Nuke It 1000
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│ T H E D O C K S │
E1M1 of Heretic to Duke 3D
Title : T H E D O C K S
Filename : docks.map
Author : Raven Software designed E1M1 "The Docks",
David J. Reid converted it to Duke3D.
Email Address : None given
Misc. Author Info : Author of "Palace of Malice" & "Wyvern Heights"
for Heretic. Recording engineer, Midi programmer,
PC Games fanatic.
Description : THE DOCKS is the classic map from E1M1 in Heretic.
This conversion is quite well done, though a bit
slow on my poor 486DX2-66 8M machine. This map
looks great and supports all modes, though most
suitable for deathmatch. The texture alignment is
superb, altered design breathes new life into this
level. Highlights include the rotating "Orc"
Monolith, ultra cool exit, & the murky underwater
beneath the docks...
If you only D/L ONE converted map...let it be this
one, folks.
Additional Credits to : Raven Software
3D Realms
MJB (Tastes good when it should)
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E1M1 Heretic / E1L1 Duke Nukem 3D
Single Player : Yes
DukeMatch Level : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
* Construction *
Base : Modified E1M1 Heretic / THE DOCKS
Editor(s) used : Um...Build? (There can only be one!!!)
Known Bugs : Funky stuff in Co-Op mode...Like audio cutting
out & the teleporter door not activating.
No prob though...Duke can go all over the level
anyway. (He jumps high)
* Where to get this MAP file *
FTP sites: I N T E R N E T
BBS numbers: I N T E R N E T
Other: I N T E R N E T
Enjoy this map!! I worked hard to make it right!