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- Info-Atari16 Digest Mon, 13 May 91 Volume 91 : Issue 268
- Today's Topics:
- Arcgsh
- GCC-Compiler 1.39 -- Where can I get it?
- GCC compile error
- GNU Make troubles: 2 bombs!
- Has anyone heard of these games? (2 msgs)
- Mega STe Questions.
- Memory upgrades, overscan.
- Moniterm Monitor For Sale
- NeoDesk 3.02 upgrade - I can't find it
- OS-9 for TT
- Prospero Software Distributors - Summary
- Publishers
- RLL hard drives cheap!
- TOS Command Line
- Window_close bombs (2 msgs)
- Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
- cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed
- out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages
- to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU.
- Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to
- Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list
- instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored.
- If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly
- from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please
- contact the redistributor, not us.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 14 May 91 09:55:26 SST
- To: INFO-ATARI16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Hello,
- I am trying to add another haard disk to my MegaFile 44 hard disk without
- success.
- The bracket, power line and LED are all provided inside the Megafile44 box from
- the factory and there is an extra SCSI jack (J3) on the DMA>SCSI board as well.
- The Sysquest Removable HD is connected to another SCSI Jack (J2) and I assumed
- that the J3 must be for the additional hard disk.
- What I would like to have is to use the new drive (Miniscribe 8425) as the 1st
- drive storing programs and use the existing Syquest 44 for storing data or for
- backing up programs.
- Few things still unclear to me which are:
- 1. What SCSI address should I set for each HD?(One kindly suggested that I must
- set both HD at SCSI 0)
- 2. Do I have to remove the terminators from one of the HD? if so which one?
- 3. Should I use the SCSI Jack J3 to connect one of the HD? (I have tried this
- but it did not work) or I have to fabricate a new SCSI cable with 2 connec-
- tors and link both Hard disk together then connect them to SCSI Jack J2
- which originally used by Syquest Hard disk?
- 4. What Jack J3 is provided for?
- Any information will be most appreciated.
- Suthipuntha, School of Architecture, National University of Singapore
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 15:40:38 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!wuarchive!emory!ox.com!math.fu-berlin.d
- e!unido!laura!tommy!klute@arizona.edu (Rainer Klute)
- Subject: Arcgsh
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991May11.130035.14361@actrix.gen.nz>,
- Roger.Sheppard@bbs.actrix.gen.nz writes:
- |> Well I do hope we get better support for LZH. ie. like support for
- |> lzh11318, or with the possibility to select the command line for the
- |> different LZH's.
- Oh, well, yes, I hope that someday we get a single LHarc everybody can
- agree on. Surely Arcgsh will support it. I am really frustrated about those
- many different incompatible versions and won't support the whole bunch.
- |> I have fould some problems Arcgsh with ZOO, things did not work and
- |> ended up using ZooBoy
- Could you please give me some details about your problem? It works pretty
- fine for me.
- --
- Dipl.-Inform. Rainer Klute klute@irb.informatik.uni-dortmund.de
- Univ. Dortmund, IRB klute@unido.uucp, klute@unido.bitnet
- Postfach 500500 |)|/ Tel.: +49 231 755-4663
- D-4600 Dortmund 50 |\|\ Fax : +49 231 755-2386
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 20:47:45 GMT
- From: noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!mips!apple!netcomsv!rcb@arizona.edu
- (Roy Bixler)
- Subject: GCC-Compiler 1.39 -- Where can I get it?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991May10.114947.9142@rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de>
- PATZEL@mathematik.uni-ulm.de (Patzel Martin) writes:
- >Does someone know where I can ftp a complete package of the gcc 1.39
- >compiler for the Atari-ST/TOS?
- >
- >I've downloaded a package from terminator.cc.umich.edu, but there
- >only gcc-cc1 has the version number 1.39. The gcc command has 1.37.
- >Gdb and sym-ld are missing. Who can help?
- If you downloaded 'gcc139b.zoo' from 'gnustuff', everything should
- have the correct version number.
- >
- >Martin
- >
- >-----
- >Martin Patzel preferred: patzel@mathematik.uni-ulm.de
- >Promenadeweg 15 fido: Martin Patzel @ 2:241/7902.3
- >D-7905 Dietenheim 1 other: patzel@rzmain.rz.uni-ulm.de
- > bitnet: patzel@dulruu51.bitnet
- --
- Roy Bixler
- rcb@netcom.com -or- (UUCP) uunet!apple!netcom!rcb
- "Just when you think you know it all, it changes!"
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 14:23:53 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!spool.mu.edu!uwm.edu!psuvax1!psuvm!dbng
- md13!dmswwu1c!zvd007@arizona.edu (Ulrich Kuehn)
- Subject: GCC compile error
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <9105082156.aa25310@Bonnie.ics.uci.edu>, bferrer@Bonnie.ICS.UCI.EDU
- says:
- >
- > After downloading the gcc compiler and getting very thing ready, I came
- >across another problem. When I type in gulam gcc -v hello.c, I get an error:
- >
- >can't find d:\tmp/cc100000.s
- >
- >or something like that. gcc created a file that has a slash in the filename
- >which does not exist how can i fix this error.
- >
- Did you create the directory d:\tmp?
- U.Kuehn
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 17:18:35 GMT
- From: mcsun!corton!laas!ralph@uunet.uu.net (Ralph P. Sobek)
- Subject: GNU Make troubles: 2 bombs!
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I am trying to use GNU Make in order to control a LaTeX document.
- This is GNU make v. 3.54 that comes off of atari.archive. The same
- Makefile works on my Sun SPARC, but gives 2 bombs on my Mega 4 ST.
- The Makefile replaces .SUFFIXES to be LaTex/TeX specific. It also
- uses sub-directories:
- PARAGRAPHS = $(patsubst %,$(DIR_P)/%.tex, $(PARAGRAPHS_LIST))
- The rule that GNU make has trouble with seems to be the following:
- %.bbl : %.bib $(DIR_P)/%.tex
- -bibtex $*
- if egrep -s "~(There were .* error messages)$$" $*.blg ; then \
- touch $< ; fi
- $DIR_P has the value "acm". When GNU make is run with -d it sees that
- it should check in the subdirectory. But when wanting to do the
- implicit dependencies for foobar.bbl, which are foobar.bib and
- acm/foobar.tex, it tries also to look for either acm/SCCS/foobar.tex
- or acm/RCS/foobar.tex. Immediately: 2 bombs! Earlier, it checked for
- SCCS/foobar.tex and RCS/foobar.tex and coninued without aborting.
- The problem might be the double directory structure. Has anybody else
- used GNUMAKE for LaTeX and friends? Also, this GNUMAKE came with GCC
- 1.35 or 1.36. Maybe a more recent version is necessary.
- Thanks to all,
- --
- Ralph P. Sobek Disclaimer: The above ruminations are my own.
- ralph@laas.fr Addresses are ordered by importance.
- ralph@laas.uucp, or ...!uunet!laas!ralph
- If all else fails, try: sobek@eclair.Berkeley.EDU
- ===============================================================================
- Proud owner of a Mega 4 ST. Wishing it was a Mega STe! :-|
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 12:12:40 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!samsung!munnari.
- oz.au!comp.vuw.ac.nz!actrix!Roger.Sheppard@arizona.edu
- Subject: Has anyone heard of these games?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1449@grit.cs.utexas.edu> psurge@cs.utexas.edu (Troy Carpenter)
- writes:
- > I was wondering if Wing Commander is available for the ST, or anything like
- it.
- > I am sure it can be done, has anyone ever seen this game on a PC? It is
- really
- > cool looking with great animation and great gameplay...been wanting to get a
- > copy for my ST...However it takes up over 5 meg of hard disk space...
- >
- >
- > Troy Carpenter
- > Department of Computer Sciences
- > THE University of Texas, Austin
- > psurge@cs.utexas.edu
- >
- > "You're so open minded that your brain leaked out" - Steve Taylor
- >
- > *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The best thing in life costs exactly that <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<*
- Well I did have a English Mag around here with a Review of it...
- --
- Roger W. Sheppard 85 Donovan Rd, Kapiti New Zealand...
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 13:17:01 GMT
- From: atha!aunro!ersys!ggranger@decwrl.dec.com (Greg Granger)
- Subject: Has anyone heard of these games?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- psurge@cs.utexas.edu (Troy Carpenter) writes:
- > I was wondering if Wing Commander is available for the ST, or anything like i
- > I am sure it can be done, has anyone ever seen this game on a PC? It is real
- > cool looking with great animation and great gameplay...been wanting to get a
- > copy for my ST...However it takes up over 5 meg of hard disk space...
- >
- >
- > Troy Carpenter
- > Department of Computer Sciences
- > THE University of Texas, Austin
- > psurge@cs.utexas.edu
- >
- > "You're so open minded that your brain leaked out" - Steve Taylor
- >
- > *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The best thing in life costs exactly that <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- It was stated in ST Report a few issues ago, by Origin Systems (makers of
- WC), that an ST version is *not* being planned in the near future. You
- could also imagine my horror & disappointment when I heard that. I
- wanted so badly to see that game on the ST also. Que sera, sera!
- Greg Granger
- | INet: ersys!ggranger@nro.cs.athabascau.ca |
- | Fnet: Greg Granger (Node 532) Dark Knight (Node 595)|
- | Post: 5906-188 Street Edmonton, AB Canada T6M-2A9 |
- | Tele: +1 403 481-0803 OR +1 403 481-5110 |
- Greg Granger ersys!ggranger@nro.cs.athabascau.ca
- Edmonton Remote Systems: Serving Northern Alberta since 1982
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 May 91 05:37:03 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!rpi!news-server.
- csri.toronto.edu!utgpu!utzoo!mnetor!intacc!zerobeat@arizona.edu (Ferenc Szabo)
- Subject: Mega STe Questions.
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I bought my MEGA STe (4 MEG RAM/50 MEG HARD DRIVE) April 2 here in Toronto.
- I used to have an old 1040ST (TOS 1.0) and calculated that it would have cost
- me the same money to upgrade my memory (pre-SIMMS) and buy a hard drive as it
- would buying a brand new MEGA STe. Now I have brand new TOS, double speed
- processor and blitter as a bonus.
- I would have bought a TT030 but Notator doesn't run on it yet. However,
- Calamus(amazing DTP program) is very fast on my MEGA STe compared to the 1040ST
- so all
- is not so bad.
- There is another thread which asks the question: Is a high res mouse better than
- the stock Atari mouse? Well I gotta tell you that the difference is night and
- day. My Golden Image GI-250 mouse takes all the sluggishness out of GEM.
- Clicking is way easier and accurate. Obviously I don't mean that GEM itself is
- improved; it's just that it SEEMS THAT WAY. I always admired the smooth MAC
- desktop-mousing around compared to the Atari. Now it's BETTER than a MAC--the
- feel that is. Spend hundreds and hundreds on a computer--why not treat
- yourselfto an excellent $75 (Canadian $) mouse?
- ferenc
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 11:12:39 GMT
- From: VMS.HUJI.AC.IL!seran@ucbvax.berkeley.edu (ERAN MEGIDO)
- Subject: Memory upgrades, overscan.
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- take up so much. I have an old 1040 ST and an old 520 ST 1 mb and 512 k
- respectivly.
- I would like to upgrade both thought the 1040 is a priority. My question is
- which memory chips does the Atari ST use? I can get my hands on the bare chips.
- Would I need a board or can I pggyback or is there room on the motherboard?
- I need the chip type/nums too if anyone out there has them.
- Secondly does anyone out there have Overscan installed with the actual
- hardware modification? Is it worth it? What exactly does it do? And are there
- any side effects possible? Could something end up not working or not displaying
- write. I understand it is is irriversable. Is it perhhaps possible to install
- a switch if there is any worry? I sit worht it is the bottom line?
- Thats it for now. I know I will have more questiopns later...
- Thanks in advance ...
- Please, if possible, reply via Email it is much better for me. Thanks.
- Adress:
- ERan Megiddo
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 20:13:09 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!cis.ohio-state.edu!pacific.mps.ohio-state.e
- du!linac!unixhub!stanford.edu!msi.umn.edu!umeecs!heavy@arizona.edu (Richard
- Scott Hall)
- Subject: Moniterm Monitor For Sale
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I recently acquired a TT030, but unfortunately, my beloved
- 19" Moniterm will not work with it, so I must sell it to
- get a large screen TT monitor.
- The Moniterm is 1280 x 960,
- it requires a Mega,
- and TOS 1.4.
- (graphics card included)
- Asking $1000, list price $2000...reasonable offers
- accepted, but I reserve the right to refuse any offer.
- Shipping not included.
- For anyone wondering, trust me, it is worth it, I paid a lot
- more and still thought it was worth it, I can't live without
- it now, that is why I want one for my TT...
- Richard Hall
- University of Michigan
- --
- Standard disclaimer: I am not me, I am who you think you are...
- so don't blame me.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 08:54:34 GMT
- From: math.fu-berlin.de!unido!gmdzi!focke@uunet.uu.net (Stefan Focke)
- Subject: NeoDesk 3.02 upgrade - I can't find it
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Hello,
- I examined some directories at atari.archive but I didn't find
- PATCH302.xxx. The file New3 (?) says, that it is in utilities/desktop
- but it isn't.
- So, is it posssible, that anyone makes this file available?
- Thanks
- Stefan
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Stefan Focke Tel. 02241-14-2265
- GMD-Z2.W e-mail: focke@gmdzi.uucp
- Postfach 1240 focke@gmdzi.gmd.de
- 5205 St. Augustin 1 ...!{uunet!mcvax!}unido!gmdzi!focke
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 12:24:10 GMT
- From: mcsun!hp4nl!titan!e4ct22@uunet.uu.net (e4ct22)
- Subject: OS-9 for TT
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- At our school, we work with OS-9 for the Atari-ST. In the near future,
- we want to upgrade to the Atari-TT.
- The OS-9 version we use doesn't work on our TT-030/4.
- Has anybody got experience with OS-9 for the TT or an adress for a
- TT version ?
- Mischa Koning
- and
- Bart van Schie
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 16:39:37 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!mips!atha!aunro!alberta!arcsun.arc.ab.ca!e
- rkamp@arizona.edu (Bob Erkamp)
- Subject: Prospero Software Distributors - Summary
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Here is all the information I was able to acquire.
- Bob
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Prospero Software <prosof@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- The latest versions are 2.153 for Fortran, and 1.144 for C. Both fix
- all known 'incompatibilities' that occurred with TOS 1.4
- The cost of updating to the current versions is 30 UK pounds, and the
- master disks will need to be returned with payment (either by a
- cheque drawn on a UK bank or by credit card) to the address below.
- Regards
- Paul Hargreaves.
- Prospero Software Ltd.
- 190 Castelnau
- London
- SW13 9DH
- England.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Stephen Harold Goldstein <steveg@CSEIC.SAIC.COM>
- From the back of their Autumn 1989 newsletter:
- Prospero Software Inc
- 100 Commercial Street, Suite 306
- Portland, ME 04101 USA
- (207) 874-0382
- (207) 874-0942 (FAX)
- In Canada, 2 distributors/dealers were also listed:
- PBO Development Rosoft Distribution
- 1847 Baile Street, Montreal, PQ 3862 Lonsdale Avenue, N Vancouver,
- Canada H3H 1PS BC, Canada V7N 3K6
- (514) 931-7339 (604) 980-9365
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I have called the US # and it has been disconnected. I then called PBO
- Development and they do still handle Prospero Software though if you didn't buy
- it from them they recommend you deal with Prospero UK directly. I don't know the
- status of Rosoft Distribution. Also PBO Development says that Prospero doesn't
- currently have a US Distributor and that Prospero is currently in a state of
- transition with regard to their North American distributors. Looks to me the
- best bet is to deal directly with Prospero UK for the time being.
- Bob
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 03:24:00 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!spool.mu.edu!uwm.edu!linac!unixhub!ditk
- a!zinn!kgg@arizona.edu (Kenn Goutal)
- Subject: Publishers
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991May11.211802.22320@wam.umd.edu> dmb@wam.umd.edu (David M.
- Baggett) writes:
- >[I'm posting the following on behalf of Michal Jaegermann
- ><NTOMCZAK@vm.ucs.UAlberta.CA>, who gets c.s.a.st through a digest. - dmb]
- >From: Michal Jaegermann <NTOMCZAK@vm.ucs.UAlberta.CA>
- >
- >Jim Omura (lsuc!jimomura) posted recently in c.s.a.s. long diatribe
- >against different forms of software you can find on usenet, different
- >archives and bbs's. He is definitely against stuff where copyright
- >notice is included and somehow managed to convey a feeling that
- >nets are ripping him off.
- >
- > [details edited out --Kenn]
- >
- > Michal Jagermann
- > ntomczak@vm.ucs.ualberta.ca
- Oh, I didn't get that "feeling" at all.
- The message I got was that his impression is that he cannot expect to make
- a living (or even a part of one) by distributing products as shareware
- because of the preponderence of individuals who feel no compunctions about
- paying the author for the software they use and because of the preponderence
- of individuals who feel no compunctions about distributing shareware in
- ways that make it hard to tell what's shareware, what's freeware, and
- what's public domain.
- I gather that there are some authors who even today manages to defray
- a small part of their development costs from shareware revenues,
- but I also gather that that is less true today than it was for a while,
- and in any case that quite a different story from meeting costs and
- exceeding them enough to buy a sandwich or two.
- So, my impression accords with what I believe is his impression.
- This is not at all to say that "the nets are ripping [people] off".
- As long as one understands from the outset that the ground rules only
- allow for posting stuff pro bono, and posts stuff with that understanding,
- one is not being ripped off. One who does not understand that, well,
- is still not being ripped off, but is caught in a misconception.
- What's disconcerting to me that while I can understand that Usenet
- *cannot* be used as a vehicle for commercial enterprise, but *must*
- be maintained as a pro bono vehicle, there is no reason why this
- should be true of the commercial systems such as CIS, GEnie, etc,
- yet this seems to be the case. That is, there does *not* seem to
- be a commercial system which can be used as a vehicle for marketing
- and selling software products. (Jim's article and maybe one of the
- followups mentioned STart and a couple other systems. I know nothing
- about them. Maybe one or more of them fulfills this need.)
- -- Kenn Goutal
- CompuServe: 71117.2572 (PARTI handle: kenn)
- Internet: kenn@zinn.MV.COM or kenn@rr.MV.COM
- [The] PO!NT: kenn
- Telepath: kenn
- UUCP: ...decvax!zinn!kenn or ...decvax!zinn!rr!kenn
- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- | Ship and Travel Intermodally -- Commute Electronically! |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------+
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 12:47:37 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!sun-barr!lll-winken!xanth!cs
- .odu.edu!cwc@arizona.edu (Chris Carpinello)
- Subject: RLL hard drives cheap!
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Kalok (KL-330) 32 Meg RLL hard drive. 3.5", half-height,
- Slightly used (only
- Seagate (157-R) 49 Meg RLL hard drive. 3.5", half-height,
- _NEVER USED_ (still in it's original box). $175.
- I will ship these to anywhere in the continental US for free. I guarantee
- that they will work upon arrival.
- (Note: The Kalok is *full* of utilities, accessories & programming
- applications for the Atari ST.)
- ==============================================================================
- Chris Carpinello (cwc@xanth.cs.odu.edu) /// Peace, Love, and NO CENSORSHIP
- "Of all possible worlds, we only got one, we got to ride on it"__Grateful Dead
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 08:54:13 GMT
- From: noao!ncar!csn!boulder!horton.Colorado.EDU!chuj@arizona.edu (CHU JEFFREY)
- Subject: SALE
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Must sell my atari moniters.
- SC1224 ............ $235
- SC124 ............ $125
- or Both ........... $325
- Must sell both, sell each or both.
- (303) 431-9459
- The SC1224 is the JVC model.
- The SC124 is 5 months old.
- Avatex 1200 modem external ..... $40.00
- Jeff
- chuj@horton.colorado.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 09:54:34 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!wuarchive!psuvax1!psuvm!dbngmd13!dmswwu
- 1c!onm07@arizona.edu (Julian F. Reschke)
- Subject: TOS Command Line
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <2932@atari.UUCP>, apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) says:
- >[stuff deleted]
- >XARG may or may not be endorsed by Atari Germany, but nobody here at Atari
- >in Sunnyvale (to my knowledge) has endorsed it. The reason I hate it is
- >that you have to poke through your parent's data space to find your
- >arguments, and that is a no-no. It will be a much bigger no-no when memory
- >protection and/or virtual memory come along. ARGV has no such problems.
- >
- >I don't know where the ARGV spec is -- I'll try to dig up a copy of it
- >and post it again.
- >
- >============================================
- >Opinions expressed above do not necessarily -- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp.
- >reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else. ...ames!atari!apratt
- To clear up the confusion:
- (1) The only extended argument passing scheme ever supported by Atari Germany
- is the ARGV specification from Ken Badertscher.
- (2) Gemini 1.0 used Dale Schumachers xArgs methode, because at that time there
- was no other method.
- (3) Newer Gemini versions use ARGV (as documented by Atari Corp.). xArgs is
- maintained for backward compatibility with older tools.
- (4) The Gemini distribution contains the official ARGV documentation in
- sample\exarg.doc. This, I agree, should be 'ARGV.DOC'. Sigh!
- ___________________________ cut here _____________________________________
- Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241
- fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: jr@ms.maus.de (++49 251 77216)
- ____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________
- ------------------------------
- Date: 10 May 91 22:47:47 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!unix.cis.pitt.ed
- u!dsinc!bagate!asi!disc.dla.mil!dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil!desc.dla.mil!wright!desire.
- wright.edu!cse0507@arizona.
- Subject: Window_close bombs
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Wanna know how to bomb TOS 1.4 (and maybe others)? Put two
- windows on the screen, and click the close box on the top one three times
- EXTREMELY quickly. I can just get in three clicks before AES (or whoever)
- says it's not there anymore. Bam. Top window closes, lower gets the
- raise signal. Bam. It closes. Boomity boom boom, can't close any more
- windows, can we?
- Seriously, has anybody else been able to do this? I'm using the
- (much-maligned) Naksha mouse, with the double click speed and key rates
- cranked way up, and I can usually only do it when I've got a few liters
- of caffiend in me :-). Standard desktop, 2.5 megs, and a rev. c 520. Is
- it me, or is it memorex? If anybody out there has dug into the ROMs, like
- say one of the programmers of TOS (hi a.p.), what happens internally when
- there's another close window event on a valid close box, *but when the time
- comes to close it, IT AIN'T THERE?
- Flames off, please. Come visit me and I'll demo it for you (and I'll spend
- the next six hours unborrowing sody pop :-).
- Bob The Schulze
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 May 91 23:34:25 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!unix.cis.pitt.ed
- u!resst11@arizona.edu (Ryk E Spoor)
- Subject: Window_close bombs
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I only have two questions: (1) why would you WANT to bomb your
- machine?
- (2) Why would you click three times in the first place?
- Everything I know works with one or two clicks.
- This strikes me as entertainment for those who couldn't
- afford Dungeon Master or something...
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Atari16 Digest
- ******************************