Oakland CPM Archive
Text File
214 lines
A Collection of C-128
Compatible CP/M PD Utilities
Edited by: [CHUCK.WAGON]
RAMPAK.ARK is a collection of tried and tested C-128 Compatible Public
Domain programs combined into a single ARK file which will create a self
Booting Utility Disk to use with your 17XX ram expansion module.
This means you should have a 1700 or 1750 Ram Expansion Module, other
equipment required are at least 1 1571 Disk Drive and an 80 Column
Mono or Color Monitor.
The RAMPAK.ARK file Contains Popular Tele-Communications, File Handling,
Translation, Filters and Word Processing Public Domain programs which
can be instantaneously accessed using your 17XX as a True RAM DISK.
This will allow you to use your 128 in its most Versatile and Powerful Mode
as you will see once you get up an running.
RAMPAK is designed with the Novice CP/M user in mind and includes a
pre-written profile.sub file which will boot all of its utilities to your
ram expansion module upon power up. Additionally the profile.sub file will
shut off your 40 column screen and the write verify function of your
1571 disk drive to speed up and increase the efficiency of your System.
When used in conjunction with the CP/M + Primers Series written by
Michael Mantino (GEnie SYSOP) you can acquire the operating
skills necessary to individually custom configure your own system and
become a functional CP/M operator. PD Programs included in this file
1571.COM A Disk Drive Utility to shut off the write verify
mode on your 1571 disk drive and speed up writing
files to your disk.
CONF2.COM An Updated file to Configure your 128 Operating System.
CRUNCH23.COM Most widely used file cruncher used in CP/M mode to
date. Creates CRUNCH files only. See also, UNCR23.
D.COM A short but sweet Directory listing Utility.
FILTX.COM A Nifty Text file Utility to strip control characters,
high bits and fix orphan Line feeds. (My Favorite)
FINDBAD.COM Finds bad disk sectors and locks them out.
LBR.COM Will Un-Library Library files.
LList.COM Will List Text files with Page Numbering, Custom
Headings and Column formatting
LT18.COM Will Un-Library, Un-squeeze &/or Un-crunch Text Files
and send output to a Disk file or the printer.
LU3.COM Creates Library files
MEX.COM A Public Domain Communications Program more versatile
than the IMP program supported by Commodore.
NFORMAT.COM Updated Format Utility to allow formatting of Epson,
Kaypro, Osborne and IBM CPM Disk with your 1571 Disk
READCBM.COM A Great Utility to let you read Commodore formatted
Disk in CP/M mode and transfer/translate text files and
Binary files to your Ram Expander or second disk drive.
READMSDS.COM Allows you to read an MSDOS formatted disk and copy
files to your RAM DISK or second disk drive. Great for
bringing home work from the office.
SQ111.COM Squeezes (compresses) files on your disk.
UNARC.COM Un-archives ARK Files downloaded from GEnie.
UNCRUNCH.COM Un-Crunches Crunched (?Z?) Files downloaded from Genie.
UNERASE.COM Un-erases (restores) files accidently erased with the
CP/M Erase Command. Works on either your 1571 or RAM
UNIDRIVE.COM Allows the use of Additionals CP/M MFM Formats not
previously supported by the 1571.
UNSQZ.COM Un-squeezes Squeezed files. (?Q?) downloaded from
VDE25.COM A WORD STAR (tm) look a like Public Domain Text Editor
with custom installation provisions.
A Sepearate ARK File with the Documentation for the use of the above
files is available see RAMPAKD.ARK. The Doc files are offered
separately to conserve space on your RAM DISK and it is highly
recommended that you down load that file.
Getting Started:
Once you have down loaded this file you will need to Un-ark it.
UNARC16.COM is file #3757 if you don't allready have a copy.
The unarked files should be outputed to a CP/M System Disk (a Copy
Not Your original) which contains at least the following files.
The best and easiest way to accomplish this is to pip (copy) the
Ark file to your RAMDISK along with the UNARC Utility. Be sure
these two files are on the disk in your A:Drive and type the
PIP m:=a:rampak.ark
PIP m:=a:unarc.com
Once these two files have been copied remove the disk in drive A:
and replace it with the newly created System Disk noted above.
Now Logon to your RAM DISK by typing M:
Type the following statement to UNARK the RAMPAK file to the A: Drive
UNARK (or whatever you call the file on your system) RAMPAK.ARK A:
If All is well and you get a message that the files are being unarked
Go get a cup of coffee it will be a while till the process is
After you have finished Un-arking the files you are ready to play
To Reset your CP/M System press the Control and Keypad Enter Keys
together and you should now see the CP/M Logo message being displayed
and the system booting up. Once the System has finished booting it
will automatically look for the profile.sub file and execute the
commands found in it in this case it will do all of the following:
1. Copy all the COM Files from your A: Drive to the M:Drive and then
Logon to the M:Drive
2. Turn off the 40 column display,
3. Execute the 1571.COM file to shut off Write Verification.
4. Configure the system for a CBM printer,
5. Set Blue background and white cursor colors
6. Change the Baud RATE to 600 for quicker Screen Displays.
7. Erase the CCP.COM file from the M:drive
8. Execute the MEX.COM Communications program for you to go download
some more files to play with. Note if you don't want to use MEX
just type CPM to exit the program.
9. When you finish playing with MEX you will then also exit the Batch
File (Which is what a submit or sub file really is) and find yourself
with an M: Prompt where you can now access any of the utility programs
in seconds.
That's it. It sounds complicated but its not once you get the hang of
it and in fact you might never go back to doing things the old way
once you've gotten used to operating this way. I know I've been
waiting a year for a decent RAMDISK program for the 128 in 128 mode
and it still hasn't happened. Mean time I've been getting the most out
of the system in plain ole Vanilla CP/M.
By the way should you have to go into 128 or 64 mode (GOD FORBID)
DON'T WARM BOOT the system. If you cold boot as noted above or hit the
RESET button all of the files in your Ram Expander will remain intact
as long as you don't shut off the computer you need only load your
CP/M System to access them all again.
Hope this gets some of you goin in the right Direction. It Should
give you the big push if you've been thinking about playing with
CP/M mode but haven't had the time to get started. I'm sure getting
it all in one file and having the batch file written will save you
hours of preparation and downloading time plus give you lots too play
with and expand your personal computing skills. I know this is a big
file to Down Load at one sitting however, if your really serious about
getting into CP/M with or without a Ram Expander This File is an
excellent one stop shop of proven 128 software and you will find all
of the included programs helpful in both your Telle-communicating and
Productivity endeavors.
Enjoy And Thanks to all the FINE People who have made these programs
available and Especially Michael Mantino [MICHAEL.M] for his fine articles.
If You have questions on setting up your RAM EXPANDER or on using any of
these programs feel free to drop me a line. I know what its like to be
new to personal computing I was once too and sure wish I had some brains to
pick so don't be bashfull it's your dime.