Oakland CPM Archive
Text File
124 lines
Version 1.03 01/29/85
Bonnell Frost 74076,223
Robert Flagg 72466,2332
Chapter 3 Overlays
The main part of many programs is generic code--it will
operate in very many CP/M, usually Z80 and almost always 8080,
environments. However, most computers are a little different from
others, and this particularly applies to the communications
software. Ports, initialization sequences, and screen clearing
sequences all are individual things. Consequently programs need
some easy way to be customized. One practical solution is the use
of overlays to contain the custom code.
An overlay must have a close relationship with the
program being customized. In particular, the specific entry
points in the overlay must be known to the main program, and they
must be rigidly adhered to if a sequence of different overlays is
to be written and used. In addition, any utilities that the
overlay uses in the main program must have known entry points so
that they can be called easily. Examples of overlays are to be
found in Irv Hoff's MDM7XX programs and in Ron Fowler's MEX
program. These public domain programs are available for many
different computers thanks to the customization capability
provided by overlays.
In almost all cases the program to be modified with an
overlay must be written with that in mind. In those few cases
where an overlay was not considered in the initial construction,
the programmer generating the overlay must essentially shoe-horn
it into a location in the original code to accomplish his purpose
without doing violence to the original intention. Writing an
overlay of this later type is not to be undertaken lightly.
There are two different common methods for applying over-
lays to programs. The older, more traditional, method uses the
utility program DDT supplied with CP/M by Digital Research. DDT
can be formidable, but its use in installing overlays can be
handled as a canned procedure, even to the point of using a -.SUB
file. The second method, simpler and less intimidating, is
through use of one of the versions of Ron Fowler's MLOAD. Let's
first consider MLOAD.
MLOAD is available as an .AQM file or as a .COM file
from many boards. While copyrighted, it is in the public domain
in so far as non-commercial use is concerned. The documentation
here is derived from that supplied in the code by Fowler. MLOAD
allows one to start with either a .COM file or a .HEX file and
apply the desired overlay as a .HEX file. The resulting .COM file
can be either named the same as the original or as a completely
new name, as you desire. The syntax of use is as follows:
MLOAD [<outfile>=]<file1>[,<file2>...] [BIAS]
(brackets denote optional items)
<outfile> is the optional output file name
<filen> are input file(s)
<BIAS> is a hex load offset. (If you don't know what
this means, you don't need it.)
<file1> may be an optional non-HEX (i.e., .COM)
file to be patched by subsequent .HEX files.
A non-HEX extension must be given, can't
be assumed.
Some examples:
This sequence applies the overlay KPO-41.HEX to MEX.COM
and stores the result in MEX.COM.
This command string loads the file MDM720.HEX,
applies the overlay MDM7US.HEX and stores the result
Also, ZCPR-style DU specs can be used with MLOAD21:
This string, issued from B3, generates NEWFILE.COM
in A4 from OLDFILE.HEX in A0, PATCH1.HEX in B6, and
This last shenanigan is likely to to needed rarely.
Now let us consider the use of DDT. Here the operation
is done interactively, not as a consequence of entering one
command string. Also, bear in mind that the cue for DDT is a -.
Files given to DDT must be complete with extension. One vanilla
DDT VERS 2.2 <---returned by the command
NEXT PC <---returned by the command
6500 0100 <---returned by the command
-iKPO-41.HEX <---specify overlay file
-r <---read it in
-g0 <---exit from DDT
WARM BOOT <---system response
A>SAVE 65H MYMEX.COM <---create .COM file from memory image.
A few more things must be considered. The "i" command
sets up the overlay file to be read, the "r" command reads it and
applies it to the code already in memory from the invocation of
DDT. G0 starts an execution at location 0, which results in a
WARM BOOT. SAVE simply reads 65H 256-byte blocks of memory and
saves it as a COM file. The generic CP/M SAVE command does not
understand a HEX length, so that the 65H must be converted to
decimal 101 for it. The 65H comes from the first two bytes of the
length given by DDT. If ZCPR is being used, 65H is a lot simpler.
SAVE is stupid; it will save it as MYJUNK.JNK if that's what is
specified. Oh, yes, a simple HEX to decimal algorithm: 16*(first
byte)+second byte, where the bytes are expressed in decimal
(i.e., A is 10,E is 14.). In this particular instance, since the
last two bytes of "LAST" are zero, the SAVE count is one higher
than necessary, but this is not important unless the same program
is modified repeatedly, growing by 256 bytes each time.
sidered. T