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- Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 9 May 91 Volume 91 : Issue 261
- Today's Topics:
- 4 meg 1040STE vs Mega4STE
- Atari MegaST BUSS - Pinouts
- Converting Sparcstation .au files to Mac/Atari format
- STalker/VAX/Mass-11
- ST systems for sale
- Tank Battle game (saw on PC)
- Timeworks DTP upgrades
- TOS Command Line (3 msgs)
- Which monitors can use TT high res? (2 msgs)
- WordPerfect update - STe support
- Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
- cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed
- out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages
- to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU.
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- Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list
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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 19:25:34 GMT
- From:
- arizona.edu!cerritos.edu!nic.csu.net!usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!know!daemon@
- arizona.edu
- Subject: 4 meg 1040STE vs Mega4STE
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Netters were asking about the difference between a 4 meg 1040STE and the
- Mega4STE. Since I am an Atari dealer, I feel qualified to answer this one.
- I retail the 1040STE with an SM124 monitor for $CDN 679. To boost this to 4
- megs costs about another $CDN200. Since external hard disks are a must,
- adding an ICD FA.ST 85 costs $CDN 999. Total cost for the system (8 MHz,
- TOS 1.6) = $1878.
- I retail the Mega1STE with SM124 for $CDN1079. For an additional $CDN 699, the
- buyer gets an ICD host adapter, an 85 meg Seagate ST1096N and 4 megs or RAM
- for a total cost of $CDN1778, cheaper than the 1040 system because it costs a
- lot less for an internal HD. This system also has a detached keyboard, a 16
- MHz CPU and TOS 2.n. Best of all, with the VME slot, there are many boards,
- such as video cards, that are available for the MegaSTE (see ZNET posting
- 91-15 or 91-16, cannot remember which one).
- The Mega4STE with a 48 meg SCSI bundled from Atari sells for $CDN 1879 because
- it costs me more to buy this bundle from Atari than it does to build my own
- systems.
- I recommend the purchase of a Mega STE unless the user wants to stick with
- a floppy system.
- Finally, this posting is not for commercial purposes, therefore, I have not
- mentioned my company name. It was posted for information only to help
- netters make informed choices.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 22:26:49 GMT
- From:
- arizona.edu!cerritos.edu!nic.csu.net!usc!samsung!munnari.oz.au!bruce!monu0.cc.m
- onash.edu.au!monu6!rdt154k@arizona.edu (mr n benci)
- Subject: Atari MegaST BUSS - Pinouts
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- As there has been some discussion on the Mega ST internal bus of late
- the following post briefly details the bus connections and what each
- pins function is. Refer to any MC68000 data book for more info.
- What is presented has been abreviated slightly but no
- vital information was edited out. The whole document runs for about 10
- pages, most of it esoteric, dealing with Atari's reasons for the bus and
- copyright info plus a lengthy Introduction on the design of the bus. No real
- information. Hope this is of help. If you have any queries please don't
- hesitate to call me. Best of luck.
- As to whether this is legal or not - I don't know. If problems do arise
- as to the legality please inform me as I don't want to cause any serious
- problems. Some parts are copied (ie; typed in by hand, by myself) verbatim
- from the original documents.
- ---------------------------<cut here>---------------------------------------
- Atari Mega ST internal bus.
- Mechanical Description:
- Two sizes of expansion card are supported. One, the half card
- is half the depth of the Mega St unit. The other, the full
- card is the full depth of the unit. In either case, the card
- butts up to the rear panel of the St unit which has been provided with a
- removeable hatch through which connectors and/or cables can be mounted.
- The expansion card connects to the St motherboard through a 64
- pin connector mounted on the bottom (solder) side of the expansion board.
- This connector plugs directly into its mate mounted on the motherboard.
- Standoffs, 25mm in length, are mounted into the bottom case through the
- motherboard. the expansion card is then screwed down to the standoffs.
- The standoffs and screws are not supplied with the Mega St and thus should
- be included with the expansion card. A hole located in the left rear of
- the expansion card fits around a plastic stud to provide extra strain
- relief for rear mounting connectors (See diagrams).
- Electrical Description:
- The signals provided on the 64 pin connector are essentially the
- pins of the 68000 processor. These signals are all unbuffered. They are
- intended to drive one LS TTL load on the expansion board. driving more than
- one load or driving excessive capacitance may cause imporper St operation.
- For this reason it is not acceptable to connect to the expansion connector
- in any manner other than the one outlined in the previous section (e.g.
- connecting directly with a cable is not acceptable.
- The bus may be arbitrated away from the processor using the normal
- 68000 protocol. However, the bus grant signal provided on the connector is
- the end of the daisy chain. Response time will be effected by the DMA going
- on in the system (e.g. disk activity, hardware bit-blt transfers, etc). If
- the peripheral requires DMA to occur while interrupts are enabled, care must
- be taken to limit the transfers to bursts of less than about 50 bus cycles
- allowing adequate time between bursts to process the interupts.
- The timing of the bus is that of any 8Mhz 68k processor. Since the
- signals provided are essentially the processor pins, connecting peripherals
- in the same manner as you would to any 8Mhz 68k should work with no problem.
- DMA is the exception. The bus cycle produced even while the bus is arbitrated
- away from the processor must look exactly like an 8Mhz 68k bus cycle. This
- constraint is necessary to provide the proper sharing of the memory between
- the processor and the video. In all transfers, DTACK must be provided/sampled
- as required by the 68k processor specification. Also, transfers may not last
- more than 64 clock cycles. The St will automatically generate a bus error if
- AS is held low for more than 64 clock cycles.
- The following diagram shows a top view of the connector on the
- motherboard with its associated pin numbers and signal names. This connector
- (TRW no. 009-00002-8, JAE no. ME03-R64P-D4T2-A1 or equivalent) is the male
- side. The expansion board uses the female side (TRW no. 009-00005-6, JAE no.
- ME03-64S-D4R1-A1 or equivalent).
- ____
- d4 (1) . . (2) d5
- d3 (3) . . (4) d6
- d2 (5) . . (6) d7
- d1 (7) . . (8) d8
- d0 (9) . . (10) d9
- /AS (11) . . (12) d10
- /UDS (13) . . (14) d11
- /LDS (15) . . (16) d12
- R//W (17) . . (18) d13
- /DTACK (19) . . (20) d14
- /BG (21) . . (22) d15
- /BGACK (23) . . (24) GND
- /BR (25) . . (26) a23
- GND (27) . . (28) a22
- CLK (29) . . (30) a21
- GND (31) . . (32) GND
- /HALT (33) . . (34) a20
- /RESET (35) . . (36) a19
- /VMA (37) . . (38) a18
- E (39) . . (40) a17
- /VPA (41) . . (42) a16
- /BERR (43) . . (44) a15
- /NMI (45) . . (46) a14
- /INT-5 (47) . . (48) a13
- /INT-3 (49) . . (50) a12
- FC2 (51) . . (52) a11
- FC1 (53) . . (54) a10
- FC0 (55) . . (56) a9
- a1 (57) . . (58) a8
- a2 (59) . . (60) a7
- a3 (61) . . (62) a6
- a4 (63) . . (64) a5
- ----
- <front of ST rear of ST>
- Top view of motherboard connector.
- The following is a brief description of each signal on the connector.
- For more detailed info consult a 68000 processor manual.
- This signal is an 8.0106Mhz TTL compatible, 50% duty cycle square wave.
- In combination these two signals can be used to indicate a system
- reset. The /RESET can be used by itself to indicate a system or s/w
- reset (RESET instruction executed). These are both bidirectional
- (open collector) signal terminated on the motherboard with a 1K and
- a 4K7 pullup respectively. They may be driven according to standard
- 68000 processor timing to acheive the functions of the 68000's
- /RESET and /HALT lines.
- A system reset will occur at powerup and any time the reset switch
- is pressed. It causes both lines to go low for at least 1ms. A
- software reset will cause only the /RESET line to go low for
- approximately 15us.
- A1-A23
- These lines provide the 23-bit address directly from the 68000
- processor. Terminated with 4K7 pullups on the motherboard.
- D0-D15
- 16 bit bidirectional data bus. Terminated with 10K pullups on the
- motherboard.
- FC0, FC1, FC2
- These lines indicate the processor status for the current bus cycle.
- They are directly driven by the 68000 processor. Terminated by 10K
- pullups on the motherboard.
- /AS
- When low, indicates valid address on address bus. Terminated with
- 4K7 pullups on motherboard.
- R//W
- When high, processor is doing a read. When low, processor is doing
- A write. Terminated with 4K7 pullups on motherboard.
- /UDS, /LDS
- /UDS indicates upper 8 bits, ie; D8-D15. /LDS indicates lower 8 bits,
- ie; D0-D7. Terminated with 4K7 pullups on motherboard.
- Bidirectional signal used to indicate a completed data transfer.
- Terminated on motherboard with a 1K pullup
- Used to tell the processor or DMA device that no peripheral device
- has reponded to the current bus cycle. The ST will automatically
- generate this signal if a bus cycle does not complete within 64 clock
- cycles. Terminated on motherboard with 4K7 pullup.
- E
- Enable clock used for 6800 peripherals. 60/40 duty cycle.
- /VPA
- Open collector line used to indicate that a 6800 type cycle should
- be executed. Terminated by 4K7 pullup.
- /VMA
- This signal is used to synchronise 6800 type bus transfers with the
- E clock.
- /BR
- Indicates that the bus will be released at the end of the current
- bus cycle. This signal is daisy chained through the other DMA
- devices on the motherboard, it does not come directly from the
- processor.
- Open collector signal used by a DMA device to claim bus mastership.
- Terminated by 4K7 pullup on motherboard. Should also be terminated
- on expansion board with another 4K7 pullup.
- /NMI, /INT-5, /INT-3
- These signals are used to asynchronously generate a level 7, level 5
- or level 3 interrupt. These are the only levels which can be generated
- externally. If they all occur simultaneously, the highest priority
- (level 7) will be acknowledged first. The expansion card is responsible
- for responding to any interrupt acknowledges for interrupts which it
- generates. These acknowledges can be either vectored or auto-vectored.
- All three lines are terminated by a 1K pullup on the motherboard.
- Power:
- Power is supplied to the expansion card through a pigtail cable which
- plugs onto a six pin connector on the motherboard. The connector on the mother-
- board is AMP no. 171825-6. The mating connector on the pigtail from the
- expansion borad is AMP no. 171822-6. The drive capabilities are as follows;
- PIN 1 - +5VDC @ 750mA
- PIN 2 - +5VDC
- PIN 3 - GND
- PIN 4 - GND
- PIN 5 - GND
- PIN 6 - +12VDC @ 500mA
- Software Considerations:
- The mediation of available addresses should not be necessary since only
- one expansion card may be plugged in at any one time. Atari has set aside the
- addresses C00000 through CFFFFF, FF0000 through FF7FFF and FFFE00 through
- FFFFFD for use by outside developers. Spurious accesses to FFFFFE/FFFFFF may be
- generated.
- You can't add RAM which will work as video memory and/or will allow
- DMA. Also if memory is extended on the expansion card, the operating system
- will not clear it or allow it to be allocated.
- --------------------------------<cut here>------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Nino Benci. * Confucious say *
- * Monash University, Caulfield Campus * 'Never stand alone against *
- * Physics Department * against ignorance' *
- * 900 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield East * *
- * VIC, 3145. Tel (03) 573 2355/2519 * *
- * Australia * *
- * email oz: rdt154k@monu6.cc.monash.oz.au *
- * email world: rdt154k%monu6.cc.monash.edu.au@uunet.uu.net *
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 15:42:04 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!wuarchive!udel!haven.umd.edu!wam.umd.ed
- u!dmb@arizona.edu (David M. Baggett)
- Subject: Converting Sparcstation .au files to Mac/Atari format
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991May8.055008.2758@isc.rit.edu> drp9500@isc.rit.edu (D.R. Paradis
- ) writes:
- >sound files with the .au extender are Sun Audio files.
- >
- >As of now I cannot figure how to convert them into ANY format that the
- >ST can handle. :-(
- The Atari uses the same sample data format as the Mac, so if there's
- a way to convert Sparcstation samples to Mac format, you can use
- them (the data forks) on the Atari as well.
- Could some kind Mac wizard point me to a Sparc->Mac sample converter?
- Given source for such a utility I could write an ST version and make
- many Atari owners happy. (Or at least happier.)
- Thanks,
- Dave Baggett
- dmb%wam.umd.edu@uunet.uu.net
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 14:03:11 GMT
- From: mcsun!ukc!strath-cs!rmacgreg@uunet.uu.net (Sorcerer)
- Subject: GEMINI
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <80943@bu.edu.bu.edu> harryk@bucsf.bu.edu (Harry Karayiannis) writes:
- [...stuff deleted...]
- > Well, I don't really understand this question because, in Gemini, there is
- >no need for a small icon to line up with a large icon. Gemini can display
- >either large or small icons...but *not* both on the desktop. If you take a
- >closer look you 'll find out that there are 2 seperate trees in the resource
- >file GEMINIIC.RSC, one for large icons and one for small ones.
- [...more stuff deleted...]
- Sorry, but I've mixed large and small icons on the desktop quite a few times
- before and it doesn't seem to mind in the slightest.
- The Sorcerer is 'Only visiting this planet' but can be found at:
- JANET: cadx862 @uk.ac.strathclyde.computer-centre-sun
- rmacgreg@uk.ac.strathclyde.computer-science
- INTERNET: via nsfnet-relay.ac.uk BITNET: via ukacrl UUCP: via ukc.uucp
- or second star to the right and straight on 'till morning.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 15:09:06 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!lll-winken!iggy.GW.Vitalink.COM!widener!dsinc!ub!u
- bvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu!v124pba3@arizona.edu (John L Robinson)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Avatex 1200 baud external modem.
- Includes cable.
- Asking $35.
- Call Rob at (716)831-9348 or reply to this user.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 16:19:42 GMT
- From: noao!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!know!daemon@arizona.edu
- Subject: STalker/VAX/Mass-11
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I am one of the unfortunates in the world who has been forced into
- using the Mass-11 word processor on the VAX. This is a true WHAT-YOU-
- SEE-IS-NOT-WHAT-YOU-GET (acronym = C.R.A.P.) word processor. Well,
- aside from the pain of actually having to use Mass-11, I have been
- using UNITERM on a 1280*960 Atari TTM195 monitor on a TT. While UNITERM
- does work, it does not run in a GEM window so all I get to use is
- the top, left-hand corner of the TTM195.
- Yesterday I unwrapped STalker and used it for the first time. Overall,
- its a good replacement for UNITERM (at least I can use the whole TTM)
- but not all VT100 features are implemented. I have also run into the
- following problem.
- Mass-11 uses the top four keys on the numeric keypad as PF1..PF4 to
- initiate and execute commands. For example, PF1 R = replace text.
- If I start editing a document, all the PFn keys work fine. However,
- outside a document, at the Mass-11 menu level such a PP (print
- menu), none of the PF keys work. Why would PF keys function at one
- level in Mass-11 but not at another?
- STalker also does not have KERMIT, which is essential for file
- transfers at our site. UNITERM has always been THE BEST code I
- have ever used for KERMITing files (I have used SmartTerm 240,
- Mac240, RedRyder, Crosstalk, ZSTEM (yech!), VersaTerm Pro). I know
- that STalker has X/YMODEM, which is popular in the 'BBS'
- community, however, KERMIT is the fite transfer protocol that I
- NEED in the scientific community (The KERMIT accessory that I
- bought with FLASH does not work on the TTM195, just as FLASH
- does not run). Do any of the PD kermit accessories work on a
- TT with a TTM195?
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 15:09:56 GMT
- From: noao!ncar!csn!ub!ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu!v124pba3@arizona.edu (John L
- Robinson)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- GFA-Basic 3.0:
- a lightening fast basic compiler
- many pascal like features
- Asking $25.
- Also for sale terminal software:
- Flash! program by Antic
- Best offer.
- Call Rob at (716)831-9348 or reply to this user.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 05:04:34 GMT
- From:
- arizona.edu!cerritos.edu!nic.csu.net!usc!samsung!olivea!oliveb!veritas!amdcad!j
- etsun!pyramid!apalmer@arizona.edu (Albert "Earthquake" Palmer)
- Subject: ST systems for sale
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I have decided to buy a TT, and need to sell the following STs. I would like
- to sell everything in the two systems as listed. I will consider all ofters
- on both whole systems and pieces.
- System 1
- -1040STf w/tos1.4 + 2.5 megs (board can be upgraded to 4 megs <$100)
- -SM124 mono monitor
- -Quantun Pro80S 84meg 3 1/5 drive in Supra case
- -Spectre 128 w/Mac roms - Macintosh Plus emulator
- -Star SG10 printer
- -IMG Scan image scanner
- -LDW Basic compiler
- -MicroLawyer
- -DC Desktop
- -Beckemeyer Hard Disk Toolkit
- -Supra hard disk utilities
- -Why Wait? floppy & hard disk cache + print spooler + ram disk
- -SGS Switch program switcher
- -.ACCess CLI
- -Micro Kitchen Companion recipes on disk
- All software has original docs. I will leave shareware and public domain
- on the hard drive. This would be a great system for someone thinking about
- buying a Mac. I'm asking $1200 for the complete system.
- System 2
- -520ST w/1 meg + 1 meg + Z-Time clock chip + Mega keyboard
- -CCC Learning Station case with 2 DS floppy drives
- -SC1224 color monitor
- -Rixon T212A 1200 baud modem
- -ST Talk Professional telecommunications software
- -Neo Desk
- -pc-ditto 3.0 - IBM emulator
- -Degas graphic arts system
- -UMS Universal Military Simulator
- -Dive Bomber
- -All Aboard!
- -Space Cutter
- -Micro League Wrestling
- -Devon Aire
- The CCC case is a metal case that holds two Atari floppy drives plus
- power supplies for the computer and drives. Everything, including the
- monitor, plugs into an internal power strip with an external power switch.
- The drives have the cheap mechanisms replaced with Epson mechs. I'm asking
- $600 for this system.
- I also have about 10 Mega keyboards that I would like to sell. These are
- just the bare bones keyboards. They are a direct replacement for the
- keyboard in the original 520 without the internal floppy. I'm asking
- $40 each for the keyboards or 3 for $100.
- If you are interested in any of the above, please reply with e-mail or
- call me at (408) 992-0131. If I'm not home, leave a message and I will
- get back to you.
- thanks,
- al
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 18:13:06 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!caen!umich!vela!swo
- od@arizona.edu ( EVENSONG)
- Subject: Tank Battle game (saw on PC)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I saw a nifty little game the other day for the PC in which you
- set up a certain number of players (computer or human) and each gets a
- colored tank and some shells, and are dropped onto a hillscape.
- The players then must calculate barrel angle and shell power
- to take out the other players (taking the wind speed and direction into
- effect). As you gain points (by destroying the opponent(s)) you gain
- money and can buy extra and better weapons, including dirtballs, explosives,
- chain reaction inducers (to eat away the landscape), and nukes. There are
- even weapons quidance systems to enhance your accuracy. Destroying the enemy
- can also give a wild display of sights and sounds depending on how well they
- were hit, and occasionally the fall-out can even hurt yourself.
- First off, has anyone seen this game that can help me with the name,
- and second, is it available for the ST? I would appreciate any help that I can
- get, and will be looking forward to replies.
- Thanks
- swood
- --
- ---- Insert favorite .signature here ---- | swood@argo.acs.oakland.edu
- | swood@vela.acs.oakland.edu
- Bitnet: swood@Oakland | swood@unix.secs.oakland.edu
- UUCP: ...!uunet!umich!{vela, argo, unix, nucleus}!swood
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 16:20:45 GMT
- From: mcsun!ukc!icdoc!syma!grahamt@uunet.uu.net (Graham S Thomas)
- Subject: Timeworks DTP upgrades
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- From article <2901@odin.cs.hw.ac.uk>, by neil@cs.hw.ac.uk (Neil Forsyth):
- > In article <1991May5.124501.14339@mailer.cc.fsu.edu> boyd@nu.cs.fsu.edu
- > (Mickey Boyd) writes:
- >> Timeworks - No longer updating US versions (but are still updating UK ones).
- >
- > Hardly. They just did a panic fix to make it work with the TT and maybe fixed
- > a few horror bugs while they were at it. Timeworks is static. The PC version
- > isn't though and they are pushing the followup Desk Press.
- GST know that they've made more money out of ST Timeworks DTP in the
- past than they will in the future, so they're not exactly busting a gut
- to create new versions of it. It's still probably the quickest DTP
- program to learn, though, and it's OK if your requirements are simple.
- I've not had much time to play with the latest UK version (it replaces
- v1.12, and is confusingly called 1.h12), but a couple of things I've
- noticed are:
- It seems to need a bit more memory than the previous version. I have
- about half the memory on my 1040 taken up with ACCs, AUTO progs, etc.
- (although I can add about 150k to that when I unload NeoDesk) and when I
- run the latest version of Timeworks it reboots the machine when I try to
- open a file (of any size at all). If I take out a couple of
- memory-resident programs - any of them - all is well.
- It always leaves behind a temporary file on exit - the old version used
- to clean up properly (usually).
- I haven't had a chance to test whether they fixed the 12pt Dutch font,
- which used to print question marks (in the Atari laser version at least)
- upside down.
- The current version of 1st Word Plus, from the same stable, does seem to
- be better than previous incarnations of version 3. The new version
- 3.20TT allows you to choose a stable or flashing cursor, lets you
- configure hyphenation via an exceptions dictionary, allows you to
- redefine the keyboard again (this ability was present in v2, but not in
- versions 3.1 through 3.14 - it reappeared in 3.15) and allegedly scrolls
- faster than before (I can't tell - I use Turbo ST so it's all faster
- anyway.) Oh, and it fixes a printer bug that appeared if you
- reformatted a doc from single to double spacing, and of course it now
- runs on the TT.
- Graham
- --
- Graham Thomas, SPRU, Mantell Building, U of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RF, UK
- Email: grahamt@syma.sussex.ac.uk Phone: +44 273 678165 Fax: .. 685865
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 16:45:40 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!sdd.hp.com!usc!appl
- e!netcomsv!rcb@arizona.edu (Roy Bixler)
- Subject: TOS Command Line
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <A3023378088@thelake.mn.org> steve@thelake.mn.org (Steve Yelvington)
- writes:
- >[In article <eB2m23w164w@ersys.uucp>,
- > ersys!mforget@nro.cs.athabascau.ca (Michel Forget) writes ... ]
- >
- > >> All that's necessary is that the parent process and the child process agree
- > >> on whatever extended argument-passing convention is in use.
- > >
- > > Uh-oh. I am trying to pass long command lines to RZ.TTP (The Zmodem File
- > > Transfer Program) for batch Uploading and Downloading. The problem with
- > > the limit becomes obvious when you realize how few pathnames can be put
- > > on an 80 (or even 125) character command line. I wrote a program that
- > > will capture the command line when it is run and display it, and will try
- > > it on other programs that use SZ. I don't think that it supports the
- > > XARG convention you mentioned. Any other ideas?
- >
- >In that case you need to find out what compiler was used to make the RZ/SZ
- >programs. My guess would be Mark Williams, whose argument-passing scheme
- >is explained somewhat in the EXARG.DOC file. But that's just a guess.
- Not correct. I compiled it with GNU C ver. 1.37. From what I've
- heard, it supports the extended argument passing scheme of Atari.
- > ----
- > Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota, USA / steve@thelake.mn.org
- --
- Roy Bixler
- rcb@netcom.com -or- (UUCP) uunet!apple!netcom!rcb
- "Just when you think you know it all, it changes!"
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 14:09:11 GMT
- From: mcsun!ukc!strath-cs!rmacgreg@uunet.uu.net (Sorcerer)
- Subject: TOS Command Line
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <LPmL22w164w@ersys.uucp> ersys!mforget@nro.cs.athabascau.ca (Michel
- Forget) writes:
- >Does anyone know how to use the Pexec function so that it will take a
- >command line longer than 80 charactes. I am writing a program that will
- >require longer command lines, but I'm stumped on this one. The
- >documentation that I have does not mention anything about command lines
- >longer than 80 characters, yet they are possible...
- >
- >
- ><< ersys!mforget@nro.cs.athabascau.ca >>
- ><< or in the language that PEOPLE use >>
- ><< Michel Forget...:) >>
- There are 2 methods, Xarg and Exarg, which you use depends on how you feel, cos
- from what I can see they do the same job. I'll leave descriptions to the
- experts as I cannot remember how to do either of them.
- The Sorcerer is 'Only visiting this planet' but can be found at:
- JANET: cadx862 @uk.ac.strathclyde.computer-centre-sun
- rmacgreg@uk.ac.strathclyde.computer-science
- INTERNET: via nsfnet-relay.ac.uk BITNET: via ukacrl UUCP: via ukc.uucp
- or second star to the right and straight on 'till morning.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 17:04:52 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!mips!atha!aunro!ersys!mforget@arizona.edu
- (Michel Forget)
- Subject: TOS Command Line
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- > I thought that the German GSZRZ18 supported XARG or ARCV.
- >
- > I am having the same problem with the Shells that support Zmodem, in
- > the number of files that can be uploaded.
- >
- > The other problem that I have is SZ.TTP from ZMDM16, for some reason it
- > drops down to Ymodem, is this caused by the delay in starting SZ.TTP ?.
- > Is there a way around this ?
- The shells that suppot Zmodem, namely Zflash, have problems with the
- command line as well. They try to send as many as thirty-two files along
- the command line, but the command line simply isn't big enough. Not very
- useful. I received a message from someone that contained a Shar archive,
- but I haven't been able to extract it since I don't know what a SHAR
- archive is...:) I'll keep looking and probably find the utility
- somewhere to extract it. At any rate, it explained the XARG parameter
- format.
- << ersys!mforget@nro.cs.athabascau.ca >>
- << or in the language that PEOPLE use >>
- << Michel Forget...:) >>
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 16:52:04 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!swrinde!mips!pacbell.com!att!linac!midway!c
- lout!chinet!saj@arizona.edu (Stephen Jacobs)
- Subject: Which monitors can use TT high res?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Now that the Atari-supported graphics situation on the TT has been clarified,
- does anyone have anything to say about third-party graphics boards for the TT
- (or perhaps Mega STe)? Anything actually shipping? Anyone at the stage of
- "prototype working, artwork laid out"? Tell me (us) about the ST/TT world's
- answer to 8514/a and XGS (did I remember the abbreviations right?).
- Steve saj@chinet.chi.il.us
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 20:59:31 GMT
- From:
- arizona.edu!cerritos.edu!nic.csu.net!usc!wuarchive!csus.edu!ucdavis!csusac!csuc
- hico.edu!ekrimen@arizona.edu (Ed Krimen)
- Subject: Which monitors can use TT high res?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991May09.165204.3132@chinet.chi.il.us> saj@chinet.chi.il.us
- (Stephen Jacobs) writes:
- >Now that the Atari-supported graphics situation on the TT has been clarified,
- >does anyone have anything to say about third-party graphics boards for the TT
- >(or perhaps Mega STe)? Anything actually shipping? Anyone at the stage of
- >"prototype working, artwork laid out"? Tell me (us) about the ST/TT world's
- >answer to 8514/a and XGS (did I remember the abbreviations right?).
- ST Informer did a review of the stuff at the Cebit fair, and mentioned and
- showed pictures of the Matrix boards' output. There are three boards,
- each VME or Mega bus compatible. I don't have the specs on the boards
- with me, but one is 800x600 with 256 colors out of 16.7million. Another
- is a super-hi-res monochrome, and the final is the same super-hi-res but
- in 16 colors. They mentioned that Rio Computers in Las Vegas will be
- importing them. They also said that someone had a VGA-like board, with
- something like 1024x768 with 16 colors.
- Lexicor software is supposed to have their own board out soon. The ISAC
- board has been shipping for some time. I think it may only be Megabus
- compatible, but I'm not sure. You can find it for around $600. BTW,
- there used to be a Parsec 'board' which was actually a unit by itself.
- Anyone know whatever became of it?
- --
- ||| Ed Krimen [ekrimen@ecst.csuchico.edu or al661@cleveland.freenet.edu]
- ||| Video Production Major, California State University, Chico
- / | \ SysOp, Fuji BBS: 916-894-1261
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 16:45:25 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!swrinde!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!jato!vsnyder@ari
- zona.edu (Van Snyder)
- Subject: WordPerfect update - STe support
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991May9.002946.2904@milton.u.washington.edu>
- iho@akbar.cac.washington.edu (Il Oh) writes:
- >vsnyder@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Van Snyder) writes:
- >>I just called WordPerfect. They're shipping the April Upgrade. They're
- >>NOT quitting the Atari market, at least not in the U.S.
- >
- >It's still that brain-damaged 4.1, isn't it? WordPerfect 5.0 was a
- >quantum leap forward for them. As far as I'm concerned, anything prior
- >to that is not fully usable.
- Unfortunately, yes. They say they're real busy porting 5.0 to lots of
- platforms (5 going so far). I think they must be doing something wrong
- if porting is so expensive. I would be trying to get 5.1 going on all
- platforms, and would have a "Tiger Team" focusing on portability. They
- must have machine-specific stuff all tangled up with stuff that ought not
- to be machine specific.
- --
- vsnyder@jato.Jpl.Nasa.Gov
- ames!elroy!jato!vsnyder
- vsnyder@jato.uucp
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Atari16 Digest
- ******************************