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- Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 31 Dec 91 Volume 91 : Issue 679
- Today's Topics:
- At-Speed (2 msgs)
- Atari 1040STE, 1040ST or Mega4 wanted
- Atari Monitor Trade?
- Atari TTM195 Monitor
- Colors of Atari
- GCC & GDB (2 msgs)
- Hard Drives/Dealer Recommendations?
- Mega 4 ST for sale
- Mega STe and STe GST shifter numbers.... (2 msgs)
- MiNT and MultiGem (& DataDiet) also STE GST Shifter (2 msgs)
- Need help with Dungeon Master & Chaos Strikes Back
- Neo Batchfile ->Pfxpak
- Quick ST support
- RF modulator for ST's
- WS compatible? (2 msgs)
- Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic
- cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed
- out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages
- to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU.
- Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to
- Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list
- instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored.
- If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly
- from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please
- contact the redistributor, not us.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 30 Dec 91 04:55:44 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!mips!cs.uoregon.edu!ogicse!milton!meyer@ar
- izona.edu (Bent Meyer)
- Subject: At-Speed
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I am just days away from purchasing At-Speed, probably from Arthur Brown Comp.
- Their catalog price is $369.95. They also offer a TC Power-Emulator Memory
- Manager for $49.95.
- My question is. Was the TC Power-Emulator Memory Manager originally sold with
- the AT-Speed board? Has it been separated to make the boards price more
- attractive?
- If TC Power is a sparate product does it work well as an extended menory
- manager?
- ------------------------------
- Date: 31 Dec 91 03:16:49 GMT
- From: psinntp!rodan.acs.syr.edu!ggreenbe@uunet.uu.net (Gerald Greenberg)
- Subject: At-Speed
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Dec30.045544.25294@milton.u.washington.edu>
- meyer@milton.u.washington.edu (Bent Meyer) writes:
- >I am just days away from purchasing At-Speed, probably from Arthur Brown Comp.
- Their catalog price is $369.95. They also offer a TC Power-Emulator Memory
- >Manager for $49.95.
- >
- >My question is. Was the TC Power-Emulator Memory Manager originally sold with
- >the AT-Speed board? Has it been separated to make the boards price more
- >attractive?
- >
- >If TC Power is a sparate product does it work well as an extended menory
- manager?
- I'd go for it Bent. But then again, I'm prejudiced...I've been using
- ATSpeed for over a year now and have nothing bad to say about it. It is
- not a full AT, but it does what I need for the most part. I'm interested
- in seeing the user-base expand so that more gets done for it and its
- users.
- As for TC Power...I never knew that as part of the ATSpeed package. I
- thought it was mostly for Super Charger...but I could be wrong about that.
- In any event, I've got 2.5 meg in my ST and I use extended memory with
- ATSpeed...via Windows 3.x. I should say, however, that
- I've never really tried to use expanded memory... There are software
- expanded memory emulators, but I understand they are slow.
- Good luck,
- Gerry
- ggreenbe@rodan.acs.syr.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 31 Dec 91 04:05:17 GMT
- From: noao!ncar!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!ut-emx!ccwf.cc.utexas.edu@arizona.edu (Sean
- Sterling Foiles)
- Subject: Atari 1040STE, 1040ST or Mega4 wanted
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- A friend is looking for an Atari 1040ST with 1Meg or more, a Color Monitor,
- and hard drive is optional.
- Another friend is looking for either an Atari 1040STE with 4Megs, or a
- Mega4, monitor is optional.
- If you can help, please call Mark Ferarri at (512) 795-9875,
- or e-mail me at sean@happy.cc.utexas.edu.ccwf
- Thanks in advance.
- Newsgroups: misc.forsale.computers
- Subject: Re: 80287 Coprocessor *** $50 OBO
- Summary:
- Expires:
- References: <u19JDB1w161w@nstar.rn.com>
- Sender:
- Followup-To:
- Distribution:
- Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX
- Keywords:
- Newsgroups: misc.forsale.computers
- Subject: Re: 80287 Coprocessor *** $50 OBO
- Summary:
- Expires:
- References: <u19JDB1w161w@nstar.rn.com>
- Sender:
- Followup-To:
- Distribution:
- Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX
- Keywords:
- Newsgroups:
- misc.forsale.computers,rec.games.video,ba.market.computers,comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Atari 1040STE, 1040ST or Mega4 wanted
- Summary:
- Expires:
- References:
- Sender:
- Followup-To:
- Distribution:
- Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX
- Keywords: Atari
- A friend is looking for an Atari 1040ST with 1Meg or more, a Color Monitor,
- and hard drive is optional.
- Another friend is looking for either an Atari 1040STE with 4Megs, or a
- Mega4, monitor is optional.
- If you can help, please call Mark Ferarri at (512) 795-9875,
- or e-mail me at sean@happy.cc.utexas.edu.ccwf
- Thanks in advance.
- Newsgroups: misc.forsale.computers
- Subject: Re: 80287 Coprocessor *** $50 OBO
- Summary:
- Expires:
- References: <u19JDB1w161w@nstar.rn.com>
- Sender:
- Followup-To:
- Distribution:
- Organization: The University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX
- Keywords:
- ------------------------------
- Date: 31 Dec 91 05:24:38 GMT
- From: agate!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!ba014@ames.arpa (Matthew
- C. Brinkhoff)
- Subject: Atari Monitor Trade?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- >Would anyone be interested in trading an ST Mono (SM124?) monitor for an
- >ST Color (SC1224?) monitor + some cash or a memory upgrade board for a
- >1040? Email with offers.
- >
- My apologies for the lack of clarity in the above post. I'm interested
- in securing a mono monitor in exchange for my color.
- --
- o-------------------------------------------------------------------------o
- | Orwell was an optimist! | ba014@cleveland.freenet.edu | E Pluribus Unix |
- o-------------------------------------------------------------------------o
- ------------------------------
- Date: 31 Dec 91 21:46:57 GMT
- From: netcomsv!mats@decwrl.dec.com (Mats Wichmann)
- Subject: Atari TTM195 Monitor
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- jonal@sofus.dhhalden.no (JON ARVID LOVSTAD) writes:
- >Reading the Seybold report in the latest (#53) issue of Z-Net, I saw a price
- >for a monitor I've never heard of. The Atari TTM195 was quoted at US$1400,-,
- >some 400 bucks more than the standard TTM194 1280x960 mono monitor.
- >Does anyone have more info on this on? Is it a 21"/24" thing or is it a
- >greyscale monitor for use with a new video card. I know of a German monitor
- >which can give 1280x960 in 256 greyscales when used with one of the Matrix
- >cards.
- >Any info appreciated...
- It's a compatible replacement for the TTM194 (same size, resolution, etc)..
- The 194 is a Moniterm; I've no idea who makes the 195. There's no question
- in my mind that the 195 gives you a far superior screen: much crisper, and
- apparently (from what people at Atari tell me) much more reliable. I've had
- failures on the 194 so perhaps I believe this...although my sample isn't
- large enough to mean anything.
- Is it worth $400 extra? I wouldn't venture an opinion on that.
- You need a real color monitor to go with the Matrix - I don't really have info
- on which ones are compatible , although I'm expecting some shortly...
- ------------------------------
- Date: 31 Dec 91 10:30:06 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!wupost!csus.edu!csusac!sactoh0!mfolivo@arizona
- .edu (Mark Newton John)
- Subject: Colors of Atari
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Here's a bit of Atari trivia...
- A few months ago, I met a Micheal Groh, Dealer Sales Coordinator,
- and we exchanged business cards. I noticed that his card was
- multicolored, in contrast to Sig Hartman's (purple logos), and
- other Atari employees I've met (blue logos).
- "ATARI" is spelled out in letters of different colors, and
- remembering that the colors refer to the different lines of
- products that Atari sells. So, in order, here are the "Colors of
- Atari" and the products they represent.
- A blue ST computers
- T green TT computers
- A orange Video games (??) Lynx
- R red XE computers
- I purple IBM compatibles
- Well, I'm guessing on the orange part of it. But I noticed that
- Lynx logos are orange. Could the Jaguar logo also be orange?
- Notice that the logos on the Portfolio are purple.
- --
- the good guys! Sakura-mendo, CA
- Internet: mfolivo@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US
- ------------------------------
- Date: 31 Dec 91 14:53:22 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!nstar!ka3ovk!irscscm
- !mlake@arizona.edu (Marshall Lake)
- Subject: GCC & GDB
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Where can I obtain a copy of gcc and gdb? I've checked
- atari.archive.umich.edu and can't locate them.
- --
- Marshall Lake
- ..!uunet!media!ka3ovk!irscscm!mlake
- mlake@irscscm.irs.gov
- mlake@irscscm.UUCP
- ------------------------------
- Date: 31 Dec 91 21:58:02 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!moe.ksu.ksu.edu!hobb
- es.physics.uiowa.edu!news.iastate.edu!sharkey!umich!terminator!terminator.cc.um
- ich.edu!weiner@arizona.edu (Jeff Weiner)
- Subject: GCC & GDB
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- This is for Marshall Lake, to whom mail has bounced. If you're not him,
- press 'n' now.
- In article <1991Dec31.145322.11393@irscscm.UUCP> mlake@irscscm.UUCP (Marshall
- Lake) writes:
- >Where can I obtain a copy of gcc and gdb? I've checked
- >atari.archive.umich.edu and can't locate them.
- Unless something drastic happened while I was gone and nobody told me,
- they should be in atari/gnustuff/tos/gcc and atari/gnustuff/tos/gdb or
- something real similar to that.
- Perhaps the problem you're having is that they're not listed in Index.
- Well, that's the next project. Try getting the file ls-lR.Z and then
- grepping for gnustuff/gcc.
- Lemme know if you have any other problems finding things here.
- >
- >--
- >Marshall Lake
- >...!uunet!media!ka3ovk!irscscm!mlake
- >mlake@irscscm.irs.gov
- >mlake@irscscm.UUCP
- weiner
- --
- Jeff Weiner --- weiner@atari.archive.umich.edu --- Umich atari posse
- Corner of Packard and State, 2nd house from Blue Front on Arbor
- 718 Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, +1 313 998 0892, near the Univ. of Michigan
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Dec 91 22:53:32 GMT
- From: mdisea!friedric%mdd.comm.mot.com@uunet.uu.net (Bernd Friedrich)
- Subject: Hard Drives/Dealer Recommendations?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I'm interested in adding a hard drive to my 2.5 meg 1040ST.
- Can any Atari HD experts recommend a reliable HD ( I guess in the 40-80 meg
- range) from a quality mail order dealer? I'm looking for a complete plug in/
- formating software/instructions etc as my knowledge of Atari HD's is very
- limited.
- Approximate cost greatly appreciated.
- Most of my Atari application are music related, though I'm considering buying
- a SPECTRE GCR Mac emulator.
- Many thanks in advance.
- Bernd
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Dec 91 23:34:53 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!wupost!darwin.sura.net!haven.umd.edu!wam.umd.edu!leon
- poon@arizona.edu (Leon Poon)
- Subject: Mega 4 ST for sale
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- For Sale:
- - Mega 2 ST upgraded to 4 megs
- - Atari SM124 Monochrome Monitor
- - Internal 50 Mb Seagate 3.5" Hard drive (40 ms)
- - Star NX-10 Dot matrix printer
- - Atari SX-212 1200 baud modem
- Many useful programs including Neodesk 3.0, Universal Item Selector III,
- Flash 1.6, Ultrascript, Turbo ST, etc.
- SPECTRE GCR 3.0 (including ROMs and cables) which allows
- you to emulate Macintosh machines as well as read and write
- Mac disks. I have also at least 20 megs worth of useful
- Mac software that is 100% compatible with Spectre. Some of
- them are Word 4.0, Excel 2.2, Canvas 2.0, Mathematica 1.2, etc.
- Because I am in the sciences, I have a specialized program I want to
- sell. It is a symbolic algebra program.
- - Maple 4.3 for the ST (include all disks and manuals).
- I want to sell the system for $1200 or best offer. Feel free to contact
- me at leonpoon@wam.umd.edu if you have any questions.
- Leon Poon
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Dec 91 20:11:00 GMT
- From: uvm-gen!newton!pegram@uunet.uu.net (Robert B. Pegram)
- Subject: Mega STe and STe GST shifter numbers....
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Quite some time ago, Lars-Eric Osterud noted that newer Ste's and Mega
- Stes have problems with noisy DMA sound, with displaying Spectrum 512
- pictures and with mono screens wrapping left if a program abruptly
- changes the display address. Sure enough, I noticed the problem on my
- STe using Lars' noisetracker player program, and with the Codehead's
- Artgallery program (a picture "slide-show" program). The mono wrap
- left is harmless - it'll switch back and forth between normal and
- wierd - but rather annoying.
- Unfortunately, Lars is not a hardware hacker and while he
- noted that the chip in question was in location U401 on Stes, he did
- not get the Atari chip numbers of the good and of the offending chips.
- To make a long story short, I finally pried the right chip out of Best
- Electronics and can give both numbers.
- Bad new Shifter chip: C301712-001
- Good older shifter : C300588
- This is the largest PLCC (plastic leaded chip carrier - aka socketed
- square chip) on the motherboard, at 80 pins, rather than 64 pins.
- Right now, I'm missing one chanel of DMA sound (I hope I just
- mis-inserted the chip!), but I can display Spectrum pictures (checked
- at a friend's house) and my mono display is rock solid.
- Good luck folks and enjoy my belated Christmas present.
- bye,
- Bob Pegram
- P.S. I'll be trying to find out about MiNT and MultiGem soon - I have
- to clear off my hard disk before adding things! don't get your hopes
- up, MultiGem looks to be very much a ROM version specific
- "enhancement" (1/2 8-). RBPIII
- --
- pegram@uvm.edu
- or
- .!uvm-gen!pegram
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Dec 91 21:13:39 GMT
- From: noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!usc!chaph.usc.edu!news@arizona.edu (Robert A
- Jung)
- Subject: Mega STe and STe GST shifter numbers....
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Dec30.201100.3221@uvm.edu> pegram@uvm-gen.UUCP (Robert B.
- Pegram) writes:
- >Quite some time ago, Lars-Eric Osterud noted that newer Ste's and Mega
- >Stes have problems with noisy DMA sound, with displaying Spectrum 512
- >pictures and with mono screens wrapping left if a program abruptly
- >changes the display address. ... I finally pried the right chip out of Best
- >Electronics and can give both numbers.
- Just an extra twist here -- My 4-megabyte 520STe had a similar problem
- (bad displaying of Sperctrum 512 pictures), so following the net.advice, I
- took it to the dealer have the shifter chip changed.
- I was surprised to find, however, that on my machine there was NO shifter
- chip! Rather, the shifter was an integrated part of a larger IC, so I
- couldn't just "pop out the bad, pop in the new". Fortunately, my dealer was
- nice enough to swap my motherboard for another that had the "right" shifter.
- This is just to let anyone else out there know that, depending on what
- 'board you have, your shifter problem may not be so easily solved. Now my
- Spectrum pictures display properly, though I can't say anything about DMA
- sound or mono display shifting.
- >P.S. I'll be trying to find out about MiNT and MultiGem soon - I have
- >to clear off my hard disk before adding things! don't get your hopes
- >up, MultiGem looks to be very much a ROM version specific
- >"enhancement" (1/2 8-). RBPIII
- Well, as a happy owner of MultiGEM, I can tell you that it's not a ROM
- version specific "enhancement". It claims to work on any version of TOS
- from 1.2 and up, and so far it seems fine. I did have problems porting it
- from TOS 1.62 to TOS 1.6, but I re-installed the program and it worked great.
- --R.J.
- B-)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ## # Send replies to rjung@usc.edu
- # ## #
- ## ## ## I wrote this. If you've got a comment, give
- #### ## #### it to me and let's cut out the middleman.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 31 Dec 91 18:28:44 GMT
- From: uvm-gen!griffin!pegram@uunet.uu.net (Robert B. Pegram)
- Subject: MiNT and MultiGem (& DataDiet) also STE GST Shifter
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- > chip! Rather, the shifter was an integrated part of a larger IC, so I
- > couldn't just "pop out the bad, pop in the new". Fortunately, my dealer was
- > nice enough to swap my motherboard for another that had the "right" shifter.
- If you mean that the larger chip was soldered in, my
- condolences, else my advice still applies. I paid $40.00 U.S. for the
- entire "larger IC" and it just popped in <grin>.
- I then wrote:
- >>P.S. I'll be trying to find out about MiNT and MultiGem soon - I have
- >>to clear off my hard disk before adding things! don't get your hopes
- >>up, MultiGem looks to be very much a ROM version specific
- >>"enhancement" (1/2 8-). RBPIII
- >
- > Well, as a happy owner of MultiGEM, I can tell you that it's not a ROM
- > version specific "enhancement". It claims to work on any version of TOS
- > from 1.2 and up, and so far it seems fine. I did have problems porting it
- > from TOS 1.62 to TOS 1.6, but I re-installed the program and it worked great.
- Sorry, R. J., but you rather proved my point above - you have
- to reinstall for each new version of TOS. Has anyone gotten MultiGem
- to run on TOS 2.0X?? I have MultiGem, just not installed. I took a
- look at the install disk when I came up with that opinion, and no less
- an authority on such things than our Mike Vederman (8-) declared
- MultiGem a hack. DC Desktop and some other DC products tend (not always
- guys, I know that!) to be TOS version specific hacks too. I mean that
- the software works everywhere, but a lot of extra code for each set of
- ROMS is included in the package for installation purposes. I only
- object when conflicts arise, and unfortunately, one I was unprepared
- for, did 8-(. Ahem, Mike V, will you ever get DataDiet to work with
- MultiGem? Guess who got both programs at once 8-).
- bye,
- Bob Pegram
- --
- pegram@uvm.edu
- or
- .!uvm-gen!pegram
- ------------------------------
- Date: 31 Dec 91 18:47:51 GMT
- From: noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!usc!chaph.usc.edu!news@arizona.edu (Robert A
- Jung)
- Subject: MiNT and MultiGem (& DataDiet) also STE GST Shifter
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Dec31.182844.2335@uvm.edu> pegram@uvm-gen.UUCP (Robert B.
- Pegram) writes:
- >I originally wrote:
- >> Rather, the shifter was an integrated part of a larger IC, so I
- >> couldn't just "pop out the bad, pop in the new".
- >
- > If you mean that the larger chip was soldered in, my
- >condolences, else my advice still applies.
- Well, I'm not a hardware hack; all I know is that my dealer said "There's
- no shifter", and I worked from there.
- >>>MultiGem looks to be very much a ROM version specific "enhancement"
- >>
- >> I did have problems porting it from TOS 1.62 to TOS 1.6, but I
- >>re-installed the program and it worked great.
- >
- > Sorry, R. J., but you rather proved my point above - you have
- >to reinstall for each new version of TOS.
- Oh, I see -- I thought you meant that MultiGEM would run _only_ on
- TOS x.y. I never considered re-installation to be a major problem, myself.
- All I know is that, while it's not perfect, I do think MultiGEM comes
- closer to all-purpose multitasking on the ST than any other commercial
- product that I've seen.
- --R.J.
- B-)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # ## # Send replies to rjung@usc.edu
- # ## #
- ## ## ## I wrote this. If you've got a comment, give
- #### ## #### it to me and let's cut out the middleman.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Dec 91 18:04:14 GMT
- From:
- noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!sdd.hp.com!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!zazen!news@arizona
- .edu (PAul STevens -- MACC)
- Subject: Need help with Dungeon Master & Chaos Strikes Back
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- In article <1991Dec27.234736.2024@noose.ecn.purdue.edu>,
- ts@chainsaw.ecn.purdue.edu (Thomas Ruschak) writes...
- >Hi,
- >
- > I need two things:
- > 2) A source for Chaos Strikes Back. None of the local stores
- > seem to have it, and even Egghead's phone # (1-800-EGG-HEAD)
- > didn't have it.
- Call E Arthur Brown. Orders at 800-322-4405. $23.95.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 31 Dec 91 17:04:50 GMT
- From: noao!ncar!gatech!bloom-beacon!bu.edu!bucsf.bu.edu!selick@arizona.edu
- (Steven Selick)
- Subject: Neo Batchfile ->Pfxpak
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Does anybody have a Neodesk CLI Batchfile that will scan an entire
- partition for executable programs, then load the filename into the
- pfxpak.ttp program along with an identical output filename & path,
- and then pack it, and then loop back until done? Basically, I
- want to pack all of the executable programs on my hard disk easily.
- <selick@bucsf.bu.edu>
- ------------------------------
- Date: 31 Dec 91 01:08:54 GMT
- From: noao!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!sdd.hp.com!hp-cv!hp-pcd!hplsla!andyc@arizona.edu
- (Andy Cassino)
- Subject: Quick ST support
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- | Actually, Turbo has just about always had more compatibility problems
- | than QST, aside from taking a valuable .ACC slot
- |
- | mark
- Actually, Turbo ST 1.84 (the latest) is an AUTO program, not an ACC.
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Andy Cassino %
- % Hewlett-Packard - Lake Stevens Instrument Division %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Dec 91 18:45:43 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!sdd.hp.com!network.ucsd.edu!ucselx!sol.ctr.columbi
- a.edu!cunixf.cc.columbia.edu!lamont!marra@arizona.edu (john marra)
- Subject: RF modulator for ST's
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- I keep running into color/mono incompatibility problems for my monochrome
- system that no software seems able to solve. Does anyone know if there is
- any hardware available to get an RF output from a circa. 1986 520ST? That is,
- is there anyway to 'upgrade' an old ST to an STE? It seems my only options
- are to buy a color monitor ($350) or an STE ($399). For the STE, what is the
- screen resolution on a TV? Thanks for any help.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Dec 91 22:09:23 GMT
- From: mcsun!unido!mcshh!dk3uz@uunet.uu.net (Edmund Ramm)
- Subject: WS compatible?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- Is there a WordStar compatible editor (non document mode would suffice)
- for the ST/STE?
- Happy computing in 1992!
- Eddi.
- --
- Edmund Ramm, DK3UZ, Anderheitsallee 24, D-2000 Hamburg 71, +49 40 6425430 voice
- UUCP: uunet!mcsun!unido!mcshh.hanse.de!dk3uz | PR: dk3uz@db0hb
- ------------------------------
- Date: 31 Dec 91 16:23:58 GMT
- From:
- noao!ncar!asuvax!cs.utexas.edu!qt.cs.utexas.edu!yale.edu!spool.mu.edu!umn.edu!u
- x.acs.umn.edu!cs.umn.edu!thelake!steve@arizona.edu (Steve Yelvington)
- Subject: WS compatible?
- To: Info-Atari16@naucse.cse.nau.edu
- [In article <9937@mcshh.hanse.de>,
- dk3uz@mcshh.hanse.de (Edmund Ramm) writes ... ]
- > Is there a WordStar compatible editor (non document mode would suffice)
- > for the ST/STE?
- If your fingers really like typing WordStar commands, your best bet probably
- is to get a configurable editor such as MicroEMACS 3.11 or Origami. I think
- Tempus also may be configurable to that extent, but I haven't used it.
- --
- Steve Yelvington, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota <steve@thelake.mn.org>
- Land of lutefisk, ice castles and jumper cables
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Atari16 Digest
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