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Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 30 Apr 91 Volume 91 : Issue 239
Today's Topics:
Atari Questions...
ATW on educational discount.
C compilers (was Re: C)
Details of the "Great Lakes Atari Computer Users Conference 91"
Great Lakes Atari Conference 91
Mega STe Questions.
Michtron Hyperfont
static globals? (2 msgs)
static globals? [addendum to previous message]
Symb. Math/UNITERM on the TT
Tape Streamers
TT questions
uudecoding multi-part files?
Virus Protector
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Date: 30 Apr 91 13:53:37 GMT
From: noao!ncar!news.miami.edu!umiami!dlk0ms9s@arizona.edu
Subject: Atari Questions...
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
In article <672747111.1@egsgate.FidoNet.Org>,
Shervin.Shahrebani.Of.250/744@f744.n250.z1.FidoNet.Org (Shervin Shahrebani Of
250/744) writes:
> Neither the TT nor the Mega STE are shipping with the old Mega keyboards. I
> have a Mega STE and I have the new amazing keyboard. Every dealer that I
> have seen here in Toronto that carries TT's and Mega STE
> 's had the new keyboard with them. I don't know where you got that false
> information.
> S.S.
When the local(an hour and a half away) Atari store received their 1st
shipments of TT's they had the new keyboard, however, the 2nd shipment had the
old style. All 6 of them were shipped with it. A quick call to Atari told us
that they had run out of TT style keyboards and were shipping the old MEGA
keyboard until they could get more. Anyone who got the old keyboard could
upgrade to Atari FREE OF CHARGE! This is not FALSE information, as you say, I
was there when they opened the boxes, I was there when they called Atari.
Mark Santora
Date: 30 Apr 91 19:45:30 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!newcastle.ac.uk!milfield!ndch@uunet.uu.net (Dave Halliday)
Subject: ATW on educational discount.
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
An interesting fact is that the ATW is discounted by 50% to education here in
the UK. That places the ATW at 2500pounds rather than 5000pounds and thus
only just above the price of the TT. The thing is that there is still only a
few software packages for it.
Dave H.
Date: 30 Apr 91 19:17:40 GMT
u (Joe Gaudreau (Dances with PostScript))
Subject: C
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
gaertner@tertius.in-berlin.de writes:
=In article, ytsuji@wucc.waseda.ac.jp (Y.Tsuji) writes:
=> name memory required source code price source level debug.
=> GNU C 2 MB minimum yes nil poor for ST
=> Sozobon C little yes nil I dunnah
=> MW C little no ?? yes
=> Prospero C little for libc.a? ?? yes
=> Turbo C ?? ?? ?? ??
=> Turbo C is reputed to be the best for Atari ST. Prospero is cheaper than
=> MW C combined with the source level debugger. GNU C is the only option if
=> you have a SUN or VAX at hand.
= Prospero C also implements ANSI C, which like all Prospero languages work
= on other systems (tested with C, Pascal, Fortran on a VAX) when you're re-
= stricting yourself to the standards.
= Additional features: GEM integrated, library manager, mixed language support
= (important for numerical algorithms using Fortran libs),
= good documentation
= optional features: cheap coprocessor libraries available (so you can build
= 3 versions of a program), developers toolkit available
= (with some minor goodies like a command shell and a
= Make-utility)
Turbo-C should work with 512k but works quite well with 4meg :-) I use
it with a Mega4/Ste (as does Gregory). The "Pro" package sells for
around US $275, details:
o Memory: .5 or more meg RAM.
o Latest version is 2.0[1] (I think).
o Source level debugger.
o CPP type preprocessor.
o Assembler.
o Full GEM/AES/VDI libs, floating copro libs, Borland graphics libs,
BCD libs?.
o Integrated development environment just like PC's (ie editor, one
button compile, link, [run]). Really fast.
o Docs in German of course - I "hear" this is changing but we'll see.
I use it from the command line, with a shell (currently Gulam, Master real
soon now), Emacs, and Gnu Make. Very versatile environment.
Look for Borland C++ sooner or later - The rumor line says this is hot!
/Joe-Gaudreau {ps-hacker c[++]~2 juggler add add nice-guy mul} bind def
Fone: (508)671-0461
INet: gaudreau@East.Sun.Com
UUCP: sun!suneast!gaudreau
Snail: Sun Microsystems Inc - BDC, 2 Federal St, Billerica, MA 01821
The opinions I juggle may not be mine, but they aren't my employer's either.
"If you're funky and you know it, shake your butt."
Date: 30 Apr 91 19:30:21 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!newcastle.ac.uk!milfield!ndch@uunet.uu.net (Dave Halliday)
Subject: C compilers (was Re: C)
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
There is also the question of ANSI compatibility. So Here is my revamped
name memory src price ANSI Debuger Notes
GNU C 2Meg+ yes nil Y poor for ST UNIX origins
Sozobon C 520K yes nil N none?? PD
MW C 520K no #110 N Src Level No longer updated
Prospero C 520K no #100 Y Src Level Links to other Prospro langs
Turbo C ?? no ?? Y Src Level Only in german
Lattice V5 R 1Meg+ no #110 Y Low Level Optomiser
Laser C R 1Meg+ no #100 N Src Level Very fast compile times
Notes: Prospro C links with other Prospro product because it uses the GST
format and not a propriety format. Some other compiler may offer GST link
format also (I know Lattice C offers both GST and Lattice libraries.)
The R in the memory section indicates that 1meg of memory is recomended but
the compiler can be run in 520K.
Prices are in pounds sterling and are very approximate mail order prices.
I think that covers all the C compilers I know of with the exception of
Alcoyn C which is very dated and Hisoft C interpreter (not a compiler and
only offers a subset of K&R C).
Corrections to the above always welcome.
As a recomendation I would say the following if you have lots of memory, hard
disk and no need for commercial support or documentation go for GNU C. If on
a budget and have a less powerfull setup Sozobon should serve you well. If
good profesional support is your prime thought I would recomend Prospro C.
Turbo C is good if you read german. If executable efficiency is your prime
criteria then Lattice C can't be beeten (though Turbo C is close). Finally if
compile speed is required then Laser C is the best bet (I'ts one pass
compiler compiles at an order of magnatude faster than many of the
other compilers.)
So each compiler has its strengths.
For those wondering what my bias is I own GNU C and Lattice C Vsn5.
Dave H.
Date: 28 Apr 91 19:40:47 GMT
690c@arizona.edu (Adam J. Conover)
Subject: Details of the "Great Lakes Atari Computer Users Conference 91"
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
* June 29th and 30th, 1991 *
* Mercyhurst College Campus Center *
* Erie, PA *
The Great Lakes Atari Computer Users Conference will be held
Saturday, June 29th, and Sunday, June 30th at the Mercyhurst
College Campus Center in Erie, Pennsylvania. Erie is located on
the southern shore of Lake Erie midway between Cleveland, Ohio and
Buffalo, NY. It is within an easy drive of many other major
cities including Detroit, Chicago, Columbus, Cincinnati,
Pittsburgh, Rochester, Toronto, London, Syracuse, and Albany.
Many of these cities have strong user groups supporting the Atari
computers who will be participating in this event.
With fourteen flights daily, USAir provides the primary air
service into Erie International Airport and is the host airline
for the conference. For conference attendees traveling by air,
USAir is offering 35% off regular round trip coach airfares and
an additional 5% savings on published discount fares. Call 1-800-
334-8644 (800-334-8644 Ext. 7702 from Canada) for reservations or
additional information. Refer to Gold File Number 13190000 and
the Great Lakes Atari Computer Users Conference.
Most national motel chains are represented at the seven exits
off Interstate 90 which provide access to Erie. Rates are
reasonable and well below national averages.
Mercyhurst College is located at 501 East 38th St. and is
easily accessible from Exit 8 (PA Route 8 - Pine Ave./Parade St.)
or Exit 7 (PA Route 97 - Glenwood Park Ave.) off I-90. Signs on
the campus will direct you to the ample parking areas near the
Campus Center.
Show times are 10 AM to 6 PM on Saturday and 10 AM to 5 PM on
Sunday. Tickets are only $3 at the door. Advance tickets are
available through participating user groups and by mail at the
discount price of $2. Door prizes drawings will be held
throughout the day. Seminars on technical topics and commercial
products for the Atari computers will also be offered on a
continuing basis.
To order tickets by mail, register as a seminar speaker or
reserve exhibit space write to GLACUC, P. O. Box 10562, Erie, PA
16514 or call Patty Marshall (Vendor Contact) at 412-225-8637 or
Dennis McGuire (User Group/Seminar Contact) at 814-833-4724.
Date: 25 Apr 91 00:35:38 GMT
690c@arizona.edu (Adam J. Conover)
Subject: Great Lakes Atari Conference 91
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
In case you havn't heard.................
Great Lakes Atari Computer Users Conference 91
2 DAYS: Saturday & Sunday, June 29th & 30th
PLACE: Mercyhurst College, 501 E. 38th Street, Erie PA
ADMISSION: $3.00 per day - at the door.
For more information write to:
Great Lakes Atari Computer Users Conference
P.O. BOX 10562 Erie PA 16514-0562
VENDOR CONTACT: Patti Marshal (412) 225-8637
USER GROUP CONTACT: Dennis McGuire (814) 833-4724
Or E-mail: a644690c@edinboro.edu (Internet)
a644690c@edinboro.bitnet (Bitnet)
Date: 30 Apr 91 20:20:27 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!newcastle.ac.uk!milfield!ndch@uunet.uu.net (Dave Halliday)
Subject: Mega STe Questions.
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
Does anybody out there know if the Mega STe 1 (the one without the HD)
has the ASCI-SCSI adapter installed. Can the atari SCSI adapter handle
more than one device (I am used to ICD's). Also is there a mounting
bracket installed ready for a HD. Finally what is the driver software
Another Mega STe question is, does it have a TV output or only monitor
Dave H.
Date: 30 Apr 91 19:29:59 GMT
cim.mcgill.edu!quiche!news@arizona.edu (Jonathan Carroll)
Subject: Michtron Hyperfont
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
In article <1991Apr30.164056.4052@cs.mcgill.ca> jon@cc.mcgill.ca (Jonathon
Carroll) writes:
> I'm not sure it's even legal to ask for this so maybe someone can (and I'm
> they will) tell me if I'm allowed...
> I bought Hyperfont directly from Michtron some years back. I never had much
> use for it (but the show price was so good...) but I do now and guess what?
> There's a bad sector right smack in the middle of the PRG file. So what I'd
> like is for someone to owns the program to post the sector I need....
> Is this allowed or no? Send a nice comment and save the flames for a rainy
> hm?
> Jon
Sorry... Replies to my earlier message would have bounced. The mailer left out
part of my address...
Date: 30 Apr 91 18:30:34 GMT
uc!jimomura@arizona.edu (Jim Omura)
Subject: static globals?
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
I've been working at a port of Rodney Volz' Mercury and there's a
fair bit of strangeness in some of the sources. In the 'elm.c'
module I have had some strange problems with the Sozobon C TOP optimizer.
I think that this is not critical, but I decided to look for
problems in the source code. One thing I've found is that he
declared a bunch of variables globally and made them "static".
This didn't seem to be a problem for the compiler, but I #ifdef'd
them out and replaced them with non-"static" declarations.
I've never seen this type of declaration before. Why would you
bother to declare a "global" as a "static"? Is there any point to
it? It doesn't seem to be a problem for the compilers to handle.
Jim Omura, 2A King George's Drive, Toronto, (416) 652-3880
Byte Information eXchange: jimomura
Date: 1 May 91 02:00:25 GMT
u!dmb@arizona.edu (David M. Baggett)
Subject: static globals?
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
In article <1991Apr30.183034.15773@lsuc.on.ca> jimomura@lsuc.on.ca (Jim Omura)
> I've never seen this type of declaration before. Why would you
>bother to declare a "global" as a "static"? Is there any point to
>it? It doesn't seem to be a problem for the compilers to handle.
Technically, only static variables are guaranteed to be automatically
initialized to zeros. Also, I think that only _static_ globals can be
given initializers, although most compilers seem to accept initialized
auto globals as well. That may be an extension, however.
Dave Baggett
Date: 1 May 91 02:07:31 GMT
b@arizona.edu (David M. Baggett)
Subject: static globals? [addendum to previous message]
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
In article <1991Apr30.183034.15773@lsuc.on.ca> jimomura@lsuc.on.ca (Jim Omura)
> I've never seen this type of declaration before. Why would you
>bother to declare a "global" as a "static"? Is there any point to
>it? It doesn't seem to be a problem for the compilers to handle.
Oops, I forgot one crucial point in my previous message. If you
declare a global variable as "static" then it will not be exported out
of the .o file it appears in. So static vs. auto makes a difference
with respect to separate compilation. The static storage class is
very useful for avoiding name clashes between modules.
If you're not using separate compilation; i.e., if you have one
giant .c file or #include everything all at once, then static
vs. auto makes little difference for globals.
Dave Baggett
Date: 1 May 91 00:47:20 GMT
From: munnari.oz.au!brolga!uqcspe!batserver.cs.uq.oz.au!marshall@uunet.uu.net
(Marshall Harris (G.M.))
Subject: StTeX
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
I am very confused! Looking at atari.archive I found lots of stuff relating
to TeX.
As a TeX ignoramus, I don't know what the latest stuff is.
I would like to run Latex on my 1040ST (TOS1.0), 1MB,mono , and also preview the
files. I don't necessarily need to print locally.
I remember someone saying there was something for the St similar to fig. Is
that at atari.archive?
Also, someone said stuff can be downloaded from forwiss.uni.-passau.de
What is the numeric address, please?
|| Marshall Harris
Internet/CSnet: marshall@cs.uq.oz.au || Dept.of Computer Science
JANET: marshall%cs.uq.oz.au@uk.ac.ukc || University of Queensland
EAN: marshall@cs.uq.oz.au || St Lucia, Queensland 4072
Bitnet:marshall%cs.uq.oz.au@uunet.uu.net || Australia
UUCP: uunet!munnari!cs.uq.oz.au!marshall || ph: +61 7 365 2908
JUNET: marshall@cs.uq.oz.au ||
"If you want to make god laugh, show him your plans"
Woody Allen
Date: 30 Apr 91 12:58:57 GMT
Subject: Symb. Math/UNITERM on the TT
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
Re: the posting on symbolic math, several users on our site have a
cartridge based version os Schoonship. Maple is also available (maybe
someone at Univ of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada can post a note about
Maple). Note "os Schoonship" should read "of Schoonship".
Simon Poole, ar you out in netland?. Is there going to be a version
of UNITERM that will run on 1280x960 monitors like the TTM195?
Sorry for the typos!, Greg
Date: 30 Apr 91 19:53:38 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!newcastle.ac.uk!milfield!ndch@uunet.uu.net (Dave Halliday)
Subject: Tape Streamers
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
I am interested in adding a tape streamer to my system. I would require a
SCSI steamer and software. My questions are can anybody give me some model
numbers of SCSI tape streamers and a pointer to some software. A while back I
remember that someone had written a UNIX tar compatible program for the ST
that could tar the files to and from UNIX compatible tapes this would be just
Dave H.
Date: 30 Apr 91 19:41:10 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!newcastle.ac.uk!milfield!ndch@uunet.uu.net (Dave Halliday)
Subject: TT questions
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
Is it realy true that the TT can only run Unix OR TOS but not both. I do not
meen that they should run Unix and TOS at the same time but be bootable
between the two different OS's.
Here at this University we have a set of Acorn R260 Achemedies that useually
run the acorn OS but have been configured to boot X and Unix whilst still
allowing a boot back to Achemedies mode. This seems much more sensible.
Date: 1 May 91 00:00:03 GMT
From: noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!hp-pcd!hpcvia!alten@arizona.edu
Subject: uudecoding multi-part files?
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
Can anyone please explain the requirements for file names in order to
uudecode a multi-part file? I seem to recall something like the file
names must be sequentially named file.uaa, file.uab file.uac etc. Also
it seemed that the ----end---- line of the file had to have some notation
in it. Please clarify my misunderstandings.
John Altendorf alten@hpcvia.cv.hp.com
Corvallis, Oregon
Date: 1 May 91 02:08:56 GMT
From: IFI.UIO.NO!larserio@ucbvax.berkeley.edu ("Lars-Erik sterud")
Subject: Virus Protector
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
As I do not have access to that many atari-archives I will post
this short (?) review of my newest program here and hope that some
og you will contact me and get the file and spread it for me....
Protect6 - Your way of protecting your system against viruses
Protect6 is a small but powerful program that is resident in RAM
looking for bootsector and link-viruses. It's easy to install
(just put it in the AUTO-folder on your boot disk) and easy to use.
Before you install it you should read this documentation and learn
to know the different messages, warning and questions you might get.
The program is tested, but you are using it at your own risk anyway.
Each time the system detect a new disk in drive A: Protect6 will
check this disk to see if it contains a bootsector-virus.
If the disk is allready immunized or if it is a MS-DOS disk you
won't notice anything, BUT if the disk IS auto-booting you will
get this message in the upper left corner of the screen:
Disk is Auto-Booting, Should I kill it ?
<here is the contents of the bootsector>
Call ABK-BBS +47 2 132659, 1200-9600 BPS
In the middle line the contents of the bootsector will scroll
by giving you a chance to decide if it's a virus or another
type of auto-boot (it could be an auto-starting game etc...)
If you decide to KILL and IMMUNIZE the disk press Y for YES,
if you DON'T want to CHANGE the bootsector press N for NO.
If you decided to kill the disk or if Protect6 find a disk that
is not auto-booting, but isn't immunized either, it will try to
immunize the disk and you will see this message on the screen:
Killing and Protecting disk in drive A:
If everything went well the message will dissappear and the screen
will be redrawn and control returned to the active program/desktop.
If the disk in A: is write-protected you will get this message:
Disk is Write-Protected, Try once more ?
If you still want to KILL and IMMUNIZE the disk you should REMOVE
the WRITE-PROTECT tab and press Y for YES, if you have changed your
mind and want to KEEP the DISK as it is just press N for NO.
All disks immunized by Protect6 are auto-booting and readable on
MS-DOS and PC-DOS systemes (IBM's) and contain an info-text.
This is a very nasty kind of virus that contaminates program files
and spreads like fire on harddisks. Protect6 hooks on to the OS-
routines and gives an alert if a program tries to modify another
program (this is the way all known link-viruses spread):
Program is trying to modify FILENAME.PRG
Any key to modify file, Reset to Abort !
Call ABK-BBS +47 2 132659, 1200-9600 BPS
FILENAME.PRG is replaced by the name of the program that will be
modified. If this is OK just press ANY KEY (some programs store
their configuration data this way), BUT if the program currently
running is NOT supposed to MODIFY the indicated file you should
write down the name of the program running and press RESET.
When the system has rebooted you should examine and if possible
remove the program that tried to modify another program. If you
have an older (hopefully non-contaminated) backup you should copy
this on to the disk and see if the problem dissappear.
Lars-Erik / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______ ________________________
Osterud / larserio@ifi.uio.no / /___ / The norwegian ST
__________/ ______________________/ ____/ / Klubben, user association
Lars-Erik / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______ ________________________
Osterud / larserio@ifi.uio.no / /___ / The norwegian ST
__________/ ______________________/ ____/ / Klubben, user association
Date: 30 Apr 91 00:31:59 GMT
(Greg Granger)
Subject: VKILL381.LZH
To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
ekrimen@ecst.csuchico.edu (Ed Krimen) writes:
> I had mentioned earlier that Virus Killer 3.81 was at atari.archive. Well,
> someone pointed out that it actually wasn't. I thought I had obtained my
> copy from there, but I guess not. Anyway, it's there now; I just sent it.
> --
> Ed Krimen ...............................................
> ||| Video Production Major, California State University, Chico
> ||| INTERNET: ekrimen@ecst.csuchico.edu FREENET: al661
> / | \ SysOp, Fuji BBS: 916-894-1261 FIDONET: 1:119/4.0
It was on the index about a week and a half ago under the virus
subdirectory. If anybody wants it, just "sendb virus/vkill381.lzh
aa,ab,ac" (if there is 3 parts, but I think that there are only 2 parts).
Greg Granger
| INet: ersys!ggranger@nro.cs.athabascau.ca |
| Fnet: Greg Granger (Node 532) Dark Knight (Node 595)|
| Post: 5906-188 Street Edmonton, AB Canada T6M-2A9 |
| Tele: +1 403 481-0803 OR +1 403 481-5110 |
Greg Granger ersys!ggranger@nro.cs.athabascau.ca
Edmonton Remote Systems: Serving Northern Alberta since 1982
End of Info-Atari16 Digest