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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Thu, 9 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 624
Today's Topics:
Auto-routing PCboard package
Congratulations (was: GEMDOS Extended Argument Spec)
GCC or Sozobon in magazines
Misc Things
PC-emulators for ST
Software House
spectre 128 Mac simulator
Date: 9 Nov 89 09:50:36 GMT
tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Dave 'Post No Nicknames' Newton)
Subject: Auto-routing PCboard package
Is there such a beast as a PC-board design package for the ST? auto-routing
a _definate_ must-have.
David L. Newton | uunet!marque!carroll1!dnewton | The Raging Apostle--
(414) 524-7343 (work) | dnewton@carroll1.cc.edu | for the future--
(414) 524-6809 (home) | 100 NE Ave, Waukesha WI 53186 | for the world.
"Isn't it fun to take two unrelated sentences and mix the batter lightly?" -me
Date: 9 Nov 89 10:34:18 GMT
From: eru!luth!sunic!mcsun!inria!laas!news@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (USENET News
Subject: Congratulations (was: GEMDOS Extended Argument Spec)
In article <5469@ubc-cs.UUCP> buchanan@grads.cs.ubc.ca (John Buchanan) writes:
| In article <1763@atari.UUCP> kbad@atari.UUCP (Ken Badertscher) writes:
| >
| This is what we have being waiting for. Nice to hear an OFFICIAL
| word about this whole mess.
Eventhough some say it's more political than technological, I missed
that posting. ;-( Could some kind soul e-mail the `Official'
specification? Thanks a lot.
Ralph P. Sobek Disclaimer: The above ruminations are my own.
ralph@laas.laas.fr Addresses are ordered by importance.
ralph@laas.uucp, or ...!uunet!mcvax!laas!ralph If all else fails, try:
SOBEK@FRMOP11.BITNET sobek@eclair.Berkeley.EDU
Upon the instruments of death the sunlight brightly gleams. -- King Crimson
Date: 8 Nov 89 17:02:49 GMT
From: ubc-cs!alberta!myrias!mj@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Michal Jaegermann)
Subject: GCC or Sozobon in magazines
This message is posted on behalf of Johann Ruegg. Please direct
all your responses to him and NOT to me. --mj@myrias.COM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cut here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Now that the free compilers GCC and Sozobon have been out for a while,
and are being used by thousands of satisfied customers, I have been
wondering why I have never seen either one mentioned in an ST oriented
magazine here in the US. Perhaps the editors don't use C. Perhaps they
already have free copies of the commercial compilers and don't feel any
desire to try a PD compiler. Perhaps no one is really using GCC or Sozobon
and I am misled (in which case there's no reason to keep improving them :-)).
Anyway, if anyone has ever seen a review or even a mention of GCC or Sozobon
in a magazine, either in the US or anywhere else in the wide world,
please send me a short mail message. A summary of what was said
would be nice too.
Johann Ruegg
Sozobon Ltd.
or uunet!isis!onecom!wldrdg!hans
Date: 9 Nov 89 04:11:50 GMT
From: agate!saturn!ucscg.UCSC.EDU!dstr012@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (10003012)
Subject: Misc Things
I have not been on the NET for a long time So I decided to just post
all of my questions at once:
Where can I get the Xformer 2.55?
Does anyone have a list of ST ftp sites?
What is Turbo St 1.6 and where can it be found?
How do I access tha Atari files on the him1 archive?
And lastly, where is the files that were on the SSYX@UCSC.EDU?
Any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.
Roman Baker
Date: 9 Nov 89 11:25:18 GMT
From: eru!luth!sunic!tut!utacs!jackin@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Markku M?enp??)
Subject: PC-emulators for ST
I thought I mailed this once allready, but I am not sure
if it got through. Here it is anyway.
In ST-Magazin 11/89 were two PC-emulators compared :
- NEC V-30 at 8 Mhz
- 512 Kbyte ram (max. 1024 Kb)
- socket for 8087
- CGA-emulation (only this, no herc.)
- MS-DOS 4.01 included (on two 3.5`` disks)
- supports ST-mouse fully
- supports also SLM 804 !
- '' harddisks (AHDI-compatib.)
- connects to DMA (external housing, size of an Atari 3.5'' Drive)
- two DMA-ports (one for ST, the other for HD, SLM etc.)
- reset switch (on the front of housing)
- you can flip between ST/PC via hotkey
- Norton SI 4.2
- price 798 DM (about 380 USD)
Beta Systems Computer AG
Stauenfenstrasse 42
6000 Frankfurt
( tel. 069/1700040)
Reviewers found out that SuperCharger is very compatible. Among tested
programs were dbase 3 +, Flight Simulator 3, all Larrys, 1-2-3, MS-windows,
Norton Utilities 4.0,Turbo-Basic, -Pascal 3.0 & 4.0, -C 1.0, Psion Chess.
All except two games (ChessMaster 2000 and some other) worked.
- NEC V-30 at 8 Mhz
- uses ST-ram (1 Meg ST ;704 Kb free ram + 64 Kb EMS)
- no socket for 8087
- CGA, Herc, Olivetti - emulation (with Hyperscreen FULL Herc-screen)
- no MS-DOS included
- supports harddisks (AHDI, ICD - compatib.)
- goes inside ST
- Norton SI 4.0
- price 598 DM (about 326 USD)
Sack Electronic
Bleichstrasse 49
4792 Bad Lippspringe
(tel. 05252/4290)
PC-SPEED runs about the same programs as SuperCharger (MS-windows
failed). It has more trouble with protected programs (mostly games)
because it's floppydisk-driver isn't as good as SpeedCharger's. Mouse
support ain't that good either. But Graphics emulation is better. No
idea how much free ram with 2 Meg, propably no more than with 1 Meg
(they didn't say).
Thought you might be interested.
These are availiable in West-Germany now. By the way why don't
you folks in USA get ST-stuff from Europe. There is various ways
to achieve this ( mail is one :-). After all I usually buy my
stuff from the USA (and England and Germany).
! Markku M?enp?? ! University of Tampere (in Finland), CS !
Date: 7 Nov 89 21:46:15 GMT
pg!cci632!rit!ultb!clf3678@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (C.L. Freemesser)
Subject: Software House
A few days ago, I posted a message concerning some stuff at our local
Atari dealer, Software House.
Apparently, they did not like some of the things I said about their
policies concerning both TOS 1.4 and upgrading PageStream disks.
SO, thought it wise to clarify my position a bit:
Any comments I made were meant as constructive criticism, not slander.
If the comments were taken as such, I apologize.
I do know that at least one employee has possible access to Usenet, so
if he would like to state his store's position on these subjects, I'm
sure many people in Net-land would like to hear them.
Finally, my comments are just that, MY comments, and NOT representative
of our users group, ACORN.
I was informed that the increase in the ROM price was to offset the $100
phone bill they ran up from calling Atari to get the ROMS. While I
can somewhat understand this, I do not agree with this policy.
My mouth is now shut (but not for long). :~O <- uh oh, its open
Chris Freemesser, Rochester Institute of Technology :BITNET:%clf3678@RITVAX
||| ____________ :GEnie: C.FREEMESSER
||| /___ / (and 8-bit too!) :USENET: Don't bother,
/ | \ ______/ / : it doesn't work
Call the A.C.O.R.N BBS (716)436-3078, 300/1200 baud :<-or my BBS
Date: 9 Nov 89 09:51:40 GMT
From: eru!luth!sunic!mcsun!hp4nl!philapd!wc37!wilko@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (W.C.
Subject: spectre 128 Mac simulator
Recently I have seen an Atari ST machine running a Macintosh emulator program
called Spectre 128. The version of this program was 1.75. Because I wanted to
get more information on this piece of sw, I have tried to email to the author
of the program (email address was indicated in a supplied README file which
came with the Spectre package). This proved to be a problem because the
machines indicated bounced my mail with an unknown addressee error. Probably
the author has moved and the README file is too old to contain his new address.
Maybe someone reading this can help me getting the correct email address. Or
maybe the programmer himself (herself?) is reading this.
_ _____________________________________________________________________
| / o / / _ Wilko Bulte Uucp: ..!hp4nl!philapd!wilko
|/|/ / / /( (_) Internet: wilko@idca.tds.philips.nl
* Philips Telecommunication and Data Systems Nederland
* Hardware Development Department, Apeldoorn, bldg V1-B1
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #624