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- Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 28 Nov 91 Volume 91 : Issue 623
- Today's Topics:
- *.lst files? What kind of basic???
- Atari ST DEAD ?
- Atari Sys 5 Unix- any owners out there? (2 msgs)
- Binkley ST ?
- coming soon: Son of Welcome ...
- GNU C - What do I *really* need to use it? (2 msgs)
- InterNet to FidoNet
- NEED SM124
- networking the STs
- PageStream 2.1
- QuickST sales
- Wanted: MWC, Personal Paal & GFA Basic
- Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
- cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed
- out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages
- to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU.
- Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to
- Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list
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- If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly
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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 28 Nov 91 04:15:55 GMT
- From: agate!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!wsu-cs!vela!swood@ames.arpa ( EVENSONG)
- Subject: *.lst files? What kind of basic???
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I have not really done any basic work on the ST, other than with
- the interpretive version that comes with the original package. I ran into
- some source code the other day, however for a version of uucico for the
- ST that is written in what appears to be basic and I was wondering if
- anyone knew what it might be, or perhaps if someone could compile my
- modified version for me? The file has a suffix of .lst and has no line
- numbers. Anyway, if anyone can help me out, I would appreciate it...
- swood
- --
- ---- Insert favorite .signature here ---- | swood@argo.acs.oakland.edu
- | swood@vela.acs.oakland.edu
- Bitnet: swood@Oakland | swood@unix.secs.oakland.edu
- UUCP: ...!uunet!umich!{vela, argo, unix, nucleus}!swood
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Nov 91 11:11:12 GMT
- From: mcsun!uknet!warwick!kingpol!cs_a206@uunet.uu.net (Richard Smart)
- Subject: Atari ST DEAD ?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I am supprised that the Atari st has not died for the more
- favourable Amiga 500 series. The atari is such a bad machine
- that I am supprised people buy it !!!
- Atari St's are great for the following functions.
- > Door Wedges
- > Sleeping Policemen
- > Toilet Paper Holders
- > A 512K Printer Buffer
- > A Dust Absorber
- > A Source Of Electronics for your HAIRDRYER ?
- > A Sign Of Poverty
- > A Tax Dodger
- p.s.
- Q > what is the differance between the ST and the SPECTRUM ?
- A > The midi ports !!!
- Should ST's be put in the newsgroup rec.humor instead because they are all
- jokes.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Nov 91 21:45:33 GMT
- From: uvm-gen!griffin!pegram@uunet.uu.net (Robert B. Pegram)
- Subject: Atari Sys 5 Unix- any owners out there?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- From article <1991Nov27.200158.4490@elroy.jpl.nasa.gov>, by
- hyc@hanauma.jpl.nasa.gov (Howard Chu):
- Howard rebuts Rich Covert effectively and ends......
- > There's a company called Cygnus that provides commercial support for the
- > GNU tools. This complaint is groundless.
- >>
- >>But hay, pay out the $6 to $8 grand that an Atari Sys V development
- >>system would cost. I would rather pay the same bucks and buy a Mac IIFX
- >>with Apple's A/UX. At least I know Apple will be around for awhile!!
- >
- > Um... Yeah. Apple A/UX sucks. The Mac //fx had (has?) serious motherboard
- > design flaws, making its (lack-of) reliability rival that of the original
- > thin Macs. Not to mention the slowness of the //fx memory and I/O buses.
- > You carp about the TT's 16 MHz bus not being fast enough for an I/O
- > intensive Unix system. The //fx doesn't have DMA SCSI. The main RAM is
- > accessed with *9* wait states. No burst mode access to RAM. That nice 40 MHz
- > processor is being slowed to an effective 11.4 MHz due to memory latency.
- > (Now you know why so many 3rd party companies are making $$$ selling
- > puny little 64K cache cards for the Macs...) A //fx would make a laughable
- > Unix machine.
- > --
- > -- Howard Chu @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
- Howard, no more please! I'll bust a gut! I haven't laughed
- so much over a posting for a LONG time 8-). I knew some of what you
- point out, (lack of DMA and flakey Un*x) but not the whole picture.
- Sure, other Macs are better than that particular overated toy for
- people with more money than computer savvy (to be somewhat charitable
- about it 8-), but what a joke! Remember too folks, Macs have only
- recently gotten the capability to run any sort of decent "shell
- script" (dunno what Apple would call that 8-) under the finder, SYS
- 7.0X is too slow for Mac classics (and Spectres too, oh well), and the
- Nubus usually runs at 10Mhz synchronous, not quite at processor speed,
- hmmm? Note: I'm getting a little out of my depth here, possibly the
- bus bursts to twice that speed. I believe that several 030 Macs have
- non 32-bit clean ROMS, and Apple is not issuing new 32-bit clean ROMs
- even for those machines where you *can* replace them (and you thought
- Atari was bad 8-). Perhaps someone thought that only big ole IBM was
- going to benefit from the unlikely alliance announced recently?
- Seriously, we all really need a new generation of machines,
- but unfortunately, they have to run most all the old stuff. It's an
- argument for hairy virtual machine OSes (as OS/2 2.0 is purported to
- be) or for people to start putting out the source code along with
- their software opuses. Richard Stallman isn't crazy after all eh?
- Yipes, I guess I'm too near the border! 8-) 8-) I can really see a
- market for buying up the source and licenses for old, but beloved
- programs, and fixing them up, or even porting them over to the latest
- machine. In my case, I'd fix the cntrl-E bug in WordUP real fast!
- (Hope Atari eventually rereleases it with a heavy dose of SPEED and
- FSM GDOS, but I'm not holding my breath 8-).
- On the other hand, an STFM or STE is a very practical home
- machine, especially in Europe, where SCART connectors are available.
- Right now, in the U.S.A., available commercial software is cheap and of
- fair quality, there's just not much of it! Buy a mono monitor for
- $150 or so (or the Nec Greyscale monitor mentioned recently), a 520STE
- for $350, and maybe a new Supra 50Meg hard drive from EABCO for $400,
- (I know, STEs and Supra host adaptors don't always get along) total
- is $900, and if you don't need one or more of these things, so much
- the better. Oh yeah, better get at least 2Megs of Ram SIMMs for %$80,
- total $980. Or instead, you could go for a mega STe for just a little
- bit more. I happen to think that it beats out the alternatives - a
- cheap Mac (small screen), a cheap Amiga (those probably still flicker
- 8-) or a cheap 386SX clone. (I really hate that stupid 640K barrier!
- you can get around it with $$$$ for your own stuff, but not for every
- program you run, like on an ST 8-). That joke of an IBM home machine,
- the 286 PS1 isn't even in the running! Unfortunately, STes and such are
- probably still not in Toys R us or other mass market outlets, where
- they belong now, nor will Atari be able to make them in enough numbers
- to put them there for real (see I'm a realist - sometimes 8-).
- Guess I had to get that off of my chest stepping off soap box now 8-)8-).
- Bob Pegram
- --
- pegram@uvm.edu
- or
- ..!uvm-gen!pegram
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Nov 91 16:23:28 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!yale.edu!ox.com!umich!sharkey!wybbs!
- therip!FredGate@arizona.edu (Rod Fulk)
- Subject: Atari Sys 5 Unix- any owners out there?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- RC> In article <1991Nov25.043247.3286@cs.wayne.edu>
- RC> pbh@jake.cc.wayne.edu (Patrick Haggood) writes:
- >I just got back from the ATARI show in Chicago,; got to see the Atari
- >Unix box up close and personal. Let me tell you; IT IS REAL PRETTY!
- >I have a few questions for any owners of this machine out there, and
- >would appreciate corresponding with you about developing X applications
- >on this machine. Please email me either here or at the GENIE address
- >below. Thanks in advance.
- >
- >--
- >Genie - P.HAGGOOD2 Internet -
- >pbh@jake.cc.wayne.edu
- >PRODIGY - Not anymore, Jackson. Bitnet - phaggoo@waynest1
- >Phone - (313) 577-0669
- RC> I have developed under a half dozen different UNIX
- RC> machines in the lasst ten years. All the way back to
- RC> the original AT&T 3B2 when I worked at Bell Labs.
- RC> I have to wonder just how serious a UNIX workstation is
- RC> if it is from Atari.
- In my unix class we used one of those 3b2's and it had an 80 meg HD on it.. With
- 8 users on it you could ALMOST work on it.. I have a system local to me that is
- running a 25 mhz '386 with non-dma input and like 4meg memory or maybe a little
- more. His system is very responsive. You can't even tell when 5 users are on
- it. I am sure with a few more users it would probly be the same result.
- RC> First, the TT is a bit underpowered seeing as how it is basically just
- RC> a 16MHz 68030. Oh I know the CPU is running at 32MHz but the I/O buss
- RC> is still 16MHz and UNIX is VERY I/O intensive (can you
- RC> say disk swapping?).
- Underpowered?? a 16mhz 68030 would work at the speed of a 25mhz '486 roughly.
- Also realize that the fast memory on the tt is all at 33mhz. This also includes
- DMA scsi access to the fast memory.. The graphics, keyboard and such might be
- at 16mhz but from what I understand the 68030 and the scsi connector are both
- tied to fast memory and can really fly. (THey are not the fastest 68030
- machines out there.. Recall that you can expand a mega up to past TT speeds
- with the SST board and such.. Those machines shou
- ld be able to run unix also.) My understanding is that most of the disk swapping
- is due to needing more memory and the disk is used instead of normal memory..
- The TT has many BIG memory upgrades. I have seen people mention they have
- products to add 10 meg of ST memory (Same as CHIP memory) and 32 meg of TT ram
- (Or FAST ram.) With one of these upgrades the machine should excel.
- RC> Also, their UNIX X Windows pack requires the $1,000 monochrome monitor
- RC> as the native TT color resolutions aren't high enough to support decent
- RC> X Windows.
- Maybe retail but with discounting the monitor should be ALOT less. (PS, try
- buying a monitor for ANY computer with that type of resolution... Its gonna
- cost ya.. ON a mac it would be over $3k to add such a screen.)
- By thhe way.. since when is 640x480x16 not enough? (Course I never have used
- xwindows but I understand how they work..) You can also get one of the $800
- graphics boards that give you 24bits of color (not sure on the size of screens
- but should be able to use the standard color monitor in most cases.)
- RC> And Atari is shipping the GNU compilers, which while excellent are NOT
- RC> commerically supported compilers. Try getting technical support if the
- RC> compiler breaks and you don't have access to USENET. Do you want to spend
- RC> your precious development time debugging your development tools or
- RC> writing your project? Thats why you need professional, commerically
- RC> supported compilers and debuggers.
- A unix machine without access to usenet? Unless the person bough unix for his
- own personal use EVERYONE using unix SHOULD be tied into usenet. (If
- bussinesses can afford to set someone up to run unix for them and maintain it
- then the cost in accessing usenet should be no big deal. YOu can call to any
- one of many sites and gather mail. Its NOT that big a deal as long as the unix
- machine has a modem available. (We have dozens of unix machines in my area that
- I am aware of. Only a couple are not tied into use
- net and the system administrators of those have access to public systems with
- usenet. And if they wanted to add usenet support they could.)
- RC> But hay, pay out the $6 to $8 grand that an Atari Sys V development
- RC> system would cost. I would rather pay the same bucks and buy a Mac IIFX
- RC> with Apple's A/UX. At least I know Apple will be around for awhile!!
- If you use comparible prices for comparable computers you would pay like $8k for
- a full fledged Atari machine and a little over double that for a mac...
- As to support, you seriously think apple gives you that good of support?
- I worked for a company that got everything for the mac they could.
- However they were blocked out of any phone support. In order to get phone
- support you have to spend $700 to be a developer (PLus some annual maintanence
- fee I believe.) and you have to have access to Alink. (WHich costs an arm and a
- leg per hour.) Phone support is non-existant for their machine.
- And to remain a developer you have to sell a product within two years..
- Atleast with atari you can pay a small fee once and as long as you produce
- a commercial program every once in a while your fine. Or you can pay a small fee
- and a smaller fee for updates every year and still have dirrect access to them
- on GEnie. You can ALSO call the people who wrote the OS dirrectly if you
- have a really serious need for something...
- Try THAT with apple.
- * Origin: The R.I.P. (616)235-2313 [HST] (1:228/24)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Nov 91 01:14:16 GMT
- From: mcsun!uknet!slxsys!ibmpcug!demon!news@uunet.uu.net (Steven Green)
- Subject: Binkley ST ?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Now on 2.41 beta17 :-)
- - STeVeN (FidoNet 2:252/25, NeST 90:1004/0)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Nov 91 22:24:37 GMT
- From: sas!mozart.unx.sas.com!wagner.unx.sas.com!egon.unx.sas.com!snoret@mcnc.org
- (Rick Tatem)
- Subject: coming soon: Son of Welcome ...
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Nov27.122541.1@lapis.labmed.umn.edu>
- davidli@lapis.labmed.umn.edu writes:
- >Just a quick note to let all of you know that a =New= +improved+ Son of Welcome
- >to Comp.Sys.Atari.ST will be arriving at your local newsgroup Real Soon Now.
- >
- >:-)
- >
- >By the way, if any of you have hints, tips, questions-and-answers, stupid ST
- >tricks (did I miss anything?) which you would like to see appear in this
- >International Frequently-Asked-Questions List, please send them to me, quickly!
- >
- Ok...
- How about tips on setting up directory structures for the most
- often used applications? What I mean is, how does a new user
- go about setting up his hard drive directories in order to
- get the most out of gulam, sozobon C, mint, etc? Tips on
- things to include in an AUTO folder would help, also.
- (can you tell I need help ? :)
- Just a thought...
- Rick Tatem __-__ _
- snoret@unx.sas.com =========@ ============ *#__===___
- UNIX Support ___\\____ / /_ `'%%%%%%%%*#*--(0)---\
- SAS Institute, Inc. \______________{ @* @
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Nov 91 04:33:08 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!yale.edu!spool.mu.edu!agate!usenet.i
- ns.cwru.edu!wsu-cs!vela!swood@arizona.edu ( EVENSONG)
- Subject: GFA Basic WANTED
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Subject says it. I am looking for a version of GFA basic, as new as
- possible... (if you did not see in my previous posting, I think that
- is what I am after - after all, it is about time that I fill out my
- compiler collection)
- swood
- --
- ---- Insert favorite .signature here ---- | swood@argo.acs.oakland.edu
- | swood@vela.acs.oakland.edu
- Bitnet: swood@Oakland | swood@unix.secs.oakland.edu
- UUCP: ...!uunet!umich!{vela, argo, unix, nucleus}!swood
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Nov 91 02:23:13 GMT
- From: ub!@rutgers.rutgers.edu (Howard Chu)
- Subject: GNU C - What do I *really* need to use it?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <5s83BB1w164w@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca> mforget@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
- (Michel Forget) writes:
- >Hello,
- Howdy
- >
- >I will soon be buying a 1040STe with four megabytes of RAM, and I was
- >wondering if this would be suitable to run the gNU C software package.
- Sounds great.
- >The computer will have an AdSpeed STe in it, as well. I have a 30
- >Megabyte hard drive, of which I use about 10 megs. Would this be enough
- >to use the package? I've heard that it is big, but I can't see the
- Sounds really great. More than enough to run GCC or most any other
- application. You're only talking about 3-4 meg of space for GCC and
- headers and library files. With 4 meg of RAM, you can also afford a
- hefty RAM disk or cache (I'd say you can get great gains from 1 meg of
- RAM disk/cache combo. Header files, libraries, a couple executables on
- a RAM disk...)
- >package itself taking up 20 Megabytes of space on the HD. I also use
- >Data Diet, with a compression rate of about 40-45% overall, so that might
- >ease the burden alot. Also, where does one send away to get the package?
- >I saw an address once upon a time, but I can't remember it and don't know
- >if it is still valid. I also remember that a person had to send nineteen
- >disks as well. I *hope* they meant single sided...:)
- Hm.... Your best bet is with ftp, and the procedure is described in the
- monthly posting in this group, so I won't rehash it here.
- I'm quite bummed that my Ultradisk doesn't work with my STe. I use it on my
- Mega-4 instead. A 4 meg RAMdisk holds everything I need - complete compiler,
- shell, make, & other tools, with space for a large /tmp directory. The mind
- reels, thinking of what one could accomplish with that 12M upgrade...
- --
- -- Howard Chu @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Nov 91 23:13:29 GMT
- From: gatech!uflorida!travis!jgj@uunet.uu.net (Jeff Jackson)
- Subject: GNU C - What do I *really* need to use it?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Hopefully the system won't crash this time. ;-(
- Gcc is on atari.archive.umich.edu under /atari/gnustuff/tos. It was
- just reorganized, so I'm not going to try to list files. Basically,
- you'lll need the binaries, the libraries, and the include files.
- These are in several zoo archives. The filenames should be more or
- less obvious. If you have trouble, send me mail and I'll try to help.
- You also need a shell. I'll describe three possibilities. There are
- others.
- gulam plus unixtkit. Gulam is a neat csh like shell with micro emacs
- built in. That plus unixtkit gives you a good set of unix tools, but
- your stuck with TOS filenames (8+3 characters)(although they are in
- lower case at least).
- unixmode bash + futils_jgj. My favorite. Since you say you are
- limited on disk space, the following one isn't practical for you
- probably. UNIXMODE is long and mixed case filename emulation done in
- the libraries. If the name can't be automatically translated between
- a TOS and UNIX style name, a magic file called .dir contains the
- mapping and the libraries in /atari/gnustuff/tos do the translating
- behind your back. It works great, although it would be better to
- do it in a TSR (which I'm working on).
- mint bash + futils_ers. With MiNT (the multitasking MiNT is Not TOS)
- you can use Minix file systems. I'm not familiar with this much, plus
- since my disk space is not infinite, I prefer to have it all under one
- file system. There are also MiNT libraries if you want programs that
- take full advantage of MiNT, though the "standard" libraries do have
- MiNT bindings.
- My whole setup right now is about 12Mb, although I have tons of gnu
- utilities plus some pd stuff (some of which is in misc1.zoo under
- futils).
- --
- ============================================================================
- Jeffrey Glen Jackson _|_Satan jeered, "You're dead meat Jesus, I'm gonna
- jgj@ssd.csd.harris.com | bust you up tonight."
- x5120 | Jesus said, "Go ahead, make my day."
- %%%%%%%%% -- Carman, "The Champion"
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Nov 91 22:23:57 GMT
- From: olivea!isc-br!ewu!caude@ames.arpa (Chuck Aude)
- Subject: InterNet to FidoNet
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- About a week ago some posted a message about sending Email to an InterNet
- address via FidoNet. I have two more questions on that topic:
- 1) Is it possible to post to InterNet Newsgroups (ie comp.sys.atari.st) via
- FidoNet using the same process.
- 2) Is it possible to send EMail to a FidoNet address via InterNet?
- Chuck Aude
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Nov 91 22:59:51 GMT
- From: ub!csn!boulder!ucsu!horton.Colorado.EDU!chuj@rutgers.rutgers.edu (CHU
- Subject: NEED SM124
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Hello,
- I need a ATARI SM124 monitor, so if anyone has any places
- I can order from or if you have a sm124 ready to get rid of. Please
- contact me.
- Jeff
- chuj@horton.colorado.edu
- chuj@spot.colorado.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Nov 91 06:33:51 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!hanauma.jpl.nasa.gov!hyc@a
- rizona.edu (Howard Chu)
- Subject: networking the STs
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- The serial ports can be operated at localtalk speed, but there isn't any
- software that I know of that will speak Appletalk protocols. Public domain
- Unix software exists that handles the protocols, so it wouldn't be too tough
- to get code running for it on the STe/TT.
- I also have a public domain NFS server & client source, but I haven't seen
- anyone do much with it.
- If you just want to use TOS, you can create client-side appletalk and NFS
- code pretty simply; to get server capability would require something like
- MiNT.
- At any rate, nothing plug'n'play exists as yet.
- --
- -- Howard Chu @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Nov 91 23:04:20 GMT
- From: enterprise.noarl.navy.mil!fox@ucbvax.berkeley.edu (Dan Fox)
- Subject: PageStream 2.1
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I just bought a copy of PGS2.1 and have been completely unable to
- get it to print successfully to the Atari SLM804 laser printer.
- There was some recent discussion about this on the net and I was
- hoping someone who's been having the same problem could give
- me some help.
- I *did* call the SoftLogic BBS and downloaded the new SLM and
- PostScript drivers, which I believe was the net-answer to
- the problems reported earlier. Also, I did completely power off
- and on for several tests using different fonts, drivers, etc
- 'just in case'.
- USING SLM DRIVER (w/ Diablo emulator installed)
- Using the new driver, the first *half* of the page comes out fine,
- regardless of fonts or other page content. About in the middle of the
- page, there is some garbled, shifted half-line or so and then the
- bottom half of the page is blank.
- Even though the document is only 1 page long, the 'PRINTING' dialog box
- then goes on to say it is 'creating page 1' (again) and prints the same
- bad page again... (at which point I kill it).
- Using the new PostScript driver, the output is saved to disk. Running
- UltraScript gives an error about an offending command ("if"). Bringing
- this file to work, it won't print on our QMS printer either. *BUT*
- previewing the file using GhostScript on the Sun *WORKS*!!! What's
- going on here???
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- I bought the SLM a few years ago, and still have the original
- Diablo emulator (version 1.1) and UltraScript (version??). Do
- the drivers in PageStream require more recent versions of these
- programs maybe??? Can you run the SLM directly with only 2MB
- of memory? I don't have a problem running TeX or other programs
- for the laser printer... In PageStream though, the HELP button
- to bring up the current free space, etc says:
- program free space: 820964
- system free: 27870
- doc. size 5928
- objects 4
- That doesn't look like enough free space to run the laser printer...
- *Every* other AUTO and ACC program is de-activated except for
- the Diablo.
- Thanks in advance for any help...
- [I'm also calling softlogic every hour or so, but their line is
- busy...]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Nov 91 06:21:12 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!yale.edu!ox.com!umich!sharkey!wybbs!
- therip!FredGate@arizona.edu (Rod Fulk)
- Subject: QuickST sales
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Darek you ARE a turd.
- You will fit right in with the microsoft mentality.
- You know damn well the "Turd" statement had nothing to do with your idea that
- selling atari software is profitable.
- It was how you said it and how you were glad you were able to siphen the ST
- market while it was there and such.
- Get a life.
- You really are no better then anyone else.
- Honest.
- PS, you don't drown when it rains do you?
- * Origin: The R.I.P. (616)235-2313 [HST] (1:228/24)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Nov 91 07:11:41 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!yale.edu!spool.mu.edu!agate!usenet.i
- ns.cwru.edu!wsu-cs!vela!swood@arizona.edu ( EVENSONG)
- Subject: Wanted: MWC, Personal Paal & GFA Basic
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- With the Xmas season in the air, I feel that it is time to round out
- my language collection once and for all. If anyone has the above listed
- languages and would like to get rid of them, please email me. I would
- prefer to get them all from one source, and as new as possible, or at least
- get a registerable version so that I can upgrade to the newest version.
- thanks
- swood
- --
- ---- Insert favorite .signature here ---- | swood@argo.acs.oakland.edu
- | swood@vela.acs.oakland.edu
- Bitnet: swood@Oakland | swood@unix.secs.oakland.edu
- UUCP: ...!uunet!umich!{vela, argo, unix, nucleus}!swood
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Atari16 Digest
- ******************************