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- Today's Topics:
- Accelerators for the ST forsale
- All BBS sysops.
- ARJ?
- Atari.archive monthly posting
- BBS request, here is two from NZ.
- Deactivating your 520ST RAM (for upgrading)
- dump files
- Emulate? What about the other way.
- ESDI harddrive
- Gif viewer
- Mega/STE Screen Shifting
- Problems upgrading to 4M (was SIMMS from a Mac SE into an ST?)
- Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
- cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed
- out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages
- to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU.
- Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to
- Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list
- instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored.
- If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly
- from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please
- contact the redistributor, not us.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 21 Sep 91 22:37:36 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!usc!rpi!usenet.coe.montana.edu!ogicse!sequent!muncher
- .sequent.com!ether!bug!stevef@arizona.edu (Steven R Fordyce)
- Subject: Accelerators for the ST forsale
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I have come to possess a large number of Processor Accelerators for the 520,
- 1040, and Mega ST that I will sell for $65 each shipping included (add $5
- for shipping outside the U.S.). I will sell two for $100. These are new
- units, in the box, were built by CMI and are fully tested. These
- accelerators are on multilayer boards that plug into a socket you solder
- onto the 68000. These boards are built around a 16 MHz 68000 and run at
- double the standard processor speed. The speed up you get with this product
- depends on the software you are running, but it runs from 10 to 30%.
- These boards (there is a different one for the 520/Mega or 1040, so let me
- know what you want) also accept 68881 floating point unit of any speed,
- although it doesn't pay to get one faster than 16 MHz. For software that
- uses the math chip you can get speed ups of eight to ten times or more.
- There is also a socket for an Atari blitter chip if your machine didn't come
- with one. You can get these from your Atari dealer.
- These boards originally sold for around $300. Schematics and PAL equations
- are available on request. Complete instructions are included. DON'T try to
- install one of these if you are not handy with a soldering iron and haven't
- done this kind of thing before! I will not be liable for your mistakes.
- If you want one of these, call or send a check to:
- Steven R. Fordyce
- 6913 Sunnyview Rd NE
- Salem, OR 97305-9543
- (503)362-8637
- Steven R. Fordyce uunet!sequent!ether!stevef
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Sep 91 10:38:44 GMT
- From:
- arizona.edu!cerritos.edu!orion.oac.uci.edu!usc!wupost!waikato.ac.nz!aukuni.ac.n
- z!kcbbs!kc@arizona.edu (Jon Clarke)
- Subject: All BBS sysops.
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- To the syops out there with FoReM, Express and the likes.
- We have just set up a FNET node here in the Pacific (New Zealand)
- which is run by Z*NET South in Wellington. We are looking for
- other sysops in the Pacific basin to join in and or in any part of
- the world. Please email me or I can drop a note here for all to read
- and send to their favorate syops.
- To the MBBS users and Sysops out there we have Usenet .MCL file if
- you are interested in it please also email us. A copy was sent to the
- Bath BBS in the UK but I have never _heard_ back from them so I guess
- they went off the air.
- - Jon Clarke Z*NET International
- Sysop of Z*NET Pacific BBS, in Auckland New Zealand.
- {there is even an Atari in Antartica!}
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 91 17:59:16 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!samsung!caen!uwm.edu!linac!convex!rosenkra@arizo
- na.edu (William Rosenkranz)
- Subject: ARJ?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Sep22.140142.12168@actrix.gen.nz> Roger.Sheppard@actrix.gen.nz
- (Roger Sheppard) writes:
- >In article <1991Sep19.232557.10878@convex.com> rosenkra@convex.com (William
- Rosenkranz) writes:
- >> [ i rationally plead for non-GEM version of ARJ, calling for a seperate
- >> GEM shell for desktop use, then i see this: ]
- >Note: I brought a Atati because of its Gem capabilties, very easy to
- >use and learn, but you keep on about CLI, Why do you live in the
- >dark ages.
- first of all, i am NOT saying don't make ARJ use from the desktop impossible.
- i AM saying don't make ARJ use from a command shell impossible (like
- using it in scripts or as part of a rule in make). i am not being fascist
- here. i am not restricting YOUR life. go ahead an use the desktop. go ahead
- and use ARJ from the desktop.
- second, most of us that program the codes you use for free, find it
- virtually impossible to program from the desktop. it is just not efficient
- at all. if you write more than 500 lines of code a week you would agree.
- if you are scratching you head right now wondering what "make" is that
- i mentioned in the above paragraph, you do not fit in this category.
- the "dark ages" are infinitely more productive for programming than the
- "ultra-modern" GEM desk top. without multitasking windows (which GEM does
- NOT feature), a robust set of GEM-based tools (none of these, either), the
- desktop is only ok for running applications. please do not impose on me
- or scores of other developers your concept of what we should use. don't
- be a fascist...
- > If I wanted CLI, I would have brought a PC, I am one for things
- >that are easy to use, that is how you get more productivity.
- >If you what to stay with your Steam Engine, why not go play with it,
- >in the Museum.
- geez, what can i say :-)
- have you ever used a $250,000 high-end state-of-the-art workstation or
- a $25,000,000 supercomputer? i got news for you: they ALL have CLIs for
- using them. they ALL use unix (with few exceptions like CTSS, LTSS, COS
- for crays). since when does atari's GEM desktop (which is not even
- multitasking) better than unix for programming? sheesh.
- you are obviously not using the ST the way i do. i WANT the st to look
- just like my good ol' vt100 screen which i use at work on unix boxes.
- that means a real unix-like shell. for your information, CLI's are
- almost always 1) more productive, 2) FAR more versatile, 3) prefered
- by programmers. and note that windowing systems on workstations run
- CLI's in windows. the only difference is that you get more CLI's on
- the screen at once and can cut and paste between them. it is still
- a CLI, however. now leave me alone...
- the ST is a very nice platform for development because unix utilities
- port easily and hence make it nice do work like you would on workstations
- and other unix boxes, even supercomputers.
- here is another aspect: how do you list all lines in a file which contain
- a certain string? you run grep.ttp. but this is not a GEM application
- so you type in the dialog box its arguments. now how do you find a file
- named "xxx.dat" on a hard disk? you run find.ttp. but that is not a GEM
- application either so you type in the dialog box its arguments. keep this up
- with about 50 other utilities commonly used by programmers and you see
- that you might as well just enter them on a command line anyway. if you
- provide me with GEM versions of ALL the utilities i regularly use when
- programming i might be persuaded to go to the desktop. i also want to do
- the grep and find AT THE SAME TIME like i can with a CLI (with minix or
- MiNT). so go ahead and make GEM multitask while you're at it. until then
- don't make stupid statements like CLI's are from the "dark ages". in fact
- there is only one desktop approach that comes close to productive use without
- a CLI and that is probably NeXT. even they offer CLI's, however, since
- there are IMPORTANT things to do which can't be done (or are not available)
- with a desktop metaphor. the Mac may have reasonable programming tools as
- well from its desktop but i don't have a Mac.
- and i am a reasonably proficient typist so why should i not use this skill?
- i spend 75% of my time typing data into a file with an editor. you would
- too if you were a programmer. so why should i move my hands off the keyboard,
- slowing me down, if i am spending all my time typing anyway? or do you
- have access to some system that programs with mouse clicks? if you do,
- i am sure lots of people would be interested.
- i also use my ST to connect to my system at work (which is obviously not
- GEM based, thank god :-). that means i type. again, no mouse. those of us
- born before 1970 (1960?) remember typing our programs on cards with key
- punches. an interactive CLI was like a jump into the 25th century by
- comparison. the GEM desktop, however, is not. it makes life easy for users
- but not for programmers (who write the programs users use). why do you
- want to slow us down and cut the production of programs you need/want/use?
- an archiver is probably more important for me because of my 80 MB of hard
- disk, about 1/3 or more is source code, mostly archived. it has to be solid.
- i'll challenge you to a duel: we each write, compile, and execute a
- significant application, you exclusively from the desktop, me from a
- CLI. we use the same compiler (say gcc). guess who will get done first?
- and note that the standard desktop limits the number of args to .ttp
- programs. i regularly execute programs with 100's of characters on the
- command line. to go thru a GEM version would mean clicking on scores of
- buttons to execute say a compiler. and i'd still have to type in file
- names anyway (unless the desktop can now read minds :-). to re-execute the
- same command could mean re-clicking. with a cli i just type "!c" (to execute
- the last command starting with the letter "c", say the compiler "cc") or
- equivalent, all without my fingers leaving the keyboard to reach for a mouse.
- this is how i use MY st. how you use yours will not in the slighest be
- impacted by a GEM shell for ARJ. a GEM-only ARJ will severely impact
- me, however. i don't think you really understand the difference. i have
- proposed a scheme to allow you to use it the way you want while you
- are suggesting a scheme where i cannot. what gives you the right and
- the wisdom to do this? who are you to tell me (and other developers)
- how we should use our computers? and why should i go out and buy a
- compiler for $200+ to get an integrated (perhaps GEM) environment when
- i can get a portable compiler (gcc) for free? and it gets updated far
- more frequently than say turbo or lattice C. and it is supported by
- top-notch programmers (esmith and bammi, et al) who understand my needs
- since theirs are similar. and gcc runs on unix boxes and can generate
- atari executables. this is not true of borland or lattice compilers as
- far as i know.
- sorry for the vented spleen, but i just get PO'd when i read stuff like
- this...
- >What is wrong with Thomas Questers version of Lharc, it is fully
- >compatible with the PC version, and a lot better, plus it supports
- >all the othere LZH/LARC Formats and Unix ones as well, and Note.
- >packs far better than all the otheres, and is blindly fast.
- there is no source available. he also added lh5 format which is not
- generally available on other platforms. it has also no english docs
- or screen help (except possibly only very recently tho 2.01c i believe
- still spits out german with no args - and it has been 20 years since
- i last read/spoke german [high school]). it is also written
- in assembler (mostly?) so it will not port to anything else. i even
- volunteered to thomas to help him port the sucker to unix if he sends
- me source, but have so far not seen hide nor hair of it (just the
- executables). if TQ's lharc is so good, then a unix version will help
- make it universal. then it could port to VMS and MSDOS as well. then
- TQ will be the lord of lharc :-) as long as he maintains it like rahul
- dhesi does with zoo.
- also, i think i have a version of TQ's lharc which unpacks files with
- the wrong date, tho i have to double check this (i tested about 10 lharc
- programs one day and several had this problem, one of which was one of
- TQ's, i believe). if this IS the case, this is totally unacceptable.
- i need the date to be exactly the same as it is in the archive since i
- use tools which only work based on the date of files (e.g. make and RCS).
- if an archiver can't get this correct, it is absolutely useless, no matter
- how fast or efficient it is.
- unfortunately, if it packs with lh5, you may not be able to unpack it on
- (say) a unix or VMS system. and believe me, MANY people want to be able
- to do this, even if you don't. so tho it can handle any lharc, it itself
- generates files which are incompatible. and i don't want to spend half of
- my life figuring out what is the latest version of lharc on 2 or 3
- different platforms EACH WEEK.
- of all the lharc's out there, TQ's seems to be the most robust, tho it
- has its problems. there are so many versions out there that for compatibility
- alone, zoo should get the nod for information exchange on the net. what
- you do at home is your business. go ahead and lharc everything. just
- don't shove it down my throat. zoo is centrally supported (like arc) on
- all platforms. lharc is not. every system (PC, ST, amiga, etc) has its
- own (incompatible) versions, even on the same system. that, pardon my
- french, sucks. if you think not, just read some of the pleadings by
- other people on this net saying "i can't extract <whatever>.lzh with my
- version of lharc". happens every week. i have every version of lharc
- i can find on the ST (including 3 or 4 of TQ's programs). this is a huge
- waste of disk just to satisfy my paranoia that i will be able to extract
- any .lzh that happens my way. in contrast, i have but 2 arc (arc 5.21 and
- 6.02) and 1 zoo (zoo 2.1). i can extract ANY non-corrupt .arc or .zoo with
- these (and in the case of zoo, with fiz i can often extract parts of corrupt
- files). this is not possible with lharc either (as far as i know).
- zoo 2.1 gives about the same compression ratio as lharc. and i know
- it won't get screwed up too badly by 16 people trying to "improve" it.
- and it will probably be optimized fairly soon so that it runs like tuned
- lharc version. personally, i'd sacrifice 2x the speed (on compression) just
- to get the compatibility.
- how many times do we have to go thru this? lharc should be banned, no
- matter how "blindingly fast" or how tiny it makes files. that is not the
- issue at all...
- >PFX will pack programs, and will save a lot of disk space.
- pfx is nice. i do use it on occasion. i plan to use it more now that i
- have switched form alcyon to gcc (compilers). gcc tend to make larger
- executables. and if TQ would mail me source to pfx (so i don't have to
- disassemble it) i will even send him a shareware contribution (hint, hint,
- thomas :-).
- -bill
- rosenkra@convex.com
- --
- Bill Rosenkranz |UUCP: {uunet,texsun}!convex!rosenkra
- Convex Computer Corp. |ARPA: rosenkra@convex.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 91 19:52:47 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!samsung!umich!terminator!terminator.cc.umich.e
- du!weiner@arizona.edu (Jeff Weiner)
- Subject: Atari.archive monthly posting
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Welcome to atari.archive.umich.edu
- This is the monthly posting from the umich atari posse. We hope
- it will answer some of those nagging questions that always seem to pop up
- from time to time. If you have any additional suggestions, please mail
- them to me, at weiner@atari.archive.umich.edu.
- [Changes from month to month are marked with a * for easier reading]
- 1: How do I use BART?
- Use bart by mailing atari@atari.archive.umich.edu and using the word
- "help" as the body of the message. This *should* send you a help file.
- If you have read the help file, and still have questions, please send
- them to jon@atari.archive.umich.edu, not me.
- 2: How can I connect via FTP?
- If you are interested in ftp, I recently wrote a beginner's guide. Please
- mail me and I will send you a copy. I'll post it every once in a while too.
- It's also available in the
- 3: What if my machine doesn't support name service?
- Two things to do here:1) Demand that your sys-admin install it soon,
- and 2) use the internet address Be forewarned however,
- this may change on a moments notice.
- 4: I can't download because my hard drive doesn't work and my modem goes
- out sometimes and .....HELP!!!
- Sorry, outside of the archive I really can't help you....Your best bet is
- to find someone at your site with a similar set-up, or post to c.s.a.st
- for advice.
- 5: What are all the ???s in your index?
- The ??? symbol means that I have no clue what this file is. If you know
- please drop me a note, but be sure to include what directory the file
- is in, etc. Thanks.
- 6: When I try to FTP to the archive's host, I get a message saying that my
- machine wasn't recognized and I wasn't allowed to log in. What's up?
- We only accept ftp logins from recognized hosts. If you are not allowed
- to log in, please try again. It is possible that the DNS took a bit too
- long. If you are still denied access, ask your sys-admin to fix your
- name servers.
- 7: Here's a question for you Jeff, how come I can't use 'ftp terminator.cc.etc'
- any more to connect?
- That's because you're not using atari.archive.umich.edu like we told you
- to. Don't say we didn't warn you......The name of the host
- and/or the host itself may change soon.
- There are a few files you'll really like to have:
- archivers/arc602.arc : The latest version of arc
- archivers/zoo21bin.zoo : The classic archive program
- archivers/compress.zoo : Useful for removing .Z from sounds and binaries
- archivers/unlzh172.arc : Unpacks .lzh files
- archivers/sttar.arc : Removes those nasty .tar extenders
- * Please don't archive anything for uploading in arc6.02, unless you want
- to provide me with the unix sources for it. I didn't think you
- wanted to ...... HOWEVER, I'd be happy to accept zoo2.1 uploads.
- Thanks to everyone who has uploaded anything lately.....
- * Interesting things this month:
- 1. The other umich archives are starting to gain popularity. You may
- want to check them out. They are located at archive.umich.edu. All
- except the atari archive are housed there.
- * There haven't been many lately. Things seem to be moving smoothly.
- There was no down time for BART in the past month.
- * Once again, BART problems go to JON, not ME.
- PLEASE NOTE: FTP service is a privelege, not a right! Please make
- a supreme effort to keep heavy FTP use in off-time hours (i.e. after
- 5 pm EST but before 8 am EST), or else you will be shot. (We mean it).
- Any ideas, questions, comments, etc. to me,
- weiner@atari.archive.umich.edu
- --
- Jeff Weiner --- weiner@{ub.cc, um.cc, atari.archive}.umich.edu
- Corner of Packard and State, 2nd house from Blue Front on Arbor
- Couldn't think of a witty saying to go here - give me some time
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Sep 91 10:28:04 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!wupost!waikato.ac.nz!aukuni.ac.nz!kcbbs!kc@arizo
- na.edu (Jon Clarke)
- Subject: BBS request, here is two from NZ.
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Name : Z*NET Pacific , STaTus BBS
- Phone : (011-649) 606067
- (011-649) 608485
- Storgae : 1,300 megabytes
- Location: Auckland New Zealand
- Software: Michtron Version 3.0
- Baud : 300,1200,1200/75,2400,9600,14.4k in PEP
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Name : Z*NET South , Harbour Board
- Phone : (011644) 762852
- Storage : 60 megabytes
- Location : Wellington, New Zealand
- Software : FoReM ST with FNET conferences to the USa and UK
- Baud : 300,1200,1200/75,2400
- Hope this helps Dennis.
- Jon Clarke, Z*Net International Online Magazine
- Sysop Z*NET Pacific, the STaTus BBS in Auckland, New Zealand.
- (The telecom capital of the global village)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 91 07:37:45 GMT
- From: noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!utgpu!watserv1!bmaraldo@arizona.edu (Commander
- Brett Maraldo)
- Subject: Deactivating your 520ST RAM (for upgrading)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <A1290082101@thelake.mn.org> steve@thelake.mn.org (Steve Yelvington)
- writes:
- > > My feeling of this is that you NEED (i never read you did) to remove or
- > > at least deactivate the 256K Chips , which normaly reside in BANK 0
- > > In the case you forgot that, the hardware gets into VERY big Trouble when
- > > reading from the rams at an Address greater than 512K. If you leave the
- > > HIGH Address line unconnected (MAD10 i think) the system reads and writes
- > > into the same bytes, which shouldn't make any Problems.
- >How do you do this (temporarily)? I have an old nearly-original 520 (with
- >modulator, without floppy) that has a half-populated Tech Specialties
- You do not have to remove the 16 256k drams to deactivate them.
- To put the chips into a low power standby mode you put CAS0 and CAS1 high.
- This is easily accomplished:
- 1) locate resistors R135 and R136
- 2) desolder the left lead from each resistor from the main board
- - this is the left lead with the board oriented component-side
- up, with the connectors furthest from you.
- 3) connect the desoldered leads to +5V (pin 8 of the memory chips)
- If the 520 doesn't have R136 and R136, you can disable the memory row
- by putting RAS high. Cut the trace leading from pin 8 of U15 (RAS on MMU)
- to pin 4 of U16 (sometimes U17). connect pin 4 of U16 to +5V.
- Brett L Maraldo
- --
- -------- Unit 36 Research ---------
- "Alien Technology Today"
- bmaraldo@watserv1.UWaterloo.ca
- {uunet!clyde!utai}!watserv1!bmaraldo
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 91 06:18:07 GMT
- From: noao!ncar!asuvax!ukma!gatech!mailer.cc.fsu.edu!bind!boyd@arizona.edu
- (Mickey Boyd)
- Subject: dump files
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <LAHTINEN.91Sep19094758@gideon.gideon.fmi.fi>,
- lahtinen@gideon.gideon.fmi.fi (Kimmo Lahtinen) writes:
- >
- >I am looking for a programs that lets you see (in hex and ascii) a file
- >and perhaps also edit it. There should be some programs like this, so
- >I think it is not worth doing it myself. I have been using DLII, but
- >it quite complicted to go to the file editor.
- The best one I have seen is Memfile, by the same guy that did Neodesk. It
- is PD or Shareware, and available via ftp from atari.archive.umich.edu. It is
- a memory/file/sector editor.
- There was also a really neat German pd or shareware program, but it did not
- like my Neodesk installed font.
- --
- ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------
- Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear
- FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down
- Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ."
- email: boyd@nu.cs.fsu.edu |
- ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 91 06:26:22 GMT
- From: noao!ncar!asuvax!ukma!gatech!mailer.cc.fsu.edu!bind!boyd@arizona.edu
- (Mickey Boyd)
- Subject: Emulate? What about the other way.
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Sep20.151133.5618@bdt.com>, CATHRYN@bdt.COM writes:
- >How about an ST emulator card which would fit into a slot of a PC clone. So I
- >could run old ST software and clone software without having computers take
- >over the house!
- Derek M (the author of STXFormer, the software 8-bit emulator) has stated that
- he is/was working on a software ST emulator for 80xx6 platforms. The
- "Gemulator" can supposedly blow an ST out of the water on a 486. I have not
- heard a followup on this for some time (I read about it in Current Notes
- some months ago). This should be interesting if it ever appears . . . .
- --
- ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------
- Mickey R. Boyd | "Kirk to Enterprise. All clear
- FSU Computer Science | down here. Beam down
- Technical Support Group | yeoman Rand and a six-pack . ."
- email: boyd@nu.cs.fsu.edu |
- ---------------------------------+-------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 91 06:39:04 GMT
- From: netcomsv!seitz@decwrl.dec.com (Matthew Seitz)
- Subject: ESDI harddrive
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <8774@squire.cme.nist.gov> chang@lurch.cme.nist.gov (Forrest Chang)
- writes:
- >
- >I figure I'll have to get an atari->scsi host adpater and then a scsi
- >to EDSI [sic] adapter if such a beast.
- Yes, there is such a thing as an ESDI to SCSI adapter. My company uses the
- Emulex MD-23 ESDI-SCSI controllers. Each MD-23 allows up to four ESDI drives
- to be accessed from the SCSI bus. One nice benefit of this approach is that
- the four ESDI drives share just one SCSI ID (they have different SCSI LUNs).
- Theoretically, one could hook up 28 ESDI drives to your system this way.
- In theory, this should work. However, I have never attempted to use an MD-23
- to hook an ESDI drive to an ST.
- --
- Matthew Seitz
- seitz@netcom.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 91 08:23:14 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!csd4.csd.uwm.edu!ninjam@arizona.edu
- Subject: Gif viewer
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Does anyone kow where I can get ahold of a GIF viewer for my 520 st?
- Thanks.........
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 91 11:55:23 GMT
- From:
- arizona.edu!cerritos.edu!orion.oac.uci.edu!usc!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!@
- arizona.edu (LarsErikOsterud)
- Subject: Mega/STE Screen Shifting
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- The last weeks several people having the same trouble with their
- new MEGA STE has asked me how we fixed mine, and I hope this file
- can help you fix it. It's really the best machine Atari has made
- so it would be terrible not to have it in perfect condition :-)
- Errors on DMA-sound and video on MEGA STE - HOW WE FIXED IT !
- """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
- Here's a summary of what we found at service in Norway.
- First - the errors on both machines we discovered were:
- - Static/noise on DMA sound and MIXed standard ST sound.
- - Sync-problems when using Spectrum512 pictures (vertical bars).
- - Vertical flickering bars on monochrome (most at 8 MHz).
- - Right edge of monochrome screen "flips" over to left edge
- when changing screen adress/resolution in mono-mode.
- We tried to find a chip that could be the cause of all these
- problems and found a big VLSI chip partly hidden under the right
- edge of the VME-card holder. It's chip U502 on my MEGA STE and
- is called GSTSHIFTER on the print-layout. After looking at the
- print-layout on both MEGA STE and standard STE we found the same
- chip on standard STE, a combined sound/video chip but with a totally
- different part-number. Anyway, we removed the original MEGA STE
- chip (made in 1990) and replaced in with the STE chip (from 1989)
- and all the problems were gone. If you want to "steal" a chip from
- a standard STE it's chip U401 inside the STE (still GSTSHIFTER).
- Disclaimer: Even though this solved the problems for us it might not
- work for all MEGA STE's and you do this at your own risk
- (I still would like Atari Corp to give some official information on
- this. It's not "ONLY YOUR MACHINE" anymore. It's quite a few...)
- Lars-Erik / Registered Developer / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______
- 0sterud / w/ Atari Scandinavia / larserio@ifi.uio.no / /___ /
- __________/ _______________________/ ______________________/ ____/ /
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Sep 91 01:49:00 GMT
- From: ubc-cs!fornax!wolfgang@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Wolfgang Jung)
- Subject: Problems upgrading to 4M (was SIMMS from a Mac SE into an ST?)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <A1290082101@thelake.mn.org> steve@thelake.mn.org (Steve Yelvington)
- writes:
- >[In article <1991Sep21.030908.985@cs.sfu.ca>,
- > wolfgang@cs.sfu.ca (Wolfgang Jung) writes ... ]
- >
- > > My feeling of this is that you NEED (i never read you did) to remove or
- > > at least deactivate the 256K Chips , which normaly reside in BANK 0
- > > In the case you forgot that, the hardware gets into VERY big Trouble when
- > > reading from the rams at an Address greater than 512K. If you leave the
- > > HIGH Address line unconnected (MAD10 i think) the system reads and writes
- > > into the same bytes, which shouldn't make any Problems.
- >
- >How do you do this (temporarily)? I have an old nearly-original 520 (with
- >modulator, without floppy) that has a half-populated Tech Specialties
- >piggyback board. I'd like to bring it up to 4MB, since chips are
- >practically free these days, but to do so I need to disable bank 0. I'd
- >like to do that without having to get a bunch of chips desoldered -- in
- >case it doesn't work and I have to restore the original setup.
- There are 3 Lines which need to be disconnected to the old chips and
- also to be set to a certain Level (Are they High or low activ, if High active
- tie them via a 1Kohm Resistor to GND and if activ low tie them via a resistor
- same type to +5V) The Lines are CAS0H CAS0L RAS0. You need those for the
- SIMMS, and normaly there are resistors via which CAS0H and CAS0L are connected
- so there is an easy way to re/connect them if nescassary.. RAS0 (also RAS1)
- has no resistor to use for this kind of thing, BUT it shoulb be running OK
- without disconnecting RAS0, becasue only in conjunction with the CAS lines
- the RAMS get selected and selects the specific BITS, it will refresh those
- old 256K Rams but that should't cause any Problems, except for the
- loading the MMU (depends on the builddate .. I think the oldest are the
- ones which are capable of accepting the MOST load..
- Bye
- Wolfgang
- --
- Note: Please Use woju@cs.sfu.ca as Address after Monday the 9th Sept
- After 25th Sept mail to woju@mist.sub.org
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Atari16 Digest
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