In a message of <20 Nov 91 16:11:36>,
(2:320/100.1) writes:
> I am planning to buy myself a C-compiler for
> the Atari ST. I have been browsing through some
> to Lattice C 5.06.02 by HiSoft. Having great
> confidence in Hisoft (thanx to DevPacST), this
> compiler caught my interest.
In the early days Lattice had a bad reputation for speed of compilation &
program execution, among others. This has been improved undoubtedly, but I
don't know how much. Best by far is Pure-C (used to be Turbo-C ST) but you'll
have to be able to understand (and stand) german. I worked with Laser C before
that, and liked it a lot. Debugger was verry nice. Can't mention one single
aspect where Turbo C doesn't run rings around Laser, though.
- Marco -
--- And now ... number one ... The Larch.
Date: 30 Nov 91 23:25:48 GMT!wupost!!!!!!unido!mcshh!malihh!! (Michael KistenmacherNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFF - How do I install two o
In <>, Michel Forget writes:
>How do I edit the DESKTOP.INF file so that it recognizes two (or three)
>filename extensions for a particular application? For example, I would
Simple and easy. For example I will show you some lines from my DESKTOP.INF:
#P 03 04 C:\GUCK.TTP@ *.*@
#D FF 01 @ *.*@
#G 03 FF *.APP@ @
#G 03 FF *.PRG@ @
#P 03 FF *.TTP@ @
#F 03 04 *.TOS@ @
#G 03 04 D:\ARC\EXE_2_60.PRG@ *.LZH@
#G 03 04 D:\ARC\EXE_2_60.PRG@ *.LZS@
#G 03 04 D:\ARC\EXE_2_60.PRG@ *.ARC@
#G 03 04 D:\ARC\EXE_2_60.PRG@ *.ZOO@
#G 03 04 D:\ARC\EXE_2_60.PRG@ *.SFX@
#G 03 04 D:\ARC\STZIP.PRG@ *.ZIP@
#P 03 04 C:\BIN\EH_MGIF.TTP@ *.GIF@
As you see, I have simply copied the lines containing the '#G'
command and replaced the extensions at the end of the lines.
But be beware of your text-editor. It must not cut off bytes
arbitrary, because there is a trailing <SPACE> at the end of
each line, which is very important to TOS (As your editor might
think it's not :-)).
Also I recognized a <CTRL-Z> (26hex) at the end of the DESKTOP.INF
file. As I removed it, I could not see any difference when working
on my ST, but perhaps it might be better to leave it there.
From: noao!asuvax!!!!!agate!!cleveland.Freenet.Edu! (Matthew C. Brinkhoff)
Subject: Wanted: ST Mono System
I'm looking for a 1040STf Monochrome system to do some experimenting
on... I'd prefer 2+ megs of RAM, but even the base 1 meg system will
do. I do *not* want non-working STs, or decked-out systems. This
system is for experimentation, so I'd like to keep it inexpensive.