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- Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 3 May 91 Volume 91 : Issue 245
- Today's Topics:
- Advantages of Improved Mice?
- autogem
- C
- c++ for the atari
- Can GCC treat printer like file?
- C compilers (was Re: C)
- DESKJET printer drivers
- floppy compatibility p
- Glendale Conference Impressions
- HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #242
- Mega STe Questions.
- Modem Capable Games fo
- New TOS versions
- ST GEM-based Word Processors
- Two More Mega STE Question.
- uudecoding multi-part files?
- Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
- cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed
- out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages
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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 17:31:14 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!caen!uflorida!mailer.cc.fsu.edu!bind
- !boyd@arizona.edu (Mickey Boyd)
- Subject: Advantages of Improved Mice?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991May1.213059.21272@milton.u.washington.edu>, iho@akbar.UUCP (Il
- Oh) writes:
- >glennd@athena.arc.nasa.gov (Glenn Deardorff - GDP) writes:
- >>I recently heard from someone who said that using an improved mouse
- >>(improved over the standard Atari mouse, that is) significantly improved
- >>the performance of his GEM windows - if I understood him right. That is
- >>to say, that windows would raise faster, grab the focus faster, etc.
- >>just by using an improved mouse - so that GEM would like it was
- >>significantly speeded up. He said he used a "Golden Image" mouse. Do
- >>others that have bought better mice notice anything like this? If so,
- >>it would certainly seem like a worthwile investment.
- >
- >I seriously doubt that GEM would perform faster because of a better mouse.
- >However, you would be able to use it faster. A better mouse responds more
- >quickly to your movements and clicks. The Golden Image is supposed to be
- >very good, a lot like the Microsoft Mouse for DOS machines. I've tried
- >the Beetle mouse, and it's also very nice. I'm one of the lucky few.
- >I've got a really good Atari mouse.
- Beware! Faster mice (ie higher dpi) are not always better. At some point,
- the ST hardware cannot handle the increased input, and you get the 'sticking
- pointer' problem. Try this: move your Atari mouse very quickly in any
- direction (I mean VERY quickly, like a snap). You will notice that the
- mouse pointer will kind of "shudder", but will not move in the desired
- direction. Basically, you are overloading hardware/software with too much
- mouse output. Now, the higher dpi mice give more output per inch moved. This
- means that this overload is easier to attain with the higher dpi mice. I
- have a buddy who cannot use his Golden Image mouse because he would have to
- "pace" himself to get it to work. A better way to get a "faster" mouse is
- through software acceleration, which should not have this problem (and you
- can choose from direct, proportional, exponential, etc, types of acceleration).
- There are several PD accelerators which work well (I use MouseDoubler2). Thus,
- if you are considering purchasing a third-party mouse, make sure that the
- dpi is not too high (unfortunetely the marketeers seem to think that bigger is
- better when it comes to dpi). Failing that, you should find out if you can
- set the dpi rate with a dip switch or pot or something. I believe the Atari
- mice are rated at 150dpi. I have seen mice advertised at up to 400dpi (thus
- meaning that you would have to move the mouse only about 1/3 as fast to get
- it to "shudder"). You will often see ads proclaiming "No mouse accelerator
- needed!" on such mice. This is true, but the damn things force you to
- slow down (and at least in my case, miss what I am trying to point at)!!
- --
- ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------
- Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear
- FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down
- Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ."
- email: boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu |
- ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 16:48:00 GMT
- From: @uunet.uu.net (JIM DEVONSHIRE)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- How do I access files in the Atari archives. Do I have to subscribe,
- pay a fee, join an organization? OR are they free to any interested
- user?
- Regards, Jim Devonshire at Erin Ontario Canada
- ---
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 18:08:00 GMT
- From:
- news-server.csri.toronto.edu!torsqnt!tmsoft!masnet!rose!jim.devonshire@uunet.uu
- Subject: autogem
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- To: rmacgreg@cs.strath.ac.uk
- Thanks for the feedback. I've tried a few variations but without
- success. My brother mentioned that he thought "Little Green" may
- be interfering with the execution of the "Bootmaker" program.
- I'll remove LG completely from the configuration process.
- Yes, I've used a text editor and looked at the file(s) contents
- but I really don't know what I'm looking for. There is bin code and
- ascii text intermingled in the bootmaker and autoboot programs.
- The auto boot program shows the file path and name of the program
- to be autobooted "a:\pro24.prg" as well as machine language?
- P.S. Do you "correspond" with anyone in Christchurch or Manchester or
- Portsmouth?
- Regards....Jim, Erin, Ontario, Canada.
- ---
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 14:56:20 GMT
- From: mcsun!hp4nl!utrcu1!mi.eltn.utwente.nl!klamer@uunet.uu.net (Klamer Schutte)
- Subject: C
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In <5838@eastapps.East.Sun.COM> gaudreau@juggler.East.Sun.COM (Joe Gaudreau
- (Dances with PostScript)) writes:
- >Look for Borland C++ sooner or later - The rumor line says this is hot!
- Has anybody run this for the ST??? I will be >>very<< interested!
- (How about this deal: I get the program, and i will translate the docs ???)
- (Assuming docs are still in german.)
- Klamer
- --
- Klamer Schutte
- Faculty of electrical engineering -- University of Twente, The Netherlands
- klamer@mi.eltn.utwente.nl {backbone}!mcsun!mi.eltn.utwente.nl!klamer
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 03:59:45 GMT
- From: noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!rpi!uupsi!TALOS!jerry@arizona.edu (Jerry
- Gitomer)
- Subject: c++ for the atari
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- tkramp@aragon.stgt.sub.org (Thorsten Kramp) writes:
- :Hi folks,
- :a friend of mine is looking for a C++ implementation for the
- :Atari ST (I only know about MPW C++ for the Macintosh, which
- :I use, and the Borland and Zortech compilers for PCs). Any
- :hints would be helpful - tnx 1.0e6 in advance.
- GNU g++ from the free software foundation is available
- on OS-9 (and I think on GEM -- although I can't remember
- who ported it or where it is).
- --
- Jerry Gitomer at National Political Resources Inc, Alexandria, VA USA
- I am apolitical, have no resources, and speak only for myself.
- Ma Bell (703)683-9090 (UUCP: ...uunet!uupsi!npri6!jerry )
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 16:21:44 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!think.com!spool.mu.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.ed
- u!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!isgate!krafla!adamd@arizona.edu (Adam David)
- Subject: Can GCC treat printer like file?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In <1991Apr26.044146.19629@watmath.waterloo.edu> ljdickey@watmath.waterloo.edu
- (L.J.Dickey) writes:
- [discussion of PRN: LST: AUX: CON: etc. deleted]
- >Is there a standard filename for the serial port?
- Try stdaux, some compilers reserve that name for the serial port. Don't know
- about gcc though.
- --
- Adam David. (adamd@rhi.hi.is)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 15:07:26 GMT
- From: mcsun!hp4nl!utrcu1!mi.eltn.utwente.nl!klamer@uunet.uu.net (Klamer Schutte)
- Subject: C compilers (was Re: C)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In <1991Apr30.193021.10443@newcastle.ac.uk> D.C.Halliday@newcastle.ac.uk (Dave
- Halliday) writes:
- Some changes to the C compiler table
- ->name memory src price ANSI Debuger Notes
- ->----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ->GNU C 2Meg+ yes nil Y poor for ST UNIX origins
- ->Sozobon C 520K yes nil N none?? PD
- Low Level
- ->MW C 520K no #110 N Src Level No longer updated
- ->Prospero C 520K no #100 Y Src Level Links to other Prospro langs
- ->Turbo C ?? no ?? Y Src Level Only in german
- R 1Meg+
- ->Lattice V5 R 1Meg+ no #110 Y Low Level Optomiser
- ->Laser C R 1Meg+ no #100 N Src Level Very fast compile times
- ->----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ->Notes: Prospro C links with other Prospro product because it uses the GST
- ->format and not a propriety format. Some other compiler may offer GST link
- ->format also (I know Lattice C offers both GST and Lattice libraries.)
- ->The R in the memory section indicates that 1meg of memory is recomended but
- ->the compiler can be run in 520K.
- ->As a recomendation I would say the following if you have lots of memory, hard
- ->disk and no need for commercial support or documentation go for GNU C. If on
- ->a budget and have a less powerfull setup Sozobon should serve you well. If
- ->good profesional support is your prime thought I would recomend Prospro C.
- ->Turbo C is good if you read german. If executable efficiency is your prime
- ->criteria then Lattice C can't be beeten (though Turbo C is close). Finally if
- I think TurboC is a bit faster in execution times than Lattice C. But TurboC
- has 16 bits ints where Lattice has 32 bits -- thats the difference.
- ->compile speed is required then Laser C is the best bet (I'ts one pass
- Hmmm. TurboC is also one-pass. And very fast compilation!
- Also its integrated edit-compile environment is a very nice way to write
- && debug GEM programs (also due to its build-in online GEM manual).
- ->compiler compiles at an order of magnatude faster than many of the
- ->other compilers.)
- When one wants to compile U*IX programs conformance to U*IX libaries is
- also important. Of the compilers i know the order of compliance is:
- GNU - MWC - Sozobon - TurboC.
- I don't know about the other ones.
- ->So each compiler has its strengths.
- True.
- ->For those wondering what my bias is I own GNU C and Lattice C Vsn5.
- I own GNU (but not enough memory :-(), Sozobon (slightly buggy &&
- slow compilation), MW C (Unix like environmemt), Megamax (Old version of
- LaserC), MJ C (An old PD C version -- slow, subset of K&R) and TurboC
- (Fast in compile && execute, but ANSI only -- a drawback sometimes).
- Klamer
- --
- Klamer Schutte
- Faculty of electrical engineering -- University of Twente, The Netherlands
- klamer@mi.eltn.utwente.nl {backbone}!mcsun!mi.eltn.utwente.nl!klamer
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 13:27:13 GMT
- From: mcsun!ukc!strath-cs!glasgow!wilsona@uunet.uu.net (Alan Wilson)
- Subject: DESKJET printer drivers
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Whilst on the subject of printer drivers in general, could someone post
- details of the 'printer.sys' file most commonly found referred to in the
- 'assign.sys' with driver ID 21 ? I have a printer which emulates an Epson, but
- most
- Epson drivers do not use the quadruple density graphics mode which my printer
- has. I have tried hacking the printer.sys file... I can get the printer into the
- correct mode, but the driver only sends enough data for 960 dots per inch,
- whilst I want 1920. A posting of this files structure would be of great help
- to me - output from timeworks is really horrible, I'm sure my printer can do
- better.
- Alan Wilson
- --
- ###############################################################################
- # /\ / Alan # USEnet : wilsona!glasgow!mcsun!... #
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 16:46:00 GMT
- From:
- news-server.csri.toronto.edu!torsqnt!tmsoft!masnet!rose!jim.devonshire@uunet.uu
- Subject: floppy compatibility p
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- To:ytsuji@wucc.waseda.ac.jp
- Sorry, I can't answer your "byte" questions, but as to your
- incompatibilities, I know there are a couple of programs which will
- allow your PC to read Atari 3-1/2" disks from your PC's 3-1/2"
- drive. The program I use is called STTOPC.arc or zip.
- Regards, Jim Devonshire at Erin Ontario Canada
- ---
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 17:41:36 GMT
- From: mcrware!mwca!bill@uunet.uu.net (Bill Sheppard)
- Subject: Glendale Conference Impressions
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991May1.180512.2572@cs.ucla.edu> stephen@oahu.cs.ucla.edu (Steve
- Whitney) writes:
- `In article <2623@lee.SEAS.UCLA.EDU> plinio@babbage.seas.ucla.edu (Plinio
- Barbeito) writes:
- ``In article <12733@uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> kiki@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Jack
- W. Wine) writes:
- ``>>plinio@curtiss.seas.ucla.edu (Plinio Barbeito/) writes:
- ``>This is really puzzling news! If Atari built a factory in Israel, it can't
- ``>possibly be dedicated to only floppy controller chip production...
- ``
- ``Sorry to have implied that. I don't know if it will be dedicated to
- ``that sole purpose. That's all that Bob mentioned about it, though.
- `
- `I didn't think he said it would be a factory. Sounded to me like they had
- `hired people to reverse engineer the WD1772 and do a layout for one that
- `would run faster.
- Both the San Jose Mercury News and the Jewish Bulletin reported that Atari
- and the Israeli government are negotiating (close but nothing signed yet)
- for Atari to open a manufacturing plant in Israel, with significant incentive
- (financial) from the Israeli government, who are hoping to start a high-tech
- business park. The plant would apparently produce most types of Atari hard-
- ware (though I believe the Singapore plant would remain) and would give
- (again, I'm not positive) Atari major advantages in dealing with the EC.
- --
- ##############################################################################
- # Bill Sheppard -- bills@microware.com -- {uunet,sun}!mcrware!mwca!bill #
- # Microware Systems Corporation --- OS-9: Seven generations beyond OS/2!! #
- ######Opinions expressed are my own, though you'd be wise to adopt them!######
- ------------------------------
- Date: 1 May 91 20:01:00 GMT
- From:
- arizona.edu!cerritos.edu!nic.csu.net!usc!sdd.hp.com!caen!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!i
- ra.uka.de!smurf!artcom0!hb.maus.de!ac2.maus.de!Lutz_Frank@arizona.edu (Lutz
- Frank)
- Subject: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Hi Jeffery,
- jd> Atari Megafile 30 in partition D have become invisible. The problem
- jd> started when I was using Cheetah to copy some files from logical drive E
- jd> to D. For one copy it either said that it couldn't find the drive path
- I got the same problem using CHEETAH on BGM-partitions of my harddisk.
- There I could only save one of the BGM-partitions. Cheetah destroyed the
- root sector of the destination hard disk.
- If you have a monitor like DISKUS you can try to restore the root-sector.
- (I didn't have had this programm at this time - I lost all since last
- backup ... ;-( ). Now I have a collection of copies of my root sectors on
- a special disk - just for case of emergency ...
- Kind regards
- Lutz
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 03 May 91 12:24:28 CDT
- From: Mike Dorman <MDORMAN1@UA1VM.ua.edu>
- Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V91 #242
- To: Atari List <Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu>
- About the ICD adapter software--
- In their distribution, they explicitly state that it may not be redistributed
- on BBSs and such--the only online site you may get it from is GEnie.
- Possibly the one failing of an otherwise very level-headed company.
- Mike.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- : Michael Alan Dorman : :
- : MDORMAN1@UA1VM.UA.EDU : Hobbies are things people do when they should be :
- : BIX: syssupport : sleeping. --M.A.D. :
- : GEnie: M.DORMAN2 : :
- : PostalNet: : :
- : Box 8068 : Stonehenge was built by two drunks with no :
- : Tuscaloosa, AL : witnesses. --P.S.McGhee :
- : 35486 : :
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 19:40:01 GMT
- From: oahu.cs.ucla.edu!stephen@locus.ucla.edu (Steve Whitney)
- Subject: Mega STe Questions.
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <41920@cup.portal.com> Bob_BobR_Retelle@cup.portal.com writes:
- >I doubt anyone in the US has seen a Mega STe 1 yet, but the reports on
- >the F-Net feeds are that Atari has purposely crippled the system (similar
- >to the way they crippled the Mega ST2) to prevent upgrading it.
- >
- >The pc board is cut off where the host adapter would be, and the plastic
- >case has been redesigned to prevent intalling a hard drive mechanism.
- NO NO NO. The case has not been "redesigned" to prevent anyone from
- installing a hard disk in it. The case is not finished on the Mega STe1.
- To install the hard disk, they apparently have to remove some posts from the
- mold, and in the no-hard-disk version, they, naturally, haven't done this.
- I can't speak to the host adapter issue, but I doubt very much that the PC
- board has been deliberately cut off to prevent you from installing one. I
- have even heard that Atari is working with a host adapter manufacturer which
- might provide an add-on for the MSTe1.
- >BobR
- --
- Steve Whitney - UCLA CS Grad Student (())_-_(())
- Soon to be working at Silicon Graphics | (* *) |
- Internet: stephen@cs.ucla.edu UCLA Bruin--> { \_@_/ }
- GEnie: S.WHITNEY `-----'
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 16:47:00 GMT
- From:
- news-server.csri.toronto.edu!torsqnt!tmsoft!masnet!rose!jim.devonshire@uunet.uu
- Subject: Modem Capable Games fo
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- To: mathew@mantis.co.uk
- One modem capable game I use is Battle Chess. My brother and I play
- on a regular basis.
- Regards: Jim Devonshire, Erin, Ontario, Canada
- ---
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 16:03:59 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!sdd.hp.com!spool.mu.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.e
- du!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!isgate!krafla!adamd@arizona.edu (Adam David)
- Subject: New TOS versions
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In <672747111.0@egsgate.FidoNet.Org>
- Shervin.Shahrebani.Of.250/744@f744.n250.z1.FidoNet.Org (Shervin Shahrebani Of
- 250/744) writes:
- >You don't need Pinhead if you have TOS 1.4 and above. I have a Mega STE and
- >have experienced the problem as well but Pinhead is nothing compared to the
- >TOS's built in fast load. Why bother when TOS has it already? I know
- >pinhead may be compatible with a few more packages but there is nothing to
- >it.
- Doesn't Pinhead simply compress executables into a self-extracting form that
- takes less disk space and therefore less time to load?
- Is this what TOS 1.4 fastload does, or is there any benefit in using both
- methods?
- The time to load an application program is perhaps not a very significant
- factor if the program is just to be loaded in and much time then spent working
- in the program. On the other hand major savings in disk space matter quite a
- lot to most users - from single floppy machines up to Gigabyte hard disks.
- The shorter load time is just a useful side effect of the data compression and
- is paid for by the time taken to compress the files (also the extra CPU load
- during uncompression in a multiprogramming environment).
- --
- Adam David. (adamd@rhi.hi.is)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 16:25:54 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!wuarchive!csus.edu!ucdavis!csusac!csuchico.
- edu!ekrimen@arizona.edu (Ed Krimen)
- Subject: ST GEM-based Word Processors
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <24554@well.sf.ca.us> fh@well.sf.ca.us (Fabian Hahn) writes:
- A
- >
- >Even though you mentioned that you do not need a document processor
- >I would like to use the opportunity to plug Wordflair II. I use
- >Wordflair II for all my text processing on the Atari (the reason for that
- >is that I have written some parts of it).
- >
- Aw, gee whiz, juuuust a little bias here. :~) But at least you told us.
- >
- >I get all this with decent looking output (yes it works great with FSM)
- All righty, now, does it come with FSM GDOS? If not, how do we get it?
- If not, we still get to use crummy ol' GDOS until Atari decides to release
- BTW, does FSM GDOS work as a direct replacement to GDOS, like G+Plus, or
- do the programs which currently run GDOS, have to be modified to look for
- FSM?
- --
- ||| Ed Krimen [ekrimen@ecst.csuchico.edu or al661@cleveland.freenet.edu]
- ||| Video Production Major, California State University, Chico
- / | \ SysOp, Fuji BBS: 916-894-1261
- ------------------------------
- Date: 2 May 91 14:12:45 GMT
- From: mcsun!ukc!newcastle.ac.uk!milfield!ndch@uunet.uu.net (Dave Halliday)
- Subject: Two More Mega STE Question.
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- This question was propted by the resent discussion about TT hard
- drives.
- (1) Can the Atari ASCI-SCSI addapter and software on the Mega STE
- support more than one SCSI device?
- (2) Am I correct in assuming that the Mega STE comes with a battery
- backed real time clock?
- Thanks,
- Dave H.
- (D.C.Halliday@newcastle.ac.uk)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Apr 91 15:17:03 GMT
- From:
- arizona.edu!cerritos.edu!nic.csu.net!usc!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!lll-winken!aunro!er
- sys!ggranger@arizona.edu (Greg Granger)
- Subject: uudecoding multi-part files?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- alten@hpcvia.CV.HP.COM (John_Altendorf) writes:
- > Can anyone please explain the requirements for file names in order to
- > uudecode a multi-part file? I seem to recall something like the file
- > names must be sequentially named file.uaa, file.uab file.uac etc. Also
- > it seemed that the ----end---- line of the file had to have some notation
- > in it. Please clarify my misunderstandings.
- >
- >
- > John Altendorf alten@hpcvia.cv.hp.com
- > Hewlett-Packard
- > Corvallis, Oregon
- I believe to uudecode one file into multi-parts, you have to use the -x
- (where x is the no. of lines that you want in the uue file). To UUE, say
- for instance, a 100K file called DUMMY.LZH, on the command line, type:
- -700 DUMMY.LZH. This will create a series of uuencoded files that are 700
- lines long (except for the last file, which will be the remainder, but not
- necessarily 700 lines long).
- Greg Granger
- | INet: ersys!ggranger@nro.cs.athabascau.ca |
- | Fnet: Greg Granger (Node 532) Dark Knight (Node 595)|
- | Post: 5906-188 Street Edmonton, AB Canada T6M-2A9 |
- | Tele: +1 403 481-0803 OR +1 403 481-5110 |
- Greg Granger ersys!ggranger@nro.cs.athabascau.ca
- Edmonton Remote Systems: Serving Northern Alberta since 1982
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Atari16 Digest
- ******************************