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- Today's Topics:
- Atari 520 STFM computer FOR SALE
- Atari cpu evolution
- Cooling fan easy and it works!
- E.A. Brown and Wordup
- Expansion cases - Compatibility with hardware?
- GCR + 1.44Mb floppies
- Graphics on the STE - v. generally speaking... (2 msgs)
- How to set environment and have shel_find use it
- Looking for TeX metafont to GDOS .FNT prog
- MAC-Roms, roms,roms...
- Mac Roms
- Mega STE
- Overscan help needed
- union demo 2
- WD 1772 IC....
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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 4 Apr 91 15:49:32 GMT
- From: tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!cis.ohio-state.edu@ucbvax.berkeley.edu (jeffery d
- thompson)
- Subject: Atari 520 STFM computer FOR SALE
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- ATARI 520STFM with 1/2 meg of memory for sale. Included are a double
- sided disk drive(internal), mouse, BASIC language disk with BASIC quick
- reference guide, owners manual, and cable and switch box for hooking it up to
- a T.V. Asking price is $200 or BEST OFFER.
- please send replies to: Jeff
- thompson@cis.ohio-state.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Apr 91 06:44:38 GMT
- From: ucla-seas!turing!plinio@locus.ucla.edu (Plinio Barbeito)
- Subject: Atari cpu evolution
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <12229@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> kiki@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu writes:
- >[someone speculates about evolution of Atari TT models with Motorola 68040 cpu]
- A reasonable speculation, IMHO. And as long as we're talking about a
- 1993 time frame, it would also be fair to bring even the 68050 into the
- discussion.
- >I guess it would be safe to assume that Atari is considering the '040 cpu for
- >their next generation along the TT product line. But the microprocessor spec-
- >trum has shifted from the dominance of the 80x86 and 68000 families from Intel
- >and Motorola. One alternative is mentioned by the author of the following art-
- Not in terms of volume sold, you mean the ever-elusive claims of
- performance by chip manufacturers.
- >icle. And although he seems to disdain the specifications of the chip, I think
- >it might be of significance and worthy of serious consideration.
- >
- >-------------------------[start of article]------------------------------------
- [...large portion deleted]
- >
- >Name When Price Technology MIPS
- >PgC7600 1/91 400 $ Bipolar 200
- >PgC7610 2/92 40 $ CMOS 80
- >PgC7620 1/93 100 $ Bipolar 250
- >PgC7700 2/93 400 $ CMOS 1000
- >PgC7710 4/93 200 $ Bipolar 2000
- >
- >If you ask me: Too little, too late, no serious performance, no software.
- >Forget it.
- >------------------------------[end of article]---------------------------------
- >
- >If the PgC series has the capability of adaptable microcode and CISC emulation,
- >then it would merit consideration by Atari as an alternative to the Motorola
- >68000 line. At the very least, it would offer Atari a little leverage against
- >Motorola's monopoly of the '030 and '040 market. At best, Atari would have a
- It would be more fair to call it a monopoly if Motorola's prices were
- unreasonable (like intel's).
- >computer that could run 80x86/68000/6502 etc. binary code, by loading the
- >proper microcode.
- Promising 80 MIPS by Feb. 1992 for $40 in (large volumes, I assume)?
- Sounds great, but it is just that -- a promise. Has intel ever made
- good on the promise that its i860 would run at 50MHz so that the 150
- max MIPS figure hyped by the press could come to light? How fast
- does the chip run under normal conditions (i.e. with interrupt
- processing ON, using usual compiler output, using affordable (read
- slower) chips for memory)? Anyone want to take bets on whether
- intel's benchmarks had interrupts enabled, or ran the dhrystone
- benchmark from 80nsec memory?
- At least with a 68040, with its familiar instruction set, we know
- what kind of performance to expect by simply looking at the average
- number of instructions per cycle and the capacity of the cache.
- Other questions to be resolved: how efficiently would the processor
- emulate a 68000; is the microcode well geared to emulate its rich set
- of addressing modes and (small) irregularities? Would it have enough
- micromemory to do it? Can it address enough registers, or would it
- have to draft part of the cache for this role, inevitably slowing
- things down? How fast can it do a multiply or divide (it would have
- to do this very quickly in general purpose microcode to beat out an
- 040 with a built-in FPU with dedicated microcode)? We wouldn't know
- all of this until the machine and emulation software were implemented.
- That's a long way off.
- Also, a lot of fast cpus will be introduced in this year of 1991, so
- that 80 MIPS (whatever that means in real terms of performance) may
- not seem as fast by comparison in one year. And 1993? Well, in
- computer years, that's ages hence. By then, the 68050 may be a more
- familiar sight. It is difficult to speculate on numbers relating
- its performance with the information we have now, but...there was a
- recent announcement that Moto just built the largest, most dense chip
- yet (for the US Navy, too advanced for mortals like us to buy, with a
- good amount of space devoted just to nuclear-proofing redundancy),
- and one must begin to wonder what they're going to be able to do with
- their commercial products (that don't need to waste any space for
- redundancy) by 1993.
- >CISC emulation and multiprocessing capabilities. The pricing and performance
- >seem to be exceptional to me and are some of the qualities associated with
- >Clive Sinclair (and perhaps Atari), so that a Timex 200000K could soon be in
- >our hands?
- I'm all for power without price as much as the next guy, but my general
- feeling is that it's too soon to tell. As long as one can speculate
- all the way out to 1993, one can speculate about a lot of other things,
- many of them silly...like the Common Market banning American chips
- because the high frequencies might disrupt brain processes that
- control the ability of consumers to choose for themselves between
- labels stating "with hormones" or "without", or the Japanese opening
- their market to American rice due to a widespread boycott of Japanese
- submarine propellers :-P. When I see the TT040, or the PgC-ST at my
- dealer...or even at Toys-R-Us...I'll be convinced. Until then we can
- only make suggestions to Atari and hope that they'll listen. Right
- now we are having enough trouble getting them to put a 1.44 Meg drive
- into the TT...(by the way, TRH, your portable design is fine the way
- it is, IMHO).
- plin
- --
- ----- ---- --- -- ------ ---- --- -- - - - plinio@seas.ucla.edu
- This page intentionally left blank so that it could contradict itself.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Apr 91 13:00:21 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!samsung!umich!vela!wsu-cs!jake!pbh@arizona.edu
- (Patrick Haggood)
- Subject: Cooling fan easy and it works!
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I just installed a Radio Shack muffin fan (part # 273-243B) on my hot
- ST and I can report that it works like a charm. I left the machine on
- all night and it's still blowing cool air.
- Installation was easy. I went for functional instead of pretty, so the
- fan is on top of the ST rather than inside. My ST would flake out after
- a couple of hours and the spot on top of the ST over the power supply
- would feel extremely hot. If I shut it down for 10 mins, it would work
- fine. I drilled two holes in the top of the ST over the power supply
- to screw the fan to the case. I drilled a third hole to run the wires
- through the top of the case. Then, I cut and soldered these wires:
- -----red wire ------ / -------- red wire ---
- ---------black wire --- disk drive
- fan power
- connector
- ------ blue wire --- / -------- black wire ---
- -------- black wire ---
- The ST has stayed cool all night and I'll bet this even makes her last
- longer. Highly recommended for Z-ram owners. This cost me about $15;
- you can probably find a 3in 12V DC fan cheaper at a real electronics
- store, but they're hard to find around here so Radio Shack had to do.
- --
- Patrick B. Haggood
- Wayne STate University
- Detroit, MI
- Physics - Class of 1991 (-2?)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Apr 91 15:30:15 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!caen!uwm.edu!bionet!agate!euler.Berkele
- y.EDU!jmorton@arizona.edu (John Morton)
- Subject: E.A. Brown and Wordup
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I have been fiddling with the last updates I received from Neocept
- before they crashed last summer, and the printing problems seem
- insoluble. The file dates on the updated files are from 6/90,
- but I believe someone here has mentioned dates from 8/90.
- Will someone send me the exact terms under which E.A. Brown will
- send me the latest? i.e. how much to send, do I supply my old
- discs, which ones, etc.
- thanks in advance -
- John Morton University of California
- jmorton@euler.berkeley.edu Mechanical Engineering
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Apr 91 07:29:35 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard
- !sunic!news.funet.fi!funic!santra!saha.hut.fi!s37837k@arizona.edu (Jari Lehto)
- Subject: Expansion cases - Compatibility with hardware?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- >In article <1243@exua.exeter.ac.uk> SAMcinty@exua.exeter.ac.uk (Scott McIntyre)
- writes:
- >> There are a number of companies here in the UK as well as on the
- >> continent which offer some sort of a hardware expansion box for
- >> the 520 and 1040...basically just a large empty box that you can
- >> put your motherboard and most other things inside of...space for
- >> several hard drives, floppies, etc..
- >>
- >> My question is: With the high number of graphics cards and add on
- >> processors available for the Mega, would it be possible to invest in
- >> one of these tower cases, then get the add on card and have it work,
- >> even though the machine is still a 520 or 1040?
- >>
- >> Anyone know?
- >>
- >> Ta,
- >> Scott
- >> .
- There is a good graphics card for 1040 from Matrix GmbH...
- If I remember correctly 800x600 with 256 colors on a 14"/16" multisync.
- I currently have one of these towers, and I am quite satisfied, altough
- there is a Mega 4 inside, not a 520 or 1040. There is well enough
- room for my two seagates, laser controller and two floppies with HD-interface.
- And they are cooled down with 3 thermo-controlled fans.
- I am just looking forward to fit a Delta Modul in...
- *** Jari Lehto, jartsu@otax.hut.fi, s37837k@saha.hut.fi ***
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Apr 91 07:56:15 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard
- !sunic!news.funet.fi!funic!santra!saha.hut.fi!s37837k@arizona.edu (Jari Lehto)
- Subject: GCR + 1.44Mb floppies
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Apr3.191750.13584@netcom.COM> yonder@netcom.COM (Christopher
- Russell) writes:
- >
- >What is exchanger, and how did you get a 1.44 in your Atari.. (As should
- >be obvious from my recent posts I am interested in this and I decided to
- >reply on the NET cuz I figure others might want to know as well).. I will
- >own a GCR soon (I hope) and want to know how a 1.44 will work.. thanks
- > ........yonder@netcom.com
- >--
- >Christopher Russell (yonderboy) yonder@netcom.COM or clr40@amail.amdahl.com
- Exchanger -> Apple File Exchanger, a program with you can move files from
- MS-DOS (and ST) floppies to Mac. Requires Mac with super drive or a
- Spectre GCR 3.0 with Atari ST.
- I have a German HD-adapter on top of the WD-1772 02-02 floppy-controller
- chip. A small circuit board, that controls the clock-rate for the drive
- and some other things. Formatting and controlling software are included.
- This HD-drive does odd things in Spectre. It is not very reliable to use.
- If a floppy is reported bad in HD-drive, it still works in DD.
- (luckily I have two drives...) But it works great with Apple File Exchanger.
- Even 1.44Mb MS-DOS floppies are usable. But you can not use 1.44Mb Mac-
- floppies with it (at least format, I haven't tried reading already formatted
- one). The problem is the step-rate of the drive. If I could find a program
- that could adjust steprate in Spectre, it would be very nice.
- I have the HD-drive mainly for larger storage-capacity in ST-mode and
- for compatibility in AT-emulation.
- Jartsu
- *** Jari Lehto, jartsu@otax.hut.fi, s37837k@saha.hut.fi ***
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Apr 91 15:01:35 GMT
- From: chinet!saj@gargoyle.uchicago.edu (Stephen Jacobs)
- Subject: Graphics on the STE - v. generally speaking...
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- It seemed reasonable to point out here that VGA uses a minimum of (I hope I
- have this right) 256 K of screen memory. I'm rather nearer to certain that
- most super VGA uses a Meg. This isn't the sort of thing that would have been
- considered reasonable when the ST was designed.
- Making the display system independent (ala PC) has the advantage of allowing
- you to make improvements when technology changes. It has the disadvantage
- of causing proliferation of semi-compatible 'standards'. (Look at the
- distribution kit of any high-end PC application. There are many screen
- drivers.)
- Steve
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Apr 91 10:27:50 GMT
- From: ncrcom!ncrlnk!ncr-mpd!kentd@uunet.uu.net (Kent.Dalton)
- Subject: Graphics on the STE - v. generally speaking...
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- >>>>> On 2 Apr 91 08:15:13 GMT, SAMcinty@exua.exeter.ac.uk (Scott McIntyre)
- said:
- >
- > 1) I have a 520 STE (w 4/meg add on)...and the SM 124. I asked a few
- > weeks ago about graphics on this kind of system, and a number of people
- > all suggested that I look into GIF stuff...I have been doing so, downloading
- > dozens at a time from wuarchive, and viewing them on the PC that does the
- > downloading - they all look brilliant. But when I get them home they look
- > crap.
- The SM124 is *true monochrome*, it supports no gray scaling whatsoever.
- A pixel in a hi-res ST picture is either black or white there is no
- in between. To some degree this is a feature. Combined with the 70Hz
- refresh rate and 640x400 resolution the SM124 provides and incredibly
- solid display for doing serious work.
- It would be surprising if, say a 320x200 256 color GIF pic, was even
- recognizable on it, though. There simply are not enough pixels there to
- dither it properly.
- I have seen mono GIF viewers that get around this by displaying in a
- window which can be scrolled, thus allowing better dithering. You might
- want to look around for such a viewer.
- > Am I doing something wrong?
- Not really... but a color display is much much better for viewing GIF pics,
- even mono GIF pics (see below).
- > 2) Does the STE have gray scales, you know, proper shades of gray, not
- > just the nearness of black and white pixels?
- Yes, 16 in 320x200 mode
- 4 in 640x200
- 1 in 640x400
- > How can I use these scales?
- View the picture on a color monitor.
- > 4) Is it possible to get Gif images to look remotely nice on a STE?
- Someone else answered your question 'no'. IMHO, this is complete BS.
- Below is how I typically view GIF pics, usually 320x200 256color images.
- Many times you can view these with no loss in resolution or clarity:
- 1. Get GIF pic.
- 2. Convert to Spectrum 512 format using GIFSPC (<-- available at an
- archive near you)
- 3. View the Spectrum pic. (<-- viewers also available at archives)
- Since you're new to the ST series, I'll tell you what Spectrum 512
- format is in case you haven't heard of it:
- Spectrum 512 picture format uses some software trickery to display more
- than the maximum 16 colors in 320x200 color mode. It changes the color
- palette on a per scan line basis with a maximum of three changes per
- line thus, you can have up to 48 different colors per scan line.
- This allows creation of pictures which display the entire 512 color
- palette of the ST on screen simultaneously. I don't know if the extended
- 4096 colors of the STe are supported but you still shouldn't have any
- problems using 512 colors.
- If you try to to view incredibly hi-res pics (ie. 1024x1024 at 16Million
- colors) they still won't look all that great. GIFSPC can scale the
- resolution down, however... I have some 640x400 many color pics which
- look very nice on my ST when converted to Spectrum.
- --
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Kent Dalton * EMail: Kent.Dalton@FtCollins.NCR.COM */
- /* NCR Microelectronics * CIS: 72320,3306 */
- /* 2001 Danfield Ct. MS470A * */
- /* Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 * (303) 223-5100 X-319 */
- /**************************************************************************/
- Fortune:
- "Kirk to Enterprise -- beam down yeoman Rand and a six-pack."
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 4 Apr 91 15:40:57 +0200
- From: her@iitb.fhg.de (Herzog)
- Subject: HELP
- To: INFO-ATARI16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- help
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 4 Apr 91 16:36 N
- Subject: How to set environment and have shel_find use it
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Dan Wilga replied to my question about setting the environment:
- >> Last week I found out that environ.prg does not work on the TT!
- > [Some stuff deleted]
- >> I tried to write my own version of environ.prg, but did not
- >> succeed. What I tried was:
- >>
- >> - Malloc enough RAM (filelength of environ.dat + 2)
- >> - Load environ.dat there.
- >> - Change all \n's to \0 and end with 2 \0's.
- >> - Set the environment pointer in the basepage of the shell i.e.
- >> the basepage of TOS (_BASPAG->p_parent->p-env in Turbo C 2.0).
- >> - (I also set the the_env pointer but this seems not to be used)
- >> - Ptermres(0) (stay resident to keep the malloced memory)
- >The reason this did not work is that the AES uses a basepage that comes before
- >the one used by the desktop (in TOS 2.0/3.0). You'll have to use the element
- >"p_parent" to find the parent process' basepage:
- >_BASPAG->p_parent->p_parent->p_env. If this doesn't work, try one more level.
- Well in fact there seem to be three (two on the ST?) active shell levels above
- the current program while you are in the auto folder. If I set those they are
- not propagated to the GEM desktop (TOS 1.4 or 3.01), which has two levels
- of it's own. In fact the environment for the two desktop levels is changed
- to contain only PATH=\0. When I change the desktop p_env's gulam
- notices the changed external environment, but shel_find (and thus
- rsc_load) stil doesn't.
- Am I still doing something wrong?
- I reread the readme file that goes with environ.prg. In this readme
- it is stated that source should be included. But I didn't find it in the
- archive (from some local BBS I think), does someone have this source.
- I also would like to know who the author is.
- > Of course, you could always get NeoDesk, since it replaces shel_find and
- > avoids this whole mess in the first place <smile>.
- Personally I prefer command line shells for most things. But it might
- be a good idea to replace shel_find.
- >Dan Wilga
- Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.
- ==============================================================
- Dept. of Occup. & Chris Evelo
- Environm. Health MFAGKCHR@HMARL5 (BITNET)
- and Toxicology.
- University of Limburg Tel: 31-43-888635
- P.O. Box 616 Fax: 31-43-436080
- 6200 MD Maastricht
- The Netherlands
- ==============================================================
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Apr 91 08:08:37 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!think.com!linus!agate!usenet@arizona.ed
- u (John Kawakami)
- Subject: Looking for TeX metafont to GDOS .FNT prog
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- A couple of years ago, I saw a program with a name like "GF2FNT" or "GFTOFNT"
- which took (TeX) Metafont .GF files and converted them to GDOS .FNT files.
- If someone has it could she or he get it to me or atari.archive.umich.edu
- please?
- John Kawakami kawakami@ocf.berkeley.edu
- Amateur Crank! ucbvax!ocf.berkeley.edu!kawakami
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Apr 91 11:58:35 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!rpi!bu.edu!snork
- elwacker.mit.edu!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!news.funet.fi!hydra!kreeta!luot
- o@arizona.edu (Markku Luoto)
- Subject: MAC-Roms, roms,roms...
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I'm planning on getting a GCR, would somebody tell me about these so
- unfaimous MAC-ROMS....
- What are they ??? the bios on rom ??
- -what are they exactly (numbers etc...) so. what would I ask when going shopping
- ?
- -are there differend versions, if so what's the newest / one for GCR 3.0 ???
- -anythin else I should know ???
- Does this wierd mac-law apply to europe ???
- (here they have always sold the mac-roms already installed??)
- spaziiba?1:-*)
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- >>>>>> " I'm completely operational & all my cicuits are functioning <<<<<<
- >>>>>> correctly...correc...corr...co...-! " : HAl9000 <<<<<<
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- ------------------------------
- Date: 3 Apr 91 17:32:26 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!samsung!umich!um
- eecs!msi.umn.edu!noc.MR.NET!gacvx2.gac.edu!cobber!cobber.cord.edu!rollie@arizon
- a.edu (Craig Servin)
- Subject: Mac Roms
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Since someone else got a positive response I thought I wold try my luck and
- ask if anyone had a set of mac 128k roms or new of a place where I could get
- a set. I've been thinking about a GCR but it wouldn't do much good without
- the roms. Thanks in advance.
- --
- Rollie@cobber.cord.edu
- Concordia College Moorhead, MN
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Apr 91 02:19:00 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!samsung!umich!umeecs!msi.umn.edu!noc.MR.NET!ga
- cvx2.gac.edu!cobber!cobber.cord.edu!rollie@arizona.edu (Craig Servin)
- Subject: Mega STE
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- My roomate wold really like to purchase a Mega STE, could someone please
- tell me where we could mail order one from.
- --
- Rollie@cobber.cord.edu
- Concordia College Moorhead, MN
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Apr 91 09:09:10 GMT
- From:
- bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!mcsun!hp4nl!star.cs.vu.nl!rfschaa@ucbvax.berkele
- y.edu (Schaaf R F )
- Subject: Overscan help needed
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I have a simple problem: I have a program that requires more than
- the standard 200 lines in color. I know it is possible to use the
- bottom border, but how?
- If there is anybody out there that can explain me how to do it, please
- let me know.
- Richard Schaaf (rfschaa@cs.vu.nl)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 1 Apr 91 02:05:16 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uakari.primate.w
- isc.edu!aplcen!jhunix!d_alvear@arizona.edu (Dom Alvear)
- Subject: union demo 2
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <8216@crash.cts.com> chuckie@pro-odyssey.cts.com (Chuck Schul)
- writes:
- >any body have number 2.i saw number 2 once it is nice and i am looking for
- >a copy of it.i have number 1 it is nice.but 2 will blow you mind with the
- >graphics and sound.wow!!!if you have it fess up dudes.if you want a copy of
- >one let me know.i will mail it out if you send 2 or 3 buck for a disk and
- >mailer.
- >----
- >ProLine: chuckie@pro-odyssey
- >Internet: chuckie@pro-odyssey.cts.com
- >UUCP: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie
- >ARPA: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie@nosc.mil
- Better yet, how about you send union demo 1 to atari.archive in an
- MSA file and the person who has union demo 2 can do the same? I have
- a burning desire to see some new demos. Also, I've asked before, but
- has anybody seen the LOSTBOYS MINDBOMB demo? I got a little taste of
- it from the RED SECTOR demo, but I want more!!!!
- Dom Alvear
- d_alvear@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu
- alvear@crabcake.cs.jhu.edu <-- preferred
- ------------------------------
- Date: 4 Apr 91 01:12:33 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!wuarchive!emory!att!pacbell.com!tandem!netcom!
- yonder@arizona.edu (Christopher Russell)
- Subject: WD 1772 IC....
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Obviously, this relates to my previous posts.. I went out and headed over
- to JDR to pick up the floppy controller IC.. To my surprise they did not
- have it! So then I start calling around.. nobody has it -- "what part # did
- you say?".. All of the floppy controller IC's that JDR had are almost
- exclusively under $10 and the 1771 is $5.. Almost all of these IC's are
- 40 pin and I am sure more sophisticated than the 1772 (though I may be wrong,
- but why can't I run a 1.44M)? Anyways, I call up B&C and San Jose Computer,
- and sure they have it but it $25 (!!) at either shop.. So, my question is: is
- this the price I must pay, or is there an alternative? Hopefully, there is,
- but obviously I'll pay $25 if I have too.. I even went to the extent to call
- Western Digital (the IC manufacturer), they gave me the number of a local
- distributor, who informed me that it had be "obsoleted".. bummer..
- Well, anybody got any advice (another Atari dealer with lower prices maybe?)
- yonder@netcom.com
- --
- Christopher Russell (yonderboy) yonder@netcom.COM or clr40@amail.amdahl.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 04 Apr 91 10:37:55 AST
- From: Alyre CHIASSON <CHIASSA%UDEM@UNBMVS1.csd.unb.ca>
- To: N <info-atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu>
- I have a number of pictures that have a "SPS" extension, they
- are suppose to be spectrum pictures. However, spectrum pictures
- have "SPC" compressed, or "SPU" uncompressed. What program
- reads SPS files? Many thanks
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Atari16 Digest
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