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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Tue, 5 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 756
Today's Topics:
Atracting new Club members
FORM, nice but...
Form Doc's
Help with Uniterm 2.0e
Richard, Richard, Richard! (was Re: Mega chips & drive questions)
Trash, Disks, etc.
VERSAdos ?
What Kermit/UNITERM bugs?
Date: 5 Dec 89 16:22:54 GMT
From: swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!asuvax!mcdphx!hrc!force!covertr@ucsd.edu (Richard
E. Covert)
Subject: Atracting new Club members
Message-ID: <473f18ee.14a1f@force.UUCP>
I want to thank the following people for responding to my request about
attracting new members to the Phoenix Atari Club:
Greg Lindahl
Robert Retelle from the Michigan Atari Computer Enthusiasts (MACE) club
Keith Hedger : ?...!?uunet!inmet!hedger hedger@inmet.inmet.com
Tim Northrup
The main points that they all said was to distribute flyers at my local
Atari store. Some suggested a free Club disk with each ST purchase.
Bob Retelle suggested registering the club with Bob Brodie at Atari. But, with
the revolving door policy at Atari we would have to re-register the club
every few months ( :-) ).
Our local ST sdealer doesn't have the room for us to hold our meetings in his
store. So, we still need to find a better place to meet. The local community
college wants $500 a day for a room, with a $500,000 insurance policy. So,
we can't meet there. My company has a great auditorium, but we can't let
unescorted people into the building (don't want to let out our secrets :-)).
We want to meet on Saturday mornings as that is the most conveneint time for
our members.
I personally think that the we need a better, bigger, meeting place before we
will attract new members. It is a Chicken and the Egg thing. We can't seat many
more members in our current location, but without more members we can't afford
a bigger meeting place.
Richard E. Covert (covertr@gtephx)
(602) - 581-4652
| AG Communications Systems, Phoenix AZ |
UUCP: ?ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att?!gtephx!covertr
Date: 5 Dec 89 18:34:13 GMT
From: shlump.nac.dec.com!engage.enet.dec.com!oldtmr!wallace@decwrl.dec.com (Ray
Subject: foldrxxx.prg
Message-ID: <1373@engage.enet.dec.com>
In article <5587@sdcc6.ucsd.edu>, pa1562@sdcc13.ucsd.edu (C. SQuibby Breyman)
> Pardon me, but I have a copy of foldrxxx.prg that...How does one use it?
Rename FOLDRxxx.PRG such that you replace the xxx with a number. Then place
the renamed program in your \auto folder. The number is the number of
additional folders (above and beyond the 40 folder limit) you want memory
allocated for. Examples:
FOLDR100.PRG Allows almost 140 folders TOTAL
FOLDR135.PRG Allows almost 175 folders
FOLDR400.PRG Allows a couple of large HD's :-)
What I do is keep xxx (the number) set to the TOTAL number of folders on all
my hard drive partitions plus about 10 or 20. AND I count the number of
folders (adjusting xxx accordingly) occasionaly. This leaves room for what
ever folders might be on any floppies you have in the floppy drive and some
room to create more folders on your HD.
Ray Wallace
(INTERNET,UUCP) wallace@oldtmr.enet.dec.com
(UUCP) ...!decwrl!oldtmr.enet!wallace
(INTERNET) wallace%oldtmr.enet@decwrl.dec.com
Date: 5 Dec 89 15:30:13 GMT
@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Richard E. Covert)
Subject: FORM, nice but...
Message-ID: <473ee9d5.14a1f@force.UUCP>
In article <298@watserv1.waterloo.edu>, bmaraldo@watserv1.waterloo.edu
(Commander Brett Maraldo) writes:
> >Now what is inclusive speech? Should I have written the manual
> >in fortran?
> I hope you are kidding, but in case you aren't: Inclusive speech
> includes both the male and female genders. Instead of saying 'Go to the
> doctor, he'll fix you up' you must say 'Go to the doctor, he or she will
Shouldn't that be "she or he" ?? :-)
> fix you up.'
> Brett L Maraldo
Richard E. Covert (covertr@gtephx)
(602) - 581-4652
| AG Communications Systems, Phoenix AZ |
UUCP: ?ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att?!gtephx!covertr
Date: 5 Dec 89 15:33:42 GMT
ax!mcdphx!hrc!force!covertr@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Richard E. Covert)
Subject: Form Doc's
Message-ID: <473eecf4.14a1f@force.UUCP>
In article <5120.257a7166@elroy.uh.edu>, richard@elroy.uh.edu writes:
> In article <89338.035427JJL101@PSUVM.BITNET>, J.J. Lehett
<JJL101@PSUVM.BITNET> writes:
> > Is there anyone that knows where I could get a copy of the Documents to
> > Form other than in DVI form....preferably in straight ASCII type.
> I could also use an ASCII copy of the docs as I dont have a copy of TEX
> and would not care to attempt to hack my way through learning TEX even
> if I did have a copy of it.
> Thanks,
> Richard Coggins
> University Of Houston
I can use tha ASCII docs to FORM as well.
Hey, it doesn't seem like many folks like the TeX docs to form.
Must be some form of Elitest mentatlity to post docs to a program
in a format that 99% of the people don't use.
Hey, if you are good enough you will have TeX, right? :-)
Oh well, it could have been done in nroff, which at least most UN*X
people have access to.
Richard E. Covert (covertr@gtephx)
(602) - 581-4652
| AG Communications Systems, Phoenix AZ |
UUCP: ?ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att?!gtephx!covertr
Date: 5 Dec 89 20:03:20 GMT
From: pasteur!helios.ee.lbl.gov!ux1.lbl.gov!keithj@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Keith J
Subject: Help with Uniterm 2.0e
Message-ID: <4382@helios.ee.lbl.gov>
I believe what you need to do is to get into the setup mode and go
into the telephone setup menu. Try changing the dial retry count
to 3 or more, (the count should be at least more than one).
Once you get back into the terminal screen and you encounter the
same problem with the phone line, just hit the undo key and instead
of quitting, which uniterm will ask of you, just type no. After
that, you should be back on line.
Keith Groves
Date: 5 Dec 89 18:55:22 GMT
From: obryan@gumby.wisc.edu (Mark O'Bryan)
Subject: MIDI Help
Message-ID: <924@gumby.cc.wmich.edu>
In article <8911270801.AA22825@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, AD0834@ALBNYVMS.BITNET
> I am trying to write a patch librarian for a 520STFM and a Roland D-10
> keyboard. I am having problems because the input buffer on the ST isn't
> large enough to hold the 256 byte blocks that the D-10 sends, and
> unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to write a program which will
> snag data from the buffer fast enough to prevent it overflowing.
> Basically, my problem is this: I need to change the size of the MIDI
> input buffer on the ST from the default 128 bytes to 256 (or more)
> bytes. Does anyone know how to do this?!? Better yet, does anyone know
> of PD MIDI librarians?
A call to the XBios routine IoRec for device 2 (MIDI) will return a
pointer to the parameter block that contains all the information which
controls the buffering of input data. The first item is a long pointer
to the input buffer. So you set up your own area, then redirect the
input there by resetting that pointer. This is followed by a buffer
size word, which you need to set, then a pair of head and tail indices.
Setting them to the same value will 'empty' the input buffer.
When you're all done, you'll want to put things back the way they
were, before your program exits. Otherwise, you'll probably have a
nasty crash.
The above is from memory. If you need details, I can look up the
As for PD MIDI librarians, there are things like STMIDIEX, but they
won't be useful with Roland gear due to their need for handshaking
and timing constraints.
Mark T. O'Bryan Internet: obryan@gumby.cc.wmich.edu
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Date: 5 Dec 89 16:05:22 GMT
From: cs.utexas.edu!asuvax!mcdphx!hrc!force!covertr@uunet.uu.net (Richard E.
Subject: Richard, Richard, Richard! (was Re: Mega chips & drive questions)
Message-ID: <473f0941.14a1f@force.UUCP>
In article <1104890110363128@thelake.UUCP>, steve@thelake.UUCP (Steve
Yelvington) writes:
Steve, if you want to pull individual statements out of context than most
posts will look confusing. I was simply trying to point out how the KXP4450
laser printer is better suited, for *MY* application.
You see Steve, my point about the SLM804 is that for what it does, the SLM804
does EXCELLENTLY. but what it doesn't do, it fails miserably. For strictly ST
work, the SLM804 is a great, but OVERpriced, laser printer. But, I wanted to
use my laser printer, at a full 300 dpi, with my Spectre cartridge, which I
can't do without resorting to buying the $500 UltraScript package (US plus
its fonts). So, while it isn't Atari's fault that I can't print under Spectre,
it is still a shortcoming. Also, the SLM804 doesn't emulate an Epson printer,
so a lot of goofy little programs like AwardMaker won't print to the SLM804.
My friend has tried using LaserBrain with the SLM804 since he bought theSLM
from me. He reports that word processors fail when he tries to use specials
features like italics or bold. So, LaserBrain doesn't emulate the Epson very
well. And we all know about the buggy Diablo 630 emulator. so, I was simply
getting tired of working around the defiencies of the SLM and when I had an
oppportunity to sell my SLM I did. But, my experiences may be different from
yours. My needs may be different from yours. And for strictly, narrow, ST
work the SLM is great. The SLM is just not as versatile as say a HP Laser Jet
or the Panasonic KXP4450. I *KNOW* that I can use my KXP4450 laser printer
on a REAL Mac or a REAL IBM, so I canuse it with my Spectre and with pc ditto
II straight away. You can't do that with a SLM804 printer.
As far as my waffling between *LIKING* the TT/p and *DISLIKING* the TT/p,
I am still undecided. I LIKE my ST, but I really dislike the SLM804 laser
I like programming on my Mega ST much more than on a Mac, but I like some of
the Mac programs that don't have equivalents on the ST. OK, I would like a
computer whose software is as good as the Mac's but whose price was like
an Atari. I do know that both the Mac and the ST beat *ANY* IBM PC that I
have investigated. I dislike the MicroSoft WINDOWS for the PC and since
UNIX/X Windows hasn't made it big in the PC world yet, it looks like either
a Mac IICi or a NeXT or an Atari TT/x for me.
As far as the TT/p goes, I am expressing serious doubts about it based upon my
7 years plus experience with Atari products. And based upon first hand accounts
my friends who have used STs for years. The example I gave about the friend
who bought my SLM804 and than couldn't get it to work on his *STOCK* 1040ST
and Atari hard drive is typical of the problems faced every day by Atari ST
owners. My friend has a 100% Atari ST system that wouldn't boot his Atari
hard drive with the Atari SLM804 laser printer attached. He had to replace
the ATARI hard drive interface with an ICD (Hurray for ICD, I own 2 of their
fine host adpaters) Host Adapter in order to get his Atari hard drive to
boot with the Atari SLM804 laser printer. I won't have that problem with the
Panasonic KXP4450 laser printer!
As far as the response to Ken B. from Atari goes, I was simply expressing
the concern about the TT/p's expandability. If Atari has *NEVER* made an
expandable computer in the past, and that is a true statement, than *WHY*
should we expect the TT/p to be expandable. Heck, even the Mega ST2, the
Business Computer from Atari, can't be expanded to 4 megabytes, according
to Ken B. from Atari.
> Ieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
> -- Steve Yelvington, up at the (frozen) lake in Minnesota
> UUCP: ... pwcs.StPaul.GOV!stag!thelake!steve
> PS: If you would fix your postnews and/or install a .sig file with a valid
> mail address, maybe people would razz you without posting it to the entire
> flipping planet.
Steve, I did fix my .sig and now you can email to me directly. OK?
Folks, I am trying not to dwell on the negatives. I bought the KXP4450 simply
so I could use more software (Mac, IBM, and ST) than I could with my SLM804.
I don't know how well Atari will support the TT/p or even if it will be
as described. I just *HOPE* that it is a little more expandable and reliable
than the Megas or the other STs. I also hope that Atari does something to
help both Atari Dealers and Atari USA magazines survive. I still like my
and hope that the TT/x will persuade me to buy a TT. But, I have serious doubts,
and it may well turn out that the ST will be the *LAST* Atari computer sold
in the USA. Other computers have died, and there is no reason to believe that
the Atari can't die either. So, I muddle along with my Mark Williams C
compiler and my Flight Simulator!!
Richard E. Covert (covertr@gtephx)
(602) - 581-4652
| AG Communications Systems, Phoenix AZ |
UUCP: ?ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att?!gtephx!covertr
Date: 5 Dec 89 18:07:00 GMT
ce0@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Michael B. Vederman)
Subject: Trash, Disks, etc.
Message-ID: <929@uhnix2.uh.edu>
In article <1353@uvm-gen.UUCP> pegram@uvm-gen.UUCP (pegram r) writes:
>From article <9911@saturn.ucsc.edu>, by dstr012@ucscg.UCSC.EDU (10003012):
>> Does anyone out there have or know where I can get a program to change
>> the Trash and file cabinet icons on the desktop? The old desktop is getting
>> pretty boring and I am due for a change. Thanks.
>> Roman Baker
>1) Buy Neodesk, you get all sorts of icons, lose ?$40 and at least 21K ram.
> However, is much the best idea.
[stuff deleted]
Double Click Software (us) is about to release a new product called DC DESKTOP.
This AUTO folder program will *not* replace, but _enhance_ the GEM desktop so
much, you won't believe your eyes!
You will get unique icons for eeach file, icons on the desktop (for quick
execution), a 'cabinet' of programs (so you can store all your programs in one
place), a printer spooler that works like a disk drive (drag the file to the
printer icon on the desktop - or save to it from a file), replaces the desktop's
_boring_ & _useless_ 'SHOW' command with a more powerful one, has a trashcan
that acts like a trashcan (so you can 'undelete' files), PC 'XCOPY' type copy
from the desktop, change the desktop to a picture or pattern, keystroke
equivalents for desktop commands, and probably a few morefeatures I can't
remember off hand!
All of this resides *in* memory, and is currently less than 30K!!! That's
right, the program is less than 30K, and it does all this. You can use even
less memory if you don't need all the features. Best of all, it stays in
memory at all times (no more reloading or huge memory requirements), and it
_enhances_ the GEM desktop, so everything still remains 100% compatible and
the interface is just as you've always used, nothing new to remember.
Before you go calling us up wanting to order, let me just say that it goes
into beta-testing this week. Release is estimated for Feb. 1990, and the
retail price will be $39.95.
We will release specific info when it is released. (Oh yes, everything is
written in 100% assembly language.)
- mike
Double Click Me | Double Click Software | P.O. Box 741206 | Houston, Tx, 77274
Support BBS: (713)944-0108 | SHADOW | DC FORMATTER | DC UTILITIES | and others
Date: 5 Dec 89 13:46:44 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!phigate!prle!prles2!nvpna1!ebeam@uunet.uu.net (Otto Meijer
Subject: VERSAdos ?
Message-ID: <802@prles2.UUCP>
Hi there,
at the moment i'm working with a VERSAdos machine. This supose to be
from motorola. The problem is i can only spend 4 hours on the machine
which is not enough. So can someone tell me how i can read VERSAdos
disks on my Atari, maybe someone wrote already a programm for it and
could send me this. Or if someone knows which format VERSAdos uses i
will write a programm myself. I could even post it to comp.sources.atari.st
if it works fine.
Thanxs for reading this.
Otto Meijer Tel: (7)42667
WAGp 324 meijer::nvpnaa
Nat.Lab. ebeam@prle.prl.philips.nl
Holland (c) 1989
Date: 5 Dec 89 20:04:55 GMT
From: cs.utexas.edu!wuarchive!kuhub.cc.ukans.edu!shawl@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
Subject: What Kermit/UNITERM bugs?
Message-ID: <19315@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu>
In article <2748@dogie.macc.wisc.edu>, gilmore@vms.macc.wisc.edu (Neil Gilmore)
> In article <8912010813.AA04349@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, 01659@AECLCR.BITNET (Greg
Csullog) writes...
>>One netter mentioned problems with UNITERM's Kermit. On our site, which
>>has a CYBER 830/990 combo and various VAXs, such as an 8550, the only Kermit
>>that works flawlessly with full server support is UNITERM's Kermit. Some
>>20 - 40 people use it almost daily. I use UNITERM Kermit in text or binary
>>mode almost every day and I have never had one problem. I've tried Versa-Term
>>Pro and Red Ryder under Mac emulation but they do not have server support.
>>Neither does ZSTEM or SmarTerm 240 for the PCs. The ONLY Kermit I trust is
>>UNITERM's so WHAT problems are there?
I agree with much of what is said, but with some modification. Until
very recently, I was using version 1.7b; it worked flawlessly in all
cases EXCEPT sending DEGAS format pictures to our VAX. Before I was
even aware of UNITERM, I purchased ANSIGRAPH; I have had no troubles
with its KERMIT at all. So, while I use UNITERM as my standard, I
changed to ANSIGRAPH for any long binaries. I have not
tried UNITERM 2.0e on a degas picture yet.
Steve Shawl
bitnet: SHAWL@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #756