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- Info-Atari16 Digest Mon, 9 Dec 91 Volume 91 : Issue 647
- Today's Topics:
- Atari books
- Atari Sys 5 Unix- any owners out there? (4 msgs)
- DC? (3 msgs)
- Dragon Spirit (2 msgs)
- GDOS Fonts for HP DeskJet
- Rufus 1.06 & sz
- Sound Tracker players???
- ST to C= 1084 monitor
- test
- using 4096 color palette on the STE (2 msgs)
- Using Turbo C with the gcc (or mint) libraries
- WANTED: Source for Atari CDAR CD-ROM or substitute
- Why not Atari ASV
- Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
- cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed
- out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages
- to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU.
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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 8 Dec 91 15:56:22 GMT
- From: van-bc!jonh.wimsey.bc.ca!jhenders@ucbvax.berkeley.edu (John Henders)
- Subject: Atari books
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In <1991Dec08.155140.16158@actrix.gen.nz>, Roger Sheppard writes:
- >In article <51340@cup.portal.com> Bob_BobR_Retelle@cup.portal.com writes:
- >> Following up on the question someone asked about what Atari books are
- >> still available, it turns out I was wrong about Compute! Books dropping
- >> their entire Atari line. They've only dropped most of them.
- Bob, really, this is about all the books of any worth they produced.
- The others were real beginner level books, which were quickly put out
- of date by new magazine and new languages. After all, could you imagine
- a market for a book on programming in ST Basic?
- >
- >Some one else posted here about the TOS book and a 'C' book, with a phone
- >No. to bye them from, I have tried to order from 'Compute' before with out
- >any luck at all..
- >
- >Does any one know if the 'C' book is any good...?
- The 'C' book is
- Learning C
- Programming graphics on the Atari ST
- and Amiga.
- ISBN 0-87455-064-5
- It deals mainly with 3-d graphic programming in C and has a
- few good algorithms, but no Gem at all. Not a book for everybody,
- and making programs that were portable between the ST and Amiga
- invloved a bit of inelegant coding.
- The initial shared library code is wrong in the book, so unless
- you want to learn C the hard way, it's not a beginners book.
- --
- John Henders jhenders@jonh.wimsey.bc.ca
- Vancouver,B.C
- ------------------------------
- Date: 8 Dec 91 17:11:47 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!yale.edu!think.com!snorkelwacker.mit
- .edu!ira.uka.de!sun1.ruf.uni-freiburg.de!rusmv1!ttinfo@arizona.edu (Markus
- Wenzel)
- Subject: Atari Sys 5 Unix- any owners out there?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- B
- Organization: Comp.Center (RUS), U of Stuttgart, FRG
- In article <10015@cactus.org> covert@cactus.org (Richard Covert) writes:
- >>>Depends on whether Atari decides to act like a workstation company or
- >
- >these are just my views. I for one would love to buy a TT/ASV
- >because I really need/want a good Motif based X Windows workstation.
- >But I want color and I want support. Neither of which Atari can
- >provide. I plan to wait until Spring when the next version of
- >A/UX comes out. A/UX 2.01 doesn't run on the new Mac Quadra 700
- >machines (see even Apple makes blunders!!). But A/UX version 3.0
- >will fix that. And A/UX supports color as well as ll of the normal
- >Mac peripherals. We shall see.
- Richard, you seem to have much time for trying to keep people from buying
- TT/ASV. This is not my problem. But I've just tried to imagine the
- following scene: You, sitting in front of your new A/UX 3.0 workstation,
- your head red of anger, your hands drumming on the keyboard, and your eyes
- staring at the damned message window that says for the fifth time:
- "A serious system error occured. Please reboot..."
- \end{flame}
- * /dev/ Markus Wenzel, University of Stuttgart *
- * /usr/spool/mail/ wenzel@rus.uni-stuttgart.de *
- * /usr/voice/private/ +49 (0)7159 18201 *
- * /bin/ps -l TT admin on rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de *
- * /etc/motd >> We'll meet in /dev/null ...8-) << *
- ------------------------------
- Date: 8 Dec 91 19:29:43 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!uxa.cso.uiuc.edu!jppg9764@ar
- izona.edu (John Paul Pietrzak)
- Subject: Atari Sys 5 Unix- any owners out there?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <10015@cactus.org> covert@cactus.org (Richard Covert) writes:
- >
- [some stuff trimmed off]
- >Second, for the same dollars can you buy someone else's UNIX box.
- Someone else's *cheap* Unix box. Atari tends to field machines below
- their competitor's cost. :)
- >Since you can't run TOS/GEM programs from within an X Windows
- >window, owning previous GEM programs is no reason to buy a TT/ASV.
- Hmm, as far as I know, owning a TT means being able to run a TT, and
- since TTs can run GEM (when not running Unix), owning previous GEM
- programs is a powerful reason to upgrade to a TT.
- >As far as all of the other PD programs circulating on USENET,
- >most require either Sun Open Look or Motif. And hence can be recompiled
- >and run on almost any other X Window machine. You don't need the TT/ASV
- >to run the GNU sw. In fact, a NextStation or a Sun SPARC workstation
- >is more powerful then the TT/ASV and offers more compatible with the
- >existing GNU sw?
- The wonder of Unix: you don't need any particular brand of hardware
- to run a particular brand of software, in general. Yes, NeXTs and
- Suns will run the same software as Unix on other machines. Yes,
- NeXTs and Suns have more powerful hardware than the TT. Yes,
- NeXTs and Suns are more expensive than the TT. I would personally
- love to have a NeXT, but can't afford one yet; however, I'm
- reaching into the area where I can afford a TT. If the ASV price
- comes down, I might just buy one.
- John "I have Finals next week!!! Arrggghhhh!!! :-/" Pietrzak
- ------------------------------
- Date: 8 Dec 91 20:47:50 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!rpi!borres@arizo
- na.edu (Steven D. Borrelli)
- Subject: Atari Sys 5 Unix- any owners out there?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- >
- >>borres@rpi.edu (NeXTmail accepted)
- > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucky man ;-)
- >
- >
- >* /dev/ Markus Wenzel, University of Stuttgart *
- >* /usr/spool/mail/ wenzel@rus.uni-stuttgart.de *
- Tell me about being lucky. If the NeXTstations had come out a few
- months later, I might have made the immensely bad decision of buying
- a Mac IIsi ...(shudder)
- But that was before I discovered the 'net.. A cheap Atari unix box
- may draw away some mac users who are in the same boat as I was.
- --
- Steven D. Borrelli
- Rensselear Polytechnic Institute '92
- borres@rpi.edu (NeXTmail accepted)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 91 00:11:58 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!yale.edu!spool.mu.edu!agate!usenet.i
- ns.cwru.edu!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!as327@arizona.edu (Roy Bixler)
- Subject: Atari Sys 5 Unix- any owners out there?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In a previous article, covert@cactus.org (Richard Covert) says:
- >Also, other people have questioned my concerns over adding
- >third party peripherals to the TT/ASV.
- <stuff deleted>
- >Well, if the kernal is like most AT&T
- >kernals you have to rebuild the entire kernal to add new device
- >drivers.
- That's not true. At least with SunOS, they give you a configuration file
- and enough of the source code so that you can add/delete device drivers
- from the kernel. Once you've updated the configuration file and perhaps a
- Makefile or source file or two, you end up recompiling just a small part of
- the kernel source code to rebuild the kernel. I doubt that ASV will be
- much different in these particulars. Any System V Release 4 gurus out
- there?
- >
- >--
- >Richard E. Covert covert@cactus.org
- >CACTUS ..!cs.utexas.edu!cactus.org!covert
- >
- --
- Roy Bixler
- Internet: as327@cleveland.freenet.edu -or- rcb@netcom.com
- "Those who are willing to give up a little liberty for a little security
- deserve neither liberty nor security" - Ben Franklin
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 91 06:38:45 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.e
- du!linac!att!bu.edu!bucsf.bu.edu!harryk@arizona.edu (Harry Karayiannis)
- Subject: DC?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <199764@unix.cis.pitt.edu> slsst11@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Sharon L
- Skwara) writes:
- >
- > Is DC software still doing their programs a week, or is that over? If
- >they're still doing it, here's an idea. How about an ACC that pops open
- >a window (say 4 characters high) and shows all the available characters
- >(from ASCII 0 to ASCII 255) - and if you click on the character, it will act
- >as if you typed it. This way, one could use the ST and NEVER need to touch
- >the keyboard - type with the mouse. What do you think?
- >
- I think this is a great idea... but for Mac Users not ST ones ;-) ;-)
- (Richard?)
- > slsst11@unix.cis.pitt.edu
- >
- =============================================================================
- Author of ATZENTA2 Harry Karayiannis ________E-Mail________
- 15 N.Beacon, #316 Boston Univ. |INTERnet:
- ** || ATARI ** Allston, MA 02134 Computer Sc. | harryk@bucsf.bu.edu
- ** /||\ MegaST ** U.S.A. |BITnet:
- ======================================================| cscrzcc@buacca.bu.edu
- ----------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 91 07:26:05 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!mips!atha!aunro!alberta!allan@arizona.edu
- (Allan Sullivan)
- Subject: DC?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- harryk@bucsf.bu.edu (Harry Karayiannis) writes:
- >In article <199764@unix.cis.pitt.edu> slsst11@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Sharon L
- Skwara) writes:
- >>
- >> How about an ACC that pops open
- >>a window (say 4 characters high) and shows all the available characters
- >>(from ASCII 0 to ASCII 255) - and if you click on the character, it will act
- >>as if you typed it. This way, one could use the ST and NEVER need to touch
- >>the keyboard - type with the mouse.
- >>
- > I think this is a great idea... but for Mac Users not ST ones ;-) ;-)
- >(Richard?)
- Doesn't 1st word (or 1st word plus) do that already?? They
- have a list of characters (including Greek letters, math
- symbols, etc.) that you can click on to type.
- allan@cs.ualberta.ca
- #include <std_disclaimer>
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 91 11:20:01 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!unix.cis.p
- itt.edu!slsst11@arizona.edu (Sharon L Skwara)
- Subject: DC?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- re: doesn't 1st word do that?
- I dunno, but it would be nice to pop open a window in ANY program and do
- ALL typing via mouse - who would need a keyboard except for rare cases?
- It could be an ACC from the menu, or an AUTO program accessible by say
- a "double-click" on the right button, or keyboard press. Sure would be nice
- to do all this modeming without ever touching the keyboard.
- slsst11@unix.cis.pitt.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 8 Dec 91 20:43:17 GMT
- From: unccvax!cs00bd@mcnc.org (brian daniels)
- Subject: Dragon Spirit
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Has the arcade game Dragon Spirit been ported to the
- ST, and if so, what company/dealer can I order it from?
- Thanks,
- Brian
- --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Reality is what YOU make of it. Brian Daniels (cs00bd@unccvax.uncc.edu)
- "My opinions are mine and do not represent those of my host computer"
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 91 05:38:02 GMT
- From: daffodil!news.cs.odu.edu!scott@ames.arpa (Scott D. Yelich)
- Subject: Dragon Spirit
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- > Has the arcade game Dragon Spirit been ported to the
- > ST, and if so, what company/dealer can I order it from?
- Argh. I missed WAACE this year because I took a road trip to udel!
- Anyway, I am tired of replying to these privately..
- You can get "Power Paks"
- or a group of games put together. I paid $30 for Xybots and another
- $30 for hard drivin (1) and then later that year I got Toobin' in a
- power pack for $23 at WAACE... and there were 5 games int he pack:
- xybots, hard drivin, toobin, dragon spirit and apb.
- Now, for my usual pea... I need to get the newest stos comiler to
- work. I have the original disks, but they last upgrade I tried (2.06)
- the basic was upgraded fin, but the compiler ALWAYS crashed out with
- unknown define or something. Has there been a new version of the stos
- basic and compiler put out? I basically have stos, maestro and
- compiler and it won't work.
- Scott
- ------------------------------
- Date: 8 Dec 91 13:27:00 GMT
- From: psinntp!rodan.acs.syr.edu!ggreenbe@uunet.uu.net (Gerald Greenberg)
- Subject: GDOS Fonts for HP DeskJet
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Dec8.004509.4144@csi.uottawa.ca> cbbrowne@csi.uottawa.ca
- (Christopher Browne) writes:
- >Can one get GDOS fonts/drivers for the HP DeskJet? I got a bunch of
- >GDOS stuff with LDW Power, including drivers for Atari SLM, some Atari
- >dot matrix printer, and the standard Epson driver. Unfortunately, DJ
- >stuff was not included (alas! :-)).
- >
- >Christopher Browne
- >cbbrowne@csi.uottawa.ca
- >University of Ottawa
- >Master of System Science Program
- Hi Chris. I am using TurboJet by Neocept as my GDOS driver
- for HPDeskjet500...it works very very nicely. The problem is
- (as you may know) Neocept no longer exists, and this TurboJet
- is now specifically made to work with WordUp. So it may or
- may not work with other GDOS programs (I don't use any others,
- so I cannot help you out here). I got it from Joppa for
- around $30...some other mail order places didn't have it in
- stock when I called around [a couple of months ago].
- When I asked, I got responses from others on the net, so I
- imagine you'll hear from them.
- --Gerry
- ggreenbe@rodan.acs.syr.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 91 05:31:59 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!spool.mu.edu!munnari.oz.au!bunyip.cc.uq
- .oz.au!uqcspe!cs.uq.oz.au!marshall@arizona.edu (Marshall Harris (G.M.))
- Subject: Rufus 1.06 & sz
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In <95358@bu.edu> selick@bucsf.bu.edu (Steven Selick) writes:
- >Just thought I'd say that I just got rufus 1.06 and think it's great!
- >But it won't automatically start up zmodem receive. It used to in 1.4...
- >Hmmmmmmmmm...
- --
- _-_|\ marshall@cs.uq.oz.au (Marshall Harris)|ph:+61 7 365 2908
- / B <--+ Department of Computer Science :fx:+61 7 365 1999
- \_.-._/ | University of Queensland, St.Lucia
- v +--Brisbane, Queensland, 4072 AUSTRALIA (The Sub-Tropics)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 91 10:23:27 GMT
- From: mcsun!uknet!sersun1!essex.ac.uk!woocm@uunet.uu.net (Wood C M)
- Subject: Sound Tracker players???
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Atari Netters,
- I have just had a good look at the sound directory
- at atari.archive and i noticed that there are quite a
- large amount of mod(?) files. It says that they are
- Sound Tracker files, but nearly all the players are
- described as Noisetracker files. Whats the difference?
- And which is the best to use with the mod files?
- C. W.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Chris Wood, |Pretentious Quote: "Uzi Nine Millimetre" |
- University Of Essex. | (Shakespeare) |
- woocm@essex.ac.uk |Disclaimer: I never wear fluffy pink slippers.|
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 91 07:22:52 GMT
- From: ogicse!milton!sumax!jorgand%sumax.seattleu.edu@uunet.uu.net (Dave Jorgan)
- Subject: ST to C= 1084 monitor
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Is it possible to hook up a Commodore 1084 analog RGB monitor
- (the one used on the Amiga) to a 1040ST? Are there instructions on how to
- build a cable, or does a cable exist to do this? How much $$$ for one, where
- to get it, etc..... my SC1224 died and this would be a quick and hopefully
- cheap (for me) way to get my system back in action as the 1084 is just
- sitting around...... if possible email answers, will post if anyone is
- interested, thanks in advance,
- Dave
- jorgand@sumax.seattleu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 91 09:06:51 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!mips!spool.mu.edu!munnari.oz.au!darwin.ntu.ed
- u.au!topfm@arizona.edu
- Subject: test
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- test
- ------------------------------
- Date: 8 Dec 91 08:15:24 GMT
- From: amdcad!netcomsv!micromed!sslee@sun.com (Steven Lee)
- Subject: using 4096 color palette on the STE
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Is there a program available (PD or commercial) that will
- 1. Display GIF pictures using the 4096 color palette on the STE
- 2. Display Spectrum pics using the 4096 color palette
- 3. Convert GIF pics to Spectrum format using 4096 color palette
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sslee@micromed.net.netcom.com (Steven Lee)
- Micro-Medic BBS (408) 280-1610
- ------------------------------
- Date: 8 Dec 91 22:03:58 GMT
- From: nevada.edu!jimi2!equinox!cs.unr.edu!chan@uunet.uu.net (Kaho Chan)
- Subject: using 4096 color palette on the STE
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In response to Steven Lee's article #43203:
- As far as I know, Spectrum 512 was designed to diplay 512 colors. Also, last
- I heard, Trio Engineering split up. I had to sell Spectrum 512 because of the
- timing/technical problems when I replaced my 1040 with a MegaSTe. Too bad...
- I don't know the answer to your GIF question... it would be nice to display GIF
- pics with 4096 colors.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- chan@mammoth.cs.unr.edu
- Kaho Chan<=============
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 91 08:22:34 GMT
- From: mcsun!sun4nl!alchemy!ruunfs!ruunfs!muts@uunet.uu.net (Peter Mutsaers)
- Subject: Using Turbo C with the gcc (or mint) libraries
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Hello,
- for compatability reasons I'd like to use the library as distributed
- for gcc; however I would prefer to run Turbo C (2.0) because it
- compiles 5x faster, uses much less memory, and I think it generates
- better code. However, it is not as simple as that because the compiler
- seems to define different external references (for multiplications
- etc.) and needs different startup code.
- Has anyone tried something like this before, or could anyone give
- pointers to do this? Thanks in advance,
- Peter Mutsaers
- --
- _________________________________________________________________________
- Peter Mutsaers. RUU physics dept. Heidelberglaan 5, Utrecht, Nederland
- muts@fysap.fys.ruu.nl |================================================
- tel: (+31)-(0)30-533880 | Memento Mori
- ------------------------------
- Date: 6 Dec 91 04:41:09 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!yale.edu!think.com!snorkelwacker.mit
- .edu!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!news.funet.fi!funic!nic.funet.fi!jartsu@ari
- zona.edu (Jartsu)
- Subject: WANTED: Source for Atari CDAR CD-ROM or substitute
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I am looking for a source for Atari CDAR CD-ROM, an European one if
- possible. (220-240 VAC power...)
- It would also be nice to know how much one costs.
- OR, if this rarity is not available any more (I have never seen even
- an price list entry...) is it possible to use a regular SCSI CD-ROM
- connected to for example ICD host-adapter? Driver software available?
- I know this can be done with Spectre (may require MegaTalk) but I am
- now looking for a CD-ROM to be used under TOS.
- --
- * Jari Lehto * Voice 90-387939 * Email jartsu@nic.funet.fi *
- * Tenavatie 19 A * Fax +358 0 8735916 * fwd -> s37837k@saha.hut.fi *
- * 00760 HELSINKI * Atari moderator at nic.funet.fi *
- * Finland * Administrator of Atari power-user mailing-list *
- ------------------------------
- Date: 9 Dec 91 03:12:17 GMT
- From: noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!tamsun!tamuts!n160ao@arizona.edu (Mark Lehmann)
- Subject: Why not Atari ASV
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- This is a follow-up on Richard Coverts message, but with a different tone.
- These are my opinions and I'll entertain flames on the net.
- The Atari ST/STe and TT have just to many good things already to also
- sqeeze in another blessing like Atari ASV.
- I would hate to have a REAL UNIX kernal on the Atari because it wouldn't
- provide a challenge. I am a student, and I really want to learn on this
- machine. I couldn't have gotten a better computer to learn on.
- Look what it's got going for it:
- MINIX (and the source code is available)
- MiNT (and the source code, and shareware)
- OS/9 (real multi-tasking)
- C-Shell (UNIX like environment)
- Gemini (TOS and UNIX-like combination)
- Sozobon C (good C for the shareware price)
- GnuC and G++ (standard excellent C and C++ language)
- Plus much more.
- Trying to be like UNIX is much more fun than actually being UNIX in my
- opinion. The ST is a home computer and affordable and educational. I
- know UNIX very well because I have tried so hard to make my ST UNIX-like.
- I CAN even bring UNIX work home and do SOME UNIX processing at home. I
- can use the ST as a GREAT terminal in the instances when I really want to
- use UNIX.
- So why should I pay $5000 to lose the challenge and fun in trying to be
- like UNIX.
- Adding Atari ASV to the ST line is like putting sugar on a chocolate fudge
- sundae.
- By the way, if you like Atari, have the money, and don't want as much of
- a chellenge, go ahead and get Atari ASV, but be prepared to be regarded
- enviously by those who just can't afford Atari ASV.
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Atari16 Digest
- ******************************