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- Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 29 Nov 91 Volume 91 : Issue 626
- Today's Topics:
- *.lst files? What kind of basic???
- Atari ST DEAD ? (5 msgs)
- Atari Sys 5 Unix- any owners out there?
- Flavours of ST
- IDE HD Controllers?
- JPEG for the ST available
- Mac comments, actually a response
- Mint boots Gem from wrong drive
- rumors from Chicago
- SC1224 for sale
- ST Popularity
- Uniterm
- VideoText on ST
- Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
- cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed
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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 09:10:20 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!uwm.edu!linac!att!news.cs.indiana.edu!umn.edu!noc.MR.
- NET!ns!ns!logajan@arizona.edu (John Logajan)
- Subject: *.lst files? What kind of basic???
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- swood@vela.acs.oakland.edu ( EVENSONG) writes:
- >I ran into
- >some source code the other day, however for a version of uucico for the
- >ST that is written in what appears to be basic and I was wondering if
- >anyone knew what it might be, or perhaps if someone could compile my
- >modified version for me? The file has a suffix of .lst and has no line
- >numbers.
- It is most likely written in GFA Basic, a dialect of Basic (and a damn
- good one.)
- --
- - John Logajan @ Network Systems; 7600 Boone Ave; Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
- - logajan@ns.network.com, 612-424-4888, Fax 612-424-2853
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 09:16:37 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!yale.edu!spool.mu.edu!sol.ctr.columb
- ia.edu!fnboot.fnal.gov!traynor@arizona.edu
- Subject: Atari ST Dead ?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <2069@equinox.unr.edu>, chan@cs.unr.edu (Kaho Chan) writes:
- > Do you feel better now, Mr. R. Smart? Or is it R. U. Smart?
- >
- > Both machines have their good points and their bad points. If we started
- > another flame war about which machine is better or who's machine has a
- > better "whatever"... IT WILL NEVER END.
- >
- > If you don't like ST's then don't bother this newsgroup.
- >
- > We know what flaws there are and what not...
- > I don't want to start saying things like:
- > "I hate the Amigas because... It's about
- > time they got rid of OS on disk... They suck... Too many guru..."
- >
- > Grow up Mr. Smart... Or R. N. YA SMART ENOUGH?
- >
- > NOTE: no flames please... (if you don't understand then pretend this
- > message is a recursive function (read again and again and again..))
- > ##########################################################################
- >
- > NOTE: E. Lee, I don't want to here it...
- >
- > chan@mammoth.cs.unr.edu
- > Kaho Chan<=============ChanmaN
- > HanmA
- > AnM
- > N
- >
- > ##########################################################################
- Yeah, I'm an Amiga owner and we have equivalent Mac bozos in our newsgroups too.
- I think it's a sign of insecurity myself--almost as if people are so insecure
- about their own computer that they have to slam others to make themselves feel
- good.
- I work at FNAL, and the pc of choice is the Mac (bleah!). I don't particularly
- like Mac's but I have a Mac emulator nonetheless since some software they
- have is particularly useful. Actually, the secondary choice is the Atari ST
- and TT. The ST's are useful for terminal emulators, and the TT's are used by
- the Theory people here. I have to believe hardware-wise that the Amiga is
- superior simply by the coprocessor chips, but there are a lot of things I would
- like to see on them, like a built-in SCSI port, and a socket for 68881 that
- won't be there for some time. Actually, the new AmigaDOS is a fairly nice
- operating system (although it's two years late).
- By the way, does anyone have ST-Es out there? What is the difference between
- them and a normal ST? Has any major software been written for the ST-E yet?
- Mike Traynor
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 13:00:48 GMT
- From: mcsun!unido!uni-koeln!ibmvm.rrz.uni-koeln.de!AC036@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Atari ST DEAD ?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In <1991Nov8.111112.412@kingston.ac.uk> cs_a206@kingston.ac.uk writes:
- > I am supprised that the Atari st has not died for the more
- > favourable Amiga 500 series. The atari is such a bad machine
- > that I am supprised people buy it !!!
- >
- > Atari St's are great for the following functions.
- > > Door Wedges
- > > Sleeping Policemen
- > > Toilet Paper Holders
- > > A 512K Printer Buffer
- > > A Dust Absorber
- > > A Source Of Electronics for your HAIRDRYER ?
- > > A Sign Of Poverty
- > > A Tax Dodger
- >
- > p.s.
- > Q > what is the differance between the ST and the SPECTRUM ?
- > A > The midi ports !!!
- >
- > Should ST's be put in the newsgroup rec.humor instead because they are all
- > jokes.
- Oh lord, please help me to keep my big mouth shut,
- until I know, what I am talking about.
- Berthold Cogel
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 14:10:05 GMT
- From:
- arizona.edu!cerritos.edu!orion.oac.uci.edu!usc!samsung!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!fnb
- oot.fnal.gov!traynor@arizona.edu
- Subject: Atari ST Dead?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- By the way, my previous posting was not slamming y'all's reply to the Amigoid,
- but the Amigoid himself. I just re-read the thing and it may be ambiguous on
- that point. Apologies.
- Mike Traynor
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 14:36:58 GMT
- From: mcsun!news.funet.fi!hydra!kreeta!luoto@uunet.uu.net (Markku Luoto)
- Subject: Atari ST DEAD ?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Hey now,
- Is this the same person that requested information on "how to learn read
- & write" in alt.illiterate.retarded.dump some days ago ?
- -> It seems that I never get used to the sh*t I might find here ?
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- >>>>>> " I'm completely operational & all my cicuits are functioning <<<<<<
- >>>>>> correctly...correc...corr...co...-! " : HAl9000 <<<<<<
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 05:27:29 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!yale.edu!think.com!zaphod.mps.ohio-s
- tate.edu!casbah.acns.nwu.edu!nucsrl!tellab5!chinet!saj@arizona.edu (Stephen
- Jacobs)
- Subject: Atari ST DEAD ?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Please don't let this thread grow!! I'm ashamed of replying myself, but at
- least I'm keeping it brief. Steve saj@chinet.chi.il.us
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 14:21:27 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!uxa.cso.uiuc.edu!jppg9764@ar
- izona.edu (John Paul Pietrzak)
- Subject: Atari Sys 5 Unix- any owners out there?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Since I have access to the local NeXT price list at UIUC, I can offer some
- additional facts:
- In article <1991Nov29.074441.15954@cis.ohio-state.edu>
- tbrown@tortoise.cis.ohio-state.edu (ted croft brown) writes:
- >
- >In the US at least, the NeXT looks like a great deal. About $5K will get
- >you an 040, a 2 bit 17" greyscale monitor, 20M RAM and 600Mg HD, and scads of
- >software. But those are student prices buying Memory and Hard Drive from
- >Second sources.
- Yes, you can't quite get such a good system directly from NeXT. The closest
- thing, in terms of a NeXTstation directly from the company, is $5948 for
- 16 megs RAM and 400 meg HD. An equivalent NeXTcube is $2000 more. NeXT's
- most competitive pricing occurs with the base NeXTstation, which has the '040,
- 8 megs of RAM and a 105 meg HD, at $3498. Although this would normally be a
- serious contender to the market which Atari seems to be aiming for, the 105
- meg HD severely constrains the applications which you can run, as the operating
- system will take up much of that space. You (apparently) almost have to
- purchase another 100-200 megs of HD storage in order to run it comfortably as
- a stand-alone unit. (Now, connected to a network is another matter... :)
- Also, the NeXTstation has no slots, presumably as it is meant mainly for
- being part of a network (You connect all your devices to the server, and
- have the nodes of the network send their data to it).
- (Disclaimer-- These are student discount prices at UIUC, I cannot guarantee
- that they bear any relationship to the world at large.)
- Personally, I would love to get a NeXTcube, with 16 megs of RAM and 400 meg HD;
- unfortunately, this setup costs $8048 from NeXT, and I calculate that it would
- take me approximately 2.25 years at my current level of income, penny pinching
- all the way, in order to afford that kind of system. By then, I assume I will
- want something different...
- I think Atari can compete successfully with people who prefer an even
- lower-priced Unix workstation than NeXT offers.o
- John "Sorry to digress" Pietrzak
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 15:53:55 GMT
- From: uvm-gen!kira!pegram@uunet.uu.net (Robert B. Pegram)
- Subject: Flavours of ST
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- From article <691329105.0@tdkt.kksys>, by Chuck.Grimsby@tdkt.kksys.com (Chuck
- Grimsby):
- >
- > In a message of <Nov 25 12:17>, -Unknown- (1:282/31) writes:
- > >From: mjl-b@minster.york.ac.uk
- > >Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- > >Reply-To: mjl-b@minster.york.ac.uk (Mathew Lodge)
- >
- > >In article <1991Nov24.194950.17984@rdg.dec.com> bailey@newoa.enet.dec.com
- > >(newoa::bailey) writes:
- >>As a newcomer to the world of Atari St (well I've still to get my
- >>system!) could someone please translate the various flavours of ST
- >>
- >>Reading the various ST books there seems to be
- >>
- >>Atari ST
- >
- > >The original ST, with "house-brick" external power supply. No TV
- > >modulator.
- >
- >>Atari ST-E
- >
- > >Enhanced ST, with Blitter as standard, plus new 4096 colour palette,
- > >hardware scrolling, stereo DMA sound, TOS 1.6x, a few more joystick ports
- > >and a light pen interface.
- >
- >>Atari ST-M
- >
- > >The original ST plus TV modulator.
- >
- >>Atari ST-FM
- >
- > >Original ST plus TV modulator, internal floppy drive and internal power
- > >supply. Early STFMs had single sided drives, later ones double sided.
- >
- > Nice list, 'cept that the original ST's had TV Modulators in them. They went
- > out with the ST-F's, which were the next version after the original ST came
- > out.
- >
- >
- > * Origin: FlightLine PointNet (1:282/47.1)
- Not all of them, really early ones didn't have a modulator in them, I
- know, I just resurected my old 520.
- Bob Pegram
- --
- pegram@uvm.edu
- or
- ..!uvm-gen!pegram
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Nov 91 15:31:50 GMT
- From: mcsun!uknet!stl!dsbc!ozz!jas@uunet.uu.net (Jason Morris)
- Subject: IDE HD Controllers?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I know that you can buy a SCSI HD controller separately from the disks, but
- can you get an IDE controller for the ST. I'm toying with the idea of a DIY HD
- on the cheap, and those IDE disks are cheaper than SCSI.
- Jason.
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Jason Morris jas@uk.co.icl.oasis (0344) 424842 ext 2662 |
- | ICL Computers Ltd, BRA01, Lovelace Rd, Bracknell, Berks, England. |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 27 Nov 91 00:57:23 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!usc!nic.csu.net!csun.edu!kithrup!hoptoad!we
- t!ekrimen@arizona.edu (Ed Krimen)
- Subject: JPEG for the ST available
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <o7FFBB1w164w@cellar.org> darling@cellar.org (Thomas Darling) writes:
- >millert@cs.Colorado.EDU (Todd C. Miller) writes:
- >
- >> I just uploaded source and binaries for JPEG image compression/decompression
- >> to atari.archive.umich.edu -- I built the binaries with gcc 1.40 and the
- >> MiNT libraries patchlevel 14.
- >
- >Nice going, Todd. Now would some kind soul upload it to GEnie?
- I'd be GLAD to upload it to GEnie. On one condition, let me know if this
- message gets out to the net.
- --
- ||| Ed Krimen
- ||| ekrimen@wet.UUCP
- / | \ E.KRIMEN (GEnie)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1991 14:24:15 -0600 (CST)
- Subject: Mac comments, actually a response
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- There have been some exchanges here on the net regarding ST/TT
- comparisons against various models of the Mac world. Both sides (ST vs. Mac)
- have some terrible misconceptions of each other's world and I'd like to address
- just a few.
- Before I do, be it known that I have been an ST enthusiast since 1985,
- believe that the computer (including the TT) can stand on its own, and has
- absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. As most others, my main concern with
- the Atari line is the ugly method of U.S. marketting, leaving users and
- dealers with poor support and upkeep. But, as far as the hardware is concerned,
- I cannot fault the Atari computer. I still feel that it (especially the
- 1040STe)
- gives the user the most bang for the buck if the user wants a great general
- purpose computer that is fast and has reasonable sound and graphics.
- Also, I have my own Macintosh computer, an LC, which is the lowest
- cost Mac that includes 16bit color on a 12" RGB monitor, assuming that VRAM
- is installed (under $100.00). Straight from the box, it can display
- "thousands"
- of colors. The LC enjoys excellent market credibility, especially in the
- word of education since it can, via an Apple II card (about $150.00), run
- Apple II software. Schools which have built up sizeable software for Apple II's
- enjoy this box since it is easier for them to phase into newer software with
- this machine.
- The above is my background and I become somewhat offended when the ST
- and the Mac are misrepresented.
- I'd like to address only a few of the misconceptions that I have read:
- 1. 4meg simms..
- >...a TT has choices comming REAL soon for memory boards to add
- >MUCH more then any of the macs can currently handle..
- >(Course in the newest 68040 machines maybe you can use 4meg drams..
- >But from the info I saw NONE of the macs currently in production just
- >just before the classic came out would handle the 4meg simms chips
- >so they were limited to 8 meg without an additional memory card...
- 4 meg simms are supported on many Macs. The following Macs support 4 meg
- simms: SE/30, Mac II, FX, CI, CX, SI, and the LC. Only the SI and the LC
- were made after the Classic line. None of the models above require an
- "additional memory card...". (sorry about the grammer, but I'm
- doing this on-line and the editor is pathetic).. Note that the first five
- models mentioned will support up to 32 meg of internal memory, not the 8 meg
- limit mentioned. The Mac SI supports 17 meg, and my lowly Mac LC supports
- "only" 10 meg. The memory is accessible by merely plugging in the simms
- into pre-existing memory slots located on the motherboard, similar to
- that of the 1040 ST/e.
- 2. Mac mail order..
- >And any one trying mail order in the mac world will be shut down also.
- Not so. Mail order is a big business in the Mac world, ESPECIALLY in the
- hardware arena. I have no idea why and how it works, but it does. All models
- of Macs can be found in big splashy and full color ads in any Mac magazine,
- such as Mac World or Mac User. On the other hand, I have found ST/e's
- in advertisements from Toad computers. The prices at Toad are lower than
- that of my ST dealer (if he is still in business--last I heard, he still was
- having difficulty in getting stock from Atari). So, in this argument, what's
- the problem?
- Secondly, there are other price ceilings. The education and corporate
- market for the Mac are major players. Mac LC's with 12" monitors, keyboard,
- and a 4 * 80 configuration can be had for $1800.00 at certain universities
- with prices set by Apple. I don't even know the retail price of the LC
- setup, but I'd think that this is about half price. On the other hand,
- Apple currently has a promotion called "Right Now" for retailers allowing
- substantial price cuts netting a price ceiling similar to that of education.
- Another price ceiling is for demo units. Apple has a pre-set price for
- Macs that have been on the showroom floor. Indeed, if you are willing to
- wait, you can sign up for a unit, let it be in use, and then take delivery.
- Warranty belongs to you--it is a new machine warranty issued during your
- delivery. Example, a Quadra 700 5 * 80 can be had locally for $2300.00
- under the demo plan.
- 3. Apple commercial software prices are high...
- This is the old Atari argument that has plagued the ST. Most of us
- are used to the 8 bit world when any software could be purchased for under
- $50.00. Atari then introduced a sleek and fast computer that put the Mac
- to shame. Developers spent time and money producing software that cost
- a lot of $$$$ for R&D. The software was then introduced and many STers
- hollered "foul", wondering why the high prices. Is it any wonder that U.S.
- developers for the ST are hard to find? But wait....!
- TimeWorks Publish It Easy can be found for $130.00 for the Mac. PageStream
- for the ST costs $179.00. Calamus SL has a price I dare not quote and offers
- options that cost $159.00 for Calamus Outline, $65.00 for Calamus Font
- Editor.
- That's Write for the ST costs $199.00.
- Quality software costs money to develop. Yes, there is some software on the
- Mac that borders bloodletting, in my opinion. But as a whole, Mac software
- and ST software is typically in the same neighborhood. Scan the magazines
- and compare similar packages. Yes, a CAD program that took five years to
- develop will cost more than some $50.00 something that took six months, so
- be fair.
- 4. The unmentioned argument: credibility
- When examining the ST and the Mac, one should also look at the marketting
- and crediblity factor of the platform. For the most part, I still feel that
- any ST/TT configuration is superior to just about anything that the Mac
- can muster. I still feel closer to the ST developers and have known many
- since 1985. I still get a "warm fuzzy" when I think "ST". However, in my
- area, STs/TTs don't exist with the exeption of my lonely ST. All the dealers
- within 100 miles radius of me have closed and my main dealer 200 miles away
- does not have product (as of mid October, so things may have changed for the
- better).
- The Macintosh is leaning up, becoming sleaker and faster, is becoming
- cheaper. Apple has a phenomenal support program for educators. Business
- support is good and my local university probably has bought 1000 Macs of
- varying configurations in the past two years.
- Apple software pricing is coming down to earth, no doubt due to the cheaper
- Macs and the "computer for the rest of us" is finally seeing "the rest of
- us", buying it. I am satisfied with the Mac, especially with my Mac LC.
- I am also very happy with my Mega ST. It has been faithful to me for several
- years and software for it looks better all the time. We have some marvelous
- developers for the ST, of these are the guys at DoubleClick and Dave Small
- at Gadgets. Without their products, my machine would be a bore.
- I have seen some disappointments, especially WordPerfect ST. I am a beta
- tester for the ST and I can tell you... their BBS for ST testing has not
- been functional for a good while and beta tester bug reports stopped being
- acknowleged, even with a form message, back in April of 1991.
- So, in closing (and apologies for the length), examine both computers with
- truths, not misconceptions. The Mac information on the net has really been
- off-based.
- Larry Rymal <Z_RYMALJL@CCSVAX.SFASU.EDU> |Atari ST & Mac Users of East Texas|
- Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 13:59:40 GMT
- From: mcsun!uknet!edcastle!simonk@uunet.uu.net (Simon Kinahan)
- Subject: Mint boots Gem from wrong drive
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- As I said before I am not absoluteley clear abou this stuff. However
- one possibility is that, while I'm sure GEM always boots from C, either
- NEOdesk or your HD driver are forceing to boot from the TOS boot drive
- and then MiNT is somehow interefereing with this.
- Simon Kinahan simonk@castle.ed.ac.uk
- "So Much to do, So Little Time"
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 06:10:40 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!yale.edu!think.com!zaphod.mps.ohio-s
- tate.edu!casbah.acns.nwu.edu!nucsrl!tellab5!chinet!saj@arizona.edu (Stephen
- Jacobs)
- Subject: rumors from Chicago
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Well, not strictly rumors, but stuff to come out of the Chicago Computerfest
- that doesn't have product names and release dates attached.
- Most of the Atari people wore lapel pins that said "040". The party line was
- that it probably meant what you thought it did, but they couldn't comment
- further until Spring.
- All discussion of programming techniques around the Atari booth sparked
- discussions of how they'd work with MultiTOS. Again, no specifics now, but
- a rather flat promise that it would be finished in 1992.
- The TOS 2.06 upgrade is scheduled to be available "After Christmas", but
- chatter suggested that it was running ahead of schedule (my mind fills with
- snide remarks at this point....same as you, I'm sure)
- By virtue of all the griping I've done about AHDI not cooperating with my
- somewhat unusual disk, I was given what amounts to a tentative release version
- of the version 5.0 hard disk utilities. Since they're a good deal more
- complex than earlier versions, and I didn't get any docs, all I can say for
- sure is that they enabled me to format and partition a disk that earlier
- versions wouldn't touch. There was also a wisecrack about why release might
- be less delayed than is usual for Atari system software: "this is used by
- people who WANT it to format their hard disks." And I was specifically told
- not to give copies to anyone else, sorry.
- The UNIX TT is a bit less vaporous than the above items, but with no retail
- price or release date it's not solid either. I just want to say that to my
- eye, the performance from a command line was just fine, but there were
- delays ranging from noticeable to annoying in the X11 performance. This
- seems to put it in a league with fast 80386-s running UNIX.
- That should be enough for one note. Steve saj@chinet.chi.il.us
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 16:41:04 GMT
- From: ulowell!woods.ulowell.edu!coteb@uunet.uu.net (Brian Cote)
- Subject: SC1224 for sale
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- For Sale:
- Atari SC1224 color monitor. I haven't used it for about 7 months since I sold
- the CPU but had no problems with it right to the day I stopped using it. I am
- asking $110 plus shipping on this. If interested, please reply by mail.
- Thank you,
- Brian Cote
- coteb@woods.ulowell.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 18:46:20 GMT
- From: mcsun!uknet!warwick!kingpol!cs_a206@uunet.uu.net (Richard Smart)
- Subject: ST Popularity
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Yo ST Users !
- Thanks for participating in the column is the ST dead ?
- I had an amazing response from the newsgrounp which was picked
- randomly to see what itme responces were between other users.
- I found the heading ST dead to attract ones attention.
- Thanks for participating in my survey. The only thing I can say is
- that there are alot of owners of ST still out there.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 09:02:25 GMT
- From: galileo.cc.rochester.edu!news@cs.rochester.edu (Ling Cherd Ho)
- Subject: Uniterm
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Thanks
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Nov 91 18:05:15 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!gatech!darwin.sura.net!Sirius.dfn.de!urmel!me
- rry.imsd.rwth-aachen.de!jogl@arizona.edu (Joachim Glaubrecht #Alwd#)
- Subject: VideoText on ST
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- hi,
- does anyone out there use a VideoText-Decoder with
- the ATARI-ST ?
- the german electronic-magazin "mc" has a VT-Decoder
- with a RS232 connection.
- does anyone build that decoder and has some extra Software
- for it (standart software supports only b&w and has
- no block-graphics-display).
- --
- ___ o -------------------------------------
- / / ______ ___ ! jogl@tolkien.imsd.rwth-aachen.de !
- __/__/_/ __/__/_/ ! Inst. f. Med. Stat. & Doku. (IMSD) !
- /_/ /_/ ! Aachen, Germany, Europe, Earth !
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- End of Info-Atari16 Digest
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