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- Info-Atari16 Digest Sun, 29 Sep 91 Volume 91 : Issue 516
- Today's Topics:
- ARJ? K.I.S.S.!
- digitzing video for DTP
- Is Maple still available?
- lharc 2.01e vs. zoo 2.1: some tests (2 msgs)
- More Lies From Atari?
- People dumping machines (was.. Atari Mega 2 system.. for sale)
- Sozobon > 1.2
- Spectrum spazz on TOS 1.62/STe?
- ST System 4SALE
- Zoo with GEM interface (Was: Re: ARJ? K.I.S.S.!) (2 msgs)
- Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 91 02:57:34 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!sdd.hp.com!spool.mu.edu!cs.umn.edu!thelake!steve@ariz
- ona.edu (Steve Yelvington)
- Subject: ARJ? K.I.S.S.!
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- [In article <BAMMI.91Sep27170754@acae127.cadence.com>,
- bammi@acae127.cadence.com (Jwahar R. Bammi) writes ... ]
- > In article <A1908217657@thelake.mn.org> steve@thelake.mn.org (Steve
- Yelvington) writes:
- >
- >> Any program with a reasonable structure (i.e., main is used as a top-level
- >> flow-control module) should be easy to GEM-ify by adding
- >>
- >> if (argc == 0)
- >> gem();
- >>
- > arghhh! dont do this. if args are not available, in the gcc
- > startup module, it still creates argv[0] == "", so the min value
- > of argc a program will ever see is 1. this is true for acc startup
- > too. the reason for doing this is that it is required by Posix (in
- > case you were thinking that these guys just made a random decision :-)
- Urk ... I've really got to quit taking catnaps at the keyboard. I don't
- know who sneaked up behind me and typed that. :-)
- Of course, argc is always > 0, Posix or not. That should read something
- like this:
- #if GEM
- if (argc == 1)
- gem(); /* alternative user interface */
- #endif
- --
- Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota
- steve@thelake.mn.org (In winter we walk on water)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Sep 91 13:22:45 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!n8emr!blue
- moon!bart@arizona.edu (Bart Jaszcz)
- Subject: ATARI ON TV
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- dhbutler@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (David Butler) writes:
- > This may be old hat, but if anyone ever watched Friday The 13th., The Series
- > (great show), you should have noticed that every computer in it (at least tha
- > I ever saw) was an Atari ST! Pretty neat huh? Does anyone know what happened
- > this show, it used to be on FOX, and I can't find it anymore, makes me wish I
- > had recorded all the episodes...
- >
- > - David Butler -
- >
- > "innagaddadaviddababy"
- Yeah, it was a great show. I remember the episode about the healing
- glove, where a 1040ST was shown pretty well. The guy who lived on a ship
- was working on it even, when the action was taking place on that ship.
- I've seen the ST on a couple of other shows, and even on PBS once or
- twice.
- This is from
- bart@bluemoon.rn.com
- bart@bluemoon.uucp
- who doesn't have their own obnoxious signature yet
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 91 09:38:40 GMT
- From: kawakami%ocf.berkeley.edu@ucbvax.berkeley.edu (John Kawakami)
- Subject: digitzing video for DTP
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- NetQuestion...
- I would like to digitize video for use in DTP type applications. How
- should I go about this?
- Background and conditions:
- I'm using an ST as a Mac via Spectre GCR and as a regular ST. I am about
- to look into purchasing a camcorder from a friend. I see this as a prime
- opportunity to start using digitized graphics in my documents. However,
- I am also in the process of phasing out my ST.
- "Dumping the ST!?!?" Well, sort of. Right now, I have a 520ST, 4MB RAM
- (JRI SIMM board), GCR, modem, hard drive (Syquest coming soon), printer,
- and probably a DEKA real soon. I would like to "upgrade" to a MAC by
- moving all the peripherals to a Mac and using the ST for something else
- (maybe a BBS or something). The ST would remain a working system, but I
- would probably stop buying things for it. At this point, I would like to
- stop purchasing ST specific products. I realize this may not be possible
- with an ST digitizer.
- What I would like to do is digitize video, use the graphic in other
- programs or documents, and print the document out. I would like to
- import the graphic into Mac Word 4.0, Superpaint 2, and HyperCard on
- the Mac; WordFlair II and Calamus on the ST. I don't care if the
- digitizer does only black and white, as long as I can get a good
- image. More than 16 gray shades would be nice. I would like it if it
- did not take up the cartridge slot. The software MUST work with a mono
- monitor.
- What digitizer is best for me, and what additional software would I
- need?
- John Kawakami kawakami@ocf.berkeley.edu
- ucbvax!ocf.berkeley.edu!kawakami
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Sep 91 21:08:40 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!mips!news.cs.indiana.edu!nstn.ns.ca!ac.dal.ca
- !cordes@arizona.edu
- Subject: Is Maple still available?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Sep28.164405.23756@noose.ecn.purdue.edu>,
- yegerleh@vivaldi.ecn.purdue.edu (James D Yegerlehner) writes:
- > Hello Everyone,
- > Once a long time ago someone in Canada posted that he had bought "Maple"
- > for his ST at a school bookstore. I have never seen this program
- > advertised for the ST; does anyone know if it is still available?
- > Is it a full GEM implementation?
- >
- I don't know, I would suspect commandline.
- > As I understand it, Maple is a math program like Mathematica that does
- > symbolic and numeric manipulations (as against something like Mathcad
- > which is entirely numeric).
- >
- Right. I think Maple 4.2 was the last ST version produced.
- John Cordes
- Dept. of Physics
- Dalhousie University
- Halifax, N.S., Canada B3H 3J5
- email: cordes@ac.dal.ca
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Sep 91 23:03:42 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!sun-barr!lll-winken!aunro!ersys!mforget@arizona.
- edu (Michel Forget)
- Subject: lharc 2.01e vs. zoo 2.1: some tests
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- rosenkra@convex.com (William Rosenkranz) writes:
- [a very long meesage which the system reports as too long to follow-up
- to. In it, he states several points which I will paraphrase.]
- 1. Thomas Quester may have violated the porting agreement designed by
- the original author of Lharc by not supplying source code.
- You really want that code, don't you? Two points come to mind, though.
- The first is to question whether or not he made a new agreement with the
- author of Lharc. He might have, you know. The second is to wonder
- whether or not changing the language is the same as changing the code.
- The end result is the same, isn't it? The porting agreement may have
- meant that changes to the -compression- code or the changing of the
- -functions- of Lharc must be distributed. These two points are only
- speculation, though.
- 2. I myself may have been biased in suggesting that your tests were
- biased.
- This is possible, but not likely. I really don't care much one way or
- the other about which is better. I use Lharc right now because it is the
- best available. If I thought ZOO was better, I wouldn't hesitate to
- switch. Zip also gives about the same compression and the same speed as
- Lharc and Zoo. So far, Lharc has been the most reliable program for the
- ST in the compression area. It also has a lot of really nice features.
- 3. Lharc may have a problem with time-stamps.
- This I doubt. I have been using Lharc for a while now, and I have never
- experienced the problem. I have TOS 1.4, as did the other user who
- mentioned he had no problems. I think it might be your version of TOS.
- While I think Lharc should prabably work with the other TOS systems for
- completeness, but I won't carp about it. TOS 1.2 and 1.0 should be fazed
- out of use anyway.
- 4. Assembly code doesn't provide a large speed improvement.
- This is normal. C is very close to assembly, so the speed improvement
- wouldn't be that big. On the other hand, it is a great deal faster than
- Pascal or Modula-2 or Basic.
- I hope I have managed to address some of your major points.
- << ---------------------------------- >>
- << ersys!mforget@nro.cs.athabascau.ca >>
- << mforget@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca >>
- << Michel Forget >>
- << "He's dead, Jim..." - Bones >>
- << ---------------------------------- >>
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 91 03:50:43 GMT
- From: noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!convex!rosenkra@arizona.edu (William Rosenkranz)
- Subject: lharc 2.01e vs. zoo 2.1: some tests
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <V9a192w164w@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca> mforget@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
- (Michel Forget) writes:
- >rosenkra@convex.com (William Rosenkranz) writes:
- >You really want that code, don't you? Two points come to mind, though.
- note: whenever i mention "unix", substitue VMS or CMS or anything else.
- i just happen to use unix. others may use something else (non-TOS).
- yes, i _really_ want the source to ANY archiver i use. just to make sure
- that 10 years from now, when i have a non-atari system, i can always get at
- my 100's of MB of files (by a recompile of the program on the new system).
- is that _so_ tough for you to swallow? i have a HUGE investment in data,
- don't you? and do you think the 8mhz 68k will live forever? i would not even
- bet that half the computer companies in business today (eg atari) will be in
- 5 years. who knows? why take a chance when such a trivial solution exists.
- unix lharc will NOT extract lh5 archives. unless you have one that does.
- if so PLEASE POST IT!!!!!!! from what i understand, lh5 is only implemented
- in assembler even on the PC since it was so slow there. a really stupid
- thing to do, IMHO since it makes it non-portable. if anything, it should
- have been both (c and asm).
- >The first is to question whether or not he made a new agreement with the
- >author of Lharc. He might have, you know. The second is to wonder
- ok, i will contact yoshi myself and find this out. what do you want me
- to do: have yoshi _force_ the source to be released? i am asking
- politely.
- >whether or not changing the language is the same as changing the code.
- changing the code is changing the code. edit 1 line and i figure that
- is a change. it is not the same as before. here we have _huge_ sections
- of the code changed. there is no doubt that the code _has_ changed.
- >the other about which is better. I use Lharc right now because it is the
- >best available. If I thought ZOO was better, I wouldn't hesitate to
- good for you. use lharc all u want. what i am arguing about is a "standard"
- for posts and files uploaded to public archives on the net. what you do at
- home or wherever is none of my (or anyone elses) business. and i don't care
- what happens on BBS's either. only atari.archive and panarthea (or whatever
- the comp.{binaries,sources}.atari.st archive calls itself these days).
- everything else is of no concern to me, tho it might be to others.
- >switch. Zip also gives about the same compression and the same speed as
- >Lharc and Zoo. So far, Lharc has been the most reliable program for the
- hardly. lharc on the ST is unreliable. read my post more carefully.
- >3. Lharc may have a problem with time-stamps.
- >
- >This I doubt. I have been using Lharc for a while now, and I have never
- >experienced the problem. I have TOS 1.4, as did the other user who
- READ MY POST. i showed you the problem, unless you think i am lying to
- you. it does not work on my system, the biggest ST atari makes (mega 4
- with 80 MB of atari harddisks). zoo does. i preseted unedited results of
- directory listings after extraction. the date was wrong. lharc has a bug
- making it useless for people needing it to be accurate. PERIOD.
- that list of people includes any programmer who uses make, RCS, or similar
- tools.
- >mentioned he had no problems. I think it might be your version of TOS.
- so what. it should work on ALL TOS versions. otherwise it is hardly
- universal, or _reliable_ as you claim. it is not as i _showed_.
- >While I think Lharc should prabably work with the other TOS systems for
- >completeness, but I won't carp about it. TOS 1.2 and 1.0 should be fazed
- >out of use anyway.
- there are LOTS of people with TOS < 1.4. many people who write s/w for
- a living MUST maintain test systems just to make sure their software runs
- on all revs. your solution is to change the operating system to suit a
- buggy program. hardly what i would call rational. if i had the source
- (there he goes again :-) i could fix it and you would not here a peep
- out of me!
- >4. Assembly code doesn't provide a large speed improvement.
- >
- >This is normal. C is very close to assembly, so the speed improvement
- i was responding to another who insisted that lharc was written in asm
- for speed which i demonstrated is not inherently needed, unless of course
- you are actually striving for anit-portability :-).
- >I hope I have managed to address some of your major points.
- yes, however i think i still win the argument :-).
- and i really fail to see WHY the test itself was biased. _i_ might be,
- but how is the _test_ biased? i tried for equal footings by eliminating
- a potentially huge bias with hard disk (i _could_ have done the lharc
- test in a nearly full, highly fragmented partition on a slower disk
- and the zoo in a high speed empty partition, saying that "i ran both
- on a hard disk"). what actually was biased in the results? that i
- happened to pick a test which CRASHED MY MACHINE? that i happened to
- pick a test THAT PRODUCED INCORRECT TIMESTAMPS? that i happened to pick
- tests THAT SHOW ZOO IS AS FAST AND AS EFFICIENT? if you read the same
- thing in a trade rag, you would thing it was unbiased, i suspect. maybe
- i should have submitted the article anonymously :-). i tried to be
- EXTREMELY detailed in my reporting. i do benchmarking for a living.
- maybe less IS more.
- when you accuse the test of being biased, be specific. name calling ("oh,
- rosenkranz posted that, he is biased"), tho i _did_ invite it, is useless...
- -bill
- rosenkra@convex.com
- --
- Bill Rosenkranz |UUCP: {uunet,texsun}!convex!rosenkra
- Convex Computer Corp. |ARPA: rosenkra@convex.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 91 02:00:19 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!unix.cis.p
- itt.edu!gatech!prism!gt1448b@arizona.edu (David P. Forrai)
- Subject: More Lies From Atari?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <9511@cactus.org> covert@cactus.org (Richard Covert) writes:
- .. stuff deleted ...
- >Atari sells many products overseas that can not pass the USA FCC
- >inspection here. I wonder why that is so? Are radiation emissions
- >tests more restrictive here in the USA then in Europe? why does
- >atari have some many recurring problems passing FCC tests?
- FCC testing IS a real problem. My father in-law is getting into the
- business of testing computers for the FCC. Why? Because there are only
- 4 other businesses who do so. He said that when the FCC approves his
- company (the hard part), he will instantly have $15,000 in his pocket.
- >--
- >Richard E. Covert covert@cactus.org
- >CACTUS ..!cs.utexas.edu!cactus.org!covert
- --
- David P. Forrai
- uucp: ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!gt1448b
- Internet: gt1448b@prism.gatech.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Sep 91 19:03:40 GMT
- From: crabapple.srv.cs.cmu.edu!redmond@pt.cs.cmu.edu (Redmond English)
- Subject: People dumping machines (was.. Atari Mega 2 system.. for sale)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Sep27.143553.27920@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
- dhbutler@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (David Butler) writes:
- >One thing I have noticed about the computer world is that there are a lot of
- >real bone-heads in it, like as in thick skulls. Atari and Amiga users are the
- >WORST of the lot.Get off your high-horses guys, you are arguing over a hunk of
- >frigging silicone and some wires! That's right, go home, look at your ST, and
- ~~~~~~~~
- >think about what it really is, a lump of PLASTIC and METAL, and that is all,it
- >has no importance. GET A LIFE! All computers are good a different things, and
- >that is all there is to it! I like them all, I use them all (although the
- >consulting lab I work at during the day recently got rid of the Amigas, rats)
- [..stuff deleted]
- Fascinating! My ST uses SILICON ! No silicone in sight ! Silicones are a
- class of compounds with the formula (R2SiO)n where R is any hydrocarbon
- group. Silicones are used as water-repellents, laquers, lubricants, resins,
- artificial breast augmentation etc. but they ain't semiconductors!
- Anyway, this aside I believe David has missed the point. I think the original
- poster was saying that you can get Mac compatability at less cost than buying
- a Mac - no comment about what was *better*, just *cheaper*.
- Something else I find curious - David seems to believe that arguing about
- arguing about computers is inherently better than merely arguing about
- computers. I think it is even more futile!
- David also says that different computers are good for different things. Does
- anybody know what Intel architecture machines are good for (other than running
- DOS software, which is rather a circular argument) ? I mean in a computing
- senses - "As a doorstop" is not quite the type of answer I'm looking for.
- Red/.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Sep 91 22:40:44 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!sun-barr!lll-winken!aunro!ersys!mforget@arizona.edu
- (Michel Forget)
- Subject: Sozobon > 1.2
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- agostino@concour.cs.concordia.ca (Agostino Deligia) writes:
- >
- >
- > Hi,
- >
- > Anyone on the net know when the next version ( > 1.2 ) of Sozobon will
- > be released? Someone mentioned a couple of weeks ago that it was going to be
- > released in a couple of weeks :~) but nothing has shown up in
- > comp.binaries.atari.st or atari.archive.umich.edu.
- >
- > Thanx for any info,
- > ad
- >
- > --
- > Agostino Deligia
- > agostino@concour.cs.concordia.ca
- > It was the best of .sigs, it was the worst of .sigs...
- The person who mentioned it was Steve Yelvington. The place where he
- receives his E-Mail is *VERY* hard to reach. Every message I send takes
- about five days for him to receive it. First it gets bounced back with
- the message "host unknown" and then he usually gets it a few days later.
- The few times we have been able to get mail to each other, he mentioned
- that the author (Ian Lepore (sp?)) decided that he was going to make a
- few more modifications to it since he was going to release a new version
- anyway. A version (that has a few problems) is available from MAST for
- $4 US. I sent away for it, but haven't gotten a reply yet. I'm not sure
- if it will take 4-6 weeks like a mail-order service or if they handle the
- packages within three days (like magazine). This Monday, the letter will
- have been in their hands for 14 days. I sent it Special Delivery (3 days
- guaranteed) so I know that it should have arrived two weeks ago counting
- from this coming Monday.
- Anyway, I hope this helps to answer your question. The version from MAST
- is 1.6xx.
- << ---------------------------------- >>
- << ersys!mforget@nro.cs.athabascau.ca >>
- << mforget@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca >>
- << Michel Forget >>
- << "He's dead, Jim..." - Bones >>
- << ---------------------------------- >>
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Sep 91 05:07:03 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!usc!chaph.usc.edu!aludra.usc.edu!rjung@arizona.edu
- (Robert Jung)
- Subject: Spectrum spazz on TOS 1.62/STe?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Hi. I just recently got myself a 520STe with TOS 1.62 installed. I notice,
- though, that whenever I try to load in Spectrum 512 pictures, they get columns
- of black or white pixels running at random (and not aesthetically pleasing)
- places along the image.
- I imagine that this is due to some inconsistency with the Spectrum picture
- display routine and TOS 1.62/the 4096 STe palette. Does anyone know of a patch
- or solution for this problem that I can use? Any information would be
- appreciated.
- --R.J.
- B-)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ## # Send replies to rjung@usc.edu
- # ## #
- ## ## ## I wrote this. If you've got a comment, give
- #### ## #### it to me and let's cut out the middleman.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Sep 91 15:06:24 GMT
- From: dg!chan@uunet.uu.net (Allen Chan)
- Subject: ST System 4SALE
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Hardware: 1 meg memory, color monitor, dual sided
- floppy drive, 30 meg harddrive, MIDI, etc.
- Langauges: Pascal, Modula-2, LISP, 68K macro assembler.
- Tools: Unix, multitasking package, communications package,
- VT100 emulator.
- Applications: Word processor with real time spell checker,
- 1-2-3 like spreadsheet with write 90, database, CAD program.
- Books & Manuals: 68K programmer's books, TOS BIOS book, system
- manuals, applications manuals.
- Fun Stuff: Music program, copy protection breaker, two
- draw programs, too many games to mention.
- works perfectly. Sell whole system or parts.
- $950/bo for whole system. call Allen w 508-870-9875, h 508-820-7236
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 29 Sep 91 14:53:12 ADT
- From: Alyre CHIASSON <CHIASSA@UDEM.mvs.unb.ca>
- To: N <info-atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu>
- Is there any kind of support for the Atari Laser printer that
- comes with Supercharger?
- .
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Sep 91 19:32:26 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-sta
- te.edu!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!ncoast!bjsjr@arizona.edu (Bill Shroka)
- Subject: Zoo with GEM interface (Was: Re: ARJ? K.I.S.S.!)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Sep27.154722.11915@convex.com> rosenkra@convex.com (William
- Rosenkranz) writes:
- >
- >tho i trust bill shroka and the atari guys to "do the right thing", i
- >still prefer rainer's suggestion for a separate GEM shell for archivers.
- >with virtually any other sort of program, be my guest (not that i am
- >some sort of programming cop) and load it up with GEM functionality.
- >this is actually a good idea IMHO.
- Since I am not a very big fan of GEM, you can be sure that I will think
- this matter over very thoroughly. I won't add any internal GEM interface
- just to be trendy, but there is a large demand for one (on GEnie). Perhaps
- when Rainer's Arcgshell is updated, or when Steve Yelvington completes (if
- it's not already completed) ZOOSHELL, this demand will subside.
- >i just get shivers down my spine when i think about proposals to muck
- >around with archivers. i can easily see someone else picking the code
- >up and introducing incompatibilities in it, even inadvertantly. and
- >i think this paranoia of mine is at least somewhat justified since we
- >have a track record for doing this (lharc). if atari would maintain
- >the only "official" GEM version of zoo, this, too, would be acceptable.
- >
- >before screwing around with zoo, i would URGE you to contact zoo's owner
- >and check with him on this issue. i believe the copyright restrictions
- >in zoo should be looked at as well. any changes to zoo that make it
- >incompatible require you to stop calling it zoo. at a minimum, you should
- >bounce back these changes to rahul dhesi so he can incorporate them in
- >the next "official" zoo release, properly #ifdef'ed for atari...
- When R. Dhesi contacted me about incorporating my version of Zoo into the
- "mainstream" version he seemed very open-minded. Simply stated, he sends
- me the new version of the source, I make it work on the Atari and send it
- back to him. He then releases the source on one of the sources newsgroups.
- As long as any GEM code lives within atari.c, I don't forsee any problems
- but I would definately check with Rahul first.
- >flame away...
- >
- >-bill
- >rosenkra@convex.com
- >
- >--
- >Bill Rosenkranz |UUCP: {uunet,texsun}!convex!rosenkra
- >Convex Computer Corp. |ARPA: rosenkra@convex.com
- --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bill Shroka
- bjsjr@NCoast.ORG
- uunet!usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu!ncoast!bjsjr
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Sep 91 19:43:45 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs
- .ohio-state.edu!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!ncoast!bjsjr@arizona.edu (Bill Shroka)
- Subject: Zoo with GEM interface (Was: Re: ARJ? K.I.S.S.!)
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <90475@bu.edu> harryk@bucsf.bu.edu (Harry Karayiannis) writes:
- [stuff deleted]
- >
- > Speaking of Zoo, I had some problems with it last night. Being sick of the
- >zillions variations of lharc I decided to unpack all my .lzh files and zoo them
- >with zoo ver 2.1. (since the compression is about the same, and zoo is
- >guaranteed to work on all platforms) But altough the first couple of times it
- >was doing fine, suddenly it stoped working properly: I was trying to create a
- >new archive-file containing the files of a directory andf zoo2.1 gave me 3
- >bombs. I used the command: zoo21 ah// x.zoo dir (actually I was experimenting
- >with the command line). The thing is that zoo21 bombed me every time I tried to
- >commpress files maintining the full path-names......while zoo2.01 was doing
- >that without problem (but the compression was significantly lower).
- >
- > Anyway, I think I read in this newsgroup that the version of zoo 2.1 stored
- >on atari.archive (I got my copy from there) has some problems..
- >Do I remember correctly? If yes,. could someone please tell me where can find
- >a "clean" copy of zoo ver 2.1?
- You should be able to find it on atari.archive in the comp.binaries.atari.st
- directory. If that's the version you're already using, then contact me via
- E-mail and we'll see if we can find out what's wrong.
- --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bill Shroka
- bjsjr@NCoast.ORG
- uunet!usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu!ncoast!bjsjr
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Atari16 Digest
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