet!). On with the program description.... While Falcon
TOS is compatible enough with older versions of TOS so that about 90%
of GEM programs will run fine, the game compatiblity is something
else. About 75% of games won't work because of hardware differences.
Here's where Backward can come to your rescue! It is designed to
handle those hardware differences so that instead of 75% of games not
running you will find that about 70% of your games DO run. Now that's
an improvement!
This version is much more user friendly. It allows you to save
individual configurations for your programs so you don't need to set
them up every time (and that's just one of the improvements). This
version fixes a BIG bug in v.2.21. That wouldn't work on a hard drive.
This version works fine on a hard drive. Requires a Falcon with at
least 4 Megs of RAM and a color monitor. Shareware (limited in only
allowing twenty configurations saved while the registered version
allows 2,000!). As the older versions of Backward are freeware the
author says that if you don't want to register please use one of them
and not this upgraded version (support shareware authors!). Not MiNT
[] BATRISK is BatRisk by BATSoftware (dated 1993). BatRisk is a
computer version of the board game RISK. This color-only game shows
you a map of the world, and through a number of menus at the bottom of
the screen, allows you to attack and defend your territories at will.
You can play against one to five computer opponents. The goal is to
conquer the world! Docs included. STE compatible (at least). Found on
the TOAD Hall BBS.
[] BATSUB from BATsoftware is a multi-level SeaFox clone with sound
(dated 1993). I like this game because it involves some brainwork as
well as quick reflexes. Move your submarine througout the sea using
either your joystick or keyboard. Fire torpedoes to sink the moving
ships (of various sizes) on the surface. The smaller the ships the
bigger the points. Also the lower you are in the sea the higher your
score. Of course, you must avoid the fish _and_ the depthcharges!
Color only. Online docs. STE compatible (at least). Found on the TOAD
Hall BBS.
[] BJ_20GLP is an envelope template for 4 1/8 by 9 1/2 envelopes
(bigger than legal size, # 11?) created by Bob Saldana for use with
Gemvelope (by Roger Richards) and your Canon Bubblejet printer.
Directions for use are included. This requires Speedo GDOS to use. The
author also recommends that you get BJ_ENVLP (see below).
[] BJ_ENVLP is a small file by Richard Brown that will allow you to
print out #10 (legal size) envelopes using GEMvelope (by Roger
Richards) with your Canon BJ-0e printer and SpeedoGDOS. GEMvelope is
designed to be used with almost any printer - see below at GMLPDEMO),
but this file contains a .GLP file that configures it correctly for
your BubbleJet. Never peel off and paste a mailing label again!
Detailed docs and diagrams included. You need SpeedoGDOS and a
BubbleJet 10e to use this (obviously!).
Here's the description of GEMvelope:
[] GMLPDEMO is a demo of GEMvelope! the envelope printer v.2.84 by
Roger Richards. This program was created to fill a long time need - to
print envelopes with an Atari Laser Printer. Laser (and most other
printers) will not feed an envelope in the standard horizontal
orientation for printing across it. GEMvelope! allows you to print an
envelope, fed the long way, on almost any printer. This includes
virtually all laser printers and most dot matrix printers. GEMvelope
uses GDOS because it has font rotation built in and there are nice
fonts available. GEMvelope features:
- Import allows extracting an address from a letter in almost any
word processor format.
- Loadable and saveable addresses and configuration.
- POSTNET bar code printing. (This will save you 2 cents per
letter in the near future according to the US Post Office!)
- Adjustable positioning for different size envelopes.
- Mail merge allows printing many envelopes, each with a different
address imported from a database or text file you create.
- Fully compatible with FSM and bitmapped GDOS fonts.
- A desk accessory version. This demo is fully functional except
for the following:
- You cannot Save or Load addresses and setups.
- Various Alert boxes are added to describe features and slow
- When POSTNET codes are enabled, a message is printed under the
- Continuous (or batch) address merges are disabled.
ST/STe/TT compatible. Color or mono. Docs included. SHAREWARE.
[] BLOWUP is the BlowUP030 Demoversion by Georg Acher & Michael Eberl.
I would recommend this demo for all of you Falcon 030 owners out
there. This will allow you to vastly increase the resolution of your
Falcon's screen display. The full commercial product comes in software
only and hardware/software configurations. Using this software (and
the demo is pretty capable all by itself) you can easily congfigure
your video-parameters. Vertical and horizontal screen-position, left,
right, upper and lower margin, interlace-mode and pixel-clock may be
set freely (within certain margins given by the Falcon-hardware) so
that you can get the best display out of your monitor.
[] BLUE_SKY by Dave Smith is a 600x800 by 256 color GIF created in
Phoenix Render. It is of a blue sky with white clouds overarching a
ground composed of a multitude of pictures of the face of a screaming
person. An origami bird is flying by and a bent hourglass and a skull
wearing a hard hat are in the midground. This is one frame excerpted
from a very large animation. Wierd. View with any GIF viewer,
PhotoChrome 3, or GEMView.
[] BOING by K. Walsh of Unique Software is a maze, thinking, and quick
reflex oriented game. Using a joystick to guide your bouncing ball
through a series of vertical mazes, you try to collect the fruit on
each level and then leave by the exit. You must watch out for the
rising temperature. Collecting fruit will cause it to stop rising for
awhile, but if it gets too hot you're done for. Extra lives and score
bonuses can be earned by completing the bonus levels. Remember you
have a fire button on your joystick (hint)! I enjoy playing this game.
Docs included. Color only. TOS 1.0-1.62 compatible (at least).
[] BOUNCE by Paul Bininda is a wonderful mono only game. All sorts of
objects are dropping on you from above. Avoid them and then blast away
at them! Keyboard or joystick controlled. German docs within program,
but here's a hint: use "A" and "S" to move, and the space bar to fire
(or just use the joystick, but the keyboard is faster). I think this
is an excellent game. Works with mono emulators, too. TOS 1.0-1.62
compatible (at least). Does not work with the TT.
[] BULLY is a demo version of Bully's Sporting Darts. This joystick
controlled game is a two team event (with up to five players per team
- or play against the computer) that allows you to play up to seven
varieties of sports darts: 501; Clock; Football (Soccer for all us
North American types. This variety is the only one active in this
demo); Tennis; Golf; Cricket, and Snooker. It's difficult placing the
dart right where you want it, but that's not because the controls are
cranky - they're smooth and responsive. It's a difficult game to
control because it takes time to develop the skill! ST-STE compatible
(No go on TOS 3.06). Color only. (The manual says "No Hard Drive" but
it works on Travis' 1040). It will not work on a four meg RAM machine
(unless you use MAKE1MEG or a re-set proof RAM disk to lower the
amount of RAM available) but will on a 2.5 meg. Color only.
[] C90_VCR is two NeoChrome pictures: the first is of a Maxell VCR tape
in two views--front on and then from the side. A TDK SA90 audio
cassette is also shown from the tape side front. The next .NEO picture
is of the underside of a standard VCR tape.
[] CACTUS is a Falcon True Color formatted picture (.FTC) taken from a
Kodachrome original as found on a Kodak Photo CD. Converted to the
.FTC format using "It's All Relative's" PhotoShow program for the
Falcon. The image is 384 by 240 pixels in the Falcon true color
format. Presently you need PhotoShow (either the program or the demo)
and a Falcon to view this picture.
[] CASSETTE is Casette Maker by Jeff Palmer. While this program doesn't
really make cassettes, it does make cassette labels, and then allows
you to print them out! With this program you can record the date and
Dolby status of each audio cassette you own and up to twenty song
titles per side. You can save this information for later reloading and
editing, and print it out for pasting on your cassettes (you could use
self-adhesive papers designed for that as well). No docs, and none
needed. Works on my STE in color (I haven't checked it in mono, but I
imagine it should work there as well).
[] CF4_WORK is a series of files that will allow you to convert
CardFile 4 database files to Atari Works database files and back
again. Docs and support files included. You must have Dan Wilga's
program DB_CONV which is included in your CardFile 4 original disk.
You must also have a text editor capable of handling lines of up to
255 characters long.
[] CHAOSST by Don Clark & Randy Greenwald is for all of you folks who
are disappointed in your progress through the game Chaos Strikes Back.
Are you fed up getting your head stomped by the bad guys every few
minutes? This archive gives you a .DAT file that provides you with
some invincible heroes. These guys have 'maxed out' ratings of 999 in
both HEALTH & STAMINA and 350 for MANA; you can't get them any higher.
Docs included. See DM_CH for a similar file for Dungeon Master.
[] CLIPART is a series of 43 .IMG drawings that contain 100's of images
taken from a variety of sources. There are far too many pictures to
describe. Suffice to say that they cover a broad range of topics. The
quality is OK, but since there are often a dozen or two images per
.IMG file the resolution of each picture is not fantastic. Still,
these are useful for DTP work especially if you have a program that
can manipulate .IMG files to cut out the pictures you especially wish
to have. 705K uncompressed.
[] CLIPART5 is a series of 11 300 dpi scanned .IMG files of some
humorous cartoons. I recommend them to you for a good laugh! Here they
DOGHOUS1 is a cartoon of a man lying in a doghouse with a bare bone
nearby. That chain attached to both the doghouse and his neck
seems quite strong!
FEELTRAP is a cartoon a man caught in a giant mouse trap (Rat
trap? Nah, the guy looks too nice). He is patiently waiting while
lying in the trap, wrapping his knuckles on the ground and looking
quite bored. The words, "Do you feel trapped?" caption the .IMG.
HANDNOTE is a cartoon of a hand grasping a notepad (suitable for
your own notes) fixed firmly in the palm. The index finger points
skyward and has a ribbon tied about it. The cuff of a suit is just
HORNMAN is a cartoon of a skinny, stripped body stockinged, bulging
cheeked, long haired man blowing a trumpet with a sock stuffed in
its throat!
MADLION is a cartoon of the head of a TIGER that looks somewhere
between bewilderment and anger.
ODDNENDS is a cartoon of an interesting .IMG drawing of a creature
climbing out (or having been put in?) a barrel named "Odds and
Ends." The creature looks like a meld of at least a dozen differing
creatures, ranging from an insect to a human.
PILOT is a cartoon of a pilot sitting in an open cockpit, single
seated monoplane giving you the "thumb's up" sign as he flies by.
ROUNDMAN is a cartoon woodcut style drawing of an extremely round
and weeping man. He looks familiar, and I think he may be either
Tweedle Dum or Tweedle Dee from one of Alice's Adventures in
Wonderland. In any case, well done.
STORKBAB is a simple .IMG drawing of a small stork carrying a
smiling baby.
TONGUTIE is a very nicely done .IMG drawing of a man with an amazed
expression on his face holding his tongue, which has been tied in
several knots! "Are you tongue-tied?" captions the picture!
VACABIRD is an amusing .IMG cartoon of a blackbird flying off to
his well-earned vacation. He is wearing a gaudy flowered shirt, a
hat and sunglasses, and a portable radio with earphones. He is
also loaded down with two large luggage bags which he is carrying
with his feet.
[] CLIPART7 is a collection of high rez .IMG drawings on Delphi. Here
is what it contains:
APPLEBOY is a nicely done .IMG cartoon of a freckled boy holding a
pencil and standing beside an apple that's bigger than he is.
BOYGIRL is an .IMG cartoon of a smiling boy and girl who are
holding a blank paper banner in front of them. Put your own
message on the banner!
CAMPER1 is an .IMG cartoon of a boy sitting on the ground with the
contents of a first aid kit strewn around him. He's not hurt, just
CATCHEF is a funny .IMG drawing of a cat dressed as a chef (a
chef's hats) and wearing a Tux. The cat is holding a pie high up
with his left hand. He has the biggest grin (a mouse pie?).
INKPEN is a nicely done .IMG drawing of an old fashioned ink well
with a quill pen placed in it.
ISLAND is an .IMG cartoon of two coconut palm trees on an island.
In the background, the sun is rising over some clouds.
JETHEAD is an .IMG cartoon of a broadly smiling airman picking his
teeth with a toothpick.
LIONEXER is an .IMG drawing of a lion in an exercise suit working
out with hand weights.
LOTSKIDS is an .IMG drawing of a lot of smiling kids wearing
United Way Tee-Shirts (I think) and standing close to each other.
A smiling dog and cat are there, too.
MONEKY is an .IMG cartoon of a monkey sitting down and reading a
book. As he is doing that he is holding with his feet some
rectangular object (a portable game? I think so), and manipulating
it with his feet. Multitasking!
MRFIXIT1 is an .IMG drawing of a smiling man holding up a wooden
box full of tools.
NICKKID is an .IMG cartoon of a smiling kid being slimed
(dripping off of his head and down his shoulders!).
PIGSURPZ is an .IMG cartoon of the face of a pig that is
obviously VERY surprised at something.
SAFETY is a nicely done .IMG drawing of a variety of safety signs
and devices. A man wears a face mask, a stop sign is shown,
goggles, fire extinguishers, etc. are all visible. Nicely balanced
TVANIMAL is an .IMG cartoon of a lion, a HUGE frog, and a dog
watching, not a TV, but a self-contained slide projector that
shines the picture on a small screen which is a part of the
projector (I can't remember what they call those things!).
[] COLCLASH is Color-Clash (dated 1992) from Animalsoft, the creators
of Psycho Pig II (another excellent game!) is an excellent and
colorful game about a chameleon (Antonius) finding his way out of a
huge maze. Depending on the color the chameleon is (passing over an
appropriately colored tile changes his color) he has certain needed
abilities. Use those abilities to collect all the flies on each screen
and then exit the maze (and wreck revenge on the scientist who put you
in the maze in the first place!). Multiple levels with passwords so
you don't need to start from the beginning if you don't wish to do so.
Docs included. Joystick controlled. TOS 1.0--1.62 compatible.
[] CURTAIN2 is Curtains, v.1.5 by Frank Vuotto of F10 Software (dated
1993). CURTAINS is a desk accessory that completely covers your ST's
screen. When some snooping person touches your keyboard or mouse, an
alert will flash and a siren will sound. Only by entering the password
can it be disabled. An improvement over a previous version of this
program is that hard drive users are now protected through the use of
an AUTO folder program that prevents someone from defeating Curtains
by simply rebooting the computer. You could do that before, but now no
longer! This version has a fixed password, but if you register you can
use whatever password you choose. This works very well! Color or
mono. Docs included. For ST/STE computers.
[] COLORSET is a program that will allow you to easy reset your
favorite desktop colors after they have been bolitched by some program
that doesn't care about the state of your computer after you quit it
(programs like PageStream 2.2b and PicSwitch 1.01 and many games, to
name a few). This program comes as a GFA Basic 2.0 file (.BAS) and as
a compiled program. You can insert your favorite RGB settings into the
DATA statement and compile that program (or run it with GFABASRO) or
you can use the already compiled program (which for some reason or
another turns all the white background on my screen dark blue and the
black text white (yuck!). Med. rez only. Author unknown.
[] COLUMNS by K. Brooks is an AtariWorks document (.STW) that tells you
just how to create two column text printouts using AtariWorks. Useful
really only for short two-column work, this workaround uses AW's
Spreadsheet's ability to export GEM metafiles to create two columns in
the wordprocessor.
[] CSTEX40 is CS - TeX v.4.0 (dated May 1992) for the Atari ST by
Christoph Strunk (the author of M-Disk v.6.94--that wonderful RAM Disk
.ACC which I use all the time). TeX is a GEM based professional book
printing system. It was designed to give you maximum output quality
for whatever printer you are using. Mathematical formulae and
complicated tables can easily be integrated into the text. This
version includes many bug fixes, support for new printer models (most
printers you might encounter - lasers, HP Deskjet, Canon BJ-130, 9,
24, and 48-pin, print to .IMG file, etc.) an extension of the graphics
features to CSG level 2, and a substantial speed increase in some of
the graphics functions.
It requires at least 1 meg of free RAM (which means you must have more
than 1 meg of RAM on board your machine) and a hard disk (to install
the complete package will use about 13 megabytes of space). EVERYTHING
you need to use this system (including zillions of fonts) is included.
The author absolutely forbids CS-TeX v.4.0 to be distributed by any
means where money is exchanged. That leaves out most PD distribution
companies and commercial online services. By special arrangement with
the author Delphi has been allowed to distribute this package (the
author says that the $1/hr downloading cost is low enough even for
him!). The program and docs are mostly in German, but English
installation procedures (and other files) are included. Be prepared
for a DOWNLOAD. The complete system is about 4.5 megabytes of .ZOO
[] DARKRMA is Darkroom by Howard MacOdrum (dated Dec. 1992). The basic
function of DARKROOM is to supply information to the X10 CONTROLLER
(IBM compatible version) so that the X10 may control electrical
devices in your home. You can turn off or on lamps, coffee pots or
other devices at a certain time on a certain day of the week. This is
great for home security! Up to 256 distinct addresses may be
controlled using up to 128 steps. As many devices as desired may use
the same address as long as the action desired is the same. Using the
X10 controller will normally only allow actions to be controlled by
the minute, but with this program you can control actions to the
second! GEM based. Docs included. ST--Falcon compatible. Color or
[] DIALER by Grab A Chair Software is is two programs dated Aug. 8,
1993. These two programs will allow you to dial a number on your
computer, hold your phone receiver up to your monitor speaker, and
have your computer dial the number for you! Enter the number once and
use it again and again at your pleasure (eight numbers may be saved.
This comes in both an .ACC/.APP (GEM based) and command line .TTP
form. Docs included. Postcardware. ST--STE compatible (at least).
[] DM2WORKS by Randy Hoekstra (the author of Grocery Lister and File
Cat) is a simple utility to help convert Datamanger files to the new
Atari Works database program (dated Sept., 1993). Detailed docs on how
to do this are included. You do not need AtariWorks to use this
program (but why bother otherwise!).
[] DM_CH by Don Clark & Randy Greenwald is for all of you folks who are
disappointed in your progress through the game Dungeon Master. Are you
fed up getting your head stomped by the bad guys every few minutes?
This archive gives you a .DAT file that provides you with some
invincible heroes. These guys have 'maxed out' ratings of 999 in both
HEALTH & STAMINA and 350 for MANA; you can't get them any higher. You
also get to begin play at Level 10 of the game. Docs included. See
CHAOSST for a similar file for Chaos Strikes Back.
[] DOLLARS is two nicely done scanned .IMG files of the Disney Dollars
(1$) used at the Disney parks. The front .IMG shows Mickey smiling and
waving (with the treasurer's name listed as "Scrooge McDuck"!) and the
back shows a view of Disney Castle. Found on the CodeHead BBS.
[] DOWNFALL is a game by Andrew Sage for those hot summertime days when
you are dreaming of mounds of cold fresh snow falling about you. This
two player game is really all about NOT having the snow fall on you,
but rather on your opponent. Joystick controlled, you try to
manipulate the falling snow into filling up the side of your screen
controlled by your opponent. You can make this happen using the
various tools provided at the top of the screen. This is a fun
interactive game in which you try to accomplish your goals while your
opponent is trying to sabatoge you. Of course you are trying to do the
same to your opponent! To win you must be the best at offense and
defence, and at the same time! Actually I found this quite easy to do,
but then again, not having an opponent on the other side might have
had something to do with that! Docs included. Color. STE compatible
(TOS 3.06 too!).
[] DS9 is a series of eight Spectrum 512 pictures of scenes from Star
Trek: Deep Space 9 produced with color vidi. Unfortunately, while I do
like to watch DS9, these pictures don't excite me. They are blurry,
and lacking in detail, sometimes so much so that I can't really tell
what the picture is representing. Too bad.
[] EDISON is a screensaver/File manipulator/Mouse accelerator that
works on my STE (and will work on a TT or Falcon, so I imagine that it
will also work on TOS 1.0 machines). As a screensaver (and probably in
it's other functions as well) It is compatible with all Falcon
resolutions. I really like the screensaver. It is a fireworks display
that blossoms out in lightbulbs (the symbol of the Edison program), in
Atari symbols, and in another symbol that I don't recognize, as well
as the standard fireworks shapes. The file manipulation portion allows
you to select files you wish to copy, rename, delete, "lock." It also
allows you to create folders and more. I suspect that docs should be
included with this, but none are in this file. The mouse accelerator
allows you to tailor its acceleration to your hearts content.
[] ENTOMBED by Nick Concannon (dated 1991) is a very interesting
maze/dungeon type game. It begins by presenting you with a choice,
"Select the Tomb you Want to Die In." "Some choice," you say. Me too!
Despite that I have really enjoyed playing this game. It's one of
those "I'll try it just one more time" games that I like. You, as an
small Egyptian looking man walk through the tomb of your choice
picking up various objects that will slow your demise. I don't know if
you can ever get out once you begin (I haven't gotten that far -
yet!), but I suspect that you can, even though the beginning monologue
doesn't seem to indicate that! Low rez color only. TOS 1.0 (512K) to
STe compatible (maybe TT?).
[] EVEREST3 is Everest v.3.0D, a "simple and genial" GEM ASCII Text
Editor by Oliver Schmidt (dated Aug. 29, 1993). Several bug fixes (I
never noticed any before!) and general improvements over EVEREST v.1.5
(but see below). It is compatible with TOS 1.0 - 4.0x and most if not
all graphic cards. I found this program very easy to use and very fast
as well. Using a standard GEM interface, this editor will allow you to
go through large files (>300K) blazingly fast with no problems, uses
either the mouse or keyboard shortcuts for every function, and even
uses monospaced GDOS fonts if available!
Text scrolling is smooth and easy on the eyes with no "jumps". There
are several other nice features as well: Everest employs dynamic
memory allocation to leave the maximum possible memory for other
applications (great for multitasking!); it takes advantage of the GEM
Clipboard (a feature I use all the time in STeno!), and allows for
multiple files to be loaded at one time (wonderful!). Everest can
also accept a command line so you can call it from a shell if you
wish. The program is all in German and German docs included. I
recommend that you get EVEREST v.1.5 (reviewed a while ago, and now on
Delphi as X_EVEREST.TOS) since that is in English with English docs.
While the program is simple, it's always nice to have someone "hold
your hand" while you work through it. SHAREWARE.
[] FASTBOOT is a small AUTO folder program for you Falcon owners out
there. The more RAM you have, the longer it takes the Falcon to clear
on program booting. If you have a 14 Meg Falcon, that can take up to
1.5 seconds each time you boot a program. This program will cut that
time to the bone. ZOOM... you're there! No docs, and I'm not sure of
the author, either.
[] FASTFFT1 is the GEM based FAST!FFT Pseudo-realtime Spectrum
Analyzer by Phil McCandless, Ph.D (dated 1993). Now you can do quality
8-bit analog/audio analysis on your ST/STE/TT(?). The Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) is a complex mathematical analysis of any conventional
audio time-domain signal converted into its frequency constituents.
The FFT is very similar to the multi-bar display seen on home high
fidelity graphic equalizers, but this one is much more accurate. The
FASTFFTx.PRG provides a continuous line display, rather than the
typical discrete frequency band display. Requires the SOUNDOFF!
cartridge to be useful. Detailed Docs included. STe compatible (at
[] FD327UD is a file that will update your FidoDoor files to v.3.2.7.
By Bill Jones, FidoDoor is the door program that allows you to access
Fidonet, and similar technology networks such as AtariNet, NeST, and
others from your BBS. The update consists of making the program more
compliant with FTS-001 standards and with JetMail v. 0.84beta and
newer. This version limits you to access only up to 5 Fido message
bases on your BBS until you register your copy of FidoDoor. Once it is
registered, you will have access to up to 128 message bases on your
BBS, across various networks! Works with ST Keep BBS, FoReM BBS, Turbo
BBS, QBBS, and BBS Express! ST--Falcon compatible (MultiTOS
compliant). Docs included.
[] FILLBOX2 is a set of fills by K. Brooks for use in AtariWorks. This
file is a two page AW document (.STW) that will give you a PILE of
arrows, square boxes, round cornered boxes, circles, even a set of
boxes without a perimeter line for you to cut and paste to your
heart's content!
[] FKLOADER is the Function Key Loader v.1.0 by Jon Emery (dated Sept.
20, 1993). Function Key Loader (FKLOADER.BTK) is a BackTalk script for
STalker 3.+. It does just what the name implies, loads a function key
set of your choice. When the script is called by STalker you are
presented with an alert box with a choice of 3 function key sets. To
choose one just click with the mouse or if you have Warp 9 you can
also hit one of the first three function keys. Docs included.
[] FLCNADAP by Bryan Edewaard is a text file and Degas .PC3 diagram for
making a Multi-sync adapter/switcher for the Falcon030. This adapter
has one purpose only, and that is to adapt an ST compatible Multi-sync
to the Falcon. It will not enhance the use of a VGA monitor, and may
damage it with sync-rates it cannot use. However, if you have a
Multi-sync, it will allow you to use all the 1224/TV modes on it as
well as VGA modes.
[] FR_DEMOS is an archive that contains many Falcon specific utilities
and demos. Since I still don't have a Falcon I'll just pass the
compiler's descriptions on to you. As you might recognize, some of the
included files have been available already, others are new (to me at
(these three are demos:)
BOUND.ZIP: mapping on spherical.
ROT3DBMP.ZIP: Y-axe 3D bitmap rotation.
ROT_BMAP.ZIP: 2D rotation.
(place the following in your auto folder:)
FASTBOOT.PRG: your falcon will load prg much faster, if you have
14 Megger, because it normally takes 1.5 second to clear
all the memory. This is MUCH faster.
RESET.PRG: you can quit any program by pressing reset button.
(And some more files...)
GIF_VIEWER.TTP: This is a very fast GIF viewer, but it doesn't
work on VGA.
ZIZIK.PRG: A nice sound sampling program
PREVIEW_GAME.TIF: picture preview of a game you'll see on FALCON
in 1994.
TO_DEVELOPPERS.DOC: suggestion to FALCON programmers
One final note. This archive contains ZIP files, most with names of
non-standard Atari length. They uncompress just fine though. I
recommend using STZIP23 (Vincent Pompey's ST ZIP v.2.3).
[] FRACJRNY is a "Fractal Journey into Outer Space" by Johan Karlsson
of Magical Science. This program will enable you to create those
mathematical pictures called Mandelbrot and Julia fractals. The
program is very fast and only requires a couple of seconds to create a
standard full screen fractal. You may also create some nice animations
which uses real time unpacking, this provides space for more frames in
memory than usual. Some other nice features are the real-time
scrolling and the possibility of making 24-bit color pictures (.RAW)
for use with Photochrome.
[] FREEDONI is a Universal Military Simulator II file. Designed at the
office of Intergalactic Development, Inc. to test the AI (Artificial
Intelligence) routines for UMS II, this scenario takes place on a
mythical continent that is populated by three nations (Ezraland,
Andyland and Freedonia). The time is roughly the 19th century.
Requires UMS II. 227K uncompressed.
[] GDOS_FAQ is a text file off of the Internet. This FAQ, or Frequently
Asked Questions, is Douglas N. Wheeler's old (1988) text file,
"Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About GDOS (and More)." There is
no mention of SpeedoGDOS (obviously), but this tells you just about
everything you need to know about setting up and maintaining original
GDOS based programs and files.
[] GENPICS2 is a series of four mono Degas screen shots of Geneva,
Gribnif Software's multitasker. Dated Sept. 1, 1993 these include a
shot of the Tearoff menus (place a GEM menu from any application
wherever you wish on the screen), a shot of many tasks running at once
(up to about 30,000 at once - you'll run out of memory before then!),
a shot of Geneva's us of smaller (or even larger) font sizes than
normally used for GEM menus and dialogs which allow for effective
ultra-high-rez displays, and a shot of Geneva's hypertext help window.
133K uncompressed.
[] GEODES13 is Geodesic v.1.3, a very interesting mono-only program
written by Ray S. McKaig out of his love of the perfect symmetry and
beauty of geodesic domes. His interest began when he learned of
Bucminster Fuller who initiated the necessary mathematics for
spherical triangles and made extensive efforts to establish the
concept in housing.
This program has been written for two main purposes: for the beauty of
the concept and for practical help in design work for actual housing.
It is designed to ease the drudgery in designing Geodesics, and will
provide you with with detailed dimensions for outside/inside surfaces,
studs/frames and much other information you need to build your own
dome. Frequency break-downs, window panels, cutting the sphere to
create domes, full rotations (in any direction), "movie" display for
fast rotations and other features are all included. You can print out
your files (screen or printer) and save as Degas pictures as well.
If you have Stereo-Tek glasses you can use them for full 3D displays.
Geodesic examples with ASCII and online docs included. At least one
meg of RAM required (more RAM means better animations and more
features). This is a fun program to play with. STe compatible.
SHAREWARE. 501K uncompressed.
[] GOBLINS is an Excellent Calamus font (.CFN) and Calamus Vector
Graphics (.CVG) for each letter of the alphabet. I really like this
font. It is made up of one or more Goblins in silhouette creating each
letter by standing or interacting in certain ways. They are very well
done with much detail. The author has certainly put _many_ hours of
work in creating this font. I also like the fact that he has made
available both the font and the .CVG files of each letter.
[] GORDO106 (dated Aug. 21, 1993) is a GIF file containing four screens
captured from the Lynx game Gordo 106. Even though the game is down on
scientists, I still am rooting for that monkey!
[] GRW_QUIZ is the GRW Multiple Choice Quiz by Greg R Whalen. The
author says that this program is set up to help parents prepare their
children for upcoming tests. He does mention though, that it can be
used for your own enjoyment. I agree with him! This is an excellent
multiple choice quiz program. The program will give you the question
along with 4 answers. Simply click the mouse in the circle in front of
the correct answer (or of course, the incorrect answer - that's even
easier!). Either way the program will let you know if your answer is
correct (with a green colored "CORRECT!!!) or not (though a red
"sorry" and the correct answer, both being pointed to with an arrow
and printed).
You can add to an already existing quiz file (a Bible and a Vocabulary
Quiz are included), or create your own, using the editor which is a
part of the program. Docs included. SHAREWARE. TOS 1.0-1.62 compatible
(at least). Recommended.
Do you like the movies, "2001: A Space Odyssey" & "2010"?
D.MCANDREW has uploaded 22 digitized 12.5KHz .AVR sound samples
from those two movies. You can listen to them by using SoundLab
v.1.11 or your Falcon030. What are they?...
"All systems nominal"
"My mind is going"
"I'm afraid"
"Affirmative, Dave. I read you"
"Everything is going extremely well"
"I feel much better now"
"Thank you for a very enjoyable game"
"I'm sorry, Frank, I think you missed it"
"That's a completely reliable figure"
"Just a moment...just a moment"
"I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"
"I'm completely operational and all my circuits are functioning perfectly"
"Well, forgive me for being so inquisitive"
"Well, it's rather difficult to define"
"I can see you're really upset about this"
"I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do"
"This conversation can serve no purpose anymore"
"I really think I'm entitled to an answer to that question"
"I know I've made some very poor decisions recently"
"By the way, mind if I ask you a personal question?"
"I'm half crazy"
That's a lot of digitized sound - and all well done, too!
[] HARLEY_4 is a series of three pictures (.MAC, .IMG, and .PC3) by T.
Merge of the Harley Davidson Emblem. The MAC and IMG files are solid
and complete while the PC3 file is in outline form, perhaps more
suitable for DTP work.
[] HIRES is a demo for the Falcon030 that allows the Falcon to put out
a 1600 by 600 resolution with 16 colors. It will display fifteen 320
by 200 Neochrome pictures on your screen at one time! It requires an
SC1224 color monitor. I wish I could see how this works, but I don't
have a Falcon - yet!
[] HOWTOGEN is the complete transcript from July 21, 1993 through Aug.
31, 1993 of the Geneva Hints and Tricks topic on GEnie and the Atari
Roundtables. Geneva is from Gribnif Software, the authors of NeoDesk
and tons of other useful software. Now they have done it again!
Geneva is their multitasking application environment. Now you don't
need two computers on your desk. Just get Geneva! Lots of questions
answered and support given.
[] JURASSIC is Jurassic Park by Albert Baggetta. This file is a game
based on the book by Michael Crichton. Since the movie was weak on the
interaction of people and the computer network in the Park, he decided
to write his own interactive computer game with the computers of
Jurassic Park. He has tried to duplicate the computer screens as
described in the novel and even gives you some hints based on page
numbers of the book. Experment with the "computer's" interface and you
will find some hidden surprises such as sound, animation, and more.
But don't experment for too long or the T-Rex will eat you. I've
already been supper twice and I've only played it twice! You have to
be QUICK to get anywhere in this game! STE compatible (at least).
180K uncompressed.
[] ISHAR_SK is two text files and two programs that form the "Ishar:
Legend of the Fortress Hints and Tips By: The DragonLord (Eric March).
These programs will work on the ST--Falcon, but were designed for the
ST version of the game (the Falcon version is _slightly_ different in
senario and vastly better in graphics and sound). One program is a
character editor which allows you to create just the character you
wish, and the other is the Survival Kit program which shows you maps
with explanations for many of the different areas in the game. You may
also choose to save those maps out in a form you can print out later.
Color only. From the CodeHead BBS.
[] LCKYLT_C is Lucky LOTTO Numbers v.4.1 by Barney Poston (dated Oct.
10, 1993). This program will allow you to record and analyze lottery
data for just about any state (Texas State Lottery info included) or
regional lottery (ranges of 1 to 9 winning numbers out of a
possibility of 15 to 60 numbers), and then print out numbers for you
to "play" (on all sorts of printers). I'm amazed that there is a
market for a program such as this (well, it is free). Analyzing random
numbers to predict a future random number is a waste of time, and I
would welcome anyone to show me differently. If a lottery isn't
random, it's fixed, and you certainly won't know about it! As the
author's say, "Don't forget the quote from Forbes magazine 'Your
chances of winning the lottery are the same whether you play or not!'"
Now Color or Mono (though the author recommends that if you want mono
get v.3.2 - find LCKYLT32). Mark Matts' GUI-4-GFA Construction Kit
was used to create the source code for the excellent interface
screens. Detailed docs included. ST--Falcon compatible. In any case,
it's a well written, easily interfaced program.
[] LIGHT86G is a JPEG compressed picture (.JPG) of a calm lake
containing several wooded islands. A golden sunset reflects off of the
water and lights up the horizon. Overhead the sky turns dark blue and
then black, shot through with multiple lightning strikes and glowing
orange clouds. This image is more in the style of a surrealistic
painting than a photograph. I used GEMView to first view and then
convert this .JPG file to a GIF87a picture which I then viewed using
PhotoChrome 3. To give you an idea of the compression inherent in .JPG
files the original .JPG file is 48K while the GIF file (already
internally compressed) is 86K!
You could have used the following program to do the .JPG to .GIF
conversion as well...
[] JPEG is a JPEG Picture compression utility for GIF Pictures by Frank
Moehle. Created using TURBO C, the author states that by using this
program you have just become an alpha tester! This program will
convert your .GIF files into .JPG files and vice versa. Much smaller
than the GNU Implementation. Docs included.
[] LASTBOOT is LastBoot v.1.0 by K. Meier (dated September 11, 1993)
is an AUTO folder program which records system information about the
last five times your computer was turned on or reset. This program is
useful because it will record:
* Time & date stamps when your system was turned on, rebooted,
crashed, etc.
* Electrical power failures with 24 hour use (i.e. BBS)
* Calculates the total amount of computer 'up-time'
* It will tell when someone is using the computer, even when you're
not around (Hey! Someone's using my computer!)
Requires a Hard Drive and a battery backed-up clock. Docs and
MEDREZ.PRG, a program that will force a medium res boot (with a color
monitor, of course!) included.
[] LHARC230 is LHarc v.2.30 by Christian Grunenberg (dated Oct. 9,
1993). This compression/uncompression utility is LZH compatible (lh-0
to lh-5) and is compatible with Quester's LZH201L (and A LOT faster,
too) and using the same commands but with additional switches and the
more extensive UNIX wildcards. This version fixes a few minor bugs AND
now includes English docs (THE EXPLORER'S GUIDE TO LHarc by Alan
[] LTMF_120 is Let 'em Fly! v.1.20 by Oliver Scheel (dated April,
1993). This is a program that can make your relationship with your ST
easier and faster. This auto program and .ACC/CPX combo has the
following features:
- Move any dials around the screen, by simply pressing the mousekey!
Move also alert boxes.
- Select Dialog Box Buttons with a keystroke, press HELP for
Helpbuttons, or UNDO for Cancel buttons. (WOW!) - Extended
- Grow/Shrinkboxes configurable (this speeds things up)
The programm should run on all ST/STE/TT computer in all resolutions
and all TOS-Versions. If you want English docs for this program you
can either use GER2EN30 or get LTMF_119 which has the translated
English docs in the archive (available on Delphi and probably GEnie).
An all English program that does much the same as this is FRMDIT12D by
Dan Wilga of Gribnif Software. I can recommend both of these programs.
[] MAILLABL is a Calamus .CDK document that implements an idea I have
wanted to do for quite awhile, but have never gotten "a Round ToIt."
By Don Harris of the Laser's Edge Graphic Design in Jacksonville, FL
(this guy has supported the Atari community with lots of fine graphics
and helps before), this file allows you to print out a page of 33
mailing labels (three across and eleven down) using Calamus. Just
import any mailing list in ASCII format into Calamus. This .CDK is
already set up to flow the text from label to label. Use this and you
will have high quality mailing labels! I found this on the CodeHead
[] MAZE by John Parker and Martin Dennett is very impressive maze game
for one or two players. With split screen action, you can see the
other player and play either tag or shoot. It features six minutes of
high quality Classical music (by Beethoven!) that you can even run out
through your MIDI synth and a full featured maze editor with the
ability to load and save your own designs. It comes with pre-written
mazes to get you up and running right away. Color. TOS 1.0--1.62
compatible (Travis says, "3.06, too!").
[] MC204 is a working demo (or free update if you already own the
commercial program!) of MEGA-Check 2 v.2.04 by Chris Muller of Muller
Automation (dated Sept., 1993). This newest upgrade to this constantly
improving product adds improved keyboard support and fixes a few bugs
in V.2.03. A fully working demo (with only a 30 transaction limit)
will allow you to easily (well, fairly easily!) track your finances,
personal, investment, and business. GEM based, it has features that I
really appreciate. It doesn't require you to learn any arcane language
to use it. It interacts with you in plain English, and tells you what
to do in the same way.
Here are just some of its features: A built-in alarm that won't let
you forget to pay your bills or create a needed report; fully
automated checkbook balancing; prints out your checks on any printer;
add or edit any number of accounts (limited only by your computer's
memory); configurable warnings when specific account balances get too
high or too low (avoid account charges and limit risks in various
investments; run "what if" projections; track appreciation/
depreciation; add extended notes to any transaction; built-in address/
phone database; very powerful report generation - and all in the
"background" as well, which increases your productivity, and extensive
on-line help. Color or mono. ST--TT compatible (in ST resolutions).
Requires at least one meg of RAM and a hard disk is recommended. This
file uncompresses to 836K, so you will either need a hard drive or an
extended formatted disk to uncompress it.
[] MCRDOSII is the MicroDOS v1.21 Mini DOS Command Shell by Jared
Addington (dated 1993). MicroDOS is a command line interpreter for the
Atari ST/STE/TT030/Falcon030 computers. MDOS is intended to work very
similar to Microsoft's MS-DOS for those who are already familiar with
the PC style DOS. Though the command set is not nearly as extensive as
MS-DOS, it does support most of the more used commands. Typing 'HELP'
on the command line will give you a list of options that are
MDOS is ideal for SysOps who have a less than desirable or less
flexible operating system built into their BBS because MDOS will also
operate through a modem so that it may be used remotely. For this
purpose, it also offers an additional function allowing the operator
to set a password to restrict access to the more sensitive or
potentially dangerous commands. Docs included. ST--Falcon compatible.
[] MJ30DEMO is the excellent and fully playable demo of Mah Jong 3.0
from Cali-co Superior Software (dated Oct. 30, 1993). This is an
_excellent_ implementation of this challenging oriental game. While a
demo, this program is one of the most unlimited demoes I have seen. It
comes with three layouts with a winable game for each, 3 tile sets,
and 3 tablecloths. With these, you can try out all the features of the
game. The full game has potentially an unlimited number of games, all
different. There are many things to like about this demo: the history
and rules of the game are briefly, yet competently explained; the
tiles are clearly visible and the screens are attractively laid out;
the interface is easily accessed with suggested moves, undo, and
numerous other features implemented, and much, much, more. I highly
recommend it to you, even if you have never played Mah Jong before. It
is game that will keep you up at night! Color. STE compatible (and I
imagine everything else as well).
[] MMD_2_5 is the demo of MIDI Master Drummer v.2.5 by David Snow,
Zobozian Software (dated August 16, 1993). This programmer put this
program together right! It is compatible with all versions of TOS, and
runs in high and medium resolution on the ST, and in all 80-column
video modes on the Falcon030. May his tribe increase! MIDI Master
Drummer v.2.5 is a graphic rhythm editor and sequencer with extensive
on-line help. Master Drummer is divided into three parts: Pattern
mode, where patterns are composed; Phrase mode, where the patterns are
linked together into musical phrases; and Song mode, where phrases are
linked together into song parts and song parts are sequenced into a
complete song. This program is full of features! Mouse and/or Keyboard
controlled. Detailed docs included. MIDI instrument required. Complete
except for save disabled. I found this on the Boston Computer
Society's BBS (where it is listed as MDM_2_5 - a mistake in the
archives name).
Here are some BBS "Doors" games I found on Delphi. Check them out!
[] AIRDEF36 is Air Defense v.3.6 by Darel Schartman. This BBS game,
written for FoReM BBS systems, but playable on compatible BBS's as
well, is a game of attack and defense. You are the Commanding General
of your country's Air Force. Using the resources of your country
(Factories, Cities, and Bases) you purchase planes which you use to
destroy the resources of enemy countries. Of course, they are trying
to do the same to you so you must defend with all the tools at your
desposal. Multiple players allowed, alliances may be formed (and
broken). This is a _slightly_ crippled version in that you can't check
the high scores and send diplomatic messages. Register ($10) and get
the key to take care of that. Docs included.
[] ASN151 is Assassin v.1.51 by Kevin Macfarland & Wayne Myers (dated
April 19, 1991). This BBS doors game is an online role-playing game
that takes place in a time similar to the dark ages, where assassins
work to make their fortune. ASSASSIN can currently be played on
Turbo/FoReM/ Express/STar-Net/& other BBS's. You, as a player, learn
the rules of the "game" through Assassin's school, visiting the local
guild headquarters, the Tavern, etc.. You fight to gain experience,
gold, and the control of your own guild as you try to become the most
powerful assassin in the city. As the game progresses you will learn
of other missions to complete. Shareware (I can't see anywhere how it
is "crippled" but you get a "key" when you register, so I imagine it
is somehow). Docs included.
[] BFEST115 is Bludfest v.1.15 by Darren Semotiuk (dated March 12,
1991). The online doors BBS game (for FoReM or any compatible BBS) is
a monster fighting, spell casting, weapon wielding game for multiple
parties online. Work your way through the mazes and survive! The
author has included lots of humorous features in this game as well.
Maze and configuration editor included. 337K uncompressed.
[] DDSTV125 is DDST v.1.25 by Bill Miller (dated Feb. 10, 1990). This
Dungeon and Dragons clone with a Tolkien flavor is an online adventure
game for all ST BBS Systems (FoReM, Express, STar-Net, or others).
Seek the Staff of Law and the Amulet of the Elves, your sword and
armour. With these and with much wisdom and courage you will be able
to defeat the Demon Asmodeus and free the Kingdom of Eriador.
Everything you need to set this up is included. Shareware.
[] TG_EMUL is the Thieves' Guild emulator by Herb Flower and Robert
Fletcher. Thieves' Guild is an excellent door game for your BBS. It
creates for you a world of Ancient Legends, Powerful Wizards,
Mysterious Magic, Valiant Knights, Glamorous Treasures and Quests, but
most of all, a cunning world of Thievery! (See THIEVES in this
category for the complete description.) When you use this program you
will not only be able to play the game (as you did with just the
THIEVES archive) but you will then be able to play the game with
excellent Graphics, Animation, Sound, and increased Speed. If you want
to play THIEVES, I recommend this file to you as well. Docs included.
649K uncompressed.
[] THIEVES is Thieves' Guild, an excellent door game for your BBS. It
creates for you a world of Ancient Legends, Powerful Wizards,
Mysterious Magic, Valiant Knights, Glamorous Treasures and Quests, but
most of all, a cunning world of Thievery! At the start you are
transported from this world to the world of Latrocinio--a one-way
no-return transfer, or so you are told. Entering into the Guild of
Thieves (that world's welcoming committee) you are trained and sent
off to support the work of the Guild. But your real goal is to return
to this world and your family. From reading the docs this seems to be
one whale of a program. I know that I would play it if I saw it on a
BBS! This program is Shareware, and the registered version is Much
More complete. This is to whet your appetite. Check out TG_EMUL which
will add excellent Graphics, Animation, Sound, and speed to your users
playing Thieves. 361K uncompressed.
Since we're on the topic of BBS's....
[] BBSX9307 is the July 1, 1993 listing of all the registered BBS
Express ST! BBS's. If you want to find some BBS's to call then this is
the file for you! A minimum of 85 BBS's listed (at a quick count).
[] BMAPFIX2 is BMAPFIX v.2.0 by Don Maple. This is a fix for a bug in
the Falcon TOS serial port routines. Without this sometimes you will
not be able to access your seial port on your Falcon. Now
automatically redirects calls to Bconmap 6 to Bconmap 7 for even
greater compatibility. Just run this from the desktop or from the AUTO
folder and your problem will be solved. Docs on the program and
explaining the problem are included.
[] BT310AB3 is the latest version of Binkley Term ST, v.3.10a-b3 (dated
July 15, 1993). It is "A Freely Available FidoNet Compatible
Electronic Mail Interface and Dumb Terminal Package." BinkleyTerm is
an advanced, state-of-the-art telecommunications tool. It is primarily
designed for the semi-automated sending and receiving of electronic
mail and files within AtariNet and other FidoNet-compatible electronic
mail networks.
When used as a dumb terminal, BinkleyTerm offers a rich selection of
file transfer protocols for exchanging files with a host system (all
the ones you are familiar with!). The program also offers keyboard
macros, optional VT-100 emulation, echoing of the on-line session to a
flat text file or printer, support for baud rates of 300 to 38,400,
FAX support for Zyxel modems, and more. Color or mono. ST--Falcon
compatible. This version has fixed quite a few bugs in previous
versions (all of which were rare). Only limited docs included (I've
seen much more complete docs, but only with version 2.40M - found in
the MODEMS category as BINKLEYT).
[] FSER094B is the FSerial v.0.94beta (though some of the docs call it
v.1.0) by Roman Hodek (dated January 20, 1993). This is a serial port
software patch for all of you Mega STE/TT owners (Falcon, too?) who
have a high speed modem (9600 baud or above). This will allow you to
get the most out of your modem. Program and docs are in German.
[] ODD_101 is ODD (the Orphan Description Destroyer) v.1.01 (dated May
23, 1993). This utility for BBS Express! ST which frees up space on
your HD by deleting description files that do not have matching true
files. Use this to clean up your BBS Express ST BBS. A log of your
activity is kept as well.
[] VLOG_101 is View Log, Version 1.01 Callers Log Viewer by Rich
Sanchez (dated June 5, 1993). VLOG is a Callers Log Viewer for BBS
Express! ST. It allows you to view your Callers Log in "Reverse
Order" with the Last Caller displayed first. You can page through the
list at any time. This program does not write to any file, so you can
use it with confidence. Docs included.
Back to the regular files....
[] MOE is a .GIF of Moe from the Three Stooges. It looks like he is in
the process of clubbing someone (unseen) over the head. A classic
Three Stooges expression is on his face. TOAD Hall.
[] MR_DASH is a color or mono game much like Boulderdash, StoneAge
Deluxe, or SkullDiggery. Move your figure around the playing field
collecting whatever it is you are collecting (diamonds?). Watch out
that you don't move something that allows a boulder to squish you!
The levels are timed, and are of increasing difficulty. Docs are in
German, but you don't need them at all. An editor for including your
own screens is included. Joystick controlled. This is fun and
[] MTWDEM08 is a demo of the new program MultiWriter™ v.1.8 by Dr.
Bruce Noonan and Bill Penner (dated July 6, 1993). ST Writer has been
upgraded and gone commercial! MultiWriter™ is a new, non-WYSWYG
(what-you-see-is-what-you-get), word processor (that means it's
FAST!). Fully compatible with your ST Writer/ST Writer Elite files,
yet it is far more than an ST Writer Elite look-a-like. It supports
multiple font sizes (great for vision impaired folks), multi-colored
menu items, loading and saving in multiple file formats, use of the
Atari Clipboard, print previews and configurable printer drivers for
multiple printers,is configurable in three languages (English,
Spanish, and German), works in all ST/TT/Falcon resolutions, and is
fully compatible with TOS and MultiTOS. You can import and export text
in five formats; ASCII, ST Writer Elite, WordPerfect®, 1st Word™, and
Word Writer™ formats. This version has enhancements and bug fixes over
the previous version. Save disabled. 200K uncompressed.
[] M_BREAK is MasterBreak by Matthias Andrä. This is a 1-4 person
Shareware BreakOut style game. It is the most colorful BreakOut game I
have ever seen. Use your paddle to bounce a ball up to the blocks at
the top of the screen. On each hit, a brick dissolves and the ball is
bounced around some more. Sometime blocks fall towards you, and if you
catch them (without missing the ball, which keeps whizzing around) you
will get bonus points or new features for your paddle. This version
only has a limited number of levels (I haven't reached the end yet!)
but you can get the 30 level version with your registration. Game and
docs in German. One of the many programs that Jens Schult of German
has passed on to the US through Ataripower7 on Delphi.
[] NAMESRCH by Mark Slagell is a file search utility with a
difference: it uses no wildcards. If you remember that a file (or
folder) _somewhere_ on your system has the word DOG in it, but you
don't remember _where_ it is, all you would need to type is the word
"DOG" and this program would find the file. This is easier that the
standard TOS file search programs available. This is a bit slower (but
only a bit) than other file search programs, but far more practical.
Command line or key prompt controlled. Docs included. Mark is the
author of SilkMouse v.3.2, the best mouse accelerator, screen saver,
extra fixer around. I recommend that to you, too.
I've been exploring on GEnie, and I've found a lot of interesting
things in the non-Atari areas (there is a big world out there.
Forgive me if you are not interested in NASA/Science topics, but I
am, so I'm including a bunch of files I've downloaded from the
GEnie Space and Science area. There are PILES more, too. Happy
exploring! (To put in a plug for Delphi as well: Delphi has a
large supply of Space related files as well - I'm just not
including them in this description - this time!)
[] AI_FAQ is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) from the Usenet on
Artificial Intelligence. Dated May 13, 1993 and written by Mark
Kantroqitz and posted by the Usenet News System. This FAQ is mostly
listings and brief statements about places where AI research is
ongoing. It also has a complete set of rules for the game of LIFE (not
the Milton Bradley version!). GEnie, in the Space and Science area.
[] CRYPTFAQ is the Cryptography FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) from
the Usenet. Dated May 7, 1993, this FAQ answers all sorts of questions
you might have about cryptography and computers. If you've ever been
interested topics from ciphers to public key cryptography, then this
text file is for you! GEnie in the Science area.
[] DCXINFO7 is a set of ASCII text files detailing information about
the DC-X, a proto-type for the "Delta Clipper" (dated Sept. 17, 1993
through Oct. 3, 1993). Just what is the DC-X? Read on! DC-X is a
low-speed flight regime testbed for a proposed reusable rocket-powered
Single Stage To Orbit (SSTO) transport - McDonnell-Douglas Aerospace's
"Delta Clipper". DC-X is intended to prove out rocket-powered vertical
takeoff, nose-first lifting-body to tail-first flight transition, and
tail-first landing. It is also intended to prove out rapid turnaround
of a reusable rocket by a minimal ground support crew.
DC-X has already pretty much proved out rapid low-cost development of
an advanced aerospace X-vehicle by a small highly-motivated
engineering team on a tight budget. DC-X was built by less than two
hundred people, in less than two years, for about $60 million. Of
course, this sort of thing has been done before - just not recently!
DC-X stands 40 feet tall, is 13 feet across the base, and is roughly
cone-shaped, with a circular cross-section forward blending into a
square base. It's beautiful! See DC_X1 for two excellent GIF pictures
of this bird! For more info about this excellent program check out the
MOUNDS of discussions that are going on in the GEnie Space and Science
Round area.
[] ESSNEWSL is the ESS Amateur Space Program Newsletter (vol. 1 no. 1,
Spring 1993). ESS is the Experimental Spacecraft Society. This
newsletter has some interesting proposals for inexpensive space
missions (a dust collector for the L-5 and L-4 points, a camera probe
to view the Earth/Sun Trojan points, and some others), current status
of JDI-0 (a sub-orbital launch planned for Fall, 1993), and a
bibliography on spacecraft design. A membership form is also included.
Interesting! GEnie, in the Space and Science area.
[] FLARE_EQ is a very interesting article from the GEnie Space and
Science Roundtable Science RTC dated May 30, 1993. The guest speaker
was Lowell Whiteside of the NOAA/National Geophysical Data Center.
This article (in question and answer format) discusses the
correlations between seismic events and solar flares. These
correlations have allowed for accurate forecasts of sizable
earthquakes. I found this fascinating!
[] GVN0392 is the Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Network Bulletin v.
18, no. 3, March 31, 1993 from the Usenet. This article discusses
volcanic activity in Russia, Japan, Mariana Islands, the Philippines,
Papua New Guines, New Zealand, Italy, Antartica, and much more. If
you're interested in volcanos, this file is for you! GEnie, in the
Space and Science area.
[] MATHFAQ is the Math Frequently Asked Questions from the Usenet (date
May, 1993). Topics like the status of Fermat's Last Theorem (proofs
of... almost), a proof of the Four Color Theorem, Digits of Pi, The
Monty Hall problem, Master Mind and other games, and much more are all
discussed. I'd talk about this more, but I don't have room in this
review. GEnie, in the Space and Science area.
[] NBIA0593 is the NBIAP NEWS REPORT, May 1, 1993. This article details
news about the burgeoning impact of biotechnology on our society. It
reviews Congressional hearings on the safety of genetically modified
foods, patent law, cures for plant parasites, grant programs, new
rules for field testing of genetically modified organisms, and much
more. This is another interesting article. GEnie in the Science area.
[] NBIA0593 is the NBIAP NEWS REPORT, June 1, 1993. This article
details news about the burgeoning impact of biotechnology on our
society. It tells about the six transenic crops currently being grown,
tells about ABRAC (the Agricultural Biotechnology Research Advisory
Committee), the relvance of Agricultural Colleges, a brief review of
"The Dark Side of Molecular Biology," the genetic basic of Insect
resistance to chemical insecticides discovered, and much more. GEnie,
in the Space and Science area.
[] QUASAR is a text file entitled Quasars: Near Versus Far by Tom Van
Flandern (dated April, 1993). The author uses this text file to argue
the premise that Quasars, while ordinarily assumed to be objects far
towards the "edge" of the Universe are actually relatively nearby
objects. Evidence ordinarily used to prove their extreme distance
(large redshifts and others) may be interpreted to prove Quasar's
distance, but that that interpretation is not necessitated by the
data. He seeks to show that by the principle of Occam's Razor, the
evidence points to the nearness of Quasars. Interesting reading. Not
convincing to me, but well thought out, evidenced, and interesting.
Having Quasars "nearby" would certainly cause a paradigm shift in
[] SPACEFAQ is a text file edited by Jon Leech (dated May 3, 1993) that
contains all sorts of information about space exploration (mostly
NASA). This is full of interesting material like the present location
of the Saturn V plans (at Marshall Space Flight Center on Microfilm),
the effects of the Shuttle on the Ozone layer (minimal), the status of
planetary science, the "Face" on Mars (interesting!), and much, much
more. Recommended. GEnie in the Science area.
[] SPACE_63 is the text of a letter President Kennedy wrote on
September 23, 1963 to The Honorable Albert Thomas, Democrat of Texas,
who questioned the legality of Kennedy's proposal for a joint lunar
mission with Soviet participation. Kennedy wrote this gracious letter
explaining both the legal aspects of his invitation and its political
opportunities. There is one major typographical error the copyist
introduced in this letter. I'll leave it up to you to find it.
Interesting. GEnie in the Science area.
[] STRANGE is a text file by Kevin Krisciunas entitled "Strange Cases
from the Files of Astronomical Sociology" dated May 27, 1993. The
author, and astronomer himself, wonders "if the term 'eccentric
astronomers' is repetitively redundant. Do astronomers become
eccentric as a result of environmental factors such as sleep
deprivation and jet lag, or do inherently eccentric people go into
this business so as to have somewhere to fit in, sort of?" This text
file details some of the ways some famous astronomers have been, well,
"eccentric." Amusing (and true!). GEnie, in the Space and Science
[] STS57KIT is the Press Kit for the Space Shuttle Mission STS-57
(dated June 1993). Endeavor and her six-person crew will run
experiments designed by students, operate a payload which may improve
crystal growth techniques and demonstrate possible on-orbit refueling
techniques. It will also rendezvous with and retrieve the European
Space Agency's European Carrier (EURECA) satellite, scheduled to take
place on the fourth day of the mission. NASA is also leasing space to
a privately-developed mid-deck augmentation module known as SPACEHAB.
The primary objective is to support the agency's commercial
development of space program by providing additional access to
crew-tended, mid-deck locker or experiment rack space. This access is
necessary to test, demonstrate or evaluate techniques or processes in
microgravity. Lots of other interesting material as well.
[] SUPERCON is a text file by Loren Petrich entitled, "What Is
Superconductivity?" I found this file both well written and accurate.
The author defines his terms, briefly yet clearly describes both the
theorical and practical aspects of both low and "high" temperature
superconductivity, and leaves me wanting to read more. GEnie, in the
Space and Science area.
Now back to more ST--Falcon files!
[] NDP_11 is New DePak v.1.1 (formerly Mega Depack) by Mike Watson
(dated Oct. 3, 1993). Now running in a GEM window, this .PRG/.ACC
(just rename it) is fully MultiTOS/MiNT compatible. It is designed to
uncompress/ unpack just about any file packed with any of a zillion
different packers (actually 69 packers supported with 126 different
file formats, including DC Squish, Pack Ice, Pompey Packer, PFX and
MANY more). Mouse or command line controlled. Batch processing
available. Why would you need to unpack a program? If you have a hard
drive space might not be as critical and an unpacked file will often
load faster. Another reason is that when you update a STOS program for
a new TOS version (such as STOSFX21 allows you to do), you need to
work with an uncompressed program. This is a very "intelligent" and
versatile program which I highly recommend. Color or mono. TOS
1.0--Falcon compatible (a specific TT/Falcon version is included).
SHAREWARE (I've registered). Docs included.
[] NEOCHESS is Neo_Chess by Jeff Lait. Neo-Chess is a two player game
played on a 20 sided 3D object. One player plays heat, or the red and
orange pieces, and the other player's player cold, or the blue and
cyan pieces. When it is your turn (indicated by the turn box), you
pass through two phases. In the first phase you may view the isohedron
by using the arrow keys to rotate it in the view screen (in effect,
getting to know where what is what). To enter the second phase, you
move your chosen face by using the space bar and the arrow keys. If
you move onto another piece, that piece will be captured (and
destroyed). If your king is captured, you lose the game. Color only.
Docs included. TOS 1.0-1.62 compatible (at least). I like this game
because it really stretches my visual perception ability. Trying to
figure out what colors are where on a 20 faced 3D object is a lot of
work, but also a lot of fun! Also included in this file is the
author's text viewer that is designed to work in low resolution (now
you can scroll back and forth in your low rez text, too!). Docs
included for that as well.
[] NHMM313 is ST NetHack v.3.1 patchlevel 3 adapted to the ST by Chris
Herborth, et al. (dated Jyly 22, 1993) . NetHack is a display oriented
dungeons and dragons type game. It is similar in style to ROGUE played
on UNIX(tm) systems but NetHack is much richer in character. This
version now includes many of the improvements from the "unofficial"
'NetHack __' version (lots of new rooms, monsters, character types,
rings, rooms, etc.). Now this game includes multiple dungeons that
branch off the main dungeon at different locations. This game is full
of monsters (over 140 new ones who now can read scrolls and cast
spells, wield weapons and fight even better than before!) and highly
varied magic.
The motivation in NetHack is to descend through the dungeon to find
the Amulet of Yendor, then return to the surface. Of course, it's not
so straightforward as all that though. You have to complete all sorts
of tasks in the various dungeons before you can undertake your main
goal. As you travel you will meet various creatures (most of them
nasty), find objects (some having magical properties), and experience
many hazards in the dungeon itself. One thing I really like about this
version is that it limits your "sight" to what you could really see
looking about you (that means you better make a map or be sure you can
remember your way about the maze!). A new multilevel endgame has been
included. Docs included plus lots of helps files. Color or mono.
Requires over one meg of RAM and a hard drive (the program is 940K
long!). ST--TT compatible. Color or mono. 1.51 MEG uncompressed! Set
up to run from drive E, but you can configure it to your liking.
[] NVRAM_E is NVRAM v.1.1, the Boot-Init-CPX by Richard Kurz (dated
1993). This .CPX will allow you to view and change the non-volatile
RAM on the Falcon030/TT. Bob Semaan has translated the CPX into
English and gives a brief ReadMe file as to the benefits (and DANGERS)
of changing your NVRAM, but the main docs are still in German. Bob
Semaan has also included Atari's CONFIG.PRG in this file. That's in
case you really mess up <grin> and need to start completely over
again. That program will set everything back to your country/language
defaults. Atari recommends that you not use programs like this, but
just in case you want to go out "improving" your Falcon, here it is!
A Falcon owner friend of mine says "Stay away from utilities like
[] PERFPICH is the Perfect Pitch Enhancer v.1.1 by Steven Selick (dated
1992). The main goal of the perfect pitch enhancer is to develop your
sense of pitch over the full range of the average 5 octave synthesizer
keyboard range. The computer will choose a note within your given
range, and it will play it on a SEPARATE machine from the keyboard
that you are using for input. Then you must search for the note that
the computer played. Simple enough, however you are not supposed to be
able to hear the notes you play. Only what the computer plays. You
will generally need two MIDI machines, but you can sometimes use just
one one machine if you can turn local keyboard control OFF. Brief docs
included. I found this on the Boston Computer Society's BBS.
[] PIXFRMTS is a text file by David M. Baggett (and many others) that
contains information on just about any Atari Picture format (dated
March 31, 1993). If you ever wanted to know just how a picture format
is set up, now you can know. This newest version includes information
about GEM Metafiles.
[] PPRESS3 is The Printing Press v.3.03 by Bernhard Artz (dated Jan.
28, 1990). This is an excellent get-this-program mono-only program
that will allow you to print out Letterhead, Envelopes (with both
address and return address, and a graphic!), two types of disk labels,
banners, and cards. You can use a variety of fonts with your creations
(ten included), and import Degas, Doodle, or the programs own .CPG
picture files for your graphics (numbers included). You can cut the
pictures so as to include just the portion you want to include. This
archive also includes a full fledged art program to create your own
artwork! An .ACC is also included which will allow you to change the
system font as well (four fonts included). Support for Epson 9 and 24
pin printers and the NEC P 5,6 and 7 printers are included. SHAREWARE.
Laser printer support is in the works. Register!
Also include in this archive are two other programs - a mono emulator
(The High Resolution Mono Emulator v.1.69 by Peter Allen of Moriarity
Software, 1991) and a replacement file selector (by Martin Patzel
copyrighted April, 1989). Both of those programs could stand some
docs, and since B.A. doesn't mention them in his docs I doubt that
they were originally included with his program. Also included is the
Irrata BBS Anti Virus Checker, Assasins, v.1.5, dated 1993. This
program checks the boot sector of your disks and gives you the option
of zeroing any boot sector containing data. This works on my STE just
fine, but I can't run it from my hard drive (I can run it from my
floppy while the Hard drive is up and running though!). This is an
LZHed .MSA file so you will need a Magic Shadow Archiver utility to
uncompress. Found on TOAD Hall BBS.
[] PROTRACF is ProTracker Falcon v2.0 by Karl Anders Øygard and
Hans-Arild Runde. ProTracker Falcon v.2.0 is a .MOD composing and
playing program written for the Atari FALCON (and only the Falcon--See
PT_20S for the ST--TT series version). It is a highly flexible system,
allowing for up to four separate channels of samples, digital
reproductions of real instruments, each with separate volume and
pitch. ProTracker Falcon turns your Falcon into a fully capable sample
synthesizer that's a pleasure to look at as well! According to the
authors this program implements all of the features of ProTracker 2.0
Amiga - and more. They say this program has notably better editing,
offering to you more possibilities, easy recording and an easier and
more powerful sample editor. It also makes full use of the Falcon's
stereo sound introducing bass and treble control. The digitized sound
is of a quality superior to anything else, yet leaves far more time
for other tasks to run simultaneously. Furthermore, replay routines
comes together with the ProTracker Falcon, making it easy to implement
soundtracks in demos and games. This is a Shareware program ($15 US),
and the docs are the first two chapters of the full 130K of ASCII docs
you get when you register. This is more than enough to get you
started. Color only. Tutorial and sample files for you to learn on are
included. If nothing else you can use this as an excellent MOD player
(that's my speed)!
[] RESET_FA (or just plane RESET) is a small AUTO folder program for
you Falcon030 users that just might prove very useful to you. Use this
and when you press the reset button (or the Control-Alt-Del keys) you
will be presented with a dialog box that allows you to either reset
your computer or - to return to GEM. This is wonderful when you crash
a program! Now you don't have to re-boot your entire system! No docs,
and I'm not sure who the author is either.
[] ROCK_IMG is a nicely done series of .IMG scans of the logos and
titles of rock bands. They bands are of BadFinger, Beatles, Blue
Oyster Cult, Bread, Camel, Captain Beyond, Creedence Clearwater
Revival, Doors, Grateful Dead, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Iron
Butterfly, Jefferson Airship, Kansas, Moody Blues, Mountain, Black
Sabbath (2 .IMG), SteppenWolf, Tangerine Dream (2 .IMG), Uriah Heep,
YardBirds, Yes, and Led Zeppelin.
[] ROT2DBMP (or just ROT_DBMP - a different name on a different
service) is a two-demensional rotating bitmap demo for the Falcon030.
It features a colorful bitmap picture rotating around in circles. It
is supposedly very reminiscent of the Terminal and Plasma demos, but
unfortunately I can't verify that as I do not have a Falcon030 (anyone
wish to donate one?). Does not work in VGA mode.
[] SCRLTHUN is the Scrolling Thunder Text File Viewer demo v.1.0 by Ken
Newman. Scrolling Thunder is a viewer or browser for text files (but
you could read binary code if you wished as well) with a difference.
It exclusively uses hardware smooth scrolling, available only on
STe/MegaSTe/TT/Falcon, to produce a very fast and smooth text display.
It scrolls forward or backward at variable speed, and is almost
entirely mouse-controlled (with some keyboard use as well - mostly for
file searches and some other logical controls). You can load text
(either with CR+LF/LF or CR which about covers the types various
computers produce) with no limit on its line length. There is no fixed
tab size, or fixed end-of-line character requirements. It can load
Degas fonts or search for text strings. The text is displayed using
the entire screen and scrolls up or down based on mouse movement. It
takes a bit of getting used to (say five minutes) but after that
everything else seems jerky. You can use with from a command-line
shell as well. This demo limits you to the first 5K of each file.
SHAREWARE. This works fine with my Hard drive and exits cleanly.
[] SEBRA133 is "The High-Res Monochrome Monitor Emulator" by Patrik
Persson of Sweden v.1.33 (dated 1993). I thought the previous version
was the best monochrome emulator I had seen, and now this version is
even better! It will work on any ST/STe/Mega with a color monitor or
TV set! It is fast, with lots of options to customize the speed,
screen display, and more to your satisfaction. The mouse moves
SMOOTHLY about the screen. With a few simple keystrokes you can set
this program up to run just as you wish. I recommend this highly. It
works most productivity software and many (but not all) games, too!
The docs docs give an interesting look into how this emulator works. I
use it with my T-25 accelerator board from Fast Technologies
(Wonderful board!) and it is amazing how fast and well it works! It's
slower with only an 8 MHz ST/E, but still very useful. TOS 1.0-2.06
compatible. Not TT or 68030 board compatible. Freeware. From the
Boston Computer Society's BBS.
[] SERENDPT is Serendipity by Peter Bailey (dated Feb. 1991). This is
an interesting and colorful game which you play against the computer
(don't beat on your ST for all the snide remarks it gives you...it's
only doing what the programmer told it to do!). You attempt to make
(or to avoid making - your choice) rows of three same-colored tokens
on the grid/board, thus capturing the middle token. Depending on your
choice you can have up to four colors active. No specific color is
assigned to you. You can place any color on any turn. You can play for
the first capture or for the greatest (or least) number of them.
Online docs and computer generated helps included (I don't know
whether or not to trust this computer's helps!). Low rez color only.
TOS 1.0--1.62 compatible (Travis uses it on TOS 3.06, too!). C Source
code included.
[] SORTIE12 is Sortie™ v.1.2 by Terry May of Shark Bytes Software
(dated Feb. 6, 1993). What Sortie does is sort the files in any
directory, alphabetically or by date (in ascending or descending
order). Although the desktop and many programs will show you the files
in order by Name or by Date (none in ascending order, that I know of),
there are many programs, such as BBS Express! ST and most picture
slide shows, that show files in the order they are on disk. Well,
Sortie sorts them on disk in a perfectly SAFE way, so that the program
in question shows them in the order you wish. You've probably seen
programs that allow you to sort your AUTO folder, to put programs in a
certain order. Sortie will ANY of your directories by Name and by
Date. This is very useful for slide shows that show files in the order
they are on the disk while you wish to show them in alphabetical order
(just sort them by name!) It uses only legal GEMDOS calls, so this is
as safe as re-naming files from the desktop. It will even sort
"locked" files (unlocking and then re-locking them automatically), and
will restore your Archive Bits to their original setting after the
move (this is a great feature if you use the Archive Bits in backups).
Docs included. Color or mono. TOS 1.0--1.62 compatible (at least).
[] SPOFLT26 is the Speed-of-Light, High speed GIF (87a) viewer v.2.6 by
Stuart Denman (dated May 25, 1993). This is a fast (according to the
author, the fastest) GIF viewer for the ST--Falcon, but it allows you
to display 256 colors at once (even on an ST) and allows a color
palette of tens of thousands on an STe/TT. This program provides
excellent contrast in colors. It even allows you to convert your GIF's
to Grayscale images for viewing. Lots of options to "fine tune" your
pictures. This version incorporated several bug fixes over versions
2.1/2.5, *increased* drawing speed, interlaced picture display, and
other inhancements. Low Rez color on ST/STe, TT medium, and all Falcon
resolutions, too. Docs included. SHAREWARE.
[] STCP_IP is a set of programs and files that comprise PE1CHL's
version of KA9Q InterNet Protocol Package. Lots of docs, but they are
the kind that mean something only when you already know most of what
you need to know. As far as I can figure out this is a system that
allows you to link your ST via HAM radio equipment to other computer
systems and transmit messages back and forth. Information on radio
equipment needed and stations "on-line" are also included. TOS
1.0--2.06 compatible (at least). 1.04 meg uncompressed (in two
archives so you can uncompress on to a floppy). 496K.
[] STPAL is Template Pal by Shortwave Enterprises (dated 1992). This
program will allow you to load low res Degas or Neochrome pictures and
use them as a "template" for outlining shapes and producing extrude
and spin and path template files compatible with CAD3D2/Cyber Sculpt.
Template Pal will work only in the ST Low RES screen (presently), as
it provides the most colors and compatible XY coordinate layout, and
it allows the use of VIDI ST generated images. To date it has been
operated on TOS versions 1.0--1.62. Docs included.
[] STRLIB is a comprehensive library of over 60 assembler routines
dealing with string and character handling. Dated Oct. 11, 1990 and
written by Robert Birmingham and Bill Aycock with help from Carl
Barron (Carl's the Librarian of BRAG ST, the user group of which I am
a member!). Includes substring handling, insertion, deletion,
searching and matching, conversions, a powerful 'sprintf' routine,
much more. Archive includes STRLIB.S, short doc listing input and
output parms, short sample program using the routines. 131K
uncompressed. Found on TOAD Hall BBS.
[] TERA_132 is Tera Desktop V1.32 by Wout Klaren (dated May 1, 1993).
The Tera Desktop is a replacement of the ST (and TT) desktop. This
desktop offers many of the same features as DC Desktop, NeoDesk, and
the Atari NewDesk (TOS 2.06 and above), and then some. With this
program you can place files and programs on the desktop as icons, and
view files in a window. Buttons in dialog boxes can be selected with
the keyboard! There are really too many features to be listed here.
It will work with any TOS and from a floppy or Hard Drive (Hard Drive
is definitely recommended). It can be run from the AUTO folder or from
the desktop. Color or mono. Docs included (now program and docs are in
English and Dutch - you choose). This version is only for the ST line,
TOS 1.0--2.06. See TERA_TT for the TT specific version (I haven't seen
it yet).
[] TESERAE is Teserae by The Albanian Sausage Corporation. Basically a
cross between a nice graphics demo and a Tetris clone, this is a very
playable game with interesting (and distracting!) rasters moving
behind the falling blocks. Keyboard controlled and a pre-view window
that shows you the block that's coming next. Docs and other info on
the preview screen as well as in a text file. Low rez color only. TOS
1.0--1.62 compatible (at least).
[] TMCL_04 is "The Mercenary's Cheat List, issue #4 dated June 27,
1993. This is another _huge_ listing of cheats, entry codes, hints
and more for a zillion different games (about 370 if I counted right).
135K uncompressed. I found this on TOAD Hall.
[] TOSX_2 is TOSX, Release #02, Version 0.96 by Tom Nolan (dated Nov.
10, 1991). This AUTO program simply pauses for a key after a TOS
program runs before returning to the desktop. This makes sure that you
get a chance to read the program output on the screen before it is
zapped away (wonderful!). It also ensures that programs don't sloppily
leave the colors changed after they exit. Color or mono. Docs
[] UK_DEMOS is a series of four demos for the Falcon030 (dated May 25,
1993). By the UK based Black Scorpion Software, (a development team
working on Falcon specific games), these demos run on a SC1224 (or
equivalent) monitor or a TV set.
PLASMA30.PRG - This rotates, scales and stretches a True Colour
picture around the screen, with a Stereo 16bit 50KHz
soundtrack over the top at 30 Frames per second.
PLASMA50.PRG - The same as above, but at 50 frames per second!
SPEEDER2.PRG - This rotates (move the mouse) a landscape and allows
one to fly (press the left mouse button for a little
speed) around the landscape. Once again there is a
stereo 16bit 50KHz soundtrack over the top.
INTEL.PRG - Really colourful Fractals with a humorous touch in
TrueColour mode.
This uncompresses to 1.82 Meg of files!
[] UNEEKIT is a very simple program by Ivan D Reid (dated Sept. 12,
1990) that allows you to overcome a problem that strikes most Atari ST
users from time to time - the lack of a unique serial number on
diskettes formatted on MS-DOS systems. If you use those disks (or
disks formatted using an ST program that doesn't put unique serial
numbers on the disk) you will find that your ST doesn't know that you
change disks. This can be disastrous when you write data to your
disks! This program writes a unique serial number to each disk. It
only takes three seconds or so. Docs included. ST--TT compatible (at
[] UNITERM is UniTerm v.2.0e 011 by Simon Poole (dated Feb. 26, 1989).
This is a truely excellent terminal program that suports VT100, VT102,
VT220, and 4010 Graphics terminals. GEM based, it allows you to use X,
Y, and Kermit protocals, and allows you to run external programs like
Alan Hamilton's XYZ201 for Zmodem downloading. It's fast, easy to use
and full-featured. If you don't have a terminal program you should
seriously consider checking this one out. It is an excellent program.
All the files you need are included. This archive also includes EXGEM,
Don Rice's program that will convert normal metafile (i.e., UniTerm's
GEM metafiles) to Easy-Draw conversion program. Lots of docs included.
TOS 1.0--1.62 compatible (at least). 684K uncompressed. I found this
on the Boston Computer Society's BBS.
[] UTOPOS is an excellent multi-player (two people in the demo and
four in the registered version) shoot 'em up game from Chronicle (Jani
Penttinen and Matti Maenpaa). Dated April 23, 1993 this game is
colorful with pleasing graphics, excellent sound, and smooth control.
The goal of this game is to shoot the other person down (the reg.
version has a one player mode). Joystick or keyboard controlled, your
rocket ship is moved about through reaction thrust and gravity
(similar to Oids, Thrust, and Rayoid - I like Rayoid, too). This game
takes full advantage of the smooth hardware scrolling of the STE and
so will only work with the STE or Falcon (the docs say TT as well, but
I've been told it won't work on the TT and I don't have a Falcon to
test it on). I really like this game, even in its limited demo mode
and will likely register it. Low Rez Color only. Demo version requires
re-boot to quit (the registered version doesn't). Requires at least
one meg of RAM.
[] UU1V301 is v.3.0.1 of "Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure!
by D. A. Leary (dated January 1993). This is a text adventure created
using TADS (the Text Adventure Development System) that sets the
"standard rules" of text adventures to shame. It mixes them up, grows
them up, and makes playing it a lot of cool fun. Like most text
adventures, Unnkulian Underworld places you in a situation and lets
you figure out how to manipulate your environment using commands
phrased in simple, yet complete, English sentences (It has a
vocabulary of nearly 1,100 words!). Speak (threaten, cajole, bribe,
etc.) with your fellow travelers (the "other" characters in the game).
Solve puzzles, get frustrated over not solving puzzles, wish you had
saved your game before that last move - and then remembering the UNDO
key! Lots of fun. You get the idea! Many improvements over previous
versions. Color or mono. The game also works with BIOS text readers
for the visually impaired (Hurray for people who are aware that some
people have sight impairements!). Docs included. Fully functional
Shareware. ST--Falcon compatible.
[] UU2V30 is the Unnkulian Unventure II (UU2): The Secret of Acme,
v.3.0 by David M. Baggett (dated January 8, 1993). This is a detailed
and difficult text adventure written with TADS (the Text Adventure
Development System). UU2 is a text adventure that features a full
sentence parser, a large vocabulary (nearly 1,100 words!), nearly 100
locations and 64 carryable objects, and hundreds of decorations that
make the game feel much more real than most other interactive fiction
games. UU2 also works with BIOS text readers for the visually
impaired. This game is an outgrowth of D.A. Leary's "Unnkulian
Underworld" (see UU1V301 above). With more myths, more puzzles, more
challenges, more work than that game, it still preserves the element
of fun that Leary's game reintroduced into the text adventure. Just
about anything (_everything_ I've seen) by David Baggett is worth
while getting. This file is no exception. SHAREWARE (with your
registration you get some maps and some hints, but the game itself is
complete as is). Color or mono. Docs included.
[] VIPER is a Falcon specific 256 color .FLM animation by Barry Summer
created using Phoenix Render, POV, and Prism Paint. This 85 frame
animation requires a Falcon and Prism Paint to view. 670K
[] W_D_B_R is the New Trend Demo for the Falcon entitled, "When Dreams
Become Reality (dated August 8, 1993). It runs only on a Falcon030 and
an RGB monitor or TV. Unfortunately, I can't tell you anything more
about it than this file description, "...some cool effects and good
[] WINLUPE is WinLupe v.6.60 (dated June 29, 1993), an .ACC/.APP by
Christian Grunenburg that give you a magnifying glass on your monitor
screen! You can use Winlupe to precisely position your mouse pointer
in whatever application you are running, use to to "proof" raster
graphic applications (even within a drawing program so you can clean
them up nicely), or just as a general Zoom function in any
application. Compatible with all TOS versions (MultiTOS, too). GEM
based with Mouse and/or keyboard control. Color or mono in any rez
(graphic cards as well). Docs and source code in Pure C and ASM
included (the version on GEnie has both English and German versions
with the source code while the version on Delphi has only the English
version and no source code).
[] WRDQST1 is the complete and updated version (as of Sept. 1993) of
Word Quest v.3.10 by Donald A. Thomas, Jr. of Artisan Software (the
Atari JOIN THE REVOLUTION folks). This program is an EXCELLENT Word
Search program. I bought it when it cost $24.95 and was quite pleased
with it (I use it a lot). Now upgraded and released as SHAREWARE, this
program is even better! Word Quest is a powerful GEM-based program
designed to construct and play word search puzzles (from 5x5 to 20x20
word grids). You control the directions words are placed, manual
placement of words or automatic placement from a list, delete unwanted
words, print out word lists in alphabetical order, print out answer
keys, and more! Puzzles and answeres may be printed out from the
program to a dot matrix printer or to a Neochrome or Degas picture
file. Many word puzzles included, and a separate set can be read about
below. Mouse or keyboard controlled. You can use this program for so
many different purposes: education, advertisement, as an
"ice-breaker," and... just for fun! Color or mono. TOS 1.0--Falcon
compatible. Docs included.
[] WRDQST2 is the complete and updated version (as of Sept. 1993) of
Word Quest 2 v.1.20 by Donald A. Thomas, Jr. of Artisan Software (the
Atari JOIN THE REVOLUTION folks). This program is an EXCELLENT
Crossword Puzzle program that allows you to create complex puzzles
with a minimum of effort. I bought it when it cost $24.95 and was
quite pleased with it (I use it a lot). Puzzles and answeres may be
printed out from the program to a laser printer or dot matrix printer
(via a screendump) or to a Neochrome or Degas picture file. Five
puzzles included. Mouse or keyboard controlled. You can use this
program for so many different purposes: education, advertisement, as
an "ice-breaker," and... just for fun! This program seems the same as
the commercial version, but it's not... it's BETTER! Various bug
fixes, incompatibility problems, speed increases, and more have all
been implemented. Color or mono (in ST rez.). TOS 1.0--Falcon
compatible. Online help and docs included. Found on TOAD Hall BBS.
[] WQ1PUZL2 is a list of fifty puzzles for Word Quest 1 the excellent
word search program by Donald A. Thomas, Jr. of Artisan Software.
Check out the above description about Word Quest 1 and then get this
file! I haven't been able to check this file out yet for one question
I have about it. Artisan Software offers a set of fifty puzzles for
WQ1 for $9+. Is this that set? I'm not sure. Can anyone tell me?
Well... that's ENOUGH for now. I have to crank up the ol' modem and
send this file off. But before I go I'll tell you a bit of what is
upcoming next issue. I have downloaded way over 125 files in the past
two weeks I haven't yet gotten to review (where's the time!). Just to
mention two of them, both by Paul Lefvbre--Delphi Oracle and GEnie
Oracle. Using these BackTalk Scripts with STalker and STeno allows you
to fully automate most tasks on both of those online services. Last
night I went to bed nearly two hours early because Oracle allowed me
to set up a series of files and have them downloaded straight to my
STE while I slept. It was great! My SHAREWARE payment will be on the
Take care,
All of these files can be found on one or more of the following
on-line services: GEnie (M.BURKLEY1, AEO.4), Delphi (MRBURKLEY), The
CodeHead BBS (213-461-2095), Toad Hall (617-567-8642), and The Boston
Computer Society's Atari BBS (617-396-4607) (Michael R. Burkley). Drop
me a line!
Michael lives in Niagara Falls, NY. He is a former Polyurethane
Research Chemist and is presently the pastor of the Niagara
Presbyterian Church.
||| GEnie Atari ST RoundTable News
||| Courtesy: GEnie Atari ST RT (with thanks to John Hartman!)
/ | \ GEnie: J.G.H.
Atari RT Weekly News 10.3
= Upcoming Realtime Conferences =
November 3 - Wednesday 10 pm EST - JV Enterprises.
November 5 - Friday 10 pm EST - Dateline Atari! with Bob Brodie.
//// Editor's Note: The Date and Time of
//// Dateline Atari! is Subject to Change
November 10 - Wednesday 10 pm EST - Dave Troy and Charles Smeton.
November 24 - Wednesday 10 pm EST - Scott Sanders of SDS.
30240 BRODIE14.ARC X ST.LOU 931002 12800 354 13
Desc: Jaguar Fever
30232 FDMISSON.ARC X BRIAN.H 931001 11008 66 13
Desc: Fair Dinkum/Missionware 29 Sep93 RTC
30425 AW_BOOK.TXT X M.HEBERT1 931017 1408 36 14
Desc: Papa's Grafik Guide to AtariWorksWP
30403 APE93ADD.TXT X C.SMITH89 931015 896 58 14
Desc: Info on APE Newsletter
30359 CLASSDOC.ARC X G.WREN 931011 3072 26 14
Desc: Overview of CLASS_45, gradebook
30319 EASY_UP.TXT X J.EIDSVOOG1 931008 2048 326 14
Desc: Easier Upgrade Policy for Warp 9!
30318 GLMPR334.LZH X R.FAULKNER4 931008 28672 101 14
Desc: GEnieLamp Press Release #3.34
30309 RS20F_PR.TXT X N.BAKER4 931007 5632 55 14
Desc: Version 2.0F of RATSoft Released!
30308 GEMVW248.ZIP X CYBERCUBE 931007 4992 133 14
Desc: GEM-View 2.48 Press Release
30426 WR_V134.LZH X ATARI.BENLUX 931018 131328 13 10
Desc: Winrec 1.34 Falcon030 HD recording
30374 GEN2DEMO.ZIP X G.RODGERS2 931013 80640 51 10
Desc: Version 2 of Genus CFN font editor
30331 M_QWK117.LZH X A.WATSON6 931009 81408 50 10
Desc: Mountain QWK Offline Reader (1.17)
30249 THRONE11.LZH X J.EIDSVOOG1 931002 25088 260 10
Desc: Flying Thrones 1.1, New Version
30254 STTALKCL.ARC X E.BAIZ 931003 15872 274 2
Desc: Talking clock acc for the ST.
30249 THRONE11.LZH X J.EIDSVOOG1 931002 25088 260 10
Desc: Flying Thrones 1.1, New Version
30329 GEMMULTI.ZIP X T.HOPPER 931009 15488 252 21
Desc: Improved desktops for all TOS vers.
30399 LIQPIXEL.LZH X J.EIDSVOOG1 931015 4992 230 2
Desc: Liquid Pixels Extend-O-Save Module
30362 LHARC230.LZH X L.SMITH70 931011 72704 204 40
Desc: LHarc 2.30 - October 9, 1993
30337 FISHES.ZIP X M.POCHE 931009 11392 195 2
Desc: Warp 9 3.80 Extendo-Save module
30394 JAWS_II.ZIP X M.POCHE 931015 8576 185 2
Desc: Updated Extend-O-Save module.
30263 PDOS_112.ZIP X AEO.MAG 931004 80896 154 22
Desc: Latest PowerDOS & programmer's docs
30216 HCOPY16S.ZIP X GRMEYER 931001 54144 134 2
Desc: Hypercopy, now in medium resolution
30398 APPNDX_E.TXT X J.EIDSVOOG1 931015 4608 133 2
Desc: Appendix E from Warp 9 Manual
= INTERNET ARCHIVES - Library 48 =
30429 INET63.ARC X DARLAH 931018 29568 13 48
Desc: Internet Oct 18th 2nd edition
30427 INET62.ARC X DARLAH 931018 230144 7 48
Desc: Internet Oct 18, 1993
30314 INET61.ARC X DARLAH 931007 43008 34 48
Desc: Internet October 7, 1993
30285 INET60.ARC X DARLAH 931004 23936 27 48
Desc: Internet - October 4, 1993
30258 INET59.ARC X DARLAH 931003 39552 28 48
Desc: October 3 - Internet
This brief is to aid Atari magazines that visit the Atari Roundtable
with leads for articles and features. Please follow GEnie, Atari
Roundtable and Atari Corporation policies when using any files,
bulletin board and banner excerpts.
Thank you for supporting the Atari Roundtable and GEnie.
John G. Hartman
Atari RT PR Sysop
||| Developing News
||| Important Items from TOS platform developers and supporters
/ | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------
//// STORM to be released as Shareware
[Taken from the GEnie ST RoundTable]
Category 8, Topic 2
Message 1 Mon Oct 18, 1993
A.PAGE3 at 08:05 EDT
As many people are aware, I had arranged with Double-Click software to
write a new telecommunications program to be called Storm. Due to a
variety of circumstances, the program was never finished, though it
had progressed to beta testing.
I have decided to release Storm as shareware. I realize that there are
companies out there that would be happy to publish it commercially,
but I have a full-time job and it would take too long to completely
finish the program and manual. Mike Vederman has been kind enough to
permit me to release the program as shareware and also to allow me to
use the Storm name and logo. Mike and I are still on very good terms.
The program is fully functional, except for a few minor features.
Current documentation consists of a couple of text files, one on the
Basic, one on the program itself. I have not disabled any features for
the shareware version and there are no annoying messages nagging users
about shareware registration.
I will be distributing the final beta test version to beta testers
shortly. Once it has been tested, the shareware package will be
released. I hope this will be in a week or two.
I have had access to a Falcon, so the program is definitely Falcon
compatible, as well as MultiTOS, and TT compatible. It has been tried
out on a variety of video cards, including full-color TT video cards
and appears to work with all of them.
The suggested shareware fee will be $25. That is either Canadian or
U.S. $. (This is to encourage U.S. registrants to purchase Canadian
money orders.) Shareware registrants will receive printed
documentation and an enhanced version of the program in the first
quarter of 1994. While I will attempt to fix any serious bugs in the
unregistered version, I will not be adding any new features to it. I
will be adding features to the registered shareware version and
writing improved documentation for it.
I will be supporting Storm on both CompuServe and Genie. I do not
wish to become involved in any of the battles that occasionally erupt
between users of the various online services. I will upload the
software to both services on the same day, and it will be up to the
sysops when it will become available for download.
- Alan Page
All beta testers are released from non-disclosure regarding Storm
features, though I hope they will check out the final beta version
(available in a day or so) before commenting, because there have been
a number of changes and fixes.
//// Silhouette Colortrace to ship in December
Maxwell CPU has today announced that Silhouette Colortrace, the long
awaited upgrade to its popular autotracing and graphics program
Silhouette, will ship in the first week of December, 1993.
Colortrace, originally announced in February 1993, has met with some
delays in development in the past few months. But the author, Tim
Reyes (T.REYES), feels confident that it will be ready for a December
If you have already sent in your upgrade fee and your original disk,
your copy of Silhouette Colortrace will be shipped at the time of the
release in December. No checks will be deposited and no credit cards
will be billed until your upgrade ships.
We thank you for your patience regarding this upgrade and for your
continued interest in the program. We honestly feel that Silhouette
Colortrace will be an indispensable graphics tool for Atari computer
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Silhouette, it is a graphics
package that allows creation, conversion, and editing of graphics
files. It works both with bitmap and vector graphics and can convert
between the two.
Silhouette Colortrace adds color capabilities to the mix and supports
a wide range of monochrome, greyscale, and color graphic file formats,
both bitmap and vector based. It also supports Speedo GDOS.
If you would like to upgrade to Silhouette Colortrace from any other
version of Silhouette, please send $25 (+$3 shipping) along with your
master disk to Toad Computers. Upgrades will include a brand new, 120+
page manual.
Silhouette Colortrace retails for $119.95 and will be available at an
introductory price of $99 through Toad Computers for a limited time.
It includes the new 120+ page manual and attractive retail packaging
(similar to that now used with STraight FAX! 2.0).
For more information contact:
Toad Computers
570-F Ritchie Highway
Severna Park, MD 21146-2925
(410) 544-6943 Information (Upgrades)
(800) 448-8623 Orders (New Sales Only)
(410) 544-1329 FAX
(410) 544-6999 BBS
GEnie: "TOAD-SERV." or "T.REYES"
Compuserve: 75300,714
//// CodeHead Technologies has new update policy for Warp 9
You asked and we listened!
Many of our customers have asked for an easier way to obtain their
Warp 9 upgrades. Until now, we've required the return of your original
disk in order to receive most upgrades.
Effective immediately, CodeHead Technologies will accept upgrade
orders from registered owners of Warp 9 without the return of your
original disk.
Upgrade orders may be placed in E-Mail on GEnie, Compuserve, Delphi,
our own BBS, by phone, FAX, or mail. All that is required is that we
have proof of your ownership of Warp 9 by one of the following means:
1. Inclusion in our database from your registration card.
2. Direct purchase with an invoice from CodeHead.
3. Return of original disk.
4. Receipt from a dealer showing Warp 9 purchase.
If you have any questions, give us a call. We value our customers'
satisfaction and listen to your suggestions. The Warp 9 v3.80 upgrade
is $25 plus $3 shipping ($4 Canada, $6 overseas). It comes on two
disks, includes dozens of interesting and entertaining screensaver
modules, and now has Falcon and SpeedoGDOS compatibility. For more
information about the features of Warp 9 v3.80, read the online press
release that was issued as W9UPDATE.TXT on September 17, 1993.
For more information, contact:
CodeHead Technologies
PO Box 74090
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Tel (213) 386-5735 Mon-Fri 9AM-1PM
Fax (213) 386-5789
BBS (213) 461-2095
Compuserve: 76004,2232
//// APE changes
The APE (Atari Portable Entertainment) Newsletter has been covering
the Lynx since 1990, providing its readers with the kind of news and
game playing tips necessary to thoroughly enjoy the most powerful
portable system available.
The Lynx is about to get a new powerful big brother (the Jaguar) and
APE is expanding its coverage to both of these cats. APE now stands
If you'd like to check out a FREE sample copy of the next issue, drop
a message to me via Genie Mail. You'll receive Issue 12 of APE, info
on subscribing, and the availablity of back issues. It makes an
excellent Christmas gift!
Send your mailing address to C.SMITH89
Thanks for your support,
Clint Smith
APE (Atari Power Entertainment) Newsletter
//// Papa's Grafik Guide to Works' Word Processor
The first in a trilogy of tutorial/reference books for AtariWorks
users. Papa's Grafik Guide to AtariWorks? Word Processor is 100+
screen shots of AtariWorks WP in action with complete explanations of
every documented and undocumented function. Create Format/Style
macros, details of graphics handling (including text wrap around),
import and format database records, newsletters, multi-column
pamphlets/booklets/brochures, text effects with Speedo fonts, use
label maker to create business cards, invitations, etc.
Aimed at the beginning to intermediate level AtariWorks user, Papa's
Grafik Guide has meat in it for even advanced power users.
Grafik Guides to AtariWorks Database and Spreadsheet planned for
release in first quarter of 1994.
Sample copies are being mailed to Atari dealers throughout the US and
Canada over the next few weeks and should be available off the shelf
by December. Price is $16.95.
If you don't have a nearby dealer or just can't wait until December
you may order direct from:
Papa's Grafik Press
1228 N. School Street
Honolulu, HI 96817
Please include check or money order for $16.95 plus $2.00 shipping
and handling. Your copy will be mailed via Express Mail within 24
hours of receipt of order.
||| Shutdown ............................ Power off, EXIT, BYE, Logoff
/ | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm pleased to be able to offer the many readers of AEO who can only
access us via the Internet a chance to obtain AEO through a
subscription service. If you have an Internet connection, drop Greg
Lindahl a request at <stzmagazine-request@virginia.edu>.
We welcome feedback from all of our readers; feedback both positive
and negative. Whatever you think of our efforts, we sincerely would
like to know. Our EMail addresses are sprinkled throughout each
issue - with the new Internet gateway into GEnie, you can reach us
through the Internet also. Append "@genie.geis.com" to any of our
GEnie addresses.
Until the next issue of AEO, I remain,
Your Editor
Travis Guy
Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com
(This issue printed on recycled photons)
#1 (7-0)
Atari Explorer Online Magazine is a bi-weekly publication covering the
entire Atari community. Reprint permission is granted, unless
otherwise noted at the beginning of the article, to registered Atari
user groups and not for profit publications under the following terms
only: articles must remain unedited and include the issue number and
author at the top of each article reprinted. Other reprints granted
upon approval of request. Send requests to <aeo.mag@genie.geis.com>.
Opinions presented herein are those of the individual authors and do
not necessarily reflect those of the staff, or of the publishers. All
material herein is believed accurate at the time of publishing.
Atari, ST, Mega ST, STE, Mega STE, TT030, Atari Falcon030, TOS,
MultiTOS, NewDesk, BLiTTER, Atari Lynx, ComLynx, Atari Jaguar, Atari
Portfolio, and the Atari Fuji Symbol are all trademarks or registered
trademarks of Atari Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in
this issue belong to their respective owners.
Atari Explorer Online Magazine
"Your Only Independent Atari Online"
Copyright (c) 1993, Subspace Publishers
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:: Volume 2 - Issue 18 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 23 October 1993 ::