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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Wed, 29 Nov 89 Volume 89 : Issue 719
Today's Topics:
BigScreen, 1.2meg drive adj.
Comments on STE -- (un)known facts
Craft & TOS 1.4
Sozobon C, Uniterm, Magazine WU's
ST/HP Term Question
tos 1.4 problem?
Word Up... Write Now!... Same Thing
Date: 29 Nov 89 10:39:40 GMT
Subject: BigScreen, 1.2meg drive adj.
Message-ID: <46300083@uxf.cso.uiuc.edu>
Has anyone done the bigscreen enhancement? Does it work
with Spectre? Does anyone care? Should I post my results
after I hack it out? Please take the time and send
me some info if you've done it?
Has anyone done the 1.2meg adjustment to their drive?
Same as above...
-Thanks for your info-maton
Date: 29 Nov 89 10:39:15 GMT
Message-ID: <46300081@uxf.cso.uiuc.edu>
From ST-Praxis Winter '88/89---
This is in Omikron Basic, but it is pretty simple to understand...
Three memory locations (I assume long words) have to be set to
100 rem Reset resident program turn off
110 rem
120 lpoke $420,0 ' memvalid
130 lpoke $426,0 ' resvalid
140 lpoke $43a,0 ' memval2
150 rem
160 rem at the next reset, a cold start will be invoked
Gregory Mathias Lemperle-Kerr
'Looks like the University of Illinois...'
Date: 29 Nov 89 05:01:35 GMT
From: genbank!agate!e260-3g!laba-1aj@apple.com (John Kawakami)
Subject: Comments on STE -- (un)known facts
Message-ID: <1989Nov29.050135.5339@agate.berkeley.edu>
In article <3421@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU> esp_05@jhunix.UUCP (Stdnt 05) writes:
>You know, except for the color palette, I knew a computer with the new
>features of the STe. I think it was called the Atari 800. Hardware
>scrolling, ability to reload video shifter address every line, etc...
Scrolling seems easier on the STE. On the 800, to get fine scrolling,
you had to update address pointers AND delay/offsets. It sounds like
the STE can do this strictly through offsets. I may be wrong though.
How likely is it that we (users) can buy the new graphics chips and
some patches to tap some of the new features?
Date: 29 Nov 89 08:40:07 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!fwi.uva.nl!gert@uunet.uu.net (Gert Poletiek)
Subject: Craft & TOS 1.4
Message-ID: <276@fwi.uva.nl>
In article <1989Nov27.143317.2881@chinet.chi.il.us> saj@chinet.chi.il.us
(Stephen Jacobs) writes:
>On the subject of shells: does any shell handle the UNIX element of here
>documents (the << mechanism)? I'm mostly familiar with msh, which doesn't
> Steve J.
The CRAFT shell version 3.0 will support this. I will not give a release
date here because I'm still working on it.
Gert Poletiek Dept. of Math. and Computing Science, University of Amsterdam,
Kruislaan 409, NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Internet: gert@fwi.uva.nl uucp: gert@uva.uucp
bitnet: gert%fwi.uva.nl@mcvax.bitnet
Date: 29 Nov 89 10:40:02 GMT
Subject: MacDraw,PS,ED,Diction,NEODESK...
Message-ID: <46300085@uxf.cso.uiuc.edu>
Wow, fourth note... Expensive bandwidth...
Can anyone give me some hints on MacDraw file structure (or
SuperPaint for that matter), PageStream file structure, Easy
Draw File Structure? If anyone can help me out, I have two
projects I'd like to get a start on...
Make that three...
1.) File converter... MacDraw<->PageStream<->EasyD<->SuperP?
2.) Graphing program that would output pagestream file...
3.) Dictionary converter WP<->PageStream<->1stWord+<->ProText
On a side note, I just got NeoDesk and wrote an autofolder program
that selects a picture from a folder of pictures and randomly makes
a new one the boot picture on boot up... I may accessorize it like
that mac program if I can find out where NeoDesk stores it's pic in
memory... If anyone is intersted... E-mail...
Date: 29 Nov 89 10:39:25 GMT
Subject: Sozobon C, Uniterm, Magazine WU's
Message-ID: <46300082@uxf.cso.uiuc.edu>
I read some time ago a message from the Sozobon TOP writer
that there was no magazine feedback on the Sozobon compiler
etc. I was just wondering, as I have tried it out, although
I'm back to HiSoft Basic mostly, it is one of the better
compilers out there... The optimizer (the new one posted earlier)
does great optimization with registerizing of variables etc.
The only fallback is that a good gemlib set up was impossible
for me to implement. Is it that it is too good? There haven't
been any write ups on Uniterm either to my knowledge... A couple
of free ware products that could put Laser C2.0 an some others
to shame if fully implemented.
These guys are one of the reason I love my ST. Hacks just programming
for programming's sake. It's the closest to an artform that
programming can come. I think some of the magazines should do
some interviews with these guys. Hell, I'll call Simon Poole when
I go home to Basel for Christmas...
Just some thoughts... -Spieu! G.M.L-K.
Date: 29 Nov 89 00:29:10 GMT
From: hpl-opus!hpnmdla!hpsad!bobw@hplabs.hp.com (Bob Waltenspiel)
Subject: ST/HP Term Question
Message-ID: <750030@hpsad.HP.COM>
I need help finding information about the HP terminal emulator on
the terminator archive site. It has no documentation, source code,
authorship credit. I doesn't quite work right and I'm willing to
work on it.
Any help would be appreciated.
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
| Bob Waltenspiel | e-mail: bobw@hpsad (hplabs!hpsad!..) |
| ATE Software Team | Telnet: 794-3091 |
| HP Signal Analysis Division | AT&T: (707) 794-3091 |
| 1212 Valley House Dr. | HPDesk: Bob WALTENSPIEL/HP5300/A0 |
| Rohnert Park, CA 94928-4999 | HP Mailstop: 1UR-M |
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
Although Pooh's head was stuffed with fluff, he was a cheerful fellow.
Date: 28 Nov 89 21:36:18 GMT
ac@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Ignac Kolenko)
Subject: tos 1.4 problem?
Message-ID: <1214@electro.UUCP>
over the last couple of weeks, we've developed (for internal use only,
unfortunately) a co-processor board for the atari mega st which will
communicate to the electrohome JAZZ digital video effects processor.
this allows the atari to talk to the processor to tell it to do things
like video zooms, rotations, and special effects like checkerboard wipes,
anyways, now that the board is working, i've begun to write some software
and i've come across a peculiar problem. we have 128K of RAM mapped in
at $C00000 to $C1FFFF. (these are addresses that the developer docs
say are reserved for mega expansion boards). we have tos 1.4 installed
in our system.
in my software, i wanted to be able to the following:
wHandle = Fcreate ("image.bin", 0);
if (wHandle >= 0)
Fwrite (wHandle, 0x20000L, (char *)0xC00000L);
Fclose (wHandle);
and the converse when restoring the data back into that addresses space.
now, what happened when this was run was that the computer locked up. the
hard disk light stayed on solid (but no writing was being done).
if the address of the buffer is changed to something in main memory,
there are no problems.
is this a problem with the atari DMA? is there anything special that needs
to be designed into RAM on a mega expansion board to allow DMA to occur?
does the DMA chip croak if you attempt to do an Fread/Fwrite outside of
main memory (i've also noticed that trying to Fwrite ROM writes out complete
anyone else noticed these problems???
an answer on this soon would be appreciated. (who's the hardware guru
at atari??)
also, is it possible to order replacement blitters??? our's is not behaving
properly anymore (bus errors when certain blitter locations are accessed,
but everything works fine when the blitter is turned off in the desktop.inf
=====Ignac A. Kolenko (The Ig) watmath!watcgl!electro!ignac=====
co-author of QuickST, and the entire line of Quick Shareware!!!!
"I don't care if I don't win, 'cause I don't care if I fail"
from 'Youth Of Today' by SUBURBAN DISTORTION
Date: 29 Nov 89 10:39:53 GMT
Subject: Word Up... Write Now!... Same Thing
Message-ID: <46300084@uxf.cso.uiuc.edu>
Just tried out the dealers WordUp 2.0... Has anyone noticed
the similarity between WordUp and WriteNow? Not just in the
silly concatenation of words, but the interface etc. Man
if WU would add footnoting, spelling and columns, I'd buy the
hell out of it? Anyone know the direction of their development?
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #719