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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Wed, 15 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 660
Today's Topics:
Atari TT Block Diagram
Avatex 1200hc driver and BobTerm
HDX 3.01
how to curtail bashing
MWC errors (was Re: GEM help needed)
TCP/IP and Atari ST
Want a fast Atari ST...how about a '030 chip?
Date: 15 Nov 89 20:28:22 GMT
un9.astro.Virginia.EDU!gl8f@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Greg Lindahl)
Subject: Atari TT Block Diagram
In article <8911150802.AA02649@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> 01659@AECLCR.BITNET (Greg
Csullog) writes:
# - Serial ports:
# ------------
# - 2 asynchronous RS-232 ports 68901 MFP
# - 2 asynchronous/synchronous RS-232 ports (Appletalk or
# PromiseLAN) Zilog 8530 SCC
Question: Isn't the Zilog 8530 SCC the same chip used by the Mac to do
Appletalk? If so, this is a quite nice chip; it doesn't interrupt every
octet, and it calculates your CRCs for you.
Greg Lindahl
gl8f@virginia.edu Astrophysicists for Choice.
Date: 15 Nov 89 23:18:07 GMT
From: usc!cs.utexas.edu!uwm.edu!mrsvr.UUCP!jupiter.uucp!krieg@ucsd.edu (Andrew
Subject: Avatex 1200hc driver and BobTerm
I recently upgraded my ST sytem to 2400 baud, and moved my 1200hc to my 130XE.
I had previously used Kevin Ledbetter's term program for the XM301 (I used that
term program for years, and now I can't remember the name of it). I wanted to
use his program for the 850 and P:R: connectors, but I couldn't get it to work.
The software was included in my P:R: connector's box, but it wouldn't go. I
also tried BobTerm (which everyone tells me is the best) but it also would not
work. I have managed to get DeTerm to work. The Ledbetter program has a built
in driver, so I don't know how I can get that one to work. I have tried using
the driver that works for DeTerm on BobTerm, but the system does bizarre things
after the dialing is finished. I have yet to make a connection with it.
Do I need a special driver? Anyone know why Ledbetter's program (Ah, now I
remember, 850 Express) doesn't work with the 1200hc? Could someone e-mail me
the driver they use for BobTerm? Once again, the system I am using:
* Atari 130XE computer
* P:R: Connector interface
* Avatex 1200hc modem
DeTerm works OK, but I'd like to see if BobTerm or 850 Express are better.
= The Marvel Historian A. Krieg =
= G.E. Medical Systems - CT - New Berlin, WI =
= USENET: krieg@jupiter.med.ge.com =
= "Landing gear, landing gear, landing gear. =
= Have a beer, shut the door." - Howard Borden =
Date: 13 Nov 89 10:06:12 GMT
(Martin Boening)
Subject: HDX 3.01
apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) writes:
>>Local BBS has a file called HDX301.ARC which suppose to have the newest Atari
>>hard drive software HDX 3.01. And the doc. file stated this should be 3.01,
>>but when run the Installer and look under the Info one get version 3.00.
>> Is this right?
>Yes. The only part which has the version number 3.01 is the driver,
>called AHDI.PRG when it's in the AUTO folder of the floppy, called
>SHDRIVER.RAW in the HINSTALL directory, and called SHDRIVER.SYS when
>it's instlled on your hard disk. For everything else, 3.00 is right
>and fine.
>Opinions expressed above do not necessarily -- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp.
>reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else. ...ames!atari!apratt
Does the discussion above mean that HDX 3.00
is freely distributable via BBSes.
If so, where can I get it if I don't
have access to these BBSes? Could it be
posted to binaries.atari.st?
Or was it already posted there?
Any info on this would be appreciated.
Another question: is TOS1.4 EVER going to be distributed in the
form of 1MBit ROMS (which can easily be inserted into yon
Mega ST without having to scratch around on the motherboard,
change MMUs and TTL drivers and all that useless effort)? Or
will it remain forever in the form of 6 Eproms/Proms/Roms. What
about people with a motherboard that doesn't have room for 6
Any info on this would also be appreciated.
So long, netland
Email: in the USA -> ...!uunet!philabs!linus!nixbur!mboening.pad
outside USA -> ?...!mcvax?!unido!nixpbe!mboening.pad
Paper Mail: Martin Boening, Nixdorf Computer AG, DS-CC22,
Pontanusstr. 55, 4790 Paderborn, W.-Germany
Date: 15 Nov 89 23:19:04 GMT
From: tank!eecae!netnews.upenn.edu!saic.com!steveg@uunet.uu.net (stephen harold
Subject: how to curtail bashing
I hereby do solemly swear that I will not reply to any posts
that I consider to be 'bashes', 'flames', etc.
Now, if everyone else will just do the same...
So there! I'm not going to play with until you clean up
your act! :-P (Pthhht!)
Stephen Goldstein steveg@saic.com
My first Atari system? A 24K Atari 800, Rev. A ROMS, C(not G)TIA graphics
Disclaimer: That's not what I said.
Date: 13 Nov 89 09:59:01 GMT
(Martin Boening)
Subject: MODULA 2
fgbrooks@crash.cts.com (Fred Brooks) writes:
>How do you get files from the panarthea archive site without FTP.
Panarthea is a MAIL server. Therefore you MAIL your requests. You might
start by mailing a message saying 'help' to
(if that's still the valid adress).
Hope this clears things up
Email: in the USA -> ...!uunet!philabs!linus!nixbur!mboening.pad
outside USA -> ?...!mcvax?!unido!nixpbe!mboening.pad
Paper Mail: Martin Boening, Nixdorf Computer AG, DS-CC22,
Pontanusstr. 55, 4790 Paderborn, W.-Germany
Date: 15 Nov 89 19:32:16 GMT
s.ohio-state.edu (Richard E. Covert)
Subject: MWC errors (was Re: GEM help needed)
In article <1637@dukeac.UUCP>, sbigham@dukeac.UUCP (Scott Bigham) writes:
> In article <46c13647.14a1f@force.UUCP> covertr@force.UUCP (Richard E. Covert)
> >Has anyone else found any errors in the MWC Version 3.0 manual??
> By the way, what is the most recent version of MWC? I've heard 3.0.9 and I'm
> somewhat concerned that Mark Williams hasn't notified me. To my knowledge I'm
> registered (how might one check that?).
> sbigham
Scott, Mark Williams Corp has a toll-free 800 number (which I forgot). But you
can call 1-800-555-1212 and ask for Mark Williams Corp in Chicago Ill (or
Oak Brook or whereever MWC is at in the Chicago area) and get the 800 number.
A couple of months ago I was told that 3.09 is the latest version. It is a shame
Mark Williams Corp is an excellent example of how Atari has destroyed the US ST
A couple of years ago, when the US ST market still looked good, Mark Williams
was one of the first to provide a PROFESSIONAL level tool for the ST. The MWC C
is as good as ANY I have used on an IBM PC or a Mac. The MWC C compiler is a
good program. I can't repeat that often enough. sure there are BETTER compilers
other people, but MWC was first. And last year MWC came out with the C Source
Debugger, which is a definite plus. And this year MWC has sold the source code
the MWC C libraries.
But, when I enquired about the availability of an ANSI-compliant C compiler, I
told that the MWC C programmer who wrote the ST version is no longer with MWC. I
then ASKED if I wanted to write the ANSI version of the compiler, on contract to
MWC. Well, I am a rehashed hardware engineer and have NEVER Written a compiler
or I
might have just taken them up on the offer. But, the fact that the offer was
and that MWC doesn't have an ST programmer assigned to it tells me a lot about
US ST market. If MWC thought that our market was growing I am SURE that we would
have seen an ANSI-compliant C compiler from MWC by now.
Also, it is telling when a company has to resort to selling the source code to
product to make some money. I mean, you don't see Microsoft selling the source
to their C libraries for $89.95 like MWC has!! I just hope that the US market
before MWC drops out completely!! MWC has provided me with excellent support,
and except
for some bugs in their manual, I have learned a lot from the MWC manuals.
All in all, I am very pleased with MWC. And very disappointed that the US ST
market is
so small that MWC hasn't upgraded the ST C compiler to full ANSI C.
Richard Covert, Long Live Mark Williams Corp!!
Date: 13 Nov 89 00:00:00 GMT
From: attctc!tlsi!p0.f3107.n124.z1.FIDONET.ORG!Don.Weeks@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
(Don Weeks)
Subject: TCP/IP and Atari ST
Let me also say that I will soon have a map entry for UFGATE. Now is it
possible to maybe get an Internet address?
--- Ned 1.00
Internet: Don.Weeks@p0.f3107.n124.z1.FIDONET.ORG
UUCP: ...!attctc!tlsi!3107.0!Don.Weeks
Note: TLSI is a free gateway between Usenet & Fidonet. For info write to root.
Date: 15 Nov 89 21:41:30 GMT
From: matthews@umd5.umd.edu (Mike Matthews)
Subject: Want a fast Atari ST...how about a '030 chip?
[stuff deleted]
>>a '030 chip at 16MHz!! Reportly this board speeds Spectre GCR
>IIci speeds.
>David L. Newton | uunet!marque!carroll1!dnewton | The Raging Apostle--
As stated many times before, Mhz does not have all that much to do with the
actual speed. The whole architecture must be taken into account... One thing
that slows down Macs is their CPUs handle EVERYTHING. That includes mouse
and keyboard activities, floppy/hard disk controls... Really slows things down.
Mike Matthews
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #660