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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Fri, 4 May 90 Volume 90 : Issue 512
Today's Topics:
DCDESKTOP AND ACCS (DC Accs ---Good, Strstrk ---Bad (2 msgs)
Developer's gripes (was STE TOS / TOS 1.4/1.6 etc.)
Fortran 77 (was Re: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #500)
Gulam Keyboard
Mouse Problems
My opinion of the comp.sys.atari.st.tech proposal
STE autoboot/SIMM mixing
Tim Oren's Professional Gem course (2 msgs)
Date: 5 May 90 01:32:30 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!axion!tharr!steveh@uunet.uu.net (Steve Hamley)
Subject: DCDESKTOP AND ACCS (DC Accs ---Good, Strstrk ---Bad
Message-ID: <692@tharr.UUCP>
In article <3160@rodan.acs.syr.edu> ggreenbe@rodan.acs.syr.edu (Gerald
Greenberg) writes:
>Well, I've been doing more work with DCDesktop and I have
>found that it doesn't work with the screensaver accessory
>strstrk. Strstrk causes the disk to reboot when loading.
>With strstrk disabled, the same floppy will boot the system.
>Other accs, such as stuffer and ramit (which are from DC) work
Which version of STRSTRK are you using? There was a bug in version 1.0
which caused it to eat memory. This has now been fixed in version 1.1,
curing practically all of the incompatability problems.
Date: 4 May 90 12:35:01 GMT
From: cs.dal.ca!silvert@uunet.uu.net (Bill Silvert)
Subject: DCDESKTOP AND ACCS (DC Accs ---Good, Strstrk ---Bad
Message-ID: <1990May4.123501.1495@cs.dal.ca>
In article <3160@rodan.acs.syr.edu> ggreenbe@rodan.acs.syr.edu (Gerald
Greenberg) writes:
>Strstrk causes the disk to reboot when loading.
>With strstrk disabled, the same floppy will boot the system.
>Mike, any screensavers you know of that work with the desktop?
>Also, should it make any difference if an acc is loaded upon
>bootup as opposed to being loaded with stuffer? I just
>thought of this now, and I'm not at my ST.
My name isn't Mike (my father's was), but I have found PYRO to be the
most reliable screensaver yet. It always works, whether with the
desktop, a GEM program, or a CLI (or Gemini, etc.), and I haven't had
any problems that seem remotely connected to it. I've used it with TOS
1.0 and 1.4 by the way.
William Silvert, Habitat Ecology Division, Bedford Inst. of Oceanography
P. O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, CANADA B2Y 4A2. Tel. (902)426-1577
BITNET=bill%biomel%dalcs@dalac InterNet=bill%biomel@cs.dal.ca
Date: 3 May 90 17:07:37 GMT
From: haven!aplcen!wb3ffv!ka3ovk!irscscm!root@purdue.edu (Admin)
Subject: Developer's gripes (was STE TOS / TOS 1.4/1.6 etc.)
Message-ID: <1990May3.170737.8279@irscscm>
In article <489@seqp4.UUCP> markr@seqp4.UUCP (Mark Roddy,) writes:
>I don't understand the incredibly negative comments regarding
>the developers program at atari. For an investment of $300
>five years ago I have received a continuing stream of documentation,
>information, and software. The quality has improved steadily since
>the infamous "Hitchhiker's Guide to the BIOS."
I more or less agree. The stream of documentation hasn't always been
steady but in the last six months or so it has been great. And it's
more than just docs that's getting to developers now. Disks containing
lists of end users, dealers, and press sources are becoming available.
Very useful programs are being sent out. Discounts for Atari hardware
and software are being offerred to developers. The softsource (or
whatever) program atari is kicking off will be a great advantage for
I thank Atari for their developer support.
Marshall Lake
Date: 4 May 90 12:40:30 GMT
From: cs.dal.ca!silvert@uunet.uu.net (Bill Silvert)
Subject: Fortran 77 (was Re: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #500)
Message-ID: <1990May4.124030.1742@cs.dal.ca>
In article <"90-05-02-14:45:21.70*UI0T"@DKAUNI2.BITNET> UI0T@DKAUNI2.BITNET
(Thomas Koenig) writes:
>It defines the language commonly known as FORTRAN 77. However, most
>unix machines have their little deviations from this standard, such
>as allowing a line to be longer than 72 characters (punching cards,
>anyone?), allowing lower case keywords, allowing recursion, allowing
>identifiers to be longer than 6 characters etc. Depending on any of
>these 'unix features' will make your program non-portable, and you
>would give up the only real advantage that FORTRAN has over most
>other programming languages: it is PORTABLE. So, ANSI FORTRAN is
>definitely the thing to go for if you go for FORTRAN at all.
All Fortran's have some extensions. They rarely cause problems if you
write your code according to the standard. So this means that you can
buy a compiler that has extensions (in fact, you almost have to!), but
don't use them if you want portability.
The issue of portability is currently being discussed in comp.lang.fortran,
so you should read that group if the issue concerns you.
>> (2) If there is an ST compiler which compiles unix fortran?
>There are two FORTRAN compilers for the ST which come to my mind
>right now:
>Prospero FORTRAN (said to be slow, full ANSI standard)
>Absoft FORTRAN (don't know much about that one).
I have been using Absoft and it appears to be a full implementation.
It also supports GEM through the use of a reasonable set of extensions
(they have a special subroutine for the interface to non-Fortran features).
William Silvert, Habitat Ecology Division, Bedford Inst. of Oceanography
P. O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, CANADA B2Y 4A2. Tel. (902)426-1577
BITNET=bill%biomel%dalcs@dalac InterNet=bill%biomel@cs.dal.ca
Date: 4 MAY 90 19:50:01.94-GMT
From: DUJARDIN%FRESE51.BITNET@forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Gulam Keyboard
Message-ID: <9005041748.AA28408@Sunburn.Stanford.EDU>
Hi all !
This is the end of the story : as I mentionned before, I ordered the C source of
keyfix.tos, modified it to compile with Turbo C, launched it and ... it worked !
That shows clearly that I had received TWO bad patches ! I must say that I don't
understand why it didn't work. Perhaps some weird combination of ascii codes
that my uu-decoder didn't understand ??? (!!!!) ....
Maybe I should try to re-ask for this file.
Thanks anyway to all of you who tried to help me (and succeeded !)
Eric Dujardin - Ecole Superieure d'Electricite ( SUPELEC )
Bitnet : dujardin@frese51.bitnet
UUCP : dujardin@madonna.inria.fr
Date: Fri, 4 May 90 13:46:29 EDT
From: Allen King <aking@BBN.COM>
Subject: Mouse Problems
Message-ID: <9005041810.AA29110@Sunburn.Stanford.EDU>
I also have had left-button problems. The switch wore out. Since the right
button is seldom used, all you have to do is open the mouse up and swap
the mechanisms. Be sure that the switches sit squarely on the PC board
when you resolder.
Date: 26 Apr 90 15:20:35 GMT
edu (Michael Elbel)
Subject: My opinion of the comp.sys.atari.st.tech proposal
Message-ID: <1990Apr26.152035.25872@pcsbst.pcs.com>
brunner@marvin.e17.Physik.TU-Muenchen.DE (Thomas Brunner) writes:
->jfbruno@rodan.acs.syr.edu (John F. Bruno) writes:
->>I think the amount of traffic in c.s.a.s. is not large enough for splitting
->>into any other groups at all.
->>.... , but anyone who has been using Usenet for a while knows that
->>a good percentage of the articles will probably be posted to all of the ST
->>groups, so we'll have twice the messages to wade through.
->There's nothing to add. It's nonsense to have several atari groups with
->1 or 2 messages per day. As long as c.s.a.s have a hundert news per day
->don't create a new atari group!
I second that. No splitting of comp.sys.atari.st
Michael (X) Elbel | No, I haven't lost my mind, I just
me@dude.PCS.COM | forgot it in the rush this morning
Date: Fri, 4 May 90 15:43 BST
From: Vision Newspapers <SOCS18%vaxb.york.ac.uk@NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK>
Subject: STE autoboot/SIMM mixing
Somebody wondered why, if they installed more than one GEM application to
autoboot under TOS 1.6, only the first installed was actually autobooted.
This isn't a problem with TOS 1.6 - it was simply never designed to do this!
You can only autoboot one GEM application.
I have also recently received a small program which allows STE owners to mix
256K SIMMs and 1MB SIMMs, allowing a configuration of 2.5MB in the STE. If
anyone is interested, mail me and I'll send it to you.
Mathew Lodge
* c/o Dept. Computer Science * "Baldrick, fetch me a turkey _so *
* University of York * big_, you'd have thought its mother *
* Heslington * had been rodgered by an Omnibus" *
* York, UK * *
* YO1 5DD * JANET : SOCS18@uk.ac.york.vaxa *
Date: Fri, 04 May 90 17:43
From: "Thomas Koenig"
Subject: Tim Oren's Professional Gem course
Message-ID: <"90-05-04-17:43:29.99*UI0T"@DKAUNI2.BITNET>
I just downloaded the first four parts of Tim Oren's Professional
Gem course from rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de (, but
these are all they have there. Does anybody know where the rest
can be found, either with ftp or mail access?
Thanks a lot in advance
Thomas Koenig
Date: Fri, 04 May 90 17:43
From: "Thomas Koenig"
Subject: Tim Oren's Professional Gem course
Message-ID: <"90-05-04-17:43:29.99*UI0T"@DKAUNI2.BITNET>
I just downloaded the first four parts of Tim Oren's Professional
Gem course from rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de (, but
these are all they have there. Does anybody know where the rest
can be found, either with ftp or mail access?
Thanks a lot in advance
Thomas Koenig
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #512