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- Info-Atari16 Digest Wed, 21 Aug 91 Volume 91 : Issue 447
- Today's Topics:
- Atari CD-ROM?
- Blitter for Atari STFM
- Damocles
- DC (formatter?)
- Ethernet for the ST
- Generic shell for ttp?
- Packing GNU
- Phasar for other platforms
- Recommendations for PC-DOS emulator
- Spectre 256k ROM support (was: System 7 and Spectre GCR) (2 msgs)
- ST User mag. (was Re: Atari CD-ROM?)
- TeX troubles
- Uniterm source code
- what I think about GEM (2 msgs)
- Word Up? Word Perfect?
- Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
- cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed
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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 08:21:31 GMT
- From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!hwcs!neil@uunet.uu.net (Neil Forsyth)
- Subject: Atari CD-ROM?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <A5717@hh.maus.de> Laurenz_Pruessner@hh.maus.de (Laurenz Pruessner)
- writes:
- >Neil Forsyth (ME!) neil%cs.hw.ac.uk @ SUB wrote on 13.08.91 09:06
- >>If some third party developers have done this then I would not consider it an
- >>official upgrade. Official upgrades come from Atari with Atari documentation
- >>and do not get removed when you send your machine to Atari for repair.
- >>Any idea about what the German develpoers did to make it work?
- >
- >I am one of the developers, I did the software-modifications.
- I'm impressed.
- >YES, the modified TOS 2.05 runs fine on any ST and YES, TOS is copyrighted by
- >Atari. We should instantly stop talking about a project that is not yet
- >finished. We're looking forward to meeting Atari on the Atari Fair in
- >Dusseldorf and we'll have lots of things to discuss that should not be
- >discussed in the public before.
- Even if Atari Gmbh say "Hey that's neat. We'll take it" and Germany is flooded
- with lots of happy new TOS 2.x users that does not necessarily mean Atari US
- will welcome it. In fact I can see them saying that it is up to them to modify
- TOS not you and unless they do so I doubt they will support it. If you get
- Atari US on your side then it's in the bag.
- >Maybe we can say more about all of this in a week.
- Please do! I find the possibility of fitting TOS 2.x in my '86 ST exciting.
- Non hardware orientated people though may be less enthusiastic.
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ! DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own !
- ! !
- ! Neil Forsyth JANET: neil@uk.ac.hw.cs !
- ! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: neil@cs.hw.ac.uk !
- ! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!cs.hw.ac.uk!neil !
- ! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "That was never 5 minutes!" !
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 11:46:02 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!ub!clarkson!CROVM3.vnet.ibm.com!MERWOOA@ari
- zona.edu
- Subject: Blitter for Atari STFM
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Does anybody have any schematics or other information regarding the fitting
- of a blitter chip to an ATARI 520 STFM. I have one of the first blitter
- ROM machines with space on the mother board for the blitter chip. I bought
- a blitter chip from Best Electronics at a recent UK show along with a PLCC
- socket. Unfortunately I managed to mangle the socket and need to get another
- from somewhere in the UK. Is fitting the chip simply a matter of soldering
- the socket and plugging in the blitter or are there other things that must be
- done??
- Any help would be appreciated.
- Regards,
- Adrian Merwood
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Aug 91 13:57:26 GMT
- From: mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!mantis!mathew@uunet.uu.net (Industrial Poet)
- Subject: Damocles
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Has anyone out there bought the data disks for Damocles?
- Are they any good?
- mathew
- [ Eagerly waiting for Mercenary III... ]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 04:40:40 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!unix.cis.pitt.ed
- u!rjast1@arizona.edu (Robert J Anisko)
- Subject: DC (formatter?)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Okay, so I've found out about Mystic Formatter, which essentially
- was what I was looking for. But being the average ST user, I am
- never satisfied (oh no!). So how about maybe as one of their programs
- of the week make a NEW version, with a couple of changes. Instead of
- being an ACC, make it a TSR. Why you ask? Well an ACC can only be
- used if your program has access to the drop-down Accessory menu.
- Therefore you can't use it from within say a TOS program (or any
- program GEM or not that doesn't let you see the accessories).
- Also, instead of a standard hot-key, allow the user to choose
- his/her OWN hot-key combination (therefore allowing more compatibility
- with programs that may use a similar key-press).
- And finally, maybe include an option for those lucky souls who
- have a 1.44meg drive (whoever modified their system to handle
- these drives).
- So what do you think? Sounds reasonable? (even coming from me :-)
- Robert Anisko
- rjast1@unix.cis.pitt.edu
- Side note: reason I did not realize at first that Mystic Formatter
- was a background formatter: the copy I got had NO DOCS, and when
- I loaded it originally, it just looked like any other formatter,
- so I paid no attention originally to it. Oh well, all those
- wasted hours of foratting...
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 20 Aug 91 16:09 EDT
- Subject: Ethernet for the ST
- To: Info-atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I was interested to see the description of the Riebl cards for Ethernet.
- I was a little perturbed to learn the price (upwards of $US 500) and that the
- software was so expensive. These prices put the products out of reach for
- US users, who have much cheaper alternatives available for the Mac and DOS
- platforms.
- I have seen advertisements for SCSI Ethernet adapters for Mac Plusses.
- It seemed to me that these were pretty cheap (around $US 300?). How hard
- would it be to adapt the NCSA telnet software packages to drive these devices
- from an Atari ST? Would ICD host adapters support these gadgets? Might it not
- be possible to build the session handling (Telnet) facilities into a program
- like STalker, which is capable of running in the backgound?
- Could the X-Windows client software that is available for the ST's be
- adapted to use an Ethernet port? If this were the case I think many university
- labs could make use of ST's as terminals to UNIX or VMS hosts. While an X
- workstation based on the ST might not be wonderful, it might be very economical
- indeed.
- It would also be interesting to hear what uses the Europeans make of the STs
- that they run on Ethernet.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 02:59:54 GMT
- From: CIE.UOREGON.EDU!jamesl@ucbvax.berkeley.edu (James Lynn)
- Subject: Generic shell for ttp?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- A couple days ago I was looking around for a word count program, and found
- a program called "wc.ttp," which counts words and lines in an ASCII file
- just like the unix "wc." Anyway, when I use this program, it counts the words
- and such and flashes them onto the screen. Unfortunately, it goes back to
- desktop right afterwards, leaving me with less than 1/4 of a second to read
- them. Sorry, but I can't read that fast. There appears to be no provision
- for making it hold the info on screen like arc.ttp does, at least not that I
- can find. Obviously it's meant to be used with a shell program, like MT
- C-Shell, which I do not have and cannot afford.
- Does anybody know of a small, simple shell program I could use with this
- thing? All it really needs to do is let me use wc.ttp and hold the results
- on the screen until I hit a key, so I have time to read them. I'd like to
- keep it simple, not get a whole big program to replace the desktop that I have
- to learn how to use. I suspect such a thing would not be that hard to
- program, but I do not know how.
- Could somebody point me to such a program, say, on Terminator? I'd really
- appreciate it.
- Thanks!
- James Charles Lynn
- ------------------
- jamesl@cie.uoregon.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 14:23:33 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!magnus.ac
- s.ohio-state.edu!dhbutler@arizona.edu (David H Butler)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I just recently got a question about an Overscan problem addressed to me from
- "Thomas". However, I lost the file before I could reply. Thomas (and whoever
- else needs to know): I got the 60Hz version of the Overscan driver direct off
- of GEnie. The file name is simply "OVERSCAN.ARC". With Z-modem it only takes
- about 15 minutes I think...
- Good luck,
- || || || - David Butler (dhbutler@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu)
- || || ||
- || || || H H RRRR [ High Resolution DTP ]
- || || || HHHH R R [ 1996 Summit St. Apt. B ]
- || || || H High RRRR [ Columbus, Ohio 43201 ]
- ||| || ||| R Resolution [ voice: (614)-297-7967 ]
- |||| || |||| R R [ BUSINESS CALLS ONLY ]
- - Desktop Publishing
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- -[ the Columbus Ohio area ]-
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- -[ Services, 9am - 5pm ]-
- -[ Monday - Friday at: ]-
- -[ (614)-292-2919 ]-
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 21 Aug 91 09:43:37 BST
- Subject: Packing GNU
- To: info-atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I have tried and given up. The small ones will compress a little but
- not enough to get everything on one disk. Currently when I am forced
- to use GNU I use the following set up.<only have 2 floppies>
- 1) Boot disk with GULAM on.
- 2) Compiler disk with GCC + Prepass + compiler proper + assembler
- 3) Loader disk with GCC + loader
- 4) Work disk in drive B with my sources + system .h files.
- Of course then you have to do
- GCC -C file.c
- <swap disk>
- GCC file.o
- Appart from buying a hard disk <and the cheapest I have seen in the
- UK was 299 pounds for 40 meg (about 450 us dollars I think)
- <i.e. about twice the price of the PC equivalent, but yes I know why.>
- has any body any suggestions. For now I just avoid GNU except where I
- am working with ANSI 'C' from somewhere else, and use SOZOBON which
- all fits on one disk.
- +------------------------------------------------------------+
- | VM Sysprogs do it virtually all of the time !!!!! |
- | Reply To:- |
- | Janet:- DAVEW@UK.CO.SSS.D |
- | Bitnet:-DAVEW@D.SSS.CO.UK (Also most places outside UK) |
- +------------------------------------------------------------+
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 20 Aug 91 16:10 EDT
- Subject: Phasar for other platforms
- To: Info-atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- To Steve La;
- I bought a copy of Phasar for the IBM for my brother-in-law. I
- purchased it directly from Marksman Technology. The price was around $80 or so,
- which makes Phasar cheaper than most of the alternatives. I understand that it
- is also
- available for the Amiga Line. You might try calling Antic Publishing in
- San Francisco to get a line on the products or on Marksman Technology (I would
- have to dig pretty hard, as my correspondence with Tom Marks is pretty old).
- Some people on the DOS platforms swear by Dollars and Sense, which was not
- successful on the ST line because of a badly done GEM port. I personally feel
- that the overall design of Phasar is superior, although some GEM snobs turn
- up their noses at its user interface.
- Techno of Berlin, who bills himself as a hardcore ST user, obviously does
- not understand the meaning of the word "flame". Steve La was not flaming when
- he
- asked his perfectly legitimate question. Steve at least has the decency to
- identify himself, which is more than can be said for Techno.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 00:10:41 GMT
- From: ads.com!pdel@decwrl.dec.com (Peter Delevoryas)
- Subject: Recommendations for PC-DOS emulator
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I'm thinking about getting a PC imitator for my STe. I know there
- are a couple software versions, and also Supercharger.
- The question is, should I fork over the big bucks for a Supercharger,
- or can I be happy with one of the software-only hacks?
- Also, wasn't there going to be something coming out, either by Talon,
- or their competition, that would be really cool?
- Lastly, can I get the same performance by getting a used 286? It seems
- like anything over $500 wouldn't be worth it in that case. Or?
- I'd appreciate hearing from anyone who actually uses one of the above,
- and could tell me how they compare to a real PC.
- Thanks, Peter D.
- --
- login name: L1-A
- In real life: Peter Delevoryas
- In any other life: a cheap imitation
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 04:30:21 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!unix.cis.pitt.ed
- u!rjast1@arizona.edu (Robert J Anisko)
- Subject: Spectre 256k ROM support (was: System 7 and Spectre GCR)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Aug19.145212.18256@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
- dhbutler@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (David H Butler) writes:
- >I agree with that. I would rather see an in-business GCR producing company,
- >than a company that makes a great 256K emulator and then gets sued out of
- >business. However, if he follows the same principles as before he should be OK
- >from what I've heard from legal-type friends. As long as he does not actually
- >sell the ROM's himself with the emulator then it would be very difficult to
- >take legal action (note: I may not know what I'm talking about here, I'm, just
- >repeating what I've heard from others...).
- Well, considering that Dave Small could always LICENSE the new
- chips off of this new company (assuming they won't rob people
- he same amount that Apple does) then Dave could even include the
- chips along with the system! Wouldn't that be cool?
- Robert Anisko
- rjast1@unix.cis.pitt.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 09:59:15 GMT
- From: monsoon.Berkeley.EDU!kawakami@ucbvax.berkeley.edu (John Kawakami)
- Subject: Spectre 256k ROM support (was: System 7 and Spectre GCR)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- If dsmall uses the NuTek ROMS it should be easier for him to support them
- than the current scheme. Why?
- 1. NuTek will be working to reconcile incompatibilities between their ROMS
- and the Apple System and Finder software. Currently, dsmall is doing
- this work by himself.
- 2. NuTek will be selling their ROMS to 3rd party clone makers, presumably
- to increase their market share thus forcing programmers to make their
- code compatible with NuTek ROMS. To sell the ROMS, NuTek must either
- strictly regulate the hardware they will plug into, ala PC clones, or
- document how to write drivers for varied hardware platforms. I tend
- to lean toward the second (though I know nothing about the NuTek design)
- because it would allow the development of plug in boards for IBM PCs
- that would give them Mac compatibility as well. (Imagine a 486 + 68030
- running Unix with DesqView windows for Windows and Mac A/UX with sub
- windows for Mac applications. And another DesqView window for Tetris!)
- 3. In theory, a lot of the testing would fall into the hands of NuTek and
- dsmall would get to work on other projects. I'd like to see a true Super-
- Drive adapter which would give me a floppy that spit out disks and write
- them at 1.44 meg too. Considering that the 1.44 meg adapters cost so
- much a cheap alternative that would also write Mac disks would probably
- do OK.
- John Kawakami kawakami@ocf.berkeley.edu
- ucbvax!ocf.berkeley.edu!kawakami
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 10:10:04 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!wupost!waikato.ac.nz!comp.vuw.ac.nz!actrix!Ale
- x.Valdez@arizona.edu (Alex Valdez)
- Subject: ST User mag. (was Re: Atari CD-ROM?)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Aug14.100048.7856@cged.co.uk> johnr@cged.co.uk (John Richards)
- writes:
- >
- > Subscribe to ST Applications, the magazine from the ST Club. It's by far
- > the best "serious" ST magazine in the UK.
- > --
- > John Richards
- Details please! How does one get in touch with these people? Would
- they accept subscription from the far end of the planet? If so, for
- how much?
- Ta.
- --
- ================================Alex Valdez=============================
- "Alas sais na naman, oras ng pagdidili-dili...
- Isaisip ang mabuti, ang masama'y iwaksi..."
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 05:50:01 GMT
- From: ogicse!orstcs!prism!thaanuj@uunet.uu.net (John Thaanum)
- Subject: TeX troubles
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Aug20.105125.1@simvax.labmed.umn.edu>
- davidli@simvax.labmed.umn.edu writes:
- >In article <kb21hkINNgsn@iraun1.ira.uka.de>, S_DINGLER@iravcl.ira.uka.de
- >(|S| Florian Dingler) writes:
- >> If you got an 2 Meg machine, try dumping the formats yourself:
- >>
- >> You find the .TEX files in the archive INPUTS.LZH. For Plain TeX you'll need
- >> PLAIN.TEX. Just type
- >>
- >> tex 'plain \dump' -i
- >
- >This won't work with the standard 3.1 release on atari.archive, since there
- >is nothing called TEX.TTP. Instead, you have INITEX.TTP and VIRTEX.TTP. To
- >build the various formats, the commands would be:
- >
- >for TeX:
- >
- > initex 'plain \dump'
- >
- >for LaTeX:
- >
- > initex 'lplain \dump'
- >
- >for SliTex:
- >
- > initex 'splain \dump'
- >
- Well, I have 2.5 meg of ram, but that doesn't seem to be much of an issue.
- When I un-archive the texfiles at atari.archive, I don't find INITEX.TTP nor
- VIRTEX.TTP. I ftp'd /tex/tex31/texbin.lzh, and its main contents were
- TEX.TTP and BIGTEX.TTP, among a few others. Perhaps there was confusion
- during the directory restructure at atari.archive.
- >OR, if you don't have the necessary memory, I will look through my own archives
- >and find the copy of the format file mentioned (which I really did get from
- >the atari.archive server at one time!), and FTP it back so they'll be
- >available for everyone.
- >
- >> ( {\em I like \TeX\ !} )
- >
- >ditto
- >
- >--
- >
- >David Paschall-Zimbel davidli@simvax.labmed.umn.edu
- I wish to thank everybody for all the helpful hints. I will try them all
- when I finish catching up on mail and news.
- ---
- ** *** **
- John Thaanum ** *** **
- thaanuj@prism.cs.orst.edu ** *** **
- thaanuj@mist.cs.orst.edu ** *** **
- at445@cleveland.freenet.edu *** *** ***
- *** *** ***
- "Baseball, hotdogs, **** *** ****
- Atari ST's and Chevrolet!" ** *** **
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 01:56:36 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!menudo.uh.edu!st
- 11w@arizona.edu (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Subject: Uniterm source code
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Anyone know where I can get the code for Uniterm?
- ****************************************************************************
- *** It's gnu and improved -- but it's still not unix! ***
- *** ***
- *** Dennis Gray, Jr. st11w@menudo.uh.edu ***
- *** st113@jetson.uh.edu ***
- *** dgray@sugar.hackercorp.com ***
- *** dennis@nuchat.sccsi.com ***
- ****************************************************************************
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Aug 91 22:32:42 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!wupost!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!sol.ctr.columbia.edu
- !connection!jerry@arizona.edu (Jerry Shekhel)
- Subject: what I think about GEM
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- azog@world.std.com (azog-thoth) writes:
- >
- >GEM: to copy from floppy to HD:
- >
- >Click on the hard drive icon, and open it up to the path. The open the
- >floppy, and drag the icon from floppy to hard drive.
- >
- >Windows:
- >
- >Open the file manager. After it scans the whole hard drive, open drive
- >a. Choose COPY under the menu FILE menu bar, and TYPE in the path
- >
- >Which is easier?
- >
- PLEASE get informed before you post. It'll make you look a lot less foolish.
- Windows:
- Click on the file manager if it isn't already running (ah the benefits of
- multitasking). Open a directory window to the hard drive. Do the same for
- the floppy drive. Drag the file from the floppy window to the hard drive
- window. Just like GEM.
- GEM: try to do the same while you're running a program.
- --
- +-------------------+----------------------+---------------------------------+
- | JERRY J. SHEKHEL | POLYGEN CORPORATION | When I was young, I had to walk |
- | Drummers do it... | Waltham, MA USA | to school and back every day -- |
- | ... In rhythm! | (617) 890-2175 | 20 miles, uphill both ways. |
- +-------------------+----------------------+---------------------------------+
- | ...! [ princeton mit-eddie bu sunne ] !polygen!jerry |
- | jerry@polygen.com |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 09:53:30 GMT
- From: van-bc!jonh!jhenders@ucbvax.berkeley.edu (John Henders)
- Subject: what I think about GEM
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I'm sorry folks, couldn't resist on htis one. Too much time
- in news.groups lately, I guess.
- In <1991Aug20.223242.11352@ctr.columbia.edu>, Jerry Shekhel writes:
- >
- >PLEASE get informed before you post. It'll make you look a lot less
- >foolish.
- >
- < how Windows works like GEM deleted >
- >
- >GEM: try to do the same while you're running a program.
- You mean like you can with UIS, Maxifile, Harlekin, or one of
- several p.d disk manager type desk accessories.
- PLEASE etc..
- --
- John Henders jhenders@jonh.wimsey.bc.ca
- Vancouver,B.C or ubc.cs!van-bc!jonh!jhenders
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Aug 91 00:26:23 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!unix.cis.pitt.ed
- u!gvlf3.gvl.unisys.com!tredysvr!cellar!revpk@arizona.edu (Brian 'Rev P-K'
- Siano)
- Subject: Word Up? Word Perfect?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- fsctc@csduts1.lerc.nasa.gov (Clarence T. Chang) writes:
- > I am considering switching from First Word Plus to some other word processors
- > on our TT. Has anyone successfully run Word Perfect (WP) or Word Up (WUP) on
- > this beast? What are the respective merits and drawbacks? My printer is a
- > HP Deskjet Plus which can be used as a Laserjet II. I also have access to
- > other printers such as PS printers on the network. What do you think of thes
- > two packages?
- >
- > Clarence
- You might do well to check the sped of a PC emulator on your TT
- first, because Word Perfect 5.1 for the PC is the best thing on the market.
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- Brian Siano, Delaware Valley Skeptics
- Rev. Philosopher-King of The First Church of the Divine Otis Redding
- revpk@Cellar.UUCP "Ecrasez l'enfame!" - Voltaire
- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Atari16 Digest
- ******************************