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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Fri, 17 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 666
Today's Topics:
atari ABC yea or nay ????
Atari magazines ( was Re: What' (2 msgs)
General questions (Advertisemen (2 msgs)
P/D Command Driven OS?
SH 204 Upgrade
TOS 1.4 Incompatibility List Request
Date: 17 Nov 89 06:07:00 GMT
From: acf5!mitsolid@nyu.edu (Thanasis Mitsolides)
Subject: atari ABC yea or nay ????
A question deserves an answer:
/* acf5:comp.sys.atari.st / rjk752@uxf.cso.uiuc.edu / 5:41 am Nov 16, 1989 */
>I am using an Atari with 2mb internal memory,
>50 meg of hard drive, an 8Mhz 68000, and a (Robotics) courier 2400 to
>write this note. ...
>This system will out-perform the majority of the IBM hardware
>out in the streets today. In fact the IBM emulator on my Atari has a Norton
>SI rating between 2.5 and 3.0 because of the power of the 68000 (RISC
>architecture). ...
>I would further state that it can clearly outperform any IBM in its
>price range for the majority of tasks a home user would want. Do you beg to
>differ with me ? I got my system for slightly over $2000. What do YOU
>own. I'll bet it's 1) more expensive or 2) less powerfull or 3) another
>"toy" computer.
Allow me to differ with you.
A system with:
- A 286 at 12Mhz. SI rating 15.3 Landmark rating 15.1
- 4 MB of RAM
- 66MB 25ms 1:1 interleave hard drive (should tr. at >400Kbytes/sec)
- VGA 640x480 and 16 colors.
- 1.2 Mb floppy, 2 serial, 1 parallel, real time clock etc.
- 2400 bps modem (no advantage here)
- 8 expansion slots (4 available).
- runs multiple DOS sessions under desqview.
costs (1862+100+50+320) $2332 without looking for great bargains.
(advertised items)
It is 1) as expensive and 2) much more powerfull and 3) much more professional.
BTW I own a 1040 ST which was one of the best choices when I got it.
I am using it as a terminal and it is excellent (many thanks Simon!).
Send personal mail only if you want more info on the above AT.
PS Some people remind of the mice dancing when the cat is out. 8->
Remember, silence is not agreement. It may be just boredom.
"If you pray hard enough, water will run uphill. How Hard?
Why, hard enough to make water run uphill, of course!" R. A. Heinlein
Internet: mitsolid@csd2.nyu.edu (mitsolid%csd2.nyu.edu@relay.cs.net)
UUCP : ...!uunet!cmcl2!csd2!mitsolid
Date: 16 Nov 89 23:24:29 GMT
From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!samsung!hubdub!ain1496e@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Atari magazines ( was Re: What'
In article <46300073@uxf.cso.uiuc.edu>, rjk752@uxf.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
> Somebody (thats me) writes:
> Just wanted to let you know that Analog/stlog is not going to publish after
> the december issue, they have decided to cease publication, it really is to
> as the new dual format was done nicely
> /* End of text from uxf.cso.uiuc.edu:comp.sys.atari.st */
> The October issue of ST-LOG definately says differently. It clearly
> states a combined Analog Computing magazine is being formed. I guess this
> has this changed since the October 1989 (issue 36) ST-LOG?
> Where did this information come from, and when ? If true, they
> sure didn't give it much time to catch on :)
I heard this rumour so I sent email to Art Leyenberger, one of the
people involved in Analog, and he said that the rumour was true and that
even though they did the dual format, that Larry Flint (the owner of Analog)
decided that the December issue would be the last for Analog/Stlog.
Date: 16 Nov 89 13:37:00 GMT
From: inmet!hedger@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Atari magazines ( was Re: What'
Again, in the latest issue's editorial the editor goes out of his way
to say that Analog will in fact keep publishing, but analog and ST-log
will be combined (as it is in this iss is does anyone have the real
story ? Are they staying in business or not ?
| |
| Keith Hedger : ?...!?uunet!inmet!hedger hedger@inmet.inmet.com |
| 'It is a sad, but beautiful world..........' |
Date: 16 Nov 89 18:31:00 GMT
From: inmet!hedger@uunet.uu.net
Subject: General questions (Advertisemen
As a matter of fact, I've just gone back and looked at the original
posting and the word 'Advertisement' is at the end of the title line.
Also, the poster has a banner at the top asking anyone to mention him
when and if they call about Blitz.
Sorry, but this is definetly an ad AND is not allowed here.
| |
| Keith Hedger : ?...!?uunet!inmet!hedger hedger@inmet.inmet.com |
| 'It is a sad, but beautiful world..........' |
Date: 16 Nov 89 18:27:00 GMT
From: inmet!hedger@uunet.uu.net
Subject: General questions (Advertisemen
I have no problem with small business on the net, as long as they don't
ADVERTISE. It is my understanding that no commercial advertising is
allowed on this net. I have no problem with the idea of
information being passed on the net. What I do have a problem with is
blatant commercial advertising. If the 'Blitz' poster had said...
"saw the Blitz stuff last week call xxx-xxxx for details" or something
like this, I wouldn't have had any problem. But when the ad is layed out
with bulletted selling points and slogans and such, it becomes not just
a piece of information, but an attempt to sell something.
Granted, this is my opinion and what we're talking about is drawing the line
between information and enticing to buy.
In my opinion the 'Blitz' posting was a commercial advertisment and I have no
tolerance for commercial ads on the Net.
I did not ask for an ad concerning the networking services on the net, but
rather recommendations based on other users experiences. I asked for this
to AVOID having to read advertisments.
I think it's fine for people to point other people towards new products and
information about these products. The question is- what is the posting
intended to do, inform people or try to sell them something ?
| |
| Keith Hedger : ?...!?uunet!inmet!hedger hedger@inmet.inmet.com |
| 'It is a sad, but beautiful world..........' |
Date: 16 Nov 89 13:32:51 GMT
From: mnetor!utzoo!utgpu!watmath!maytag!water!ljdickey@uunet.uu.net
Subject: P/D Command Driven OS?
In article <73839@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu> <thamer@cis.ohio-state.edu> writes:
>Although the ST DEsktop has its mouse-based advantages, I'm really starting
>to miss the MSDOS/UNIX type abilities to just type CD somewhere or
>run a program anywhere by typing its name or path, or the advantages
>of simple batch files. ....
I know that several have answered this, and most have mentioned GULAM,
but I would like to add this:
I like Gulam, because of its large set of built-in features,
including these, which I think are its major assets:
MicroEmacs, terminal emulator, command line editing,
xmodem file transfer, and shell scripts.
The shell scripts are quite like the cshell I use on the VAX
at the office, and so, for quite a few things, the commmand set
is the same. Where there are differences, I feel that I have
the control, through the use of shell scripts, to make them
enough alike that I feel comfortable and productive in both places.
Those who know UNIX will recognise some commands in the list
below, which I see when I press the HELP key.
beta-test version 121887 of
yet another shell for AtariST/TOS
(non-profit redistribution is permitted)
/gulam. Copyright = 1987 pm@cwru.edu
62 built-in commands:
alias dm endwhile help more printenv set ue
cat dirc exit history mson pushd setenv unalias
cd dirs fg if msoff pwd source unset
chmod echo fgrep kb mv rehash sx unsetenv
copy egrep foreach lpr peekw ren te which
cp ef format ls pokew rm teexit while
date endfor gem mem popd rmdir time
df endif grep mkdir print rx touch
In addition to the things here, there have been a few things
distributed over the net that I behave much like UNIX commands
I like. An example of one of these is LV, and later STEVIE,
which are much like "vi" .
I am not sure that UNIX is the best operating system, but I does have
some very nice advantages. The fact that GULAM has the same set
of commands means a lot to me.
L. J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo.
ljdickey@water.UWaterloo.ca ljdickey@water.BITNET
ljdickey@water.UUCP ..!uunet!watmath!water!ljdickey
Date: 17 Nov 89 06:03:42 GMT
From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!samsung!aplcen!jhunix!jheddy@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
(Jared Brennan)
Subject: SH 204 Upgrade
The SH204 case will hold a 5.25" half-height hard drive, a type which
is readily available from any manufacturer that makes hard drives. The
drive must support MFM encoding and the ST512 interface. You can use
a 3.5" hard drive in the SH204, but you must use brackets to expand the
form-factor to that of a 5.25" drive; my SH204 had a Tandon TM263 3.5"
drive mechanism, which was in a framework that fitted the drive into
the 5.25" slot provided. Also, check the power supply in your SH204;
I found a 40W supply in mine, which seems to be sufficient to power a
Seagate ST251-1, the Adaptec 4000A SCSI controller, and ASCI-SCSI adapter.
Anything below that wattage is not guaranteed to do the same . . .
Jared Brennan <jheddy@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu> BITNET: JHEDDY@JHUNIX,JHUVMS
ARPA: jheddy%jhunix@hopkins.ARPA UUCP: allegra!hopkins!jhunix!jheddy
"How many pins could one stick in the head of an angel?"
Jared Brennan <jheddy@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu> BITNET: JHEDDY@JHUNIX,JHUVMS
ARPA: jheddy%jhunix@hopkins.ARPA UUCP: allegra!hopkins!jhunix!jheddy
"How many pins could one stick in the head of an angel?"
Date: 16 Nov 89 09:56:10 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!estevax!rp362@uunet.uu.net (Hr Plaum Reiner )
Subject: smalltalk
I have a public domain version of Smalltalk, called Little Smalltalk.
This is together with Icon (another language) on a disk, available from
each PD distributor in Germany.
This version is without grafics, i think (I actually did not use it),
solely the language. One my say Smalltalk without grafics is not
Smalltalk, but it is free, just to get a feeling of real Smalltalk.
I know of a professional version of Smalltalk for the ST. I read a review
about that in some german computer magazin. As far as I can remember, the price
would be ca 2000 DM (ca 1100 $), for students and teachers considerably fewer.
It is a complete and stable implementation of Smalltalk-80.
More information can be obtained from georg@unido or georg@unido.uucp.bitnet
Reiner Plaum
Date: 15 Nov 89 23:32:57 GMT
From: attcan!utgpu!watmath!ria!uwovax!7103_2622@uunet.uu.net (Eric Smith)
Subject: TOS 1.4 Incompatibility List Request
In article <5440079@hplsla.HP.COM>, andyc@hplsla.HP.COM (Andy Cassino) writes:
> I guess I have an entry for the TOS 1.4 incompatibility list - Turtle 3.0!
> There seems to be a problem creating and deleting folders in TRAMDISK (as
> reported by TTLEXEC). I have tried the newest TRAMDISK from GENIE and
> it doesn't work either.
Are you running Atari's CACHEXXX program? I had a friend who had the
problem you described, and it went away when he took the cache out of
his auto folder. It seems Turtle does some low level disk accesses that
can make the cache confused.
Eric R. Smith email:
Dept. of Mathematics ERSMITH@uwovax.uwo.ca
University of Western Ontario ERSMITH@uwovax.bitnet
London, Ont. Canada N6A 5B7
ph: (519) 661-3638
Date: 17 Nov 89 03:47:39 GMT
From: grapevine!koreth%panarthea.ebay.sun.com@sun.com (Steven Grimm)
Subject: Vapourware!!!
In article <9802@zodiac.ADS.COM> jtn@ads.com (John Nelson) writes:
>On the subject of future machines, I recenetly read that the
>availability of the new "STE and TT" machines would be announced in
>Feburary of next year." The STE will apparently be '030 based and
>have something like 1000x7000 colour pixels. Cost for one of these
>will be about $1,600. That's a fairly amazing price for a 68030 box.
Shall we shoot him now, or torture him before we put him out of our
" !" - Marcel Marceau
Steven Grimm Moderator, comp.?sources,binaries?.atari.st
sgrimm@sun.com ...!sun!sgrimm
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #666