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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Tue, 24 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 553
Today's Topics:
anybody know how to "hook" into MORE? (2 msgs)
DEC RD53 hard disk on an ST?
DVI to Epson Program
GDOS, PP and outline fonts
Leave it on or turn it off ???
MIDI advice sought
MINIX for the ST ??????
Routines for sprite
Sony MFP-11 3.5 drive for ST?
TOS 1.4 AUTO bug
WANTED-- used DX/TX Editor Librarian software for Atari 1040ST 2meg
Date: 23 Oct 89 17:55:58 GMT
From: hp-pcd!hplsla!andyc@hplabs.hp.com (Andy Cassino)
Subject: anybody know how to "hook" into MORE?
i am not enamoured of the "more" command. i have my own version that
is more to my liking (ie. i can search forward/backward, back up a
page, choose another file, ...). does anybody know of a way to call
a user defined piece of code instead of the routine that gets called
when i doubleclick on a file and choose "show"?
I have a way to do this, but it's pretty kludgy. First, let me state I am
doing this is in Neodesk 2.04; I haven't tried it in the TOS desktop. Even in
Neodesk, I don't think this is supposed to work. So here's what I did. I
first installed my preferred "more" as an application for two file suffixes.
The problem is, that's not enough, I need about a dozen suffixes. So, I
edited the neodesk.inf file and found the line that installed the
application. I duplicated this line as much as I needed immediately below the
existing line, and changed the suffixes in the duplicate lines. Well, what do
you know, but it worked - have my preferred more installed for a dozen
suffixes! I've been doing this for a couple of months, and nothing has gotten
upset about it yet.
Well, I know you can *try* to do the same thing to the TOS desktop.inf file,
but I have no idea if it will work.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are those solely of the author,
who has no pecuniary interest in the companies mentioned.
Copyright (c) 1989 by Andrew Cassino.
Permission for distribution on USENET hereby granted.
% Andy Cassino %
% uucp: hplabs!hplsla!andyc domain: andyc%hplsla@hplabs.hp.com %
% Hewlett-Packard Lake Stevens Instrument Division %
% 8600 Soper Hill Road Everett, WA 98205-1298 %
% (206) 335-2211 %
Date: 24 Oct 89 01:35:49 GMT
From: jarvis.csri.toronto.edu!utgpu!watmath!watcgl!wsflinn@rutgers.edu (Scott
Subject: anybody know how to "hook" into MORE?
In article <1135@electro.UUCP> ignac@electro.UUCP (Ignac Kolenko) writes:
>In article <2315@hcr.UUCP> miken@hcr.UUCP (Mike Nemeth) writes:
>>i am not enamoured of the "more" command. i have my own version that
>>is more to my liking (ie. i can search forward/backward, back up a
>>page, choose another file, ...). does anybody know of a way to call
>>a user defined piece of code instead of the routine that gets called
>>when i doubleclick on a file and choose "show"? or am i just fingerpainting
>>with Prep H...
>ya, this is actually easier than you most people think. simply use some sort
>of desktop.inf editor (ie: QUIKINF.PRG, a fine Quick Utility) to edit
>the installed applications for your machine. simply pick your favorite text
>editor as the installed application, and set the application mask to be
>what ever document you want to look at: [etc.]
This method is mainly satisfactory, but suffers from one major drawback:
the program must load from disk before it runs. I no longer have anywhere
near enough memory to keep a ram disk installed, but I do have enough to
store a TSR that provides a decent 'more' and print utility. The supplied
'more' utility runs directly from ROM ... can something in desktop.inf be
changed to tell it to run some code from a different place?
Me: Scott Flinn / "If it doesn't fit, force it.
Domain: wsflinn@watcgl.waterloo.edu / If it breaks, then it didn't
UUCP: watmath!watcgl!wsflinn / fit anyway."
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 89 20:30:58 EDT
From: Marcelino Bernardo <MBERNAR%ERENJ.BITNET@CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu>
Subject: DEC RD53 hard disk on an ST?
Has anyone connected the mech from a DEC RD53 hard disk to an ST? The
mech which holds 30MB or so, is made by Quantum an I'm told that it is
ST-506 compatible. It seems to me that these drives should be adaptable
to an ST using an ACSI-SCSI interface along with an Adaptek controller.
Recommendations would be appreciated.
Marcelino Bernardo
Date: 23 Oct 89 09:32:46 GMT
From: otter!gjh@hplabs.hp.com (Graham Higgins)
Subject: DVI to Epson Program
You really don't want to do this ... I've got an Epson-compatible printer and
tried EPSDVI --- yes, it worked, but it took so long to print a page, I never
printed more than that one page.
It's not so much that the dog can sing in tune, it's that it can sing at all!
Graham Higgins | Phone: (0272) 799910 x 24060
Hewlett-Packard Labs | gray@hpl.hp.co.uk
Bristol | gray%hplb.uucp@ukc.ac.uk
U.K. | gray@hplb.hpl.hp.com
Disclaimer: My opinions above are exactly that, mine and opinions.
Date: 22 Oct 89 22:57:26 GMT
From: nis!pwcs!stag!root@UMN-CS.CS.UMN.EDU (Steve Yelvington)
Subject: GDOS, PP and outline fonts
[stephen@oahu.cs.ucla.edu (Stephen Whitney) writes...]
> In article <89Oct20.230647edt.57387@ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca
> MEGGIN@vm.epas.utoronto.ca (David Megginson) writes:
> [deleted]
>>Besides, what's all this about? Apple is still developing its outline
>>font system. Certainly, a Mac can output to a Postscript device which
>>uses outline fonts, but so can an ST or IBM. Right now, Macs use
>>raster fonts just like GDOS, except the output resolution is not as
>>good on the imagewriter (I imagine). The only system I know of with
>>outline fonts is the NeXT, and the __only__ full DTP package with
>>outline screen fonts is still Calamus (Mac users, turn green with
>> David Megginson, Centre for Medieval Studies, Toronto
> The big advantage that the Mac has over the ST that could be corrected by
> outline screen and printer fonts is that the Mac can load and unload fonts
> as needed because of its automatically ejecting floppies (Insert System
> Disk). The ST loads all of its fonts when a program asks for them, but if you
> need to check fonts sizes on the printer fonts, you have to load evey one of
> them into memory. In addition, the Mac uses the same bitmapped fonts
> (albeit in different sizes) to do printer output so you don't have two
> different 12 point fonts stored in memory.
Floppies? (shudder...) You mean automatically jamming floppies, don't you?
It's *so* much fun digging a floppy out of a Macintosh with a paper clip.
> Imagine how mnay Imagine how many fonts you could load if you just needed one
> outline for each typeface! Even with a large cache, we'd win.
As David pointed out, the ST already has an excellent publishing system
with outline fonts.
It would be great if Ditek (the folks who publish Calamus worldwide) would
spin off the screen/font management system as a module that could be
employed by other programs.
By the way, whatever happened to the desktop publishing program Atari
Corp. was supposed to be developing using Deskset and Compugraphic
technology? I've seen sample output, but I've never seen an announcement
of availability.
Steve Yelvington, up at the lake in Minnesota
... pwcs.StPaul.GOV!stag!thelake!steve (Usenet)
... ?playgrnd,moundst,class68?!thelake!steve (Citadel)
Date: 23 Oct 89 21:17:00 GMT
From: inmet!hedger@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Leave it on or turn it off ???
I need to know what you ST users out there do when you're not using your
ST. I have some friends who advocate leaving the computer and hardisk turned
on, and others who say to turn them off. What do you guys do ?
| |
| Keith Hedger : ?...!?uunet!inmet!hedger hedger@inmet.inmet.com |
| 'It is a sad, but beautiful world..........' |
Date: 23 Oct 89 12:53:00 GMT
From: inmet!hedger@uunet.uu.net
Subject: MIDI advice sought
Both the Atari ST and the Amiga are fine for MIDI processing, but I would
recommend the Atari and heres why:
1) Built in MIDI ports.
2) Price (1040st,mono monitor = @800.00)
3) Software Availability- There is a LOT of music software available
for the ST. I don't think this is true for the Amiga. I know that
there has been more and more stuff appearing for the Amiga lately,
but there isn't near as much music software available for it as for
the ST.
| |
| Keith Hedger : ?...!?uunet!inmet!hedger hedger@inmet.inmet.com |
| 'It is a sad, but beautiful world..........' |
Date: 23 Oct 89 21:07:00 GMT
From: inmet!hedger@uunet.uu.net
Subject: MINIX for the ST ??????
So, is MINIX available for the ST ? If so how can I get it?
thanks in advance,
| |
| Keith Hedger : ?...!?uunet!inmet!hedger hedger@inmet.inmet.com |
| 'It is a sad, but beautiful world..........' |
Date: 24 Oct 89 04:24:35 GMT
From: pasteur!cory.Berkeley.EDU!dle@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Duy Le)
Subject: Routines for sprite
Has anyone written routines to manipulate sprites? If so, could you
please give me the source code. Your help is appreciated.
Duy (dle@cory.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1989 09:06:28 EDT
From: Marcelino Bernardo <MBERNAR%ERENJ.BITNET@CORNELLC.cit.cornell.edu>
Subject: Sony MFP-11 3.5 drive for ST?
I saw a very attractive price, $60, for a Sony MFP-11 3.5" floppy drives in a
Jameco ad. Has anyone tried hooking one of these to an ST? The specs look
Marcelino Bernardo
Date: 24 Oct 89 03:27:41 GMT
From: bgsuvax!sbrown@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Scott F. Brown)
Subject: ST in USSR
I have finally decided to throw in my two cents on this discussion.
The (I believe) 1988 Atari Corporate report to the stockholders stated that
the Atari was availible off the shelf in the Soviet Union. I am going down
to the University Library to get the report so that I can type that section
in. BTW: It may not be the 1988 stockholders report, it is probably one of
the early '89 quarterly reports.
I know, its vague. If you have access to Shareholders reports you
may want to read them to get an idea of how much Atari does sell.
- Scott F. Brown
* - Death is part of the ecosystem, that doesn't mean that you should *
* enjoy it. *
* *
* -Scott F. Brown *
* *
* sbrown@andy.bgsu.edu.uucp *
Date: 23 Oct 89 19:34:18 GMT
From: hp-pcd!hplsla!andyc@hplabs.hp.com (Andy Cassino)
Subject: TOS 1.4 AUTO bug
I, too, have a Mega ST2 with TOS 1.4, and I run Neodesk 2.04 as an AUTO
application. I do not use UNITERM, but I am seeing some similar sorts of
things, I think, and in my comm program as well. Everything went okay in the
past week since the TOS 1.4 upgrade until yesterday, when I had *5* "random"
system crashes. This is a very rare problem in my experience.
One crash occured when I double-clicked HDUTIL.PRG 4.1.8 - the disk access
began, and whammo, address error. Three times I had address errors in Interlink
(one in the middle of a 200K GENIE download). But two of these were using the
buffer editor, and I have had that crash before). These three crashes were
followed by subsequent crashes on cold reboot (keyboard-invoked). It took
two cold reboots to get things running again. The fifth crash was when
I tried to extract from a file archive. After reboot, it worked just fine.
Did I mention - these were all address errors!!!
I have two suspicions at this point - a hardware problem (oooh noooo!!!) or
maybe I am experiencing some residual effects of having set the "fast" bit in
just about everything I use. (That, in fact, is the first thing I am going to
do, unset the fast bit in Neodesk, Hdutils & Interlink. I don't think I set
it in arc, though I'll check.)
So, I would also like to know if any of the Atari folk have a suggestion!
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are those solely of the author,
who has no pecuniary interest in the companies mentioned.
Copyright (c) 1989 by Andrew Cassino.
Permission for distribution on USENET hereby granted.
% Andy Cassino %
% uucp: hplabs!hplsla!andyc domain: andyc%hplsla@hplabs.hp.com %
% Hewlett-Packard Lake Stevens Instrument Division %
% 8600 Soper Hill Road Everett, WA 98205-1298 %
% (206) 335-2211 %
Date: 23 Oct 89 23:28:57 GMT
From: zephyr.ens.tek.com!tektronix!sequent!tas@uunet.uu.net (Theresa Snider)
Subject: WANTED-- used DX/TX Editor Librarian software for Atari 1040ST 2meg
I'm posting this for a friend:
Looking for software for Atari 1040ST. DX/TX Editor Librarian used and in
good condition.
If you know of anyone wanting to sell this software, please e-mail me, or call
Michael Lewis
(503) 287-1662 anytime
Thanks for your help!
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #553