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Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; 16 OCT 89 10:06:11 GMT
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Date: Tue, 10 Oct 89 17:51:01 PDT
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From: Info-Atari16 Digest <Info-Atari16@EDU.STANFORD.SCORE>
Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V89 #481
Info-Atari16 Digest Tuesday, October 10, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 481
This weeks Editor: Bill Westfield
Today's Topics:
Re: help with arc types?
Re: Word Perfect 4.1 bug
Re: Connecting 2 hard drives
Modem woes.
Re: Atari WordPerfect
Re: This is a test. testing. testing
Re: TT announcement
Re: Red Lightening
Re: TOS 1.4 bug?
Re: TOS 1.4 bug?
Re: TOS 1.4 availability (?)
Re: TOS 1.4 problems, here we go folks...
Re: 1040ST Memory Upgrades
Re: Red Lightening
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1989 3:20:03 MET DST
From: LarsErikOsterud <larserio@ifi.uio.no>
To: dcheng@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Danny Cheng (SPE))
Subject: Re: help with arc types?
In-Reply-To: Your message of 15 Sep 89 23:16:57 GMT
LZH-files is packed with LHARC.TTP (get it from comp.binaries)
Lars-Erik / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______
Osterud / larserio@ifi.uio.no / /___ /
Date: 17 Sep 89 01:01:44 GMT
From: root@CS.YALE.EDU (Root Of All Evil)
Subject: Re: Word Perfect 4.1 bug
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
In article <8909162233.AA17831@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>
UUCJEFF@ECNCDC.BITNET (jeff beer) writes:
>I have been having this problem with Word Perfect 4.1. I am working on
>a file of about 70K, and it seems to have problems with the length.
>Sometimes when I save it, it doesnt get save, and then inside the edit
>buffer, the end of it gets mangled. Sometimes it gets truncated, other
>times the last few pages get rewritten at the end.
A new version of Word Perfect has just been released for the ST. It
fixes some bugs and also has some new features such as allowing you to
use GEM file selector boxes in places where you previously had to type
file names. I don't know about the bug you are experiencing, but it
might go away. One question though -- do you have 70K free on your
disk when you write the file? You may be having disk-full problems.
| Michael Fischer |
| Arpanet: <fischer-michael@cs.yale.edu> |
| Bitnet: <fischer-michael@yalecs.bitnet> |
| UUCP: <fischer-michael@yale.UUCP> |
Date: 17 Sep 89 00:46:41 GMT
From: root@CS.YALE.EDU (Root Of All Evil)
Subject: Re: Connecting 2 hard drives
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
In article <2972@tahoe.unr.edu> mikew@wheeler.UUCP (Mike Whitbeck) writes:
>I have 2 ST's one has a megafile30 the other has an ICD 30M
>drive (seagate with SCSI ). I would like to do a one time
>transfer of LOTS of programs/data between the two.
>The manual for the megafile30 says I have to open the case to
>change its drive #'s and that would void the warranty. The ICD
>did not come with a manual. The ICD has both a DMA out and SCSI
>out ports (daisy chain).
> I'm thinking that I should plug the ICD
>in to the ST's DMA as drives C-D-E ; open the megafile and
>change the dip switches (but to what I don't know)
>to make it F-G-H and plug it into the DMA port on the ICD.
>So waddya think? Anyone know?
I've done it successfully on various Atari drives. (I can't remember
about the Megafile 30, but I think that one also.) If you want to try,
open the case and change one DIP switch. On some drives the switch to
move is the right of three; on others it is the middle one. Look on
the circuit board (NOT the switch itself) for some little identifying
numbers. If the three switches are labelled 2 1 X, then you want to
change the middle one. If they're labelled 4 2 1 then it's the right
one. Maybe there are other possibilities, in which case you just have
to guess. This will change it from device 0 to device 1.
Now daisy chain your two drives to your computer (either order is
okay). Turn one on and let it spin up. Then turn the second on and
let it spin up. Finally, boot up your computer. If all goes well,
all partitions on both drives will be available. The way it works is
that the partitions from device 0 are assigned in sequence to C, D,
..., then the ones from device 1, etc. Thus, if you have 3 partitions
on each drive, they will come up as C, D, E, F, G, H. Make sure you
don't have a ramdisk installed under one of these drive letters. If
you don't have TOS 1.4, then be careful of the 40-folder bug when
copying masses of files from one disk to the other. You might want to
increase the number of folders available using FOLDRxxx.PRG or to
reboot periodically.
Usual disclaimer: I hope you find this information helpful, but I take
no responsibility for its accuracy nor for any damage you may do to
your equipment, your data, or for voiding your warranty, so be careful
and back up your disks before starting.
| Michael Fischer |
| Arpanet: <fischer-michael@cs.yale.edu> |
| Bitnet: <fischer-michael@yalecs.bitnet> |
| UUCP: <fischer-michael@yale.UUCP> |
Date: 17 Sep 89 04:27:28 GMT
From: bgsuvax!sbrown@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Scott F. Brown)
Subject: Modem woes.
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
I just bought my modem the other day and it has been working fine
except for the fact that I have been having trouble up/downloading. I have
a Supra 2400 and Interlink ST from Intersect and I am trying to talk to a
Unix system. I have tried all the combinations I could think of to download
but I consistently receive some errors. Please mail responses to the
address below.
Thanks in advance
Scott F. Brown
p.s. Anybody out there from Intersect? You need to work on your manual
a little. You can't assume that everyone wants to use Compuserve.
* - How many time do I have to tell you? If you're going to live on our*
* planet, you have to speak our language. *
* *
* -Scott F. Brown *
* *
* sbrown@andy.bgsu.edu.uucp *
Date: 16 Sep 89 23:32:29 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!Xorg@uunet.uu.net (Peter Ted Szymonik)
Subject: Re: Atari WordPerfect
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
I'll attest that MS-DOS and Atari Wp files are completely interchangable.
Peter Szymonik
Date: 16 Sep 89 23:43:45 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!Xorg@uunet.uu.net (Peter Ted Szymonik)
Subject: Re: This is a test. testing. testing
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
Darek! Great to see you up on the Net! Just a word to say hello!
Peter Szymonik
Date: 16 Sep 89 23:21:25 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!Xorg@uunet.uu.net (Peter Ted Szymonik)
Subject: Re: TT announcement
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
The TT does have a cartridge port and should work with Spectre GCR.
Mac II ROMS are a completely different story however and I'm not sure
Dave (or anyone!) would want to work with them!
Peter Szymonik
Date: 16 Sep 89 23:51:24 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!Xorg@uunet.uu.net (Peter Ted Szymonik)
Subject: Re: Red Lightening
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
I ordered and received Red Lightning over a month and a half ago,
somewhere your dealer is messing up!
If all else fails, call SSI/EA directly and have them contact the
Peter Szymonik
Date: 16 Sep 89 23:28:19 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!Xorg@uunet.uu.net (Peter Ted Szymonik)
Subject: Re: TOS 1.4 bug?
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
Important Note: The latest official ICD software is 3.41, not 4.31!
Version 4.0.4 of the boot program is now up on CIS and GEnie
and the newest full software package should be up
soon - I think its 4.0.
Peter Szymonik
Date: 16 Sep 89 23:26:27 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!Xorg@uunet.uu.net (Peter Ted Szymonik)
Subject: Re: TOS 1.4 bug?
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
My experience has shown that the first thing to do after getting TOS 1.4
installed is REFORMAT the HD. My system was exteremely flaky after the
upgrade until I reformatted - that should take care of ALL file not found
I am also pleased to announce that ALL of my previous problems with the TOS
1.4 upgrade are now in the dustbin of history!! I HIGHLY recommend the
Peter Szymonik
Date: 16 Sep 89 23:19:56 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!Xorg@uunet.uu.net (Peter Ted Szymonik)
Subject: Re: TOS 1.4 availability (?)
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
Like it or not, the people WILL get TOS 1.4. If Atari doesn't want to
sell them, people will burn them. The source code is readily available
and has been for months now. Toad COmputers in Maryland is offering the
real McCoy for $80/set (not including installation) and my dealer told
me more on order. By personal belief is that the DTP story is being
blown out of proportion. It probably is the case that Atari doesn't have
100,000's of TOS 1.4 ROMs and is using this system as a means to dsitribute
what they have, makes more sense than continuing to keep them off the
market. Remember that Portfolia has been announced as SHIPPING and
I'm sure that has priority right now (heck, it pushed the stock up from
$6 to $12!) (Thats Portfolio...fingers faster than the eyes...)
Peter Szymonik
Date: 16 Sep 89 23:39:58 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!Xorg@uunet.uu.net (Peter Ted Szymonik)
Subject: Re: TOS 1.4 problems, here we go folks...
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
Hi Allan, I certainly didn't mean to blame Atari or the ROMs, just wanted
to make some observations on my initial experience with TOS 1.4. I did
diable ALL *.ACC's before booting the first time, the inital boot up was
fine, but then the system bombed. After a few more attempts I repeatedly
has strange errors (TOS #35) and then discovered my FAT tables all messed
up. I checked the installation and it was perfect, not an excess drop of
solder or bent chip anywhere. After a refomat of the drive and re-installati
of all my programs from their original disks I'm happy to report that the
system is working fine! <grin> The weird part is this - why didn't my
programs work when I attempted to restore from my HD backup? Why did I
have to restore from original floppies? The last mystery in my TOS 1.4
experience <grin>. I'm VERy HAPPY with the upgrade and recommend that
everyone get a copy - its well worth it. But it always takes a disaster
to prevent future problems and answer the problems faced by new TOS 1.4
owners, I was and am more than happy to have this learning experience
happen to me rather than someone who really didn't know what to do!
Peter Szymonik
Date: 12 Sep 89 15:39:05 GMT
ames.arc.nasa.gov (C.L. Freemesser)
Subject: Re: 1040ST Memory Upgrades
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
In article <558@carroll1.UUCP> dnewton@carroll1.UUCP (Dave Newton) writes:
> The power supply is at the bottom.
> An ST m.board is not much bigger (if any) than an IBM m.board. My
>ex-roomate has a tower case w/ 2 3.5", 2 5.25", and 2 hard drives and
>seems to get away with it.
> Just out of curiosity, (because I want one too) do you already have an
>external kerboard in mind?
I have built an external keyboard, but have since put it back in my 520.
The case I used was a major hack of a Nexos (British) keyboard housing.
It was OK, but not what I really wanted. Besides, I will need a good
motherboard housing before I use an external keyboard.
I have wondered if you can use a MEGA keyboard housing. From what I
have heard, it IS possible, but only if you can find the damn things.
I'll have to call BEST ELECTRONICS one of these days.
As for a housing, I would probably build one instead of hacking a PC
case. It's just a matter of doing it I guess. I know what kind of
basic design I want. It would be more or less an "under-the-monitor"
case, rectangular, with joystick ports in front, as well as the power
and reset switches. Just a plain steel box.
>>Of course, if you would like to buy me a case so I could experiment
>>with it, I'll send you my address. :~)
> If i could. If onlly I could. I hate college sometimes.
I hate it too, so don't feel all alone. :~)
Chris Freemesser, Rochester Institute of Technology | What I like :
BITNET: %clf3678@RITVAX GEnie: C.FREEMESSER | 1) My Atari ST
USENET: Just reply and hope it gets through | 2) My '77 Mercury
Call the ACORN BBS (716)436-3078, 300/1200 baud | 3) Coke Classic
Date: 16 Sep 89 09:44:44 GMT
From: att!occrsh!uokmax!metnet!Brian.Hilbern@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Brian
Subject: programs
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
I would be happy to send you some programs. I have a lot of disks full
of PD stuff. Most of the programs are arced so I can include a lot on
1 disk. Here is my address
Brian Hilbern
2412 SW 94th
Oklahoma City, OK 73159
You would probably have to send them UPS if you want to send a box.
I have 12 disks for a arced PD programs and about 20 unarced disks full
of stuff plus I could get some programs off my BBS.
Brian Hilbern - via FidoNet node 1:147/10
UUCP: ...!att!occrsh!uokmax!metnet!Brian.Hilbern
INTERNET: Brian.Hilbern@metnet.FIDONET.ORG
Date: 17 Sep 89 17:03:00 GMT
From: pwp@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
Subject: Re: Red Lightening
To: info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
Does someone have a current address for SSI?
End of Info-Atari16 Digest