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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Sat, 7 Apr 90 Volume 90 : Issue 423
Today's Topics:
Atari UK launches developer support programme!
Monitor weirdness (2 msgs)
NEC 3D and NEC GS multisync monitors...
TEX/DVI... are they married?
Upgrading Mega 2 to Mega 4
Date: 8 Apr 90 00:55:11 GMT
From: eagle!ncastellano@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Atari UK launches developer support programme!
Message-ID: <16225@eagle.wesleyan.edu>
In article <2468@syma.sussex.ac.uk>, grahamt@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Graham Thomas)
> them. It includes the provision that 'neither party shall publicly
> announce or disclose the existence of this agreement..', which I find a
> bit bizarre. The newsletter admits there is a problem about knowing
But it managed to get posted to comp.sys.atari.st ....hmm.
ncastellano@eagle.wesleyan.edu ncastellano@wesleyan.bitnet
Date: 7 Apr 90 13:05:38 GMT
From: pacbell!rbdc!mccann@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Mike McCann)
Subject: Monitor weirdness
Message-ID: <1990Apr7.130538.19224@rbdc>
warningm@prism.cs.orst.edu (MICHAEL WARNING) writes:
>My mono(SM124) monitor decided to flip out on me today. It will jerk the
>screen back and forth horizontally for several minutes, and then shift the
>entire screen to the left. If you drag a icon or window to the extreme left,
>it will come up reversed as if the left side of the screen had been folded
>on top of the rest of the screen. All this will start to happen after the
>monitor has been on for several minutes, and you have to turn it off for a
>minute or so to get it back to normal.
>Is this some common, easy to fix problem, or do I have to get it serviced?
>(It's only about two months old...)
I can't speak for the 124 specifically, but in general, something has happened
to your horizontal sync. From your description, it sounds
temperature-sensitive. I suspect a bad solder joint, perhaps at the flyback or
horizontal-output-transistor (or in those area(s)). Good luck.
> Mike Warning
> warningm@prism.cs.orst.edu
Date: 8 Apr 90 02:47:02 GMT
eacon.mit.edu (Richard Dankert)
Subject: Monitor weirdness
Message-ID: <1841@lakesys.lakesys.com>
In article <1990Apr7.130538.19224@rbdc> mccann@rbdc (Mike McCann) writes:
>warningm@prism.cs.orst.edu (MICHAEL WARNING) writes:
>>My mono(SM124) monitor decided to flip out on me today. It will jerk the
>>screen back and forth horizontally for several minutes, and then shift the
>>entire screen to the left. If you drag a icon or window to the extreme left,
>>it will come up reversed as if the left side of the screen had been folded
>>on top of the rest of the screen. All this will start to happen after the
>>monitor has been on for several minutes, and you have to turn it off for a
>>minute or so to get it back to normal.
The Exact thing happened to me, and it WAS NOT THE MONITOR!
The problem really showed up whenever I tried t use a Re-set Proof RamDisk, OR
Shadow (ver 1.1)
Well I opened the macine up, thinkng that I was having problems with
my new Z-Ram 3-D/4 Meg upgrade, I installed recently. Well to make a long
story short, it was a pin connection on the GLUE chip that caused all the
trouble. All I did was to re-move the chip, clean all the contacts, and
then replace the chip. Bingo..... Problem solved.
As an aside, I also did the same to the MMU socket connections.
Havn't had a problem since.....
#include (std. disclaimer>
If you are unsure of your ability to do this, then DON'T. Get a professional
to do it for you.
UUCP: rich@lakesys.lakesys.COM ?always .... ?
Date: 7 Apr 90 13:11:27 GMT
From: pacbell!rbdc!mccann@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Mike McCann)
Subject: NEC 3D and NEC GS multisync monitors...
Message-ID: <1990Apr7.131127.19299@rbdc>
achowe@tiger.waterloo.edu (anthony howe) writes:
>How does one connect the nice NEC 3D monitor so that you can switch
>between mono and colour?
built a switchbox. Basically you just need a 4 pole switch, to switch the RGB
lines and mono. There's an article up on GEnie (do a search under multisync)
that tells how to do a NEC II, the 3D is the same except it uses the 15-pin VGA
plug, which is available from Radio Shack now. Also, I think E.A. Brown now
sells a couple of switchboxes that may work with the 3D.
EOF>- ant
> achowe@tiger.waterloo.edu | "It is hard to make the world go away
> _ -|-|_ _ | when it has decided to notice you."
> (_\ |\| | | | (_) |\| \/ | - Spock's World
> ___/ | disclaimer...
Date: 7 Apr 90 15:40:59 GMT
From: imagen!atari!portal!cup.portal.com!james_jim_woomer@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Portfolio
Message-ID: <28683@cup.portal.com>
Has anyone used the Portfolio for any useful work?
Care to elaborate?
How do you transfer data from the Portfolio your PC. IBM ST?
Are you happy?
Thanks for any response?
Jim Woomer
Date: 7 Apr 90 22:56:16 GMT
From: usc!jarthur!uci-ics!ehood@ucsd.edu (Earl Hood)
Subject: switcher.lzh
Message-ID: <261E700F.17088@paris.ics.uci.edu>
A friend of mine recently ftp switcher.lzh. However when we download it
and try to unlzh it, we get bad header messages. If anybody has successfully
unlzh it could you email the file to me.
Earl Hood (UC Irvine) -------------------------------> ehood@paris.ics.uci.edu
Date: 7 Apr 90 23:28:01 GMT
com (Ralph Haglund)
Subject: TEX/DVI... are they married?
Message-ID: <1990Apr7.232801.24071@lth.se>
TeX produces a DVI (DeVice Independent) file. Another program can show this
on screen, or send it to a suitable printer.
| Want to talk to me? Try: |
| QRALPH@SELDC51 || QRALPH@SELDC52 || qralph@dna.lth.se |
| My name? In official Sweden it is: 4.901.185.654 (secret) |
| Anywhere else: Ralph Haglund |
| Disclaimer: If it works, it's out of date. |
Date: 8 Apr 90 02:19:29 GMT
From: swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!marque!lakesys!rich@ucsd.edu
(Richard Dankert)
Subject: Upgrading Mega 2 to Mega 4
Message-ID: <1840@lakesys.lakesys.com>
In article <9552@sdcc6.ucsd.edu> pa1562@sdcc13.ucsd.edu (C. SQuibby Breyman)
>I tried bumping my 520stfm up to 1meg the same way. Solder wick
>sockets and caps. I socketed and capped. Runs ok. Added DRAM, boots
>gets verticle lines and bombs. Serious bombs. So badly that it
>didn't even display them. Tried reboot. No luck. Added some resit
>ors to the resitor slotss next to the ram. Comes up ok but only
>recognizes the lower half of memory.
Stuff Deleted....
I went through this a little while ago, with TWO STfm's I have at my workplace
and here's what has to be done....
Follow the New Bank of Ram down towards the front of the machine. You `should
find a chip just off to the right on the way down, U68 and it should be a
74LS11N chip. If it is missing, your going to have to get one, and place
it in there.
The Hitachi # is HD74LS11p
There are three resistors that are not soldered in also, I believe there the
ones that you have made referece to. #'s R71 / R72 / & R73, and should be
33 Ohms @ 2% tolerance.
You machine should boot, and recognize the second bank.
The pad that you are referencing to are for two or six set ROM's! There are
three of them, two by the Rom chips and one by the MMU (MCU) chip. There
labeled 256K and 1M (or 1 Meg). If you are not replacing your ROM's then
There is a place on the mother board to install a Blitter Socket and CHIP,
But seeing that I use TurboST, and I have seen blitter installed machines,
and due to the type of use i am using the machines for, I have no need for
the blitter, so I have not investigated installing this. Fact is that besides
the blitter, there was (on both machines) another chip that more than likely
has to be installed if you desire the blitter upgrade in. Like I said, I
don't have the need, so I just never went any farther,
#include <std. disclaimer>
I have doen the upgrade to both machines, and all is well. I am a Tech,
and was working on MY OWN MACHINES! If you try this and your machine blows
up in your face, I take NO respopnsibility.
UUCP: rich@lakesys.lakesys.COM ?always .... ?
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #423