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Date: Wed, 18 Apr 90 18:35 EST
From: BROLIO@cs.umass.EDU
Subject: (1) OCR experiences? (2) EMACS/shell capabilities?
Message-ID: <9004192056.AA03608@crash.cs.umass.edu>
Two questions:
1. Has anyone used OCR software (e.g., the Geniscan stuff, or
anything for the mac) and what's the report on it?
(OCR=optical character recognition).
2. Are there any posted emacs (say gnu) that interact with
the gulam shell well? I am interested in the "suspend and
go to shell" type functions. I am still using emacs 3.7
because it does that well, even though that release had
no rational concept of a word (it thinks the first alpha-
numeric character after a space signals the end of the
previous word!)
John Brolio
Date: 20 Apr 90 03:37:13 GMT
From: clyde.concordia.ca!sherlock!stefan@uunet.uu.net (BUCHHOLZ stefan)
Subject: A3000 specs. Barretize them...
Message-ID: <2092@clyde.concordia.ca>
Amiga, a state of mind.
OK: These are 99% accurate.
A3000 launch: 27 March at World of Amiga in New York City. Canadian launches
are May 7 at Ontario Science centre and May 10 in Montreal at Sheraton Laval. I
beleive that there will be a Vancouver launch as well... You need TIX for
Canadian launches.
SPECS: It will be in next BYTE. 2 versions differing only by clock rate of CPU.
1 is 16 Mhz 030 and other is 25 Mhz 030. FULL 32-BIT MEMORY, ON MOTHERBOARD.
AUTOCONFIGS TO 18 (over 15 at least) 32 bit. 2 MEGs of Chip memory. Flicker-
fixer-like device eliminates flicker in all modes, and works with PAL. Has
new Denise and Agnus. Has x# of ZORRO 3 slots ( which are full 32-bit addres-
able). KICKSTART 2.0 = 512K. Initial release will NOT include scalable fonts.
NEW: A CPU slot (?). Less PC slots. Power on the front, sleaker looking.
PRICE: similar to 25/30's.
ULOWEL CARD: Will be released together. 256 + 2 colors out of 16 m.
Amivision: Released at same time.
IE: three products in less than 1 month. Lots to chat about...
Don't expect to see UNIX 5r4 for any system b4 September, ON ANY SYSTEM!
Stefan Buchholz * Concordia University Computer Science * a.k.a Stefy LePew
stefan@doyle.cs.concordia.ca > MITE AVsita Multimedia lab system support <<
Date: 19 Apr 90 11:19:13 GMT
From: philmtl!philabs!ttidca!woodside@uunet.uu.net (George Woodside)
Subject: Help needed with Protobt (XBIOS $12)
Message-ID: <12218@ttidca.TTI.COM>
In article <11748@stag.math.lsa.umich.edu> hyc@math.lsa.umich.edu (Howard Chu)
>Btw, how is one supposed to generate a correct checksum for the boot sector?
>My impression from reading the description of Protobt is that it completely
>overwrites the contents of the buffer you pass it, so you have to make any
>changes (adding executable code, altering the parameter block, etc.) after
>the call, and most probably ending up with an invalid checksum. Am I missing
>something obvious here?
Yes. Protobt sets the appropriate parameters for cluster size, counts,
etc. based upon the third parameter:
-1 - No change
0 - 40 tracks, single sided (Right! Tons of these babies out there.)
1 - 40 tracks, double sided (These Too!)
2 - 80 tracks, single sided (Ahh, reality strikes!)
3 - 80 tracks, double sided
It checks the fourth parameter for a flag to determine if it is to be
-1 - No change
0 - Not executable (MWC manual is wrong here)
1 - Executable (MWC manual is wrong here)
The executable flag determines the checksum value. There is only one
significant checksum (executable), or any other value. The appropriate
checksum value will be placed in the last two bytes of the buffer.
The remainder of the buffer is left untouched. Whatever was in it
at the call to Protobt will be there afterwards.
* George R. Woodside - Citicorp/TTI - Santa Monica, CA *
* Path: woodside@ttidca *
* or: ..!
Date: 19 Apr 90 16:29:06 GMT
From: fozzard@boulder.colorado.edu (Richard Fozzard)
Subject: One world, One CPU, One OS
Message-ID: <19923@boulder.Colorado.EDU>
>Yes, I've tried OS9 and love it!
>Lee Glenn
>Software Engineer
>Microware Systems Corp.
This seems somewhat suspect - aren't Microware the people who write and
sell OS9? On the net, it's traditional to openly admit one's bias in
an endorsement, you know :-)
Richard Fozzard "Serendipity empowers"
Univ of Colorado/CIRES/NOAA R/E/FS 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303
fozzard@boulder.colorado.edu (303)497-6011 or 444-3168
Date: 19 Apr 90 21:18:11 GMT
From: bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu!consp11@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (Brett
Subject: One world, One CPU, One OS
Message-ID: <3308@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu>
In article <93.26244db9@desire.wright.edu>, demon@desire.wright.edu writes:
|> Reading the articles that say how alike Amiga, Atari, and Mac users
|> It would be nice if these users could all have one unified operating
|>system. (Yes, there is UNIX but not everyone has 4-8 meg of ram and 80+meg
|>hard disks.) What does Apple have to lose by liscensing the Mac OS to
|>Commodore and Atari?
|>[A few arguments as to why Apple wouldn't be losing much in the shuffle
Maybe Apple/Atari/Commodore wouldn't have much to lose, but the people who
buy these machines lose out on a lot. I have had my Amiga for a number of
years now, and I just wouldn't be happy with anything else. Each of the
different machines has their relative strong points - the Mac for DTP, the
Amiga for DTV, and the Atari for MIDI. If the Mac OS (or the AmigaDOS or the
ST's DOS) became the 'standard,' what about all the features that would be
lost from the other lines...?
|>Brett Kottmann
+------///-+------------------| BRETT KESSLER |------------------+-\\\------+
| /// | consp11@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu | \\\ |
| \\\/// | consp11@bingvaxa.BITNET | \\\/// |
| \XX/ | (PeopleLink) B.KESSLER | \XX/ |
Date: 19 Apr 90 18:39:59 GMT
From: att!dptg!lzsc!hcj@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (HC Johnson)
Subject: RSC-editor?
Message-ID: <1641@lzsc.ATT.COM>
In article <205@raider.MFEE.TN.US>, dlh@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Dana L. Holt) writes:
> In article <34595.262b60db@kontu.utu.fi>, jriitala@kontu.utu.fi writes:
> > Hi ya all!
> >
> > Anybody know about a PD RSC-editor? Preferably one that can make .H-files
> Made by Kuma the name
> of it is K-Resource. Check your local dealer.. Well, worth the price..
My copy of K-Resource only runs on Color monitors. It just dies on Mono.
Howard C. Johnson
ATT Bell Labs
Date: 17 Apr 90 21:32:19 GMT
From: nprdc!eiselt@ucsd.edu (Wolfgang Eiselt)
Subject: Spectre GCR
Message-ID: <7013@arctic.nprdc.arpa>
Hi netters,
this is my first attempt to the net ... be patient.
I'm sitting here in San Diego, CA. in front of my (German) 1040ST. No problems
with the hardware. It works fine with a converter. That for those who plan
to take his/her equipment from Europe to U.S.A.
Now my question.
I'd like to buy the Spectre GCR Mac emulator. Is there something to consider
or does it work properly with my (German) ST and my (German) TOS 1.2?
Thanx in advance
Wolfgang (eiselt@nprdc.arpa)
San Diego, CA. 92152-6800
Wo ein Weg ist, ist meistens kein Wille.
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #462