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Date: Fri, 13 Oct 89 10:00:11 MDT
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Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 #516
INFO-ATARI16 Digest Fri, 13 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 516
Today's Topics:
1040 ST upgrade info req.
Harddisk/ST problem!
High-speed modems and the Atari ST
Input thru parallel port
pack and speed of execution
Sampled sound replay routine
ST curses?
TOS 1.4 problem
WANTED: details of 1meg upgrade process.
Who has an executable version of MicroEmacs 3.10?
Date: 12 Oct 89 19:37:00 GMT
Subject: 1040 ST upgrade info req.
Could someone who recently upgraded their 1040 to more meg
send me the details, either where they bought an upgrade,
or how they did it themselves?
Thanks in advance.
Date: 13 Oct 89 08:45:28 GMT
From: eru!luth!sunic!mcsun!hp4nl!tnosoes!joep@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Joep
Subject: Harddisk/ST problem!
First I thought it was because of a program I wrote using lots of
'malloc'/'free'-s. But then I found a very simple sequence of
actions leading to the same 'nice' dialogbox:
(or something like that)
I have, for example, the following directory-structure on F:
FILE1.2 ...
FILE2.2 ...
FILE3.2 ...
* I double-click on DIR1 and I see FILE1.1 and FILE1.2
* I go UP and double-click on DIR2 and I see FILE2.1 and FILE2.2
* I go up again
* NOW: do a SHOWINFO on drive F: getting some info.
* I double-click on DIR1 and I see FILE1.1 and FILE1.2
* I go UP and double-click on DIR2 and I see FILE2.1 and FILE2.2
? Going up and double-click on DIR3 and I SEE: "O BYTES O FILES" !!!!!!!
? AND: trying to start an application.... right... OUT OF MEM...
* RESET, dclick of DIR3 and there are my files again.
It looks like that any directory I dont open is empty after a showinfo!
No matter how hard I click on a dir the computer won't even read
something from disk. Thinking that some utility was the cause of the
problems, I removed them all (thus FILEFIX.ACC TURBO_ST etc etc), but
it stays the same.
So or if have some VIRUS or my harddisk is a little disturbed. I think
it is the last option. Somebody told me that using TURBODOS can cause
trouble with your harddisk! IT THAT SO!
Somebody tell me what went wrong.
Joep Mathijssen
Date: 13 Oct 89 05:15:33 GMT
From: cca.ucsf.edu!wet!logic@cgl.ucsf.edu (Henry Kwan)
Subject: High-speed modems and the Atari ST
Having just recently acquired an USR Courier HST Dual Standard, I am anxious
to compare notes with other ST users who favor the USR high speed modems,
especially in the area of throughput.
I am currently getting about ?1625 cps in HST mode. Protocal used is Zmodem
and I have the comm port locked to 19200 with TURBOCTS installed. The USR
manual says that I should be getting 1740 cps while in HST mode. So where
is the missing ?100 cps?
Also, is there terminal software out there which supports Ymodem-G? I
noticed that on uploads, my throughput drops way down to ?600 cps. So I
want to see if using Ymodem-G instead of Zmodem will kick that cps rating up
a little bit.
Please mail any replies. Thanks.
Henry Kwan - FWB, Inc. | "Experience varies directly
claris!wet!logic@ames.arc.nasa.gov | with equipment ruined."
cca.ucsf.edu!wet!logic@cgl.ucsf.edu |
?claris,ucsfcca,hoptoad,lamc?!wet!logic | -- Tech Support
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 89 13:22:44 MEZ
Subject: Input thru parallel port
Could somebody please explain whether there is the risk of damaging
the soundchip when an output signal from a TTL-compatible (no tri-state
or open-collector) device is directly fed to the printer port?
As far as I know, the printer port is switched to output
mode during system initialization. Therefore, there is a good chance that
the port lines are tied to different voltage levels until the port
is explicitly switched to input mode.
I'm using a A/D converter directly connected to the printer port
without any problems so far. Nevertheless, I'd like to know what's
going on ...
Date: 12 Oct 89 19:52:44 GMT
Subject: pack and speed of execution
Does the pack compression program slow down the execution of a program? I've
been hearing things like this from some people, but I'm not entirely too sure
who to believe. At the moment, I'm not packing any of my programs (flash,
wordup, etc) because of speed performances (loading) but with such savings in
'K', I'm very tempted to... ;-]
George Ng (Computer Science, Univ. of Toronto) "Sure I would like Canadian
UUCP: uunet!mnetor!?becker,hybrid?!spocom!gng winters too...if it weren't
or: uunet!attcan!telly!ziebmef!spocom!gng for the weather."
Date: 12 Oct 89 13:29:00 GMT
Subject: Sampled sound replay routine
What about the PD desksong programs that play melodies while you
fiddle (bad pun) about the desktop?
Date: 12 Oct 89 11:22:10 GMT
From: otter!gjh@hplabs.hp.com (Graham Higgins)
Subject: ST curses?
I have it, I'll attempt to post it to comp.sources.atari.st. I suppose I'd
better check the dox first, justv to make sure that it *is* postable (should
be, unless it was illegally available in the first place).
Graham Higgins | Phone: (0272) 799910 x 24060
Hewlett-Packard Labs | gray@hpl.hp.co.uk
Bristol | gray%hplb.uucp@ukc.ac.uk
U.K. | gray@hplb.hpl.hp.com
Disclaimer: My opinions above are exactly that, mine and opinions.
Date: 12 Oct 89 16:53:43 GMT
From: cacilj!paul@ucsd.edu (Paul Close)
Subject: TOS 1.4 problem
In article <22966@cup.portal.com> Bob_BobR_Retelle@cup.portal.com writes:
>You haven't been following the "grapevine documentation" for TOS 1.4, Aaron..
>(what..? you expected docs for your $100...? get real)
Well, who got out of bed on the wrong side this morning? :-)
When I bought TOS 1.4 from my dealer I got a nice, four page document from
Atari describing the new TOS procedures. Included was the new file selector
("formerly called item selector"), the MOVE operation (hold the ctl key when
you drag files), warm/cold resets from the keyboard (Ctl/Alt/del
Ctl/Alt/Rshift/del, resp.), installing auto-booting gem applications, and a
few other things I can't remember right now.
Maybe you should be flaming your dealer instead?
Paul Close paul@cacilj.CTS.COM ...!?uunet, ucsd, crash?!cacilj!paul
The Obi-wan Kenobi method: "Use the Source, Luke" -Jim Fulton
Date: 13 Oct 89 06:13:19 GMT
From: portal!cup.portal.com!CharlieBrown@uunet.uu.net (Charles F Schieber)
Subject: WANTED: details of 1meg upgrade process.
A friend on Portal installed a 1 meg upgrade a year or so and it has worked
fine on my 520FM.You can leave him a message on Mail...Portal.His name is
Michael Robert Delany.He is always on the move but I know he checks his mail
on Portal..Good Luck.
Date: 13 Oct 89 11:00:35 GMT
From: mcsun!inria!mirsa!colas@uunet.uu.net (Colas NAHABOO)
Subject: Who has an executable version of MicroEmacs 3.10?
I grabbed recently the uemacs3.10 sources on purdue, but didn't manage to
compile it successfully with MWC 3.0.6: It works, but:
1) It does not use inverse video for mode lines
2) it aborts with 4 bombs when trying to do TOS functions
(for instance with ~X-!) under msh (v2 or v3)
Could someone who have a working binary could just put it by ftp on
terminator.cc.umich.edu, where anybody could grab it? (or mail it to me,
I would then put it myself on terminator...) -- or tell me what flag to set
to re-compile it properly?
Uemacs 3.10 seems a very reasonable alternative to Gnu emacs, especially on
a floppy-based 1Meg ST!!!
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #516