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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Wed, 27 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 866
Today's Topics:
Bounced Messages.
How to know we are in TOS 1.0?
Just a good time for a flame war?
Topic change to: PC-Persuit
USENET -> GEnie uplink now working
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 89 17:54:56 PST
From: Cassius_Gaius_Longinus@cc.sfu.ca
Subject: Bounced Messages.
Message-ID: <1988019@cc.sfu.ca>
I 'complained' about this before, but it seems thet it went unheard.
Not mening to sound too harsh, but this is wasting network resources.
Here comes the 'netinfo' from one of the messages that bouced back
to our site. So, please do something about this, as it not only screws
up my autologing/readmessages/empty-mailbox sequence, but it really
is a waste of resources.
Network information:
Received: from UALTAVM(POST) by SFU(MAILER) via BITNET
with RM id <103514@SFU.BITNET>; Wed, 27 Dec 89 08:39:16 PST
Received: by UALTAVM (Mailer R2.03B) id 3316; Wed, 27 Dec 89 09:35:18 MST
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 89 10:08:48 GMT
Sender: INFO-ATARI16 Discussion <INFO-A16@UOGUELPH>
Subject: Mail Delivery Failure to uk.ac.npy.vaxa - Timeout
To: cassius gaius longinus <USEREAXE@SFU.BITNET>
BITNET: usereaxe@sfu; INTERNET/ARPA: cassius_longinus@cc.sfu.ca
UUCP: ...!ubc-cs!cc.sfu.ca!cassius_longinus
If all else fails: CIS: 73040,2210; or a1254@mindlink.uucp
Disclaimer:I work for myself. I stand behind my words! SO THERE!
'Cute' remark:"Every law is an infraction of liberty." -- Jeremy Bentham
Date: 27 Dec 89 19:47:38 GMT
From: imagen!atari!apratt@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Allan Pratt)
Subject: How to know we are in TOS 1.0?
Message-ID: <1915@atari.UUCP>
exspes@gdr.bath.ac.uk (P E Smee) writes:
>In article <1903@atari.UUCP> apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) writes:
>> ["Become a registered developer and your road will be paved with gold."]
>Your mileage may vary on this one, depending on which Atari subsidiary
>you have to deal with. I contacted Atari UK (some time ago, maybe I
>should try again) about the developers kit, and was told that in
>addition to the money I would have to inform them of my 'trading name',
>and would have to agree to keep them informed of what I was using the
>information to develop, so that they could ask me to stop if it
>interfered with their own internal or contracted-out development.
I find this appalling! Please, people, if you've had this experience,
send me mail and I'll direct it to some people here. I never knew that
becoming a developer meant Atari would try to stop you from doing
something! (I can understand them letting you know what they're up
to, to save you duplicating their effort, but not actually telling you
to stop!)
My appalled condition is personal, not corporate. For all I know, this
might be Atari policy. It is *certainly* Atari policy to let the
subsidiaries do whatever they want, but we can make suggestions.
Opinions expressed above do not necessarily -- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp.
reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else. ...ames!atari!apratt
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 89 17:34:54 -0500
From: David M. Baggett <dmb@TIS.COM>
Subject: Just a good time for a flame war?
Message-ID: <8912272234.AA02320@TIS.COM>
att!drutx!druwy!dlm@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Dan Moore) writes:
> I am very surprised at how many people treated this. People
>are now using this as a way of bragging that they were ready to fight
>the battle till the bitter end. And how if it hadn't been for them
>that Usenet would have been ruined. Almost sounds like they (and there
>are lots of people in that "they") need the PR in order to join the
>"net gods".
I hardly think this was the motive or the attitude of those who posted
"energetic" responses. I think people are compelled to write about an
issue they feel strongly about. Is that surprising?
> This all could've been handled, politely, with a few email
>messages to Dave telling him why he was wrong to setup a one way link
>to GEnie. He does read and answer his mail. (It does take awhile, his
>mail/news feed adds at least 1 day, and often 2 days, each directtion.)
>Instead there was a wild attack with no attempt to try milder measures.
Why is posting a public message (in itself) impolite? And why is it
that you think people are being rude by describing the potential
consequences of Dave's actions (wrong or no)? I just don't see what's
wrong with public discussion. No one said "Dave Small is a damn jerk"
or "Dave Small is trying to rip us off". In fact, most of the
discussion was about GEnie's policies, not Dave. Dave was just caught
in the middle because he was nice enough to try to do something good for
the ST community.
> Oh well, maybe it was just time for a good flame war and Dave
>was just the easiest target.
This is unfair. Just because some of us disagree (and perhaps disagree
very strongly) with Dave Small, you assume that we were flaming him.
Do you think I`m flaming _you_ right now? I hope not.
I really hope Dave didn't get the impression that we (comp.sys.atari)
think he's a rotten guy. If I recall correctly, NO ONE said he was.
My opinions are mine, and not my employer's.
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 89 23:49 EDT
From: Jacob Baltuch <BALTUCH%BRANDEIS.BITNET@mitvma.mit.edu>
Subject: monogram
I'm posting this question for somebody who doesn't have access to the net.
Has anybody heard about MONOGRAM. They had a program called "Dollars&Cents"
or something like that. My friend is happy with the program but doesn't seem
to be able to get his printer to work with it. When he tries to use the
printer the ST hangs or something. Anybody out there has ever used this
program and might be able to help? I'd appreciate.
Also I posted a question on scanners a few weeks ago (for that same person).
Didn't have TOO many answers.
Come on guys, are you gonna help a poor lonely ST user out there in New Mexico
who doesn't even have access to the net.
My. How lucky we are here in Massachusetts... Especially this time of year :-)
(What's worse, not having access to the net and be the only ST user within
100 miles or have your hot water pipes freeze and burst?...)
Happy New Year all.
Date: 28 Dec 89 03:33:37 GMT
From: brunix!rjd@uunet.uu.net (Rob Demillo)
Subject: Topic change to: PC-Persuit
Message-ID: <23759@brunix.UUCP>
In article <533@bdt.UUCP> david@bdt.UUCP (David Beckemeyer) writes:
|I'm not going to get into the poliical and ethical questions about
|the GEnie to Usenet connnection, but I will point out that there is
|an (almost) free way for anybody to read *and post* to comp.sys.atari.st
|using the Beckemeyer Development BBS at (415) 452-4792. Using
|PC Pursuit this is available for a pretty low fee... (etc etc etc)
Now, first off, I understand this is *not* the forum to ask this question,
and I *realize* that I am switching the topic...but I'm gonna do both,
I have seen postings on local BBSs, return addresses, references, and
full descriptions of PC Persuit...however, I have *no idea* how to
access it from my locale.
If someone would be so kind as to email me a brief synopsis of who
to contact, how to access/make use of, etc. Also: is PC Persuit a
non-descript entity like USEnet (i.e. composed of 100's of nodes
with no one central office) or is it a for-profit service?
Thanks to any and all respondents...
- Rob DeMillo | Internet: rjd@brown.cs.edu
Planetary Science Group | Reality: 401-273-0804 (home)
"I say you *are* the Messiah, Lord! And I ought to know, I've followed a few!"
Date: 27 Dec 89 19:45:28 GMT
From: unisoft!bdt!david@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (David Beckemeyer)
Subject: USENET -> GEnie uplink now working
Message-ID: <533@bdt.UUCP>
I'm not going to get into the poliical and ethical questions about
the GEnie to Usenet connnection, but I will point out that there is
an (almost) free way for anybody to read *and post* to comp.sys.atari.st
using the Beckemeyer Development BBS at (415) 452-4792. Using
PC Pursuit this is available for a pretty low fee -- I'm sure less
than what it costs to read the messages on GEnie. I don't make
a red cent from it -- nobody does except the phone company and
whatever Comm. service you use. This *costs* me money to run.
It takes up my disk space, my modem, my time, and my CPU. I do
it as a service to my customers and to the ST comunitity -- I also
do it because I *like* to do it. This stuff about indirect profits
because of "good will" is nonsense -- heck I'm not even smart enough
to figure out how to "write it off"!
Anyway all this talk about "no other way to access Usenet" is baloney.
If people really want to access Usenet, there are better ways than on
GEnie, IMHO, of course.
David Beckemeyer | "To understand ranch lingo all yuh
Beckemeyer Development Tools | have to do is to know in advance what
478 Santa Clara Ave, Oakland, CA 94610 | the other feller means an' then pay
UUCP: ?uunet,ucbvax?!unisoft!bdt!david | no attention to what he says"
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #866