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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Wed, 27 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 863
Today's Topics:
GEnie uplink is shut down..
internal FAX packages for ST?
Okimate 20 Printer Forsale
program editors
spreadsheets (2 msgs)
Unexpandable megas
Date: 26 Dec 89 16:33:52 GMT
From: att!drutx!druwy!dlm@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Dan Moore)
Subject: GEnie uplink is shut down..
Message-ID: <4578@druwy.ATT.COM>
[Let me start by saying that while this reads like a flame of Diane,
that it isn't. It is a flame against a much larger group, not just one
person. Diane's note was just a convienent starting point. --- dlm]
in article <966@crash.cts.com>, canada@crash.cts.com (Diane Barlow
Close) says:
> Next I received some reliable information that Dave was on the
> verge of licensing the ``link technology'' to GEnie. If we
> didn't act very fast to convince Dave to rethink the link, it
> wouldn't matter if *his* atari newsgroup-GEnie link were shut
> down, 'cause GEnie would be busy draining (and copyrighting) the
> rest of Usenet. (And Dave, Mark Booth did NOT give me this
> information, so you can start talking to him again.)
Very interesting. I talk to Dave far more than most people and I
NEVER heard anything about his "licensing the ``link technology''. I
suspect that your "source" wasn't as well informed as he/she thought.
> That's not to say I was just in this ``battle'' to raise the cry
> and then leave. No sir. I was prepared for the long haul. Dave
> actually surprised me when he withdrew the link so suddenly after
> only a few days of protest. His first posting led me to believe
> that the link would be here for a long time no matter what.
Dave withdrew the link since he was SURPRISED that so many
people were against it. Especially since he had said he was working on
it in the past and no one complained. So he went ahead and set up a
simple pass though to GEnie, announces it and suddenly was the target of
lots of attacks. Given that why shouldn't he take the easy way out and
shutdown? Remember he thought he was doing something people would
approve of.
And where in the first posting did he say the link was going to
stay up no matter what? (I believe you are reading what you want to
into his note.)
I happen to think that a Usenet to GEnie link, either one or
two way is a bad idea. Mainly because of the high S/N ratio on the
commercial nets like GEnie (at one time or another I've used all of
them). But if such a link goes up I'm not going to worry about it.
I'm already on several of the commercial nets, having what I say here
also posted there doesn't change things very much.
I am very surprised at how many people treated this. People
are now using this as a way of bragging that they were ready to fight
the battle till the bitter end. And how if it hadn't been for them
that Usenet would have been ruined. Almost sounds like they (and there
are lots of people in that "they") need the PR in order to join the
"net gods".
This all could've been handled, politely, with a few email
messages to Dave telling him why he was wrong to setup a one way link
to GEnie. He does read and answer his mail. (It does take awhile, his
mail/news feed adds at least 1 day, and often 2 days, each directtion.)
Instead there was a wild attack with no attempt to try milder measures.
Oh well, maybe it was just time for a good flame war and Dave
was just the easiest target.
Dan Moore
AT&T Bell Labs
Date: 27 Dec 89 01:27:41 GMT
From: limbo!taylor@decwrl.dec.com (Dave Taylor)
Subject: internal FAX packages for ST?
Message-ID: <260@limbo.Intuitive.Com>
I have a friend who is interested in finding out information about
boards, software and/or other solutions that will allow FAXes to
be sent or received directly from an Atari ST. The particular
computer she has is an Atari Mega ST 4 ...
Thanks for any information you can forward to me!
-- Dave Taylor
Intuitive Systems
Mountain View, California
taylor@limbo.intuitive.com or ?uunet!??decwrl,apple?!limbo!taylor
Date: 27 Dec 89 06:40:10 GMT
esar.cs.montana.edu!ogicse!blake!ramsiri@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Enartloc
Subject: LDW vs ANALYZE
Message-ID: <5164@blake.acs.washington.edu>
Can anyone provide pros and cons of LDW and ANALYZE?
I bought ANALYZE three years ago when it was $134.00...
I started using it this week... saw it in the stores for
$34.00. The program can save files in 123 format..
and seems to have a fairly good predefined set of
built-in formulas. For my home business puproses,
the program is plenty powerful.. my only complaint is
the SLOW scroll rate .. OUCH! ... Is this typical
of spreadsheets?... is LDW POWER acceptable?
I use RANGE NAMEs in ANALYZE to get me to cells
rather immediately.. however, it would be nice to be able
to scroll 15 cells away and not have enough time to grind
coffee or drink another bottle of wine.
Date: 26 Dec 89 20:23:31 GMT
From: wpg!russ@uunet.uu.net (Russell Lawrence)
Subject: Okimate 20 Printer Forsale
Message-ID: <1742@wpg.com>
Forsale: Okimate 20 with plug in module for atari st's.
-- Packed in original box with manual.
-- Like new. Used only to test printer drivers (30 pages max).
-- Best reasonable offer.
Russell Lawrence, WP Group, New Orleans (504) 443-5000
russ@wpg.com uunet!wpg!russ
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 89 11:45:17 SET
From: Gerfried Klein <K331672%AEARN.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: ProGem
Hello folks out in the world |
I would be very happy if someone could send me info about the
ProGem articles from Antic. How many of them have been brought out ?
Where can I get them from ?
Thank's and have a wonderful new year.
Gerfried Klein (K331672.AEARN.BITNET) (my first attempt to use info-a16)
Date: 27 Dec 89 01:16:42 GMT
From: dftsrv!iris613!stailey@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Ken Stailey)
Subject: program editors
Message-ID: <637@dftsrv.gsfc.nasa.gov>
In article <1989Dec24.150413.28500@cs.dal.ca> bill@biomel.UUCP writes:
>In article <=&?QF%@masalla.fulcrum.bt.co.uk> chrisl@fulcrum.bt.co.uk (Chris
Parkin Lilley) writes:
>>In article <25120@cup.portal.com> smolin@cup.portal.com (Steve Jacob Molin)
>>>Has anyone done the editor vi on the ST?
>> Yes. It's called Stevie (ST VI?).
ST Editor (for) VI Enthusiasts
it started out as a minix program, but it is portable to DOS and other
Also a program called "lv" (little vi?) is in the public domain and
available from some ftp sites in Michigan.
INET stailey@iris613.gsfc.nasa.gov
UUCP ?backbone?!dftsrv!iris613!stailey
Date: 26 Dec 89 18:25:45 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!tub!blnosz!ballier@uunet.uu.net (Ralph Ballier)
Subject: spreadsheets
Message-ID: <285@blnosz.UUCP>
In article <1989Dec24.150008.28420@cs.dal.ca> bill@biomel.UUCP writes:
>updates, but I use VIP all the time to handle Lotus files. It's good.
What do you mean about "opus" ?
This works very well with GDOS-based graphics (and the new version is able
to handle Lotus files too (so I have heard)).
And "opus" is PD!!
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1989 8:32:23 MET
From: LarsErikOsterud <larserio@ifi.uio.no>
Subject: spreadsheets
Message-ID: <CMM.0.88.630747143.larserio@kyrre.uio.no>
If you are looking for a godd spreadsheet for Atari:
drop VIP (it's just too slow) and buy LDW Power. It's fast and easy.
Lotus compatible (both commands and format) and very powerful.
It can use GDOS to make very good printouts of sheet and graphics.
Lars-Erik / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______ ________________________
Osterud / larserio@ifi.uio.no / /___ / The norwegian ST
__________/ ______________________/ ____/ / Klubben, user association
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 89 22:05 EST
From: STJLHI33%WATSON.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Unexpandable megas
> Date: 26 Dec 89 08:36:42 GMT
> From: pacbell!sactoh0!mfolivo@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Mark F. Newton)
> Subject: Unexpandable megas
> Why do you need megabytes upon megabytes of memory, if you use a
> computer in a home environment? Do you really need 93 Terabytes to
> do word processing?
Gee, I wasn't aware that home use was synonymous with word processing. My
'home computer' does DTP, CAD & half a dozen other fun & serious things. As
soon as I can snarf a color monitor you can add image processing and animation
to the list. 93 Terabytes doesn't sound too bad.
> I have a Mega 4, and for home purposes, it is sufficient. And even
> for small business use, 4Mb is certainly enough to drive laser
> printers.
Nobody said anything about going beyond 4 megs. I'd like to get there in the
first place.
> Do some people really know how much memory 4Mb is? [stuff deleted]
> I mean, 4000kb is not enough?
Hmm. Seems to me that not too long ago 1/2 meg was considered 'wopping'.
Could it be that in another 4 years even 4 megs will seem small? You betcha.
> About not being able to expand the Mega 2, has someone from Atari
> responded to my posting about the 2Mb expansion kit from Atari?
> To reiterate, I once worked at an Atari dealer, and we had a couple
> of these 2Mb expansion boards that plugged into the expansion bus.
> Since I had a Mega 4, you couldn't plug it in, but we never sold
> one to any Mega 2 owners. With all this talk about more memory, is
> this expansion board still available from Atari?
'Someone from Atari' has responded. It seems that the kit isn't made by Atari
but a 3rd party. Details anyone?
> For home use, and small business use 4Mb is certainly enough.
For now perhaps. What happens when huge displays, long animations, digitized
sound and multitasking become the norm?
> And if you *really* need more capacity, then the TT is for you.
> (Although you need to go to Europe to get one)
Oh, the old 'buy another computer' upgrade. 8-P Only now we have to go to
Europe to get it. I wonder how many Atari owners are that dedicated?
Fortunately, I don't think that's the way it's going to turn out (at least
I hope not).
> Mata ne da-cha,
> Shinobu
> Sakura-mento, CA
> mmsac!sactoh0!mfolivo mfolivo@sactoh0
> pacbell!sactoh0!mfolivo (they're worth a try...)
Jason Steiner STJLHI33@WOOSTER.BITNET | In my opinion my
"I stood up on my van, I yelled 'Excuse me, sir! This | opinions are just
country ain't got no problems a few plastic explosives | my opinions
won't cure!'" - Steve Taylor, i PREDiCT 1990
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #863