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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Sun, 15 Apr 90 Volume 90 : Issue 448
Today's Topics:
EPROM programmer wanted. (2 msgs)
GEMINI & GDOS = Garbage in Console?
Gemini 1.1 Docs in English (2 msgs)
One world, One CPU, One OS
Proposed change to names of sources/binaries postings
Request for Opinions
TOS 1.4 info
Date: 13 Apr 90 12:20:00 GMT
From: dino!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!cs325ec@uunet.uu.net (Gregory Lemperle-Kerr)
Subject: (none)
Message-ID: <1990Apr13.122000.20588@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
Ken Yu writes:
> There is a file on terminator called 25MEGADD.ARC which explains
> how to exapnd a 1040ST to 2.5 megs by replacing the existing
> 256K chips with 1 megabit chips. Unfortunately, the arc file is
> corrupted and I can only read the first paragraph. Is it as easy
> as it says in the introduction? (Just unsolder the 256 k and
> add sockets for 1 meg chips?)
*** NO, Don't do it ***... Yes, it can be done, I did it, but
check your mother board version. In the end, the file was good
for one thing only, the chip pin out diagrams. I had to trace
all my lines to find the right ones to cut... I have a rev C.
1040 board (blitter socket), much different than the one the
author had. It would seem to me that one would be better off
getting SIMMS and wiring them in. You must modify the sockets...,
cut many traces... etc. Good luck, if you need help, email me.
-- Greg
Date: 14 Apr 90 15:09:46 GMT
From: fernwood!portal!cup.portal.com!buggs@decwrl.dec.com (William Edward
Subject: EPROM programmer wanted.
Message-ID: <28918@cup.portal.com>
Can someone tell me how to get the contents of a zoo'd file to a filename,
rather than the screen? I can't seem to get this one........
Ed June
Fido node 1:133/403
Date: 13 Apr 90 08:00:29 GMT
.com!tekfdi!danw@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Daniel E Wilson)
Subject: EPROM programmer wanted.
Message-ID: <4148@tekfdi.FDI.TEK.COM>
While it would be easier if I just gave in and got a PC, I am looking
for an EPROM programmer for the ST. Finding one for the PC is easy.
When I mention the Atari ST all I get is chuckles.(especially from the
former Atari owner) I am beginning to believe that they may have a point.
Yes, I realize that someone will get flame me for this statement for not
being properly loyal to Atari. The truth is that most things are much
easier to get for the PC. I just don't want to work on a machine that
has even more problems than the ST.
Thank You in advance for any help in finding such a beast.
Dan Wilson <tekfdi.FDI.COM>
Date: 13 Apr 90 16:39:35 GMT
Subject: GEMINI & GDOS = Garbage in Console?
Message-ID: <16000051@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
I just popped in my TOS 1.4 and booted Gemini for the first time
instead of MUPFEL/VENUS. I tried G+PLUS 1.? and the G+FLAIR that
came with my World Flair and in both instances, the console window
works only with TypeWriter or System fonts, the others appear as
garbage characters (Gemini.fnt etc.). Anyone have any ideas? I'll
try AMCGDOS, but I can't believe that it would work where G+Plus
Thanks in advance.
-- Greg
Date: 15 Apr 90 16:51:11 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!buggs@apple.com (William Edward JuneJr)
Subject: Gemini 1.1 Docs in English
Message-ID: <28963@cup.portal.com>
PLEASE *do* poST the English docs!
I wish there were English docs for ST Turbo C, I'd buy that one for sure!
Ed June
Fido node 1:133/403
Date: 15 Apr 90 18:23:20 GMT
From: cs.dal.ca!silvert@uunet.uu.net (Bill Silvert)
Subject: Gemini 1.1 Docs in English
Message-ID: <1990Apr15.182320.26116@cs.dal.ca>
In article <776@ncs.dnd.ca> balkwill@ncs.dnd.ca (R. J. Balkwill) writes:
>I have translated the docs for Gemini 1.1 (Gemini, Venus and Mupfel)
>from German into English but will not post them unless:
I would very much like to get these. My mailer cannot find ncs in the
dnd.ca domain so I can't write Balkwill directly, but it would be great
to have Gemini in English.
William Silvert, Habitat Ecology Division, Bedford Inst. of Oceanography
P. O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, CANADA B2Y 4A2. Tel. (902)426-1577
BITNET=bill%biomel%dalcs@dalac InterNet=bill%biomel@cs.dal.ca
Date: 14 Apr 90 18:43:23 GMT
From: eb1z+@andrew.cmu.edu (Edward Joseph Bennett)
Subject: One world, One CPU, One OS
Message-ID: <Ya9qx=K00WBLI10Ftd@andrew.cmu.edu>
I think the Mac has a great operating system. In my opinion it is the
best, But it is far from flawless and I can see where many users that
have special uses for their computers don't need it and may not want it.
Lets not forget that it wouldn't necessarily be good for Mac users.
Every time Apple developes a new machine it has a bug fix release of
system software to make it work. Example IIfx and system 6.05. Apple
will have a difficult enough time in trying to develope system 7.0 that
works on the plus, the IIfx and everything in between. Imagine trying to
maintain and ensure compatibility for machines from many companies with
each company having many models. I think we would have a stagnate
unchanging operating system like DOS where the lowest common denominator
was the driving force.
Any way One World , One OS brings back horror memories of pre 1984 when
IBM and DOS where king. I think all computer users can agree that we are
all better off because of the competition. Competition breeds inovation.
One world, One OS would breed stagnation.
Date: 14 Apr 90 20:09:49 GMT
From: agate!stew.ssl.berkeley.edu!ericco@apple.com (Eric C. Olson)
Subject: Proposed change to names of sources/binaries postings
Message-ID: <1990Apr14.200949.11149@agate.berkeley.edu>
Steven Grimm writes:
>Personally, I'd like to see Dumas uud hacked to take multiple filenames
>on the command line instead, but it's no problem for me to use the proposed
>filenames if people prefer that.
Here's two scripts that I use to extract and assemble uuencode articles.
This comes as is ... as for documentation UTSL (use the source luke)!
I pipe articles from Rn directly into uupart. Later, a assemble the
parts with muu. This works for me because I never get anything in the
right order.
BTW, this is just a hack that happens to work on every file I've tried
it on.
# save uuencode parts in the right place
uufilename ()
awk '($1 == "begin")?if ($2 == "part") print $4; else print $3?' $1
strip ()
awk '
($1 == "begin" || $1 == "table") ?flag = 1?
?if (flag == 1) print?
($1 == "include" || $1 == "end") ?flag = 0?
' <$1 >$2
trap "rm -f $T*; exit 0" 0 1 2 3 15
cat - >$T
strip $T `uufilename $T`
# combine multiple uuencoded files
uuoutput ()
awk '($1 == "begin" && $2 != "part") ?print $3?' $1
nextfile ()
awk '
($1 == "include") ?print $2; exit?
' <$1
body ()
awk '
($1 == "include") ?flag = 0?
?if (flag == 1) print?
($1 == "end") ?flag = 0?
($1 == "begin") ?flag = 1?
' <$1 >$2
header ()
awk '
($1 == "table") ?flag = 1?
($1 == "begin") ?print "begin 777 "$3; exit?
?if (flag == 1) print?
' <$1 >$2
trap "rm -f $T*; exit 0" 0 1 2 3 15
NEXT=$?1?"requires name of first part"?
DIR=`expr $NEXT : '\(.*\)/.*' \| '.'`
NEXT=`expr //$NEXT : '.*/\(.*\)'`
OUT=`uuoutput $DIR/$NEXT`
if test ! "$OUT"; then
echo "$NEXT doesn't contain the output file name"
exit 1
header $DIR/$NEXT $T.uu
while test $NEXT
echo processing $DIR/$NEXT
body $DIR/$NEXT $T
cat $T >>$T.uu
NEXT=`nextfile $DIR/$NEXT`
uudecode $T.uu
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 90 21:32:31 EDT
From: Bob Stewart <stewart@xyplex.com>
Subject: Request for Opinions
Message-ID: <9004160432.AA29646@xap>
I'm considering some additions to my 520ST system and would appreciate
opinions (preferably from experience) on my tentative selections.
1. 2400-baud modem - SupraModem 2400.
2. Double-side floppy drive (yes, I'm suffering with a single,
single-sided drive - Master 3S from Konyo International.
3. C compiler, etc. - Megamax Laser C and Laser source debugger.
Bob Stewart (rlstewart@eng.xyplex.com)
Xyplex, Boxborough, Massachusetts
(508) 264-9900
Date: 15 Apr 90 18:34:02 GMT
From: cs.dal.ca!silvert@uunet.uu.net (Bill Silvert)
Subject: TOS 1.4 info
Message-ID: <1990Apr15.183402.26555@cs.dal.ca>
I just got TOS 1.4 and to my great suprise it came without
documentation. Does anyone have some info they can easily send me about
the added features and how they work?
I have a couple of DOC files about the utilities that came with it, but
I thought I would get an update to the user manual. I didn't.
William Silvert, Habitat Ecology Division, Bedford Inst. of Oceanography
P. O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, CANADA B2Y 4A2. Tel. (902)426-1577
BITNET=bill%biomel%dalcs@dalac InterNet=bill%biomel@cs.dal.ca
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #448